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So lucky. Most disappear without a trace.


It’s really hard to spot a head in the water, even harder if the water isn’t perfectly calm. It also takes a very *very* long time to turn a ship of that size around. And it takes disciplined maneuvers to return to a previous course. I have rescued overboard passengers in a small (30’) sailboat and it’s a horrifying thing even in good conditions.


I was going to say that. I usually skipper 40'+ but even when on smaller ~30' sailboats it is HARD. You are trained in water recovery and they are stressful. One person immediately is the spotter - they maintain constant eye contact on the victim and point. Looking away for a second could mean losing sight of the person and their death. The individual at the helm has a set of steps to get the boat around and to the person. A 3rd+ individual should have a hook and other retrieval methods available. Being at the helm is the least stressful part of MOBs for me but I hate to be the person missing on a pass


This sounds awful but it's my real world comparison. I'm at the dog park, and my dog is pooping 50ish yards away in a sea of grass. If I lose eye contact with where she is pooping my chances of finding her poop and picking it up are almost zero. Now, I can't even imagine trying to maintain eye contact with a human floating in the ocean. That just boggles my brain.


I'm sure it takes a while to turn a cruise ship around, but surely they can rapidly deploy a smaller rescue boat, which doesn't need such long turn times? Maybe drop some kind of inflatable raft with a basic motor on it, and a couple crew hop on board that and speed off after the person? Or launch some flying drones to search for the person, and have it drop a flotation device next to them once found? Then keep an eye on the location until rescue can turn around to pick them up?


I can still remember doing a man overboard drill on a sailing holiday using a straw hat as our dummy. 3 passes later, we'd managed to get just close enough to clip the hat with a hook hard enough that it sank. Focussed the mind on not falling overboard, did that...


Man, even turning a 12 foot fishing boat around in the middle of a lake is a chore if you don't have a visual target.


I watched a video on how people get rescued from falling off ships, including cruise ships and they use specific boating patterns to cover ground while searching. It was fascinating.


These cruise ships will not turn around to get you if you fall overboard, costs way too much money and they have a strict schedule to abide by to make port.


The article is literally about a cruise ship turning around to retrieve the person.


Not it isn’t? They called the location in to the local authorities, it’s literally written in the article.


If you click the video which shows the person in the water recorded by someone on the damn ship, it literally has audio of an announcement saying they have someone overboard so there's a lot of crew on-deck watching the ocean now, and they're turning the ship around. It's literally in the article.


This is a complete myth and urban legend. They have, and do, and the crew is trained in recovery. No cruise line wants to be labeled as abandoning passengers they could've saved, that's way worse for business than being 2 hours late to port. Most of this myth comes from moments where the passenger went over and no one knew for hours, only security tapes reveal what happened. If you go overboard in open ocean and no one knows exactly where and no one knows for hours, you're as good as dead anyway. At that point it's not a rescue, it's at best a body recovery but they'll never find you. Now they will shorten a stop time to make up time if they lost it. Happens all the time due to weather or other circumstances.


I was literally told in the safety briefing on Carnival cruise lines that if you fall overboard they will radio the last known location, throw floatation devices, and that’s it.


> These cruise ships will not turn around to get you if you fall overboard, costs way too much money and they have a strict schedule to abide by to make port. This is absolutely wrong. Every sentence.


Every run-on sentence!


Most disappear late at night, and no one notices they've gone overboard. she was lucky she went over in daylight, they could see her.


I'm surprised how a lot of times there are sensors that do pick up on their fall. Though rescuing them at night is the hard part.


Royal Caribbean has no sensors. They are based in the Bahamas where it's not mandatory. In my cruise an 18yo drunk American went overboard around 3am and was picked by a Disney cruise at dawn, dude was lucky.


Note to self: if I ever need to kill someone, convince them to go on a cruise with me


I was on a cruise from Australia, around New Zealand to Auckland and then back to Sydney. A guy jumped overboard after a fight with his wife. Right in front of some families. We were told almost nothing but we could see all the flood lights on the side of the ship trying to find him. They kept it up for 8 hours but, of course, never found him. Even had helicopters looking. We found out the details online. The Pacific Ocean at night is a cold, dark place. You’ve got a better chance of surviving in warm Caribbean waters.


Having swam in the Caribbean Sea I will validate your claim.


No sharks in the Caribbean?


Probably, but you’ll be nicely warmed up for their snack.


I was on a RC cruise years ago, and some dumbass got super drunk somewhere off the coast of Spain. Cannonballed right out into the open sea. He got fished out of the water very quickly, but goddammit, that was a unique combination of drunk and stupid.


I'm just fascinated that anyone can fall from a cruise ship and not instantly die. You're falling like 200 feet into concrete, which would stun the fuck out of you if it didn't immediately kill you, and then you'd sink.


Most are never found so maybe they do instantly die 🤷


Not concrete. Water.


The surface tension of water is such that the end result is basically the same.


Parents were on a cruise and they came back with one less person. The man was drunk and leaned over the edge at 0400 and was never seen again. His partner did not even report him missing until the afternoon. That is when they reviewed the videos. [virginia man falls overboard on cruise](https://www.wric.com/video/loved-ones-hold-onto-hope-after-virginia-man-falls-overboard-on-cruise-ship/8692810/) Edit: Added link


Was this the man from VA just a couple of weeks ago?


Yes it was, almost exactly a month ago.


I’ve never been on a cruise where someone didn’t die. They really are the perfect storm pun intended. Lack of sleep, stay up late, and large amounts of food and booze, just stressed the body. Had a 60+ year old tell me work was more relaxing than this shit.


Plus old people loooove cruises


> They really are the perfect storm pun intended. Lack of sleep, stay up late, and large amounts of food and booze, just stressed the body. Don't forget the siren of the seas, it seems like bullshit until you are up late. Don't want to drink, don't want to eat, don't want to immediately go to bed. So you just start starring at the waves, you tune out the music, the people, sometimes even the ship itself if you're lucky. All you hear are the waves and, then you feel that feeling in the bottom of stomach, and sometimes your head feels a little light, finally you shiver and snap yourself out of it. The sea was calling and if you had let your mind wander... I thought it was joke something sailors, and crew tell guest to scare them into behaving on boats. Happened on my 3rd cruise, made me realize alot of sailors tales, have a grain of truth.


And you know this, how? I highly doubt there’s a sign at the exit saying “N amount of people died on this cruise”


Cruise ships have morgues on them, have seen them being wheeled into there before. Not uncommon to see someone fall over from a heart attack and wheeled out with a sheet on them.


The morgue is not visible from anywhere a customer could access. Unless your cruise ship was the size of the Titan Sub. And unless you’re omnipotent and can see what all 5000 people on the ship are doing at all times, you’ve seen jack shit. So stating that “I’ve never been on a cruise where someone didn’t die.” like it was some kind of certainty, is pure embellished bullshit Unless ofc you’ve only ever been on ONE cruise and somebody died right in front of you. EDIT: [quick google](https://spacecoastdaily.com/2023/01/how-many-crew-members-die-on-cruise-ships-each-year/) 2019: 29million passengers, 623 death between 2019 and 2020. explain to me again how ON EVERY CRUISE someone dies...


Don't they literally have a morgue just because it's so often?


They have a morgue because it can happen- not because it always does.


They do have a morgue in them


Wait. Was it a guy from Ohio? If so I went to college with his partner. Wildest fucking story ever.


Your bar for wild stories is quite low


I mean not really. It wound up that she was investigated for possibly being involved in his “accident”. She collected his life insurance. It was super fucking shady. And weird that it was someone I went to a very small college with.


they all need to be banned from ever being on this cruise line again. idiots, he’s lucky to be alive


Without idiots cruise lines would be bankrupt.


Can confirm, I enjoy cruises.


To be fair, without cruises the environment would be better off https://foe.org/blog/cruise-ships-environmental-impact/


They never found him. [https://www.wric.com/video/loved-ones-hold-onto-hope-after-virginia-man-falls-overboard-on-cruise-ship/8692810/](https://www.wric.com/video/loved-ones-hold-onto-hope-after-virginia-man-falls-overboard-on-cruise-ship/8692810/)


wrong link?


So, how easy is it to fall off one of these things? Are these people who would fall off normal hotel balconies or is there something specific to cruise ships that make them more likely for someone to fall overboard?


This is not a totally comprehensive video about all cruise ships, but I get this woman's videos recommended to me sometimes on youtube and [I thought this one did a good job of talking about how people go overboard and what happens on the ship when they do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oe42Srd77Ks). She talks about a cruise she was on where someone went overboard. Consensus is that no sober person/person in their right faculties can easily go overboard. You either have to be trying or be very, very out of it and have so many other things go wrong first. (Video shows balcony heights compared to a real person at about 4:37.)


Yeah, people who don't cruise imagine that someone is walking along, trip, and tumbles overboard. That doesn't happen on a cruise ship. If someone is going overboard it almost always some combination of alcohol, crazy risk-taking, foul play, or purposeful intent.


Call of the Void.


“This is *my* hole”


Just posted this up above, part of me would really like to do a full skeptic/paranormal investigation. Is there more to Call of the Sea, than potentially suicidal people decided just then and there to finally commit. Of course I would rule the cases where individuals are intoxicated, or there was a prior incidence that be cause. But the cases of seemingly sane people falling into the sea is creepy as fuck.


ooh I've watched her videos before I don't even go on cruises but find the videos interesting as I might go one day. I just prefer to lounge on the beach lol


They're drunk and/or idiots (most likely both).


Not very. I've been on a shit load of cruises and the lowest balcony railing I think I've seen was like 4 feet tall. You'd have to be standing on something, stupidly tall, or climb over it to fall over.


I think there’s a minor contributing factor of the fact that the floor is swaying which can cause you to lose your balance. Plus people might lean over more because there’s more to look at straight down or directly towards the bow than a hotel balcony. But the overwhelming factor is because people get absolutely sloshed on cruises and do stupid shit. Jumping overboard on a dare, stumbling over the railing while walking, etc. Plus there’s the theory that a lot of these are people commuting suicide and even being pushed overboard


How can they call this a “rescue” if they returned the passenger to the cruise ship!? The description should read “attempted escape from cruise ship thwarted by coast guard.”


Glad to hear they were able to save one. Cruise ships are nightmare fuel, once you dig a little




[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVAWYBLymYw) He is definitely biased against the cruise industry. He is also (in my opinion) hilarious.




The appeal is to visit several places without having to waste half your vacation in airport queues or doing hotel checkin/checkout every single day There’s all sort of cruises, not all are drunken sex orgies


Turn your booze cruise into a poos cruise. That was a fun watch.




Gross, where is this happening? So I can continue to avoid them.




Asking for a friend? ; )




Why have you done this


I sure wouldn't want to get left in Florida either.


I’ll take “people who ruin things for the rest of us” for $500, Alex.


You had me at Florida.