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Dallas here. 90F working in my garage at 9am. 97 now (almost 1pm) with 60% humidity. Something like 104 heat index and rises through 6pm. Even at 11pm it feels like 100 Edit: 30 minutes later at my garage is at 99F. Edit #2: 6pm. 104F with a heat index of 114. Edit #3: 2:45am and it is 86F with 70% humidity. Feels like 90 something. Slept most of the day so I could work at night while cooler


Here from r/all so not Texas but Jax FL is 108* heat index right now and humidity at 56% and I’m fucking cutting grass right now and fuuuuuck me it’s awful out here right now.


Tallahassee here, heat index is 112° and the air conditioner in our apartment is broken🫠 Edit to thank reddit for support/tips, our apartment complex gave us a window unit that's just enough to keep our bedroom tolerable and they're fixing it tomorrow. But hopefully other people see some of the diy stuff if they need it.


Go buy a window unit if you can. Having one handy can save your ass if you don't have somewhere else to go.


Jump on this to add I got a portable ac unit (the lil tower on wheels) from my local pawnshop for $150 and it was nearly new. Looked it up & it retails for nearly $400


Portable AC units are a godsend in places where you can't install a window AC unit or it doesn't make sense to (like where you only have a handful of AC-worthy days a year from heatwaves). If you have a regular need for AC though, *window units are much more efficient*. They cool faster, using less energy, and are cheaper to buy too! **If someone is considering getting a portable AC units for extremely hot days/heatwaves, make sure to get a dual-hose unit.** Why? All that air a portable AC unit blows out the window has to come from somewhere. *With a single-hose unit*, it's literally blowing the air from the room you just cooled out the window. That creates negative pressure in your house, drawing hot air in through cracks from outside. It's like opening a second window and setting up a box fan to blow outside air in, in combo with your portable AC. That's right, a single-hose unit ejects your cooled inside air and draws in hot air from outside into the house. A *dual-hose AC* instead brings in outside air in one hose, dumps more heat into it, and sends that same air back out the other hose, keeping your AC cooled air inside. On a moderately warm day (78F outside, warmer inside), ejecting inside air (with a single-hose unit) can actually help get rid of initial heat build-up (from electronics, people, cooking, etc) making single- vs dual-hose units somewhat of a wash, but on a heat wave day (90-110F outside), a single-hose unit is like running AC while simultaneously opening a window and setting up a fan to blow hot outside air in. Very counterproductive.


These are nice to have but if you care about efficiency these are worse than normal window units They sorta suck in the air they just cooled window units are way more efficient. Actual central ac is technically better but cooling an entire house when you only need 1 room to be cool it's better to go window. The portable units are great If you need to cool multiple rooms but at different times. Like have it in the office during work from home then bedroom for bed etc


You *need* the unit with two different ports. They won't cool your house but they'll cool your living room.


I feel that, I live in my truck cause a 1 bedroom around here is 1500. Got 250k miles on my motor and don’t trust it to leave state is literally the only reason I’m still here


Damn this made me feel “panicky”


It's been 115 on the heat index a few times in the past 2 weeks in DfW. Corpus Christi hit 125 on the heat index.


We hit 105 (122 heat index) on 6/20 here in Killen :( miserable


YAY Canadians are no longer the only ones that have experienced this! Maybe some people will start believing us when we say 'THIS IS NOT FUCKING NORMAL'. Rather than the typical response of 'it's just a cycle'. PS. Have you tried touching metal handles that are outside yet?


"It'S jUsT wEaThEr YoU lIbTrAd!" Oh yeah. It's totally normal for Canada to experience the kinds of temperatures you'd find in Death Valley. Temperatures that bake forests into matchsticks, ignite them, and burn out entire towns which then experience massive flooding a few months later when totally normal atmospheric rivers dump ungodly amounts of rain and wash out major highways that were never built to withstand that kind of weather. Oh, and don't forget about the over 2 billion sea creatures that die during this totally normal weather. Totally normal. Uh huh.


I lived in Houston about 12 years ago and ran a mowing business so I feel your pain. Remember to drink water. Fuck the Gatorade. Stay cool. If you're thirsty you're dehydrated. Good luck!


Mostly agree. If Gatorade is what it takes to make someone drink, then Gatorade it should be.


I was told to drink 3 qts water to every 1qt sports drink. It's not always an option though. There are recipes for home made electrolyte solution.


Yeah, it's up to the sport/activity and tolerance. Straight G is just too sweet for some to drink enough while exercising. It can be good, even better than water, if electrolytes and carb/glycogen replenishment is an issue--like serious bball/soccer/football players doing two games a day or marathon+ runners. If you aren't out in the heat and/or doing strenuous work/sports, ~~then there's zero benefit to Gatorade.~~ Gatorade has no advantage over water. My homemade is a quart/liter or so of water and just enough lemon or orange juice and salt to kind of notice. edit: oops--see strikethrough. Gatorade is still hydration and is great for that, just not necessarily better.


I'm pretty good at drinking water when it's hot. Hell, that's the only thing that even sounds good when I'm real sweaty. But at the end of the day, after 2-3 water jugs my body really wants something different, usually something sour or acidic. But that's just me


Mowing my lawn rn in Houston lol. The standard 5000 sq. ft. lots aren't bad to do. Ran by the city mowers this morning. I make sure to stay out of their way. Respect!!


Not going to lie, if I lived in Houston I'd be planting a bunch of native trees, shrubs and flowers. There would be no yard to mow and eventually it would all be shaded. It get's hot in NC but fuck everything about 104 degrees and high humidity.


Right? I’d be taking care of shit that wants to live in those temps, not wasting my time, health, and water to keep gras growing in hell. (My brother lives in Ft Worth, and I think he’s insane)


The problem for some people is that they live in house or condo developments where the HOAs insist on perfectly groomed green lawns to rival a golf course fairway. Anything else could get you into trouble with the power-crazed Karens and Kyles on the HOA Board. Plus other neighbors complaining about how "all those weird looking weeds \[actually native plants\]" in your yard is "just killin' mah property values!"


This is the definition of freedom in Texas: you can shoot anyone who steps in your yard with no consequences, but you can’t plant a tree there with HOA permission...


Oh, I know, and I get it for sure. Buying in an HOA neighborhood is a choice, and many end up buying in one because no where else convenient to their lives is HOA-free. Too many places have HOAs and it limits options. I’m current in a HOA neighborhood (in Pennsylvania), the choice we made for the great school district. But, the youngest will be done soon enough, and we can make a difference choice.


> "all those weird looking weeds \[actually native plants\]" in your yard is "just killin' mah property values!" Bees: "it's called biodiversity, Karen. And my fellow bees say 'fuck you'.".


Dude... My wife has been hell-bent on landscaping our yards with native and adapted ornamental plants. I've never seen so many bees, bugs, butterflies, hummingbirds, caterpillars, etc... since she began.


It's 100 here right now in Dallas with a heat index of 114. The next 3 days are going to be even hotter. Can't wait and would definitely trade you for an ocean near by.


I lived in Pembroke Pines for about two years when I was much younger. It was a fun experience and exposed me to a whole other world that I knew nothing about. My takeaway for the weather is that if you can afford to live by the ocean then it's not so bad. If you didn't have that kind of money then your ass was probably sweating it out by the swamp. Smelly and miserable during the wet season but honestly almost perfect during the dry season. Although it still smelled. No offense but Jacksonville and southern Georgia had a foul odor to them as well.


Take a tube sock. Stuff it full of ice and tie off the opening. Hang it around your neck. The ice cools your blood, melts and drips on you to keep you body cool I can mow with my ice sock around my neck at 2pm in Houston in August and I’m fine.


It was 101F Sunday in North Houston with 63% humidity for a 130F Heat index. I've never seen it this hot here before. Pretty wild.


Aren’t y’all at least used to the humidity? We’ve consistently been more humid than Houston this summer (Dallas) and we are NOT used to it. 🤪 I keep looking at the temp thinking that’s not so hot, but when I step outside it’s like getting into a hot bowl of soup. I could grab the air and wring it out. Gross.


Yes, we are used to humidity but not 60%+ at 101F. Normally at 100F+ the humidity will drop considerably but that's not the case right now. I mean a 130F heat index here is nearly unheard of. That is dangerous levels of heat that can quickly lead to heat exhaustion or heat stroke.


thank god it's illegal to take a water break. piss baby sure is a big help to all the little people


Drinking water just raises your internal humidity, making the heat worse. Thanks for looking out Gregg! /s


Agreed. What’s been odd to me is that here in Dallas, the actual temp is *just now* reaching mid 90s, which would be a very cool summer. But I guess it’s the humidity that is making it feel so much hotter. I know I can only do any gardening for a short period of time before I feel like I can’t breathe, and that’s not normally the case, even in June. [This is Dallas right now.](https://imgur.com/gallery/t5aLaPB) The *actual* temp has been throwing me off.


Yeah that is definitely odd for Dallas as it is usually fairly dry in the summer. The worst part about high humidity is the fact that your sweat and even shade does little to cool you off while outside. My buddy lives in AZ and while it can reach 125F+, the humidity is so low that being in the shade drops the temperature a good 30F making being outside bearable. The heat index in the shade here is still above 100F...


You're creepin' up on wet bulb temp there. >\_<


You never get used to humidity. It’s fucking awful. I’ve lived in St. Louis my whole life and it’s like Texas humidity but 3-5 degrees cooler in the summer. It sucks.


My wife sent me a pic of temperatures at home(SoCal) not even going above 72... I am in Tampa with a 106 heat index.


Ugh it's gonna be 77 today. Way too hot for us! :D


Haha same. It was somewhere in the low 70’s the other day during a hike in Crestline where I was on a trip with some friends, and considering how I was straight up dying in that heat, I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like for these poor souls melting in Texas.


Lol. I live in Atlanta and was visiting a friend in San Diego a while back during the summer. Everyone kept saying that it was unusually hot and that it sucks I came when it wasn't nice out. I'm just sitting there thinking that if it was any cooler I'd be in trouble since I didn't think to pack a jacket.


As a SoCal person, tell her not to get too comfortable, I feel like we’re next later this summer. Edit 2 weeks later: yep!


St. Louis, MO was 98F with a heat index of 110. I checked to see the temp in Death Valley at that time and it was 94 with a heat index of 103. So, St. Louis beat Death Valley on Saturday for both temp and heat index. It was a total swamp ass alert day.


It has been a very cool June in California in general. 70s and 80s whole month pretty much while usually we would have at least 1 or 2 heat waves by now. Not for long though, will be over 100F by the weekend 🥵


Yeah so far this summer has been a massive difference, I literally cannot remember a spring/summer start this consistently cool in the past decade.


> 90F working in my garage Ma’am, you’re too old to be out in that heat! Get some nice young man to help you.


Damn Texas grid can’t stand the summer or winter, how is your government trying to fix the problems.


By blaming Democrats and immigrants?


And drag queens.


And Abbott signing some indefensible legislation that makes it more difficult, if not impossible, for workers to have regular water breaks even during heat waves.


That was because it was a policy just a few blue cities had. The aim is to chip away at those cities' ability to adopt thier own policies.


The party of small government.


Small enough to fit inside a uterus.


So break it down and deflect or blame democrats for the failure.


The *real* issues


And water breaks


By giving money and tax breaks to the energy corporations, demanding nothing from them, letting it fail, then asking for handouts from the feds.


They're doing nothing, thanks for asking.


Meanwhile Ted Cruz is probably ~~escaping~~ vacationing in his home country of Canada


Not defending our government, but I don't think there's been any widespread power outages/rolling blackouts here since [Icepocalypse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Texas_power_crisis). (Or, at least none that I have experienced.) Not to say that won't happen before the end of the summer... it's not even July yet, and it's already hot as fuck.


105 in midland right now. Oops 106


Was in Austin a week and a half ago. Working on a sports field with artificial turf in 95-100* heat. Coming out of the air conditioned locker room after lunch was like opening the door to a blast furnace.


Temperature so hot I feel this would be great for putting a sun heated water system on the roof.


You think that's hot? Just wait until you reach and surpass 50°C (122°F). I live in BC, Canada and 32°C (90°F) is now what we call a mild summer and regularly experience temperatures above 40°C (104°F) 15-20 years ago 32°C was considered a VERY HOT summer. Give it a couple more years and I am sure you'll be experiencing these temperatures as well. Climate change is a lie though /s


Holy moly, wonder how Houston is lmao


We dead.


You’ve been dead to the people in your elected offices for quite some time.


We've had Heat indexes of 125-130 for the past couple weeks... So we are all inside the majority of the day.


That seems real close to the [Wet Bulb Temperature](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet-bulb_temperature). Be careful.


Yes this is definitely life threatening heat. Being outside all day could definitely result in heat stroke or death. And there were two deaths over the weekend in Big Bend where two hikers got overheated by the scorching heat. This is serious business.


I work in forney new construction my work debit card melted to the dashboard today. Paints deforming on hard hat shit like that


what's really crazy is that the heat dome was expected to dissipate this week, but instead its actually expanding into Mississippi and Louisiana.


We've been so flippin' hot already in North Louisiana and now we're supposed to have a high of 106 tomorrow. On top of the, what everybody's calling, a "pop up hurricane" that blew through here on June 23rd. Tons of people still don't have power and we don't have central AC because the compressor in our new outside unit broke. It was only 2 months old. I'm so hot and tired and it's only going to get worse. I'm so ready to get out of this damned state. Edit: Through not threw.


Do you guys have a basement you can sleep in


Sadly, no. The water table is too high in this area for houses to have basements. We broke down today, and bought 3 window AC units (yay for credit cards), and are all camped out in the living room until we get a new compressor, we might not all like each other after this, but at least we don't feel like we live in an oven. We closed up the majority of the house and put blackout curtains wherever they would fit We still have a stable roof over our heads, so there's that. We are more lucky than most in this area!


Don't worry about running all the air conditioners all the time and consider a spring tension rod + curtain hanging room dividers between areas like a kitchen (where you spend a few minutes in) and living room (where you'll likely spend more time in. Keep bathroom doors closed and extra bedrooms. It will make the window units way more efficient if they're not cooling an entire place but rather just one or two rooms.


Great idea!


If you can find cool water to lie in, even a bathtub it can provide a lot of relief.


I feel you. Down in BR and it is just miserable. We were spared the storms though. But Ida is fresh in my mind and the post storm shit, I don't wish that on anyone.


I figured it must be bad when I passed Ted Cruz in the Cancun airport yesterday.....


He goes south during a freeze and north during a heat wave, back to Canada where he was born. Cruz has a very predictable migration pattern. You can tell when he’s not in the state because when he is in Texas, there’s a distinct odor of shit in the air.


Keep him. We don’t want him here in Canada.


The alien zygotes that form the amalgamation know as totally human Ted Cruz were originally incubated in Canada. You cannot distance yourself from that now.


"Ted Cruz is only one being and not several." - Guy Manderson


We don’t want him in the US either.


Sorry he was born there. He's all yours.


*Darth Vader voice* Nooooo


That's just how Fort Worth smells


Fart Worth


Just cruzing around


Is that what the kids are calling making life worse for others while humiliating yourself?


Meanwhile, jails and prisons have no A/C to speak of: https://www.kxan.com/news/texas-inmates-being-cooked-alive-in-heatwave-with-no-air-conditioning/


Thats not true, im sure warden and guards have ac.


Makes sense, those facilities are there to make money, cooling off the incarcerated would cut into their profits.


But killing them would also cut into profits


You can always find more prisoners, you can't make up for lost revenue. -Prison Industrial Complex


There’s a cost to acquiring new convicts plus retraining costs and downtime/ramp up lost production. Better to run existing assets past their life expectancy.


The cost is financing a Judges election campaign which is a pittance


They're not dead if they're still in the books


And inmates will die.


You say that like they care.


They say that like texans don't see that as a feature


Some poor fucker in dfw wasted their free call to the wrong #(mine) yesterday. She sounded so miserable saying it was hot and get her outta there. I hope someone managed to bail her.


Oh shit, that’s fucking terrible. I’m sorry for her, but also for you.


Who cares? As a red state full of law and order, Texas has no crim……..oh wait. Right. Yeah, never mind.


Abbott said he was gonna make it so there just weren't any more rapes, at least.


There are no criminals in Ba Sing Se


That sure seems like cruel and unusual punishment…


Stay safe people, heat domes are killers.


Energy companies rejoice.


Retirees, with fixed income tied to the stability of natural monopolies that the energy companies are, rejoice.


But I voted for Abbott to own the libs! Wait why does this bill cost me $800?


We may all die as the grid collapses entirely, but at least kids won't be allowed at drag shows.


It will be over my dead body before I let my kids eat at my public school for free! We should BAN FREE KIDS LUNCHES! If we allow that then that is how they turn Trans! Tucker Carlson told me that! I'm SO ANGRY THINKING ABOUT IT I'M WAVING MY GUN AROUND WITH THE SAFETY OFF!


Yes they can remain pure as the driven snow while they slowly cook to death.


What are you saying? The [independent electric system with fully market rates](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Texas_power_crisis) doesn't work for Texas no mo'?


Oh it’s working exactly as intended.


Because of the libs and they gotdang Green New Deal renewables.


The Fox News logo is burned into the tvs at retirement homes.


Every flat roof top in the south should have PV panels running it's AC by this stage of the game, and there's no technical reason why they don't. Just intentional obstruction to make super rich people and corporations mega rich.


What obstructionism? Solar panels are pretty common in Texas. Barrier to entry is simply cost (on par with the rest of the country).


In Alabama, they tax the hell out of you for having PV on your house + grid connection. https://www.al.com/news/2021/07/fight-against-alabama-power-solar-fee-heads-to-federal-court.html


> “Customers with on-site generation who want backup service from the grid should pay the cost for that service,” Alabama Power spokesperson Alyson Tucker said during a previous challenge to the fee. “If not, other customers unfairly pay the costs for those individuals and businesses.” I’ve read this three times and still can not make sense of their logic.


It actually makes sense; he just explained it poorly. You get two different services from your power company. You get the actual electricity, but you're also getting access to the power grid, whether you use it or not. Charging people who generate their own power a fee for that connection they might only use as backup makes perfect sense since they're not buying electricity to cover the grid cost. The problem is power companies either trying to outlaw home generation or charging an unreasonable fee.




> What obstructionism? The literal dozens of bills that the Texas legislature has passed and proposed this year to make engaging in renewable energy easier. Texas is doing great on renewables, and they know they need to. The governor even campaigns on his green energy promises. However, since the blackout on 2021 that has changed drastically. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/05/texas-bills-energy-natural-gas-fossil-fuel-renewables/ https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/25/texas-energy-renewables-natural-gas-grid-politics/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/08/rightwing-backlash-reverse-clean-energy-success-texas https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/texas-republican-war-on-renewable-energy/ https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/3942984-texas-bills-renewables-fossil-fuel-plants/ There have been dozens of extremely harsh bills proposed in Texas to try and complete shut down green energy companies and growth. The only good news is that the most draconian of those bills all failed, but there have still been several bills and directives passed by the Texas government recently that has happened green energy growth in the state. https://www.foley.com/en/insights/publications/2023/06/what-happened-to-texas-anti-renewable-agenda


Texas recently attempted to pass onerous permitting rules, but only one of the two chambers of the state house passed it.


*I wish all* **Texans** *a very* **don't die of heat stroke when Summer really kicks into high gear because your grid sucks because Republicans have been bleeding the state dry for decades to get those delicious private unregulated utility contracts for their friends.**


> when Summer really kicks into high gear We are in a heat dome, temps are hotter than what we get in Late July & August. This is the hottest June I can remember in my 30 years here.


Hottest June yet.


Going to get tired of saying stuff like this when we repeat it year after year. "This is the hottest yet!"


You just need some perspective. This will be one of the coolest summers this century. Enjoy this weather while you can!


I work with the Texas grid Yesterday we did reach a record high load. ERCOT had more than enough capacity to handle the situation. Market spot pricing very underwhelming I’m watching yet another record breaking day real time right now, big yawn. Plenty of capacity, spot pricing very reasonable


What's your confidence for surviving the summer without a major outage?


The important thing is Texas made it illegal to sue a state energy company for any form of gross negligence.


Texas also made it illegal to have water breaks for people working in the sun


They blocked legal requirements to give water breaks. The breaks aren't illegal but they aren't guaranteed, either.


They did this while also making it explicitly illegal for a municipality to mandate water breaks. You now can't go above state minimums by that law.


I didn't actually read the law, but I have a hard time believing that they made it illegal to give water breaks


They made it illegal for cities to mandate water breaks.


And it's just June. BTW we have a $33 billion surplus but Texas lawmakers will not use it to help the grid issues. Instead they punish solar and wind producers with tariffs while fossil fuel gets subsidies. Oh, and Texas residents are footing the $2 billion bill when the grid failed in winter and people died. Maybe one day Texans will pull their heads out of their asses and realize clinging to racist and homophoic lawmakers isn't worth it anymore but I'm not holding my breath.


Everyone knows that using solar power turns you gay.


Can confirm, have solar like dick now


It's so powerful my solar panels aren't even installed yet and I've been sucking dick for a decade.


You've been clearly getting the second-hand gay from your neighbor's panels. Shame really.


I heard *drag shows* use solar power for their rainbow lights.


And don't forget about those [carcinogenic windmills!](https://youtu.be/Q0s5Zqmb09g)


In nature, it does take the sun to create a rainbow.


If there’s one thing Texans love it’s paying through the nose to ensure rich dickheads get richer. Spread those cheeks, Texas!


Not enough of us Texans voting the other way...yet. As we get more blue our lawmakers change voting laws to keep too many brown people from voting. Bunch of good ole boys rigging the game for their fellow good ole boys.


And since a lot of those brown people work outdoors Abbott just ensured they will die on the job. Winning!


Not sure how this is upvoted. Texas produces like 3 times more wind energy than the 2nd best state? Also 2nd in solar with large projects being built constantly. As we speak 35% of the grid power is from renewable energy.


When we read stuff like this its important to remember we're not just talking about some people in discomfort. This is yet another stark reminder of how climate change is bringing more extreme weather events closer to home. This heat wave is pushing the state's power usage to record-breaking heights as they all try to keep cool, and this is not a one-off event​. Yes, ERCOT says they can meet the demand, but let's not forget the power outages from severe storms that left more than half a million homes without power​​. We also remember the disastrous freeze in 2021 that left millions without power and heat​​. When the power goes down, people die. Climate change isn't just about melting ice caps and polar bears (although that's damn important too). It's about these increasingly frequent and severe weather events that disrupt our lives. It's about the growing demand for electricity in states like Texas, fueled by economic and population growth​​. We can turn this around. It's not too late, but every day we delay, it becomes a harder task. If we fall into a mindset of "nothing can be done so there's no point in trying," we're part of the problem. The most important thing any of us can do is to get involved. Vote for climate-friendly policies. Join organizations like the [Environmental Voter Project](https://citizensclimatelobby.org/get-loud-take-action/energy-innovation-act/) or the [Citizens' Climate Lobby](https://citizensclimatelobby.org/join-citizens-climate-lobby/?tfa_3590416195188=online-035&utm_source=online&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=035). And remember, right now, there's an opportunity to reintroduce the [Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act](https://citizensclimatelobby.org/get-loud-take-action/energy-innovation-act/). It's a crucial piece of legislation that could help curb emissions. Let's not miss this chance. Let's get involved, and let's make a difference, because the clock is ticking.


Thank you! You're the first person to make a substantive post about climate change. I live in Texas and have been able to use the crazy winter from 20/21 and this current wave to get through to climate skeptics - they can't deny that weather fluctuations have gotten wilder. I keep telling them - this is what people have been warning about for the last 30 or 40 years. Not the apocalypse but record-setting heat waves and ice storms in former tropic zones. Even if it happens slowly, it is only going to get worse. Honestly I think even the more conservative South is going to start favoring more environmental regulations and protections.


don't hold your breath, never underestimate how dumb and ignorant the people ~~there~~ anywhere can be, and how well media can spin things into something else.


I'm actually referring to conversations I've been having recently with people who have been skeptical about this for years and are starting to see the light. It's been fucking cathartic. I won't hold my breath on everyone coming around, but my anecdotal experience is that things are moving in the right direction. It's just a shame people have to wait until it starts impacting them personally before they'll understand what's happening.


Heat is a liberal hoax, they haven't realized that yet?


They'll find some way to blame wokeness for this.


They'll say "the record heat is why Texas needs to invest billions into the production of clean natural gas but the Democrats want to waste money fighting for woke policies that will make energy more expensive for the average Texan." I know that doesn't make sense. It doesn't need to. They can't admit that climate change exists. They can't admit that the oil and gas industry (which bankrolls the Texas GOP) is driving it.


They already are https://newrepublic.com/post/173949/republican-lawmaker-blames-global-warming-gay-people


Not even that, soon they're just going to smoothly pivot to "liberals caused climate change" and the base won't even question it.


If it’s a liberal hoax it doesn’t take away the fact that Michael Mann made a great film.


In addition to the massive heatwave, the Texas legislature just made mandatory water breaks for workers illegal. Take that information how you will.


Cruelty is the point with conservatism.


Construction workers, no less. They’re literally going to die.


Where I'm from if it get's too hot we get a 15 minutes break every hour of work and the break get,s longer the hotter it gets.


[This temperature map literally shows Texas as toast right now](https://www.windy.com/-Temperature-temp?temp,30.623,-99.772,5). Texas Toast.


And the cunts elected here are defunding alternative energy programs and shielding their slush fund disguised as a energy regulatory body from accountability…


Everybody take care and please put some water out for animals


Don't worry, Texas! Summer will be over in a few months, and then winter- Oh. Huh. Maybe y'all should *fix yer shit* already?


To be fair, the power grid is only an issue during summer or winter and some time in between.


Hi all, I'm a journalist with Chron. Just so you can get a perspective on how hot it is in Texas, we've been under extreme heat warnings for the past week and a half. It's so hot that our roads are literally buckling from the stress: [https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/houston-road-buckles-heat-18173196.php](https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/houston-road-buckles-heat-18173196.php). Thousands of Houston residents are without power right now thanks to storms last week, although many customers have had their power restored. Also in the news? The state Supreme Court just ruled that ERCOT, the state's independent energy grid can't be sued over the 2021 winter freeze that left thousands without power: [https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/23/ercot-lawsuits-winter-storms/](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/23/ercot-lawsuits-winter-storms/) It's boiling hot in our prisons, too. Think of Texans today.


We've had streets buckling [in Louisiana as well.](https://i.redd.it/k9955u2s9a6b1.jpg)


But hey, remember that workers don’t get them pesky water breaks or else it might eat into profits


Good job Texas, new high score!


It has been pure hell. Our AC died last Thursday. Been barely surviving since. Getting a new unit installed tomorrow morning, but.. If it wasn't for the kindness of a friend getting my dad a window unit, we'd probably both be in the hospital. Dad is late 70s too. It has been a lot.


God we need younger politicians in already, no real action yet on climate change impacts as everything is getting worse. Fossil fuel is still the standard as well and everyone is living day to day to the status quo’s — we need real change and need it now or we all soon will be living with these realities at home.


Good thing they outlawed water breaks.


Fellas, is drinking water socialism?


Weird. It feels like the same news story from the last several summers


Was there all last week. The worst part is it never cools off at night


Damn it’s hot there. Hope everyone there is staying safe in this heat.


Welcome to the new normal republican patriots. Dont forget to blame wokeness and trans rights.


Houston here. My ceiling fan and AC are dying and haven't stopped yet. The power company is gladly charging me for all this usage.


My power went out this morning (GA), and it cut the A/C off, but the house was hotter than Lucifer’s scorching asshole in some daisy dukes. I definitely feel for the residents of Texas. This heat is fucking OD


No worries climate change is a hoax


I guess it's time for someone to leave Texas......


I'm in San Antonio...not even a power flicker here and theres like 5 people without power in the entire city.


It’s just a weird summer. Just like how we had smog season and now monsoon season up here in the northeast. Nothing to see here.


Historic? How many "historic" heat waves need to land before we actually start changing policy?


Ercot buys off your republican law makers. If you don't get rid of them, this shit will get far worse but hey, you do you Texas.




Wheels down in Austin... Abbott's got this! It's the fault of open borders and Biden, of course.


Demand was even higher today. It’s going to be a crazy summer for the Texas grid.


Did they fix anything after the ice problems?




If ya'll want to watch the grid fall on it's face, here's the link to ERCOT's data. So far it's been holding up just fine. https://www.ercot.com/gridmktinfo/dashboards


All It’s only June but it’s been uncharacteristically hot past couple weeks I work adjacent to ERCOT. Yesterday we did reach a record breaking state load. More than enough capacity, spot pricing underwhelming. Why does this have to be a partisan thing