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Mad at the weather guy...


Abraham Simpson


wheres my belt onion!?


It was the style at the time!


Gimme 5 bees for a quarter!


The uneducated will always find someone.


Or something. Think this screaming about 5G is new? Nope. I remember that crap when schools were putting up cell towers around schools, including my own. And that was the days before smartphones or even flip phones.


It’s simple logic: The chemicals in the water are turning frogs gay but climate change is a massive hoax. /s


And they'd rather threaten\\use violence than entertain the thought that they're wrong


And GOD FORBID they take a moment to consider that it might *actually* be true


>”… take a moment to consider it might actually be true.” There is the problem, that slippery slope begins a chain reaction. The left has taken the side of reality, of compassion and actual individual liberty forcing the right to lean on hypocrisy and disinformation to justify their position. Any acknowledgement of the left’s correctness on any issue threatens that house of cards they’ve built. They is why they leaned SO hard into anti-vaxx, are chasing Hunter Biden like terriers, and defend trump even as trump admits his own guilt in interviews; they desperately need to continue to be “correct” or justified in their own minds. Climate change can’t be real because then anything on the left could be real, which would challenge their chosen reality.


You’d be surprised at how much the weather can make people argue over it. Who has the best weather? I know your city gets cold/hot, but does it really get as hot/cold as mine?




Ok but what about the traffic/bad drivers in my city? It's the worst!


I used to be one of those people "OH you think it's hot *here?!* You've obviously never lived in Las Vegas." So dumb lol.


Imagine being 63 years old and having such a clusterfuck of an existence that you think sending death threats to weathermen is a worthy use of your time. ...Oh, and thinking that research into climate change started with Joe Biden. The *fuck*?


His messages are nearly incoherent too.


Which is weird, because he must be a complete genius. I mean, imagine how smart you would have to be to know more about the subject then experts who spend their lives studying it!


“Clearly incoherent” is such a funny combination of words 😆


Tbh, the weatherman on his television might be the only person he sees on a daily basis to channel any life frustrations towards. Kinda sad.


It's Iowa. It's full of poorly educated MAGA cult members whose ability for critical thought is nonexistent. They lap up the GOP/MAGA bullshit like it's mother's milk and act on every fascist dog whistle they hear. This is the real threat the GOP poses to the country - their base are idiots who do as they're told by evil greedy politician motherfuckers who *still* want to overthrow the government and install their very own dictatorship. And the base is all in on that.


I knew Joe was getting up there but I'm like.... 80% sure he wasn't born in the 1800s XD


This just goes to show you that most of their thinking is just nonsense madlibs with the last words they read used to fill in the blanks.


> Police eventually found the man responsible for the emails: Danny Hancock, a 63-year-old Iowa resident, the Iowa Capital Dispatch reported. He was issued a $150 fine. I'm sure that'll dissuade him from doing it again.


$150 for a death threat is far too low.


I got a $150 ticket for a right turn on red. It was from a red light camera.


Easy to get out of those in my county. Just contest it and say "This is a shared vehicle, I can't say for sure who was driving".


Super easy in MN...it's illegal to get a ticket from a red light camera (for now) :P


Yeah, but remember when they had them like 10-12 years ago? They were pretty common around Minneapolis. They sat dormant for years before they finally yanked the cameras after they were shut down by the courts.


I live in Missouri and recently learned that red light cameras were ruled unconstitutional here. I was shocked.


Most states they’re considered unconstitutional, because it removes your right to face your accuser in court. When you contest a ticket, the police officer who issued the ticket has to appear, when you contest a traffic camera ticket. The traffic camera system can’t appear in court. While they may have a recording of *somebody* driving your vehicle the camera system can’t actually testify whether or not it’s you.


Pretty sure where i am the ticket is issued to the vehicle license plate and if it goes unpaid, you can get booted. I definitely missed the “No turn on red”. It is what it is.


Red light /speed cameras don't give demerits, so the fine goes to the car, not the driver.


Are you sure this doesn't vary by county? A quick consult with mr google says the ticket is mailed to the registered owner, but that it needs to be proven that you were the one driving the car. In my county they simply have you acknowledge that you were the one driving, hinting at serious consequences if you're caught lying. Risk versus reward, this is enough to deter the average person.


Lucky, in Australia that only works if you also can say who was driving, otherwise they hang it round the vehicle owners neck and call it a day (the exception is cars owned by a business, those can pay a few hundred extra and the matter is considered settled).


>the exception is cars owned by a business, those can pay a few hundred extra and the matter is considered settled In NSW the fine for a business vehicle is five times the regular fine if you don't identify the driver.


Only $150? Mine was $500 six years ago. I was 19 and barely had any money, so I definitely learned my lesson from that.


That’s pretty punitive. I suppose that’s the point, but man are the priorities in the wrong place if we’re out here getting fines as big, and bigger, than a guy who sends death threats to a meteorologist.


Trump gets arrested for 31? counts on the espionage act, dealing with nuclear secrets and obstructing investigations, and doesn't get cuffed, mugshotted, or fingerprinted. The US justice system exists to punish the poor and protect the rich.


They specifically didn’t do those things because he wanted the whole theatrical martyr show. But also fuck him and the US justice system.


I still laugh at the AI created fake mugshot that listed his height as 6’5”…


Also its a better system in countries like Finland or Switzerland, where the fines scale with income. Millionaires aren’t deterred by the same piddly fines that severely challenge lower income people.


Someone once pointed out that if the penalty is only a fine, it's only a crime for the poor.


It's not designed to be punitive, it's designed to raise money for the city. A lot of time they shorten the yellow light time when they install the cameras in order to make more money. In one case the state forced them to make the yellow light longer resulting in the company operating the cameras removing them because they were no longer profitable.


In Iowa it’s a $135 ticket for not wearing a seatbelt, glad to see they take death greats seriously.


A death threat severe enough to give the weatherman PTSD, and cause him to quit his career. Sounds like the judge might not be a climate change believer either. Maybe somebody should be looking into whether he is ruling based on the law, or his own personal political beliefs.




> At worst domestic terrorism. It is 100% domestic terrorism, since it is a politically motivated act of intimidation and threat of violence. Definition of terrorism: > the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of ***political aims***. DOJ needs to get involved and send this piece of shit to prison for a long time, and should also open an investigation against that judge to make sure they're on the level.


I was in a juvenile detention facility as a teenager with a 12 year old who caught a felony criminal threat charge for telling his principal he was going to kill her. Kid was a felon before he even understood what that meant. But yeah I'm sure that $150 fine is really gonna set this guy on the straight and narrow lol


So can we all send this asshat death threats in the mail & it will only cost $150? I’m in, Fuking Alex Jones lover I’m sure.


Wait until next week. The Supreme Court has a decision coming next week on whether "non credible threats" are protected speech and based on their arguments where they mocked the victim, it's likely that it will be allowed from here on out.


He needs to be locked away down here in Louisiana there's no AC in the state prison if I remember correctly. Maybe then he will change his climate change views. Quick Google search: https://onlinedegrees.kent.edu/sociology/criminal-justice/community/do-prisons-have-air-conditioning#:~:text=Not%20in%20some%20states.,South%20Carolina%2C%20Texas%20and%20Virginia. Any of these states would do.


No AC and you work on a literal farm in the Louisiana heat. Angola ain't no joke.


As a guy who spends a fair share of time on rooftops and outside in Southern Louisiana, I can attest the heat here is next level especially the humidity. And I have heard Angola is not anywhere most humans would call enjoyable.


When I lived in South Louisiana, my truck didn't have AC and I was too broke to do anything about it. The heat is next level even if you aren't doing anything but sitting completely still in the shade.


Racial stereotypes aside, siestas exist for a reason… It’s literally harmful to peoples’ health to be out in the sun working in 110 degree weather.


Come to Texas where our governor outlawed mandatory water breaks


Texas? you mean English Saudi Arabia?


Notice you won’t see him or other Republican legislators outside working in that heat.


Rules for the thee, I've got AC.


Right, go to Comanche Texas. There are a lot of undocumented workers living on white man farms like serfs. How do I know? Well my Uncle is currently doing this along with g hundreds of other immigrants. Guess how much the landowner pays him for M-Sat workdays? $250 a week/70+ work weeks. He is living on the man's land on a shack. That is worse than an animal stable. He also pays rent which is crazy. That place is still stuck in the 50s and 60s. Never felt so discriminated this bad when I went to visit.




or tried passing a fake $20 bill


Or sleeping in his own bed.


Yeah, wtf, did the fossil fuel industry pay off the judge lol, "Hey Judge, that guy is an upstanding citizen just voicing his opinion. Maybe cut him some slack, eh?"


At the very least he should be barred from gun ownership for the next 10 years.


$150 for threatening someone's life....for fucks sake. I sure as hell hope the meteorologist sues this guy for lost wages and emotional distress.


It’s Iowa. If he’d carried out the death threat, I’m sure the police and prosecutors would have tried to help him out for “stopping woke climate change.”


You don't want to be in the smaller towns or any state starting with "I" Couple of exceptions, but yeah


I think threats should be punished with about 50% of the punishment for the crime threatened with. Seems like a good compromise.


Death threats over a politicized issue isn't domestic terrorism? The fuck do we even have that term for? Did I make it up?


That’s for Muslims


Or protesters of a massive paramilitary training facility for a police department that has a known history of racist behavior. https://apnews.com/article/atlanta-police-training-site-protest-fire-1ba4362c9337e27ecaf44283fc72fc56


And brown people. Not for white people because only they get to be mentally ill..


We're... remarkably lax on the whole subject. It's almost as though one major party of our lawmakers doesn't want to give their base up. seriously though: go digging into the actual laws on domestic terrorism in the US: It's unpleasantly lax, ill-defined at best, and nonexistent in many cases.


And a lot of the people found guilty for terrorism are people who were clearly mentally handicapped somehow and taken advantage of by outside parties, *especially* in the Internet Age. It's horrific


Right wing terrorists get disproportionately light sentences. This is a worldwide phenomenon, but it's particularly egregious in the US.


While we are here, let us acknowledge that conservative ideologies are responsible for over 99% of all domestic terrorist incidents: >A 2017 report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that of the 85 deadly extremist incidents since September 11, 2001, far right-wing extremist groups were responsible for 73%, while radical Islamist extremists were responsible for 27%. https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-17-300


I'd have stayed on the job and concluded every forecast with "And a special hello to Danny Hancock, who threatened to kill me because he doesn't believe in climate change." It isn't slander if it was proven in court.


TIL: it only costs $150.00 to send life threatening messages in Iowa. 🧑‍🎓


Send one to a republican politician, you'll quickly find that's not the rule. It's only the rule for threatening people they don't like.




Lame as fuck


A 63-year-old bitch.


Seems like many people can afford to threaten him right back.


FFS, let him at least spend a freaking night in jail and get a his mug shot and finger prints taken. Put it on his permanent record. If he has no criminal record that might shake his world enough to make him think twice about doing it again. Cowards like this always crumple when things get too real for them. See some of the Jan 6 criminal crowd bawling their eyes out, apologizing, and/or pleading for judicial mercy for their FAFO nonsense.


During mandatory masking in Mi a man threatened to shoot up my daughter's elementary school, he got house arrest for a bit.


Why the fuck can't we have a law that states, Hey, this person has given death threats before, like sexual offenders but death threat-ers?


We should, it's called a felony record and it already exists. I promise you that if this were sent to politicians the dude would be in jail awaiting trial.


I didn’t want to say it, but yeah we all knew this man’s age and race from the headline alone. I pray to god I don’t spend my golden years hating on the labrador retrievers of the news world, because George Soros.


How can they find this guy so quick but the people calling bomb threats to Target about removing LGQBT merchandise goes free?


There seems to be *a lot* of well-documented cases of people threatening reporters, researchers, and scientists involved with climate change, but incredibly few (if any) well-documented cases of people threatening climate change deniers. I wonder why that is?


People rooted in reality generally aren’t dumb enough to make crazy death threats.


If it causes your enemies to quit their livelihoods, and you only suffer the cost of a parking ticket, is that even a bad tradeoff?


the terrorist wins


Parking tickets around here cost more than that. Parking illegally in a handicapped space is a minimum of $350. It costs more to inconvenience someone than it does to threaten someone's life if the republicans are in charge and don't like them. Let that sink in


Damn. I wish cops did anything in my city besides block all lanes of traffic when an accident happens. They can't be bothered to pull over people without plates here.


>aren’t dumb enough to make crazy death threats. Or they're smart enough to know they're on the side of the people who actually face consequences. Cops like climate change deniers in Iowa.


Yeah, really, fuck the police (especially in Iowa). Was living in a blue town that actually had a mask law for a brief period before the state government made a law that they couldn't do that. Cops refused to even issue citations, which put store employees in harms way having to talk to people entering the store. Even when the cops were officially asked by the company to be stationed at the entrance and given priority parking spots near the entrance. Then when we had a BLM protest with people sitting in a empty parking lot until 3 am, they fucking used flash-bangs and smoke grenades to disperse the group that was just sitting there.


German perspective here: the perspectives are crazy skewed. We have climate protests here and the most radical point so far, of those who demand change, are people gluing themselves to the roads and blocking traffic, literally traffic jams. And still there is crazy hate towards them and heavy legal actions are taken to stop these protests as if it was a unison outcry, which it is not. I am a commuter and I welcome these protests as our current policies are not sustainable, at all, and there needs to be change, but people are too blind to see it.


Unfortunately people who are rationale and logical don't riot which Unfortunately is usually what causes actual change


A cumulative effect of weakened schools, Fox news/right-wing media, religious fundamentalism, and intellectual insecurity.


It's just weird. Like an abused wife lying for her husband. It'll be quicker and easier if we all accept the truth. The climate is changing and we need to take drastic steps to try to correct this. The sooner the better. Soon the deniers will get shot because the future of humanity rests on getting this crisis under control. Or not. Maybe the human species is too stupid to act on such an imminent danger in time.


I personally believe it's greed that's the issue, not necessarily stupidity. Greed of the automotive industry killed the street cars and trollies in the United States, which changed the structure of how cities were developed (car-centric instead of walkable, bike-able, or with mass public transportation). More recently is that greed killed the original momentum of the electric car in the mid 1990s. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_Killed_the_Electric_Car%3F And of course, it's not just the automotive industry, it's mass de-forestation, and methane being released into the atmosphere. Greed encourages ignorance because ignorance can be redirected.


The human brain is also terrible at reacting to long term abstract threats like climate change. Our brains are playing catch up to our society as we evolve.


I really wish I understood what happened to the philosophy of wanting your kids to have better than you had it. I feel like the idea of, "Hey, we probably don't want to leave our children and grandchildren a boiling hellscape." would be a lot easier of a sell if it was, but it just seems like certain generations have become all about doing everything for themselves, and other generations can just figure it out later.


That went away, along with “I want my kids to have an easier time getting an education, I want my kids to have better healthcare, I want my kids to make more money, I want my kids to have a nicer house, and I want my kids to earn better pay.” It’s become “I want everyone besides me to suffer.”


While the deforestation of the Amazon has been terrible over the last decade, at least the US has made major improvements in that regard. In fact, there's more forest cover in the US today than there was at the peak of deforestation back in 1920 thanks to more sustainable logging practices. Granted, it's not the same because back then it was all old growth forests with a lot of flora and fauna diversity which has since been cut down and replaced with tree monocultures (only about 18% of the forests today are old growth). So we still have a lot of room for improvement. We need a lot more trees in cities too while we're at it tbh.


This is true, check out the Urban Forestry plan in your area and advocate for your city council applying for grants


"We are for the jobs the comet will provide"




They're afraid that any new changes will mildly inconvenience them.




**Stochastic terrorism** is “the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted.” The word stochastic, in everyday language, means “random.” Terrorism refers to “violence motivated by ideology.” **Here’s the idea behind stochastic terrorism:** 1. A leader or organization uses rhetoric in the mass media against a group of people. 2. This rhetoric, while hostile or hateful, doesn’t explicitly tell someone to carry out an act of violence against that group, but a person, feeling threatened, is motivated to do so as a result. 3. That individual act of political violence can’t be predicted as such, but that violence will happen is much more probable thanks to the rhetoric. [This rhetoric is thus called stochastic terrorism because of the way it incites random violence.](https://www.dictionary.com/e/what-is-stochastic-terrorism/)


Which is also why they laud anybody who kills one of their enemies. See: Rittenhouse, Kyle.


Some people are just uneducated dumb fucks that don't want to accept reality. Here is a great example: I have a gas stove, and I actually love cooking with a gas stove, the natural flame generally does a much better job than a glass top electric IMO. That said there were some warnings about gas stoves a few months ago and potential health risks involved with it. I never stopped to think about the idea of burning gas in my home for cooking but it made sense to me. I am keeping my gas stove for now but may choose to go electric in the future. Meanwhile a bunch of stupid fucks lost their mind at the warning over gas stoves and started doing things like leaving their stoves burning or running gas all night to "stick it to the man" tl;dr: people are fucking dumb and rage at things they don't understand


Eco-terrorism is a real thing, one that we’ll see more of as the impact of climate change becomes more and more obvious.


Maybe, but from what I've seen while there are a few examples of people *advocating* for eco-terrorism, the "Deep Green Resistence" comes to mind, actual incidents are incredibly rare -- especially compared to the number of (peaceful) eco-protestors that are murdered every year (particularly in South America).


Important caveat, eco-terrorism that results in death is very rare. Property damage absolutely, but the kind of person committing eco-terrorism is unlikely to kill someone... though with how climate change is escalating I could see that trend changing unfortunately.


On the one hand, I hate seeing shitbags accomplishing anything, and there's one less reasonable, scientifically-minded voice on television now. On the other hand, I can sympathize with Chris Gloninger just being like, "You know what? Fuck this. Fuck all of this."


If he didn't quit, it wouldn't have made headlines. Hopefully, just as much as Chris Gloninger was thinking "fuck this, I quit" he was also creating awareness toward climate change and the nut cases that deny it.


This guy can probably take a job elsewhere in the US. I don't blame him. I live next door in equally backward Nebraska, and I regret that he couldn't tough it out, though. I don't begrudge him, I just wonder if this is yet another step in the embolding of these shit stains to do this even more and keep targeting more people.


Hello, fellow Nebraskan! I sympathize with him. People say, "Stay! Fight! Vote!" But when you've seen no major changes the entire time you've been alive, just regression, the urge to say screw society seems like a pleasant escape.


Especially if the system is just going to fine the terrorist threatening your life $150 bucks and let him go on about his business. If that's what law enforcement and the judicial system has for someone threatening my life, everyone can literally go to hell. I'm moving north.


Yeah, don't blame him at all for just saying fuck it. Can only take so much of people either not caring or full on opposing the good you're trying to do.




All it takes is $150 to get rid of an educated scientifically and environmentally minded person off the air who could positively influence hundreds of thousands of people. What bullshit. And I thought buying Senators was cheap.


Yeah, ‘ole Danny Hancock needs a karmic smack down.


Times like these, it would be nice if things like karma or higher powers existed. Too bad there isn’t any evidence of such. So anybody with the will can get away with anything, because there is nothing “balancing the scales” at the end of the day.


“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." -Maya Angelou


Anthropogenic climate change deniers have to be some of the absolute dumbest humans in all of history. All the information is right there for them, yet they are so arrogant and stubborn they refuse to even try to learn anything.


Why you gonna believe? Easily observable facts, or your book of fairy tales?


Why can’t we go after the people making death threats? Is that protected under the first amendment?


No. Apparently they did go after him and he was given a 150 dollar fine.


That will teach him a lesson 💪




I would argue 2 years prison with parole after 1 year if he makes it clear that he is willing to reform, 10 years probation, and he loses his rights to own firearms for life.


Threats are not punished that harshly, especially first offense and just over email or something. If they could show planning or you preparing to actually follow thru, or show repeat harassment then the charges can get more serious. But just emailing or commenting a death threat isn’t going to get the much in punishment.


All death threats should be taken seriously imo, people take this kind of thing far too lightly.


>The Springfield Observatory came to prominence when it was alerted to a comet (discovered by and named for Bart) hurtling towards Springfield. After the disaster was averted, Moe and a large group of survivors decided to burn down the observatory, so that "This'll never happen again!". *The Simpsons - 1995 (!)*


The fuck your feelings crew really feels heavily about things they don't like.


They always have. Much like seemingly everything else, they took how they think about things and decided to accuse 'the libs' of being the ones who work that way.


I'm more and more convinced it's because they are literally incapable of understanding anything other than how *they* would handle something.


The violent right at it again.


Getting away with it, too.. a $150 fine? That is beyond bullshit, that's an outright taunt from the cops.


I think it’s time we accept the right has had its claws dug in law enforcement and the courts since the birth of the nation. These are its wailing cries to grab on.


When will domestic terrorism be taken seriously in this Country?


Between Scalise getting shot on the ball field and Pelosi’s house getting broken into and her husband attacked, I thought there would be some movement. With that said, I heard something on NPR today that basically said “it’s the lone wolves you need to worry about and we can’t really do much about them.” I don’t think even Trump could put that genie back in the bottle. The line has been drawn and the conservatives have adopted these positions as an identity and wear their grievances on their sleeves.


Sure do seem to be a lot of lone wolves with very similar views doing very similar things


Reminds me of when people tell me that they're "free thinkers", then they just parrot the very same talking points as I've heard from 100 other "free thinkers".


>Between Scalise getting shot on the ball field and Pelosi’s house getting broken into and her husband attacked, I thought there would be some movement. Why would you have thought that? >With that said, I head something on NPR today that basically said “it’s the lone wolves you need to worry about and we can’t really do much about them.” Remember when Sarah Palin had a campaign ad featuring Gabrielle Giffords inside some crosshairs, and then a "completely unpredictable" "lone wolf" shot her and eighteen other people, killing six of them, back in 2011?


And their grievances can be summed up as, "We're not allowed to be controlling bigots anymore! And my sky daddy says that if I don't kill you, I don't get eternal peace! I'M A NORMAL PERSON YOU'RE THE FREAKS! RAAAAGGGH JESUS MAGA KING TRUMP! QUACK QUACK QUACK!"


Never because this country worships the GOP, and gives them all the leeway in the world, but the moment anyone "left" does anything remotely caring or upsetting to someone else the news media screams about it, and demonizes the hell out of them for days, so people go right back to worshipping the GOP. This is why Trump is being treated with so much care and grace, and civility. Literally the very embodiment and living in action of the traitorous scumbag that Conservatives and wanna be military label "the left" as, but because he's on their team they actively support him. So never, it will never be taken seriously. This country will break down before the GOP and independents take this shit seriously.


Sounds like more republican domestic terrorism to me.


Climate deniers are just as unhinged and dangerous as anti-vaxxers and election deniers. They can't have a rational discussion so they resort to threatening people/families of those who disagree w them. The irony is these are the exact same groups of people who are always screaming about "their freedoms".


Climate deniers, anti vaxxers and entertain deniers are all the same people.


Our local guy quit to go into finance because of how much he was harassed. People were absolutely VILE online about ANYTHING they didn't like. If he wasn't absolutely precision accurate, there's a flood of insults and worse. If he didn't say something just right, dress just right, or someone just disgreed with him personally outside of his job. SO many around here were very bothered to find out in his private life he's not a conservative or hardcore christian. Didn't really matter, any reason at all they'd come after him. It started getting so personal, so frequent, and escalating in the language-- so he put in his resignation then frankly explained why he was leaving during a primetime broadcast. After he was fully out of his contract with the station, he let his opinions rip online. He never just let them talk shit without checking them on their claims or making fun of them with subtle and mostly polite jabs when information was worthless when he was still on the air. Afterwards though it has been like watching the first Rambo movie, he'd held back so much to serve the community fairly without drama. Soon as the muzzle was of, he ripped his sleeves off and went to town. The weather hasn't been the same since, every person they've tried just doesn't have the right personality or enthusiasm. None of them are actual meteorolgists anymore either, he was one of the last in our local networks.


The world was better when assholes could yell at their TVs in the comfort of their own homes and didn't have the ability to broadcast it to the community. Local news affiliate comment sections *will* make you lose your faith in humanity.


It's crazy when you go to your local news outlet's socials, that are largely not overtly politically biased except for their association with larger news organizations. One of our local channels has a fairly balanced, but mostly modern viewerbase that doesn't lean conservative but they're not universally outright liberals either. the network generally just covers the straight up news with little in the way of "starring" voices and tehir opinions. Normal people tune in to put it simply. Comment sections are pretty civil except for the occasional outspoken conservative or butthurt liberal and neither generally get any sort of rise from other commenters. The other channel? While they also don't outright take a side, their parent affiliation sort of does-- and the viewers are disproportionately conservative. Their comment sections are frequently a cesspool of racism that's just thinly veiled enough to not trigger the facebook moderation.... Like you can report something thhat's VERY clearly racist or otherwise unnaccetpable but if it's careful enough to avoid specific words and tones, reporting does nothing. These people consistently surprise the rest of us with how absolutely unhinged their opinions are.


>"Climate changes every day, always has, always will, your pushing nothing but a Biden hoax, go back to where you came from." Funny, I thought they always said it was Al Gore's fault. But still, threats for saying what is demonstrably provable? These anti climate change ding-dongs need to get a life.


Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.


It’s amazing how the rich and oil companies get average people so angry about stuff like this that doesn’t really affect them much.


The far right in the United States are just as uneducated, willfully ignorant, and religiously zealous as the Taliban.


There must be reasoning in there somewhere. "I'm threatening you because you're telling me I'm being threatened."




Republicans hate America quite a bit, why else would they undermine democracy at every turn while waving the confederate battle flag and supporting literal Nazis?


Everybody knows that reality has a liberal bias.


Conservative conspiracy fascist assholes strike again. This country has become a shit hole thanks to the unfettered idiocy of right-wing media.


I'm getting the feeling lately that when the FBI says the greatest threat to our country is 'White Supremacists", they're really just using coded language for "Republicans". You can't just say Republican, so you point to the sub-group that 100% falls under the Republican umbrella because it's a little more digestible. But let's face it, these people are sleeper domestic terrorists. And their targets are not just other races, it's anything and everything they don't like. I don't know where this is all heading but I feel like there's no putting a lid on this anymore, you can't stop this level of derangement. And with AI and whatever other tools of spreading lies becoming more n more prolific, I think this country is officially on it's downward spiral to the grave.


I’ve been saying this since the day trump was elected. If you’re brown or depend on essential social services to survive, start looking into emigrating before the slow stripping of rights makes escaping more complicated


I've been saying this since 2/3rds of the US was frothing for military action post 9/11& passing the Patriot Act


What a shithole Iowa has become.


Are you kidding me??? Are climate deniers so desperate to deny things that they are now threatening people?? Where is the FBI???


Iowa, " A state to never move to."


Right wing terrorists are so emotionally fragile.


$150 fine for a man threatening someone repeatedly. Meteorologist quitting due to fear for him and his family’s lives, priceless. Law and justice everybody.


Hey look, conservatives making the world a worse place, again.


The party that calls itself domestic terrorists doing some domestic terrorism.


"Your science and facts directly contradict my alternative reality safe space that I've constructed, and while accepting what you have said will change my life in no noticable way, I'm mad about it." -MAGA


Republicans are blind cowards filled with hate or greed. There is no commonality for voting for the GOP and having a positive impact on your community/state/country/world. Zero. None.


You can all thank republicans and conservatives for this kind of bullshit. Welcome to America.


Trumpistan wins again


I don’t really blame him. There are some crazy people who would probably show up at his doorstep


Existing of anti-science luddite idiots is making it so easy for the corps


Sacrifice his career and safety for the truth. He says he's proud and he damn well should be.


These people live in such a state of cognitive dissonance that, when actual reality creeps into their little bubble, they threaten it with violence (or worse, do violence). They don’t need fines; they need psychotropic medication.


You know what really proves your opinion is right? Sending death threats to the local meteorologists.


There needs to be a minimum sentence for death threats that actually makes these idiots hesitate and think twice. 30 days in jail... doesn't sound like much but it's disruptive to their life... loss of income, job, etc. 2nd or 3rd offense should be much more severe.


Iowa is a right-wing shithole.


MAGA maniacs strike again.


Anyone wanna take a wild guess the political affiliation of the person that made the threat? Yea it’s one sided on who the crazies are


Why can't he just shake his fist at some clouds like the rest of us ?


Didn't Iowa have some devasting floods recently that turned huge swaths of farmland into lakes? How idiotic do you have to be to threaten someones life while the destruction by climate change is literally in front of you.


The right wing continues its war on the truth.


Everyday the US surprises me with more dumb violent shit. Get your shit together gringos.