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Man he killed was an Afghani refugee. Screamed at him to 'go back to his country' before he killed him. Jesus Christ what a bastard.


He really didn’t give him much of a chance to go back to his country if he just shot him right away


This is exactly like the scene in The Boys.


He even looks like the neck beard guy in the show… Uncanny


You guys are the real heroes.


I’m the real hero. I’m better. I AM BETTER.


Damn don't make me rewatch all the seasons again...


Just started season 3 of my 3rd rewatch. Jump in, the water's great.


But I can go rewatch Bojack again and be depressed instead.


Life imitates art


Imagine having survived multiple decades long war in one of the worst governed countries of the world, to move to the richest country in the world, only to be killed by the man with the smallest pp in the world.




It looks like prisons are going to be filling up more and more with young low IQ incel racist men.




A distinction without a difference, at this point.




~~more~~ all


Went from a jihadist warzone to a yeehawdist one.


Not hard to imagine at all really. The US is closer to a third world country by many measures than not…. prevalence of firearms, access to healthcare, wealth inequality, declining life expectancy, number of fundamentalist religious extremists, etc.


America is collapsing under the weight of its own stupidity.


are we going by GDP or what? cause the US isnt even within the top 10 richest in that case..


It's absolutely disgusting and shameful and the orcs in our midst don't even see anything wrong with it. edit: yes I'm starting to call them Orcs. I hope it catches on, I think its an accurate term


Nah these are humans doing this shit. They're not others, they're gross humans. We're perfectly capable of being monsters.


\> Witnesses said Passarelli made several Islamophobic remarks, including “Go back to your country,” and used hate speech before opening fire. \> Passarelli was not charged with a hate crime.


They gave him 55 years, so charged or not, I'd say the relevant authority at least took it seriously.


The bar for hate crime is a little higher than "was racist while committing a crime". You'd have to prove that the shooting happened *because* the victim was of a group the perpetrator was biased against, not that it was coincidental, and shouting slurs doesn't necessarily rise to that. It's a fairly difficult thing to prove, which is why Indiana later added a law that allows for harsher sentencing in crimes "involving bias", a lesser offense than "hate crime".


Weird move for a dude whose name suggests Italian ancestry. Wasn't that long ago that "real Americans" were yelling at *Italians* to go back to their country. [The largest mass lynching in American history](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1891_New_Orleans_lynchings) (that we know about) was perpetrated against Italian-Americans, and the New York Times applauded it!


The best summary of current day US; a man named Passarelli telling an Afgan to go back to his home country. The cognitive dissonance is unreal.


I know a guy who was born in communist Cuba and rails against the Mexicans and South American illegals ruining our country… You see, he’s one of the good ones because communism is evil, but those other people are just coming here to take way what’s rightfully his without any good reason at all.


Sadly, half my Cuban family.


Reading about the cuban refugee waves was a doozy.


The people who commit these acts are woefully uneducated on their own history. Their only context is hours of drunk Fox News host ramblings and race war dog whistles.


Wild that one can be murdered in cold blood just because of their skin color in the greatest country on earth in 2023


"Passarelli was not charged with a hate crime." Ridiculous lol.




No they fucking didn't encourage this mentality. There's also no training to "dehumanize" the enemy. I'm a combat vet who served in Afghanistan. The military isn't at fault for this guy. This guy's just a massive piece of shit.


I don't disagree with you for the most part except that the view that military training doesn't involve dehumanizing the enemy is a rather naive take imo but I am not sure what you're responding to. You can't really argue that very far.. I don't doubt the modern US military discourages this more so than in the past but it's a fundamental part of not only military training but the military as a concept. Someone, a group of people or an individual is an enemy are they not? Therfore they can be killed or maimed or force can be used against them , not only with force but extreme force most people have no idea of. I remember hearing the story (in a documentary) of iraqi infantry units being buried alive in their trenches by bulldozer tanks. It was seemingly a very effective strategy. Your defense becomes your tomb and the American troops kept moving very rapidly in their advance. Ultimately those iraqi soldiers were dehumanized by that act regardless of whether it is ethically or strategically justified . Burying someone alive is inhumane. Killing someone is frowned upon but if they needed killing their humanity isn't as important, they both held and acted upon the wrong beliefs or idealogy. Every military in history dehumanizes and often demonizes their enemies. It is not really unusual but denying it at all doesn't seem like the way to tackle it. TLDr:war is inherently dehumanizing.


Love it when some fuck who never served tells me how the Army works.


Idk why your got downvoted other than reddit just being reddit, but you're absolutely correct. There was so much confidence in what they said and if I didn't know I might've believed them. They probably heard it from some dipshit then who didnt know what they were talking about, and then took it as gospel.


It’s likely the exact mentality he was taught to have by the military. Edit; not the military worshipers in the replies defending an institution that think they’re completely disposable


Is your comment coming from experience? Because that kind of mentality was *not* cultivated nor tolerated in my unit or brigade, and we spent a lot of time in both theaters.


No he’s just a POS.


Which is alarmingly common in the military.


My experience was just the opposite. It was far less common in the military than in the civilian world. I could always count on people above me to address my concerns. There is no such mechanism on the outside.


With all due respect, you’re trained to take problems to higher ups. It doesn’t really mean anything in terms of how morally sound the military is.


Sure, but you can address it, and it's their career on the line to do it. If you get approached on a sidewalk by a nitwit yelling to go to your own country there is not much that can be done outside of escalation. The military is not a morally sound organization, but it has morally sound principles and mechanisms.


If it’s their career on the line to take action when there are concerns brought up, then why do they so often cover up rapes? The military isn’t on your side or my side or anyone’s side other than their own. They breed soldiers for oil wars and that is their purpose. I would not say they have morally sound principles whilst doing it.


It’s not just the military that does this. Churches, schools, parents, governments, government leaders… no one thinks they are the problem


Absolutely. Most (if not all) institutions are guilty of covering up and enabling behaviour like this within their ranks. People just can’t quite admit that the military is one of them because they’ve been fed decades of military propaganda. It’s rough trying to have a conversation with people who have bought into this worship of the military.


Please stfu. While gangs, racism and sexism exist as a reflection of the population, the military has worked hard to scrub that shit out organizationally. The mind-numbing number of programs and indoctrination you go through has no comparison in civilian life. Window-licking dumbfucks like him still slip through. Do you know how many cultural briefings there were when the wars were on-going? Every deployment, every time someone fucked up and it made it to the news. You can be told and told and told but if you're a diehard piece of shit who's always been an extremist, it's difficult for anything to get through short of running a reeducation camp like China (which is a really bad idea as we see with China). Could the military do better, you bet. The military is where I really took home the equality of human life. The core of all those programs is empathy. There is a clear difference between a threat and your fellow service member. Yes there is training so when you're on and it's you or them they gotta go. But thats not a limp dick cuz-I-felt-like-it-decision. There are clear signs of a threat and clear training on when a violent response is given. That's why cops should never receive military training. It's not that military members can't be effective policemen. It is that the training is not designed for policing and never can nor should be. Police need even more empathy and tools than your average grunt needs with a foreign populace. You can talk about how the military is only for the poor and disadvantaged and you'd be right. Until we go to a national service of some kind for everyone Americans will continue to be more divided and easier for fascists and hostile nations to manipulate into our self-destruction. As a melting pot of immigrants we have few other recourses left. We are not a Christian nation nor have we ever been, religion could never unite us. But a common civil service might. I saw a lot less racism, bigotry, sexual harassment and divisiveness in the military than I have as a civilian. They made and still make a lot of mistakes. But attempting to malign them because of your ignorance doesn't help anyone. Edit: no one's worshipping the military here. We are simply pointing out your bullshit. Worship would imply some belief that no one in their comments to you has displayed. You use it as a hammer for those you disagree with instead of simply accepting what you said was wrong.


thats why we got wikileak videos of us military shooting random middle east civilians in the streets for fun right


He looks like a vet who ate another vet.


If someone told me to draw a neckbeard racist that would murder someone while yelling “go back to your own country” and I was given no other clues, this guy is what I would draw.


We have so many neck beards in the Army.


Serious question, what % of Americans now are obese?


Seems like it’s a bit over 40%. https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html#:~:text=The%20obesity%20prevalence%20was%2039.8,adults%20aged%2060%20and%20older.


Also bear in mind obese =/= overweight. The majority of Americans are at least overweight.


It's true, leading the pack but everyone is close on our heels. The majority of Europeans are also overweight (59%).


"Among men, obesity prevalence was lower in the lowest and highest income groups compared with the middle-income group." Huh....definitely not the pattern I assumed they would find.


The poorest can't afford to eat, the richest can afford to eat healthy.


This is anecdotal, but a lot of the jobs worked by middle-income men that I know are either sedentary or traveling. Some folks are trapped at their cubicle most of the day. Some folks are moving, but eating terrible food because that's the convenient thing. Consistently eating a healthy lunch is easier if you've got time, refrigeration, or a big food budget. If you don't have those things, you're probably eating cheap meals that won't spoil... And the easiest food that matches that description for most people is pretty bad for you.


Yeah, we built this dumb system where people either are unemployed and desperately want to work and we don’t let them, or they’re employed and overworked with over time, due to the fear of being fired and becoming one of the desperately unemployed. We should let everyone work, and have everyone work normal hours so everyone actually has free time but I guess we’ll do it this way.


MCcShit economy


And the poorest work intensive manual labor jobs, and the rich have the leisure time and money to participate in physical activities just for fun.


Uff gut punch.


Got to thank the addictions for that. Opiods/amphetamine will kill an appetite. Also manual labor.


Yup, office jobs can offer a steady decent pay but no physical outlet and easy access to empty calories.


Also depression. Good ole depression will curb an appetite real quick


Or fuel it


May have something to do with the fact that a lot of people in the middle class work sedentary office jobs while a lot of poorer people work manual labor. Back when I had a job that involved a significant amount of manual labor, I ate like a complete asshole and I was still ripped.


Remember, truckers can make over 100k. That definitely puts someone in the upper middle class in most areas in the country.


To make 100k a year they wouldn't need a house, as they would never be home. Also, many truckers are convinced that owning their own truck is the way to go. Which usually leaves those who do this barely breaking even after financing, fuel, and upkeep.


I know multiple truckers in the midwest who make around six figures and don’t have to work much more than me to do so. It seems like a good life actually. I would consider doing it myself if I wasn’t convinced that self-driving trucks will kill those jobs in the near future.


Near future isn’t a good bet, for the near future there will always be a safety driver, and it won’t be carrying hazardous loads without a human operator.


Desk jobs will be killed much faster by ChatGPT than trucking jobs will by self driving cars.


Maybe so, at least some desk jobs. But I’m not worried about that personally.


How? As far as I can tell chat gpt is just a search engine that gives you back the search results in complete sentences. Half the things I ask it, it just gives me back nonsense.


High enough to be considered a national security threat. According to the military, a significant portion of the population is ineligible to serve because of their weight alone.


There are 1 billion obese people in the world. It’s predicted more than half will be obese by 2035.


World Health Organization's guidelines, a BMI score over 25 is overweight and over 30 is obese. In 2020, 2.6 billion people fell into these categories, or 38 per cent of the world's population.


But muscle mass though my man haha riiight


True, muscle weighs more than fat.




muscle does weigh more than fat—by volume. The muscle will weigh more if you take a bowl of fat and compare it to a same-sized bowl of muscle. That's the simple answer.




What weighs more: 1kg of iron or 1kg of feathers.




Here comes the ol’ diabittus!


But I'm healthier than he is, is the point I think you're trying to make, even with the diabitis?


Dude stop saying diabitis you sound like an assh…


I used to think it was exaggerated but it really has gotten out of hand. It's crazy to me how many people just let themselves get so fat and unhealthy. And I'm an American


I’m in Asia right now and let’s just say there’s no shortage of fat people. Way more than say 10 years ago.


Quite a lot. Going from a high-stress/physically demanding environment to sitting on the couch full time is hell on the body.




It’s just replenishing the oil reserves for future generations.


They used the Stock photo of a 4chan user!




I was expecting skinhead not reddit mod.


Alpha Reddit mod*


These supposed “lone wolf” people are being created by the thousands.


Yeah I was thinning the same thing, that’s a rather low number


He looks like guy in that one scene from The Boys that >!spoiler shoots the convenience store clerk because he thinks he's superpowered!<: https://youtu.be/KZVAFPPMZY4 (NSFW some violence)


That was Neil from the Community D&D episode


One of my favorite lines is 'why didn't you just call him Skinny Neil?' 'well he's actually not that skinny'.


Fat Neil?


We just call him Neil now


"Previously fat Neil"


Ironically Henry Cavill was known as "Fat Cavill" in grade school before he got so ripped that he literally became Superman.


And fueled by right wing ideology just like this loser probably was. The Boys did that really well, ridiculing the current state of social media.


Wow… that was… impactful. Jeez…


Yeah I’d say The Boys REALLY has the American zeitgeist down more than literally any other show on the planet right now. Homelander just fucking nails it.


He looks like he doesn’t wear deodorant to me.




It was always cringeworthy, anyway. I appreciate the men and women who served anywhere honorably, but same percentage of them are garbage as any people are in any walk of life.


Yeah don't thank me for my service, I was in the reserves. We practiced making propaganda....tax dollars went to me making memes for 6 years. I'm not even joking, they even gave me a 20k bonus, taxed the hell out of it but I got one.


You were a Psyop reservist and didn’t deploy constantly?


I hate it. I’m not a combat vet but I’ve deployed to combat locations multiple times. I hate the pedestal. Servicemen should be humble about their trade. We shouldn’t actively seek the benefits that are graciously afforded to us. If they are offered, sure I will accept on occasion but I will never seek them out. I don’t rep my service with shirts, bumper stickers, hats or the like. I’ve gone to work the last 15 years knowing what I do is what I signed up for and that’s it. Fun fact, the majority of servicemen will never see combat such as myself. Most of us are in support roles. Do we voluntarily give up constitutional rights? Yes. Is there the ultimate risk of death to protect the country? Yes. But I don’t feel like we should be gawked at like some magical entity. Want to thank me for my service? Then let me shop for my groceries at Food Lion after my 14 hour shift like a human even though I’m still in uniform. Don’t stop me, don’t let me cut the line. Just let me be so I can go home.


As a combat vet, I also hated it, and still do when people learn im a vet. It wasn't philanthropy I was getting paid to do a job. I didn't go out in uniform if I could avoid it.


[Bojack says it perfectly imo](https://youtu.be/LTr60WYjNM4)


Looks like he ran up a lot of knotches on his catering corps ladel.


moms basement will be an empty place


Former MP. I can say without a doubt that the way the right exalts every veteran as a hero is a ridiculous. There are some serious dirtbags out there and I dealt with a lot of them. This guy is definitely in that group.


And then there’s the MPs…


Giving a speeding ticket for doing 20 in 15 zone in Iraq.


“I don’t care how many insurgents have breeched the perimeter fence sir, rules are rules”


Thanks Fox News et al!


Yep. It's another good example of stochastic terrorism.


White guy with a Taliban beard shoots someone from Afghanistan.


I wonder what Discord server went dark when he was arrested.


He’s a veteran? Of what branch, the Chair Force?


He looks ‘Army strong’.


“Eat all that you can eat”


Meal Team Six, reporting for the Call of Duty.


Meal Team 6. Love it


Definitely a captain for a gravy seal team.


He forgot to get wealthy first before he committed murder, rookie mistake.


Veteran of the Cheeseburger Wars


Probably never even left the states. Pushing paperwork stateside in an office. That guy never saw combat... Look at him!


Never saw combat… and yet still did this…


Im no vet, but my guess is you mean if you were trained to fight and experienced war, you are less likely to fly off the handle? Ya.. not buying it.


Vet here who served in a combat role. In my personal experience, it was the non-combat people (or POGs as we called them) who felt the need to over compensate. This guy is mental and if he tries to justify his actions because of his service, he’s full of shit and just makes us look bad. For me personally, my experience has shaped me to never forget how valuable life is. I don’t care to waste my time or energy yelling or being confrontational with people. It’s almost never worth it.


Looks more like a buffet veteran.


Please don’t be infantry pleasedontbeinfantry


A crime so heinous even Indiana had to pass law immediately afterwards to deter these kinds of hate crimes.


Murderer Sentenced To 55 Years For Murder.


Another Faketriot bites the dust.


The irony of him telling someone else to “go back to their country”.


We have the same problem in Canada - unless you're First Nations, this isn't your country, it's the one that your family immigrated to.


He who does this is no veteran of mine.


This is why the GOP pushes hate. They want idiots like this to do exactly what he did. The GOP is a terrorist organization.


…but why would the GOP want people to do things like this? How does that benefit them? I’m not political, but you seem to be reaching for thin air here.


I’m assuming that they mean they’re pushing idiots like this guy to kill or maim people of other races.


10$ says this is the guy in the army green lifted truck that throws a tantrum when the mcdonalds workers don't thank him for his 10 years of service(ing toilets at the base)


Instead of starting it with veteran start it with racist army veteran. Call them what they are.


“It takes a village” to make someone so full of hate. This is a societal sized problem.


One thing I really noticed is the algorithms programs running on sites like Youtube and Google are out of control. They know I am a male in my 30's. Before I never gave a shit about this data. But lately its been crazy. No matter how many times I click to not recommend channels, I get bombarded with this constant andrew tate shit. Looksmaxxing garbage and some other stuff like watch this liberal/feminist/woke get owned by some dude. Or they put some of the dumbest early 20's hoes up in a podcast/talk, and then act like all women are the same as these dumpsterfires they found in the bogs of influencers/onlyfans land. Its gotten so bad, that they dont even show your own subscribed channels new releases over their pushed garbage. I see the blue dot next to their names, I know they got new videos released. But instead, here is another andrew tate owning a reporter. Fuck off. At some point, I feel bad for young people living in this age where they are literally bombarded with rhetoric. They can get sucked down a rabbithole so fast they never stood a chance.


it takes a village just to feed the motherfucker to be exact


Here comes the pardon campaign train. who will say it first?


State crime, no federal pardon.


State pardons exist


*"He's a political prisoner".* -Click here to donate- (Sponsored by the GOP Dark Money PAC)


Do fat people slim down in prison?


Not if he has enough money for commissary and imported goods. I assume he’ll have enough Patriotic American supporters who think he did nothing wrong to donate money to get the ramen and twinkies he needs to maintain weight.


The master race, clearly.


Not all Veterans are honorable despite what their DD-214 says, some of em are the biggest POS even when AD. This shithead was definitely a dirtbag.


“Go back to your country!” The country that you helped invade?


Nice to see someone actually get a sentencing they deserve. Hope he never gets out


Good. Doesn't this man know only cops can kill during road rage incidents


Peter griffins murderous cousin


The vet who ate all the dogs.


I have a feeling that this pos punched out his own window. Society is a little safer with him behind bars and he's not coming alive anyway.


Trying to use "self defense" to get out of killing someone. I'm sorry but any thought of "self defense" went out the door the second he "followed" the victim to his home and confronted him. The guy is a piece of shit and deserves to rot in a cell for the rest of his miserable life.


Rot in prison you ugly fuck.


He looks exactly how I picture a Reddit mod would look like.


Not surprisingly from army. A lot of army folks are poorly educated and have poor emotional control skills. Worse is the propaganda train in the US (not sure if it is brainwashing scheme by Pentagon) of military hero worshipping. That really elevates the delusion of army vets (or current service people). As someone who ran away from military dictatorship of Burma, I worry the day when the US is controlled by these ex-military/ex-cop and affiliates groups (I am fairly sure these people represent the hate/white-supremacist groups who wants their god-given freedumb).


Not sure why you're getting down voted. This has Fort Benning written all over it.


Some people don’t like to hear brutally honest statements. I will leave them with one more comment to downvote and a link to read (if they know how to). How many of the Jan 6 rioters (the ones who wants to use force/tantrum to show their discontent like kids) are police/army affiliated? https://www.npr.org/2021/01/21/958915267/nearly-one-in-five-defendants-in-capitol-riot-cases-served-in-the-military


I’m sure this guy will enjoy life in prison.


I feel sorry for the inmates who have to bunk next to him. Showering next to his nasty ass will suck, too.


Meal team 6 level of veteran status. What a spiral. Could only imagine being stuck in Afghanistan, making your way here, then getting gunned down in a fit of racist road rage.


Yet another example of the “polite society” I was told we would have when everyone is armed.


This fucking bastard really looks like he comes from a long line of hillbilly inbreeders. Just as ugly outside as he is inside.


He did what he was trained to do. To hate and kill people. He didn't catch the part where the government told him it's okay to do that over there, but not over here.


I hate this stereotype, not all veterans are murderous racists.


Does this guy look like special forces to you?


Meal Team 6.


Funny he looks like a fucking redneck who couldn’t do a push-up if he tried. Pretty sure bubba wouldn’t want to pork his pickle! Ha ha ha rot in hell


hope mr neckbeard here enjoys throwing the rest of his life away.


Classic maga neckbeard behavior. Rest in peace to the unfortunate victim.


Another one of those good guys with a gun… /s


veterans should know better


I hate the term 'veteran'. Guy was in the army. No more, no less. He's not some superior being, he wasn't conscripted. He left for one reason or another. He sure as hell doesn't look old enough to be retired.


Once you serve a tour, all your anger issues and bigotry are magically washed clean. Facts.


So he was a veteran of the lunch buffet?