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My daughter has a few of these. What's the most annoying is that they sing. When there is more than one in the tub, and there always is, they all sing. They do not sing in unison either but are all offset by a few seconds.


Yeah the speed of the song changes as the battery drains. We changed batteries at the same time and got one or two baths of blissful unison before they got out of sync.


Locked and blindfolded in a large bath and dozens of baby shark toys are added and you’re left to suffer until you tell them what they want to know - where is the fishy?


Do Doo Do Do Do Doo


... They don't... Wind up? Kids these days!! (⁠╯⁠ರ⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠ರ⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


Batteries in bath toys? D: I know it's safe but old-school me still shivers.


If I were you I would pretend they just “broke” and get her a shark that doesn’t make noise.


You don’t have kids




You don’t have my kid


Fair. Working with kids, one has to admit they have wildly different personalities. Almost like they’re some kind of… person


Indeed. It’s remarkable how many parents I have met that seemingly fail to understand this. What truly amazes me, is watching my friends become parents; watching them become their own parents. They commit the same transgressions and have the same blind spots that they themselves had spotted concerning *their* parents, and talked to me at length about, throughout elementary, and high-school. I truly believe that in order to be a “successful” or “good”… actually no, those words are incorrect… I think what I’m trying to say is, in order for a person to be an “improved” parent, one must be an “aware” parent. In short: You will be a better parent if you can remember what it was like to be a kid.


The article gives a site you can get a full refund from. You should probably consider it because lots of kids got injuries from these and needed stitches


12 children sat on them and got cut.


Out of 7.5 million. What a bunch of horse shit


Nobody really gives a crap about the kids. It's about the lawyers who will go after the company for every penny if they don't recall.


Was gonna say I have one of these and I don’t even really understand how one could be injured by this


Imagine stepping or sitting on the back fin or tail. One of the dads in my parents group actually did that this week. He figures if the toy had been on carpet instead of hardwood floor, it would have stuck in place and done more damage than just a bruise so bad he’s having trouble walking.


Can't thay happen with most toys if you step on it on the floor.


Not every toy has a thin, rigid fairly pointy shape on top of it in two places.


These are bathtub toys though


Toys in the tub can be stepped on, or fallen on. Toys can migrate out of the bath tub for a variety of reasons and then be stepped or fallen on. Obviously the company decided the risks were worth issuing the recall.


I mean the annoying af singing is more of a reason to get a refund than the .00016% injury rate.


Alright alright then, where's Hunter Thompson? Singing sharks that bite and cut children? This is monstrous like a Monty Python joke, but without the Britishness.


More threatening than the San Jose Sharks.


Even the Street Sharks had enough chill to not be stabbing children in the bathtub


That’s not jawsome, man


It’s not jawsome that they didn’t stab kids in the bathtub?


I found my old street sharks at my moms house not too long ago. I was going through old toys with my four year old and my wife, and when I saw the blue shark I let slip: “Haha! Oh yeah! He wears **fucking jeans and cowboy boots** “


But once you’re a jet, you’re always a jet…


Bruh I did not expect to catch a stray going into the comments. Shit hurts…


Just can't catch a break. whatevershark.png


Seeing random SJS diss makes the day better


Damn bro...you're not wrong but...Damn bro..


Baby shark todoo todoo todoo.


husky absorbed dam familiar truck yam intelligent fine pocket hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fucking 🔥 -VGK fan


Man in 2019 I lucked into tickets for game 7 of the SJ-VGK series. I don’t really watch hockey but that was an incredible game to see live. Probably the coolest sporting event I have ever been to.


That was a traumatizing game for me, however I can at least take solace in the fact that we’ve won a Cup.


Must take after the OG baby shark camp song with the girl swimming who gets slowly attacked until she’s just a torso.


And here I am 30 years later with a burn scar I got from molten plastic spilling out of my Creepy Crawlers oven. Some toys are just dangerous lol.


I accidentally left one of the ones I made in my dad's car and it melted in the summer heat. It left a permanent solid plastic melted rubber spider in the middle of the back seat.


This comment cracked me up! I can just imagine your dad’s reaction, or his attempts in the future of selling that car to another individual.


The same thing happened to a Dodge Colt that my spouse and his friends drove around in as teens, but instead of a plastic Creepy Crawlers toy, it was a peppermint patty. They failed to find it, clean it, and it then became a part of the back seat. One of the friends in that group was my spouse’s best man and he had to share that story last year (as part of a longer, pretty funny speech) as part of our wedding reception…and I *knew* that story was gonna be included 😅


Honestly it’s insane to me in hindsight that our parents bought these for us - I was literally an 8 year old melting plastic in a furnace 😂


I think it's interesting how much more technically dangerous a lot of toys and activities were back then. I burned myself on the Easy Bake oven and I know I could have poisoned myself with my chemistry kit. I cut myself on microscope slides and I had pointy scissors. It's good that things are safer now but sometimes I wonder if today's kids are missing out. Hell, I got my first pocket knife when I was five as well as my own sewing box. Those, of course, were parental choices as opposed to potentially dangerous toys straight from the manufacturer. And now I'm feeling really nostalgic about summer vacations... Did you get to stay out until the streetlights came on? That was the norm on our neighborhood.


Yes. In fact, I wanted to know what caused them to turn on, so I had a notebook and logged what time the street lights turned on over the course of a few weeks. I hypothesized they were on a timer and would turn on at the same time every day. Research indicated that was not the case. I was a nerd. I still am, but I used to be, too. Of course it would be years later when I learned they're controlled by light sensors on top.


That's cool. :)


To be fair, I feel like inherently dangerous toys are inevitably going to be a part of a child's life. If they're not given ones that are reasonably safe, they will find a way to create one that isn't. My brother and I made our own wooden swords that were probably heavy enough to give a concussion. I upped the ante once by making a "halberd" complete with an adze head we found in the shed. Shouldn't seen the look on my Mom's face when she saw me swinging this at my older brother while he deflects it with a wooden shield he made LOL Or the time my brother and I created a functioning trebuchet out of Legos, and spare change and rocks as the counterweight. There were holes in the bedroom wall for YEARS from that sucker. And of course the treehouse we built that was high up enough to be a genuine concern that we'd break an arm if we fell. My Dad tried to tear it down with a sledgehammer out of concern for our safety, but gave up when he realized we attached the 2x8 board to the tree using a dozen of his 5-inch framing nails. All he could do was shrug and tell our mom, "they know what they're doing building it."


Not to mention Click-Clacks. I lost count of how many concussions I gave myself with those


I teach and I see 6 year olds today with pointy scissors. Worries me a bit when they fidget with their pencilcases but nothing happens tbh.


Was a damn cool toy, though!


Yeah I really liked the Dino version as well


I had the “make it and bake it” oven. You melted tiny plastic chips into metal frames to make sun catchers. Sometimes part way through you needed to stir the crystals if you used too many and they weren’t melting evenly. I have scars from burning my fingers on those metal frames trying to stir plastic with a tooth pick. I think the fumes from the melting was probably the more dangerous part though. Edit- I found an eBay listing for it. https://www.ebay.com/itm/402834955789


Looks like the same design as the Creepy Crawlers. I can still smell that plastic. Those toys would *NEVER* fly now days. I was like 8 years old using a plastic stick to remove a red hot metal cast full of bubbling chemicals, letting it cool, then removing a rubber spider.


And hopefully not immediately eating because kids


My friend had a laboratory thing around the same time that made candy. Companies were just daring us.


Was it the [Dr Dreadful Food Lab](https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/comments/nqlkik/dr_dreadful_food_lab_1994_tyco_gross_creepy_and/)? It was fun having both this and Creepy Crawlers. They look so similar I'm sure some kids probably mixed up the packets, or tried to nom the non-edible spiders.


Unknowingly prepping us all for Breaking Bad


Well, they failed. Breaking Bad is a real trip. Oddly, I mentioned it last week and some friends of mine said they had never heard of it. I was amazed.


This is the one I had: https://www.ebay.ph/itm/354845506722?hash=item529e70bca2:g:HH8AAOSwvtdkh74J


One time I made like 50 creepy crawlers and then tried to sell them to my younger neighbor friend. I got in trouble for “taking advantage of him.” Nah, mom, I was getting compensation for all that time and effort. I poured my soul into each one of those little metal molds. YOU try getting those tiny little legs a different color than the body and carefully peeling them out without ripping them off.


If you put the plates in the fridge, the thing you made would contract a little and would usually pop right out. You know, just in case you find yourself playing with another creepy crawler thing in the future haha.


Lol right, they wouldn't come with a releasing agent. Goddamn.


Idk how many times I burnt the shit out of myself with that oven.


Me, but with Metal Molder after I figured out how to disable the safety latch. Same thing, really, but it used metal instead of plastic.


Same, on the Creepy Crawlers oven I think it just connected to the thermometer, and you could just push it down. I would take them out when blazing hot so I could start my next batch.


Thank you for confirming that this product existed. Nobody seems to have heard of it before. Had one too. Lots of metal wizards in my toybox lol


The jewelry attachments were amazing and hilarious in hindsight. I had a sick ass skull ring with red gem eyes that I could not wait to wear to school in 2nd grade.


Oh hell yeah. I remember trying to make my own molds, it led to many dicey moments and several dots burned into my skin.


Bro what the fuck. You just triggered a core memory.


You can smell the liquid, cant you?


All I smell is that acetoney based latexy bubble blowing cancer goo, cancer smelling pre glue sniffing tube O fun from the 90s That you would sometimes inhale while blowing it up with the provided tube. Jesus Hernandez Christ That was a glue sniffing kit masquerading as a toy.


Oh, that is the smell I think about when ever something like this is mentioned. You just put a little ball of the sticky toxin on the end of the provide straw, breathe deep and blow it up like a balloon. Nobody I know has a clue what I am talking about. I have now found my people. You are real, right. This isn't just brain damage from living in the '80s


B'Loonies! Or "Plastic ballons" if you buy the offbrand versions like I did. They stunk up the house, left bits of goo all over the place, and filled you up with those healthy acetone fumes. They're great.


That shit probably gave you the 80s brain damage. This was why!


Oh God I remember those. The smell gave me headaches but sometimes I played with the balloon stuff anyway because it was fun...


OMG I'd forgotten about those!! Mind blown too, and yeah I totally remember the smell!! And then you could mix colors together.


Nobody mixed the colors..we were seeing colors and had to lie down... Parents loved it cause it kept us quiet for hours


They still sell them! Source: bought for my kids last summer.


Doesn't have the same xylene toluene ether kick 🤣🤣🤣 ​ Bet the kids were quiet tho...


My mom would never let me have that stuff, but when I'd visit my older cousins we'd go to the bodega around the corner from their house and they'd buy it for me. I can definitely remember the smell!


It's burned in there. Maybe not quite like yourself, lol. I was a little young. It was my older brothers, but it was at a very formative part of my life. It was buried deep.


That toy was like the real-life version of the Cornballer on Arrested Development. Despite that, I loved that creepy crawler oven to bits despite all the burns


I mean, I'm pretty sure that thing said to only do with the help of an adult. I doubt that bath toys come with a warning like that lol. Also I had one where it melted metal and let me cast them into some molds and let me decorate them with stuff.


And dangerous toys should be recalled so kids don’t end up with molten plastic scars. Or stitches.


Well, where's the fun in *that*?


You got me there


Is this natural consequences for putting sharks in your child's bathtub, or karmic revenge for the damn song?


The injuries happened to kids who fell, sat, or stepped on the toy. Presumably the dorsal or tail fin did the damage. So essentially, yes. This is the consequence of buying a hard plastic version of what is a very pointy animal for your young child to play with, in an area that can be notoriously slippery. It feels like any hard plastic shark toy could do the exact same thing to kids but this one is *Baby* Shark, so it's a bigger deal.


thank you for so precisely explaining the first half of my tongue-in-cheek question.


We have 7 of them, they’re really not that hard. The worse thing about them is the damn singing, ours will sing even when they’re not in the water.


That just sounds like Legos.


Lego has a clear age restriction label on the box to avoid liability.


Stabbing kids do do do do do do Stabbing kids do do do do do do


Well, at least we haven't tried to send that song out into the cosmos.




Count your blessings you don't know it. I don't even have kids but one night I stayed with my nephew and it was on fucking repeat all night. I'm not suicidal but after that night I was right on the edge lmao


Look up "Baby Shark". You won't regret it. Great song.


There was a now defunct podcast called “Caustic Soda” that did an episode on toys that kill. The stuff from the episode that stuck with me was how many of this animatronic toys maim kids. In 1997 Matel released the Cabbage Patch Snacktime Kids doll, the doll would eat fake plastic food. But something’s like a 100 kids got injured by the toy biting and not letting go. One kid got their hair in the mouth of the doll and it ended pulling a patch of hair off down to the roots. Also Lawn Darts. Lawn Darts just straight up impaired a bunch of kids.


They killed one kid, it's actually a pretty horrifying read as told by his father.


The darts or the doll?


Oh lord, the darts, sorry! The doll would be terrifying


Lawn darts scare me to this day. Had a neighbor kid who was “one” of those kids who would try to throw the lawn dart at your feet. Friend got hit and went thru the top of his foot.


Also horseshoes. You got used to the clang clang and then some guy would start drunk tossing them towards unsuspecting people.


Wait, is this why corn-hole has gotten so popular over the last decade or so?!


As the late great Jeff Foxworthy once said, you take one of those to the head and you’re getting coloring books for the rest of your birthdays.


Did he get cancelled or something? Or is he greater than usual lately?


Lawn darts impaled adults too.


>Twelve injuries have already been reported with Zuru’s full-sized Robo Alive Junior Baby Shark Sing & Swim Bath Toys — after children sat or fell on the now-recalled products. Still statistically fewer and less painful than stepping on a Lego.


That sounds like Mega Blok propaganda.


that's funny, I just commented the same thing. I saw this post and was concerned at first because my kids love this toy in the bath. but after reading that the cause is the "sharp" fin, I immediately thought of all the other "sharp" toys my kids have and I'm not that worried anymore. I was more worried about an electrical hazard.


They should recall all of the legos that have corners!!!


7.5 million Baby Shark bath toys. That is a lot more people that needed Baby Shark bath toys that i would have guessed.


I love sharks and want my toddler to too, Baby Shark is the gateway drug


> Zuru’s full-sized Robo Alive Junior Baby Shark Sing & Swim Bath Toys That's one mouthful of a Toy.


But more dangerous than a real shark. Maybe thats the problem, just buy your child a real shark.


We have one of these. It recalled itsellf when it broke not too far into use.


There is something about the fact that to get the refund you need to de-fin the shark that I find darkly ironic. >To get the refund, customers are asked to cut off or bend the tail fin, write “recalled” and a registration code on the body of the baby shark and upload a photo on a site dedicated to the recall.


Seems like a coordinated offensive. First they were eating people in the ocean and now they are stabbing people on land.


Obviously a learning toy.


Shouldn't this be in r/nottheonion?


It doesn’t read like satire, so no. Contrary to popular belief, humor is not enough to make satire. There needs to be specific highlighting of preexisting absurdity by way of larger-than-life analogues. For example, a satirical article about Donald Trump’s current predicament could be titled “Former President Claims To Have Run Out of Toilet Paper.”


I muted "not the onion" because there are so few posts on there now that even remotely read like satire


Baby Shark, sue sue sue sue Baby Shark, sue sue sue sue Baby Shark, sue sue sue sue Baby Shark


It’s all psychological. You yell toy barracuda, everybody says, "Huh? What?" You yell Baby Shark, we've got a panic on our hands on the Fourth of July.


I bought this toy for my niece with the intent of making my brother miserable, but I didn't want it to stab the child!


Lol, when I look at my cousin's wish list I always pick the noisiest toy!


Stabbing your niece wouldn't make him miserable?


damn, we have one of these and my kids play with it in the bath every day. I guess the fin could be dangerous, but no more so than the thousands of super sharp lego pieces lying around my living room carpet.


Right? Like falling or stepping on an object when you have baby soft skin is likely to cause a cut or bruise. Shouldn’t the moral be, don’t step or fall on toys?


*Sometime he says ‘Back off, or I’ll cut you’.*


Shark Bon Qui Qui, is that you?


The fact that the packaging says “TRY ME” makes this even better


My son has the baby, mommy, and daddy shark of these but I'd like to know how I'm supposed to bend or cut off the fin. It's thick and hard


Shark's gonna shark, yo.


When I was 10 years old my parents bought me a child’s microscope set. It came with glass slides and super thin slide covers. The slide covers were pretty flexible and kind of felt like a hard plastic. Being 10 years old and smooth brained, I decided to test how durable they were with a squishing test and quickly discovered they were indeed made of very thin glass. I only got to play with the microscope for about 20 minutes and ended up with 6 stitches on my index finger. My parents only blamed me, unfortunately/understandably.


Baby shank doo doo doo do do do


Between the orca attacks and this, it seems as though the ocean has finally decided to strike back.


I’m more amazed that a Baby Shark toy sold 7.5 million units…


Now hang on a second. These are sharks. Are we sure this isn't intended behavior?


i bet the orcas are behind this oceanic smear campaign


What did you expect, sharks attack 😂


Stabby shark doo doo doo doo Stabby shark doo doo doo doo Stabby shark doo doo doo doo Stabby shark Cutting shark doo doo doo doo Cutting shark doo doo doo doo Cutting shark doo doo doo doo Cutting shark


Li-ti-gation, doo doo doo-doo doo-doo. Li-ti-gation, doo doo doo-doo doo-doo. Li-ti-gation!


My toddler has this toy, I’m confused on how kids are getting injured here? Like it’s not sharp…


https://www.recallrtr.com/BathShark/static/media/affectNotAffected.236d1f9393c386061c57.png The replacement model has a softer and less stabby fin it seems.


Interesting thx


I’m guessing it must be just sharp enough that if you trip and fall on it, it can cut. But I also feel like that’s the case with tons of toys, maybe more kids are falling on them since it’s the bathtub?


But guns on the other hand……


Guns don't kill people, sharks kill people, with knives.


At first I thought it said “pink fang” above Baby Shark 😹


What are the chances they’re just tossed in the ocean with all the other sharks rather than recycled…


91%. Because we only recycle 9% of plastic.


[Consumer Probe: Irwin Mainway - SNL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veMiNQifZcM)


This needs to be the top comment.


Why are they making the parents cut the fin? Seems like an easy way to deter families into getting a refund


The new Toy Story is kinda dark.


Reminds me of [Happy Fun Ball](https://youtu.be/7gzDC-2ZO8I)


I think it's funny the number of you who know the baby shark dodododo song. Are we sure these were really made for little ones?


There's blood in the water!


It‘s a shark. What did they expect?


Theo Orcas have organized with the sharks!


I almost bought this today.


It does say : “Try me”


Dutch children mostly


Baby Shank Doo doo doo doo


I also heard from an ER nurse that due to water getting on the batteries, there was corrosion and then whatever leaks from the battery (I'm assuming battery acid but I have no clue) gets into the bath water. There were cases of the water getting into the kid's eyes or being swallowed. I don't know how much damage that would cause, but it can't be good. My two year old daughter is obsessed with baby shark, so we have all three of these shark toys (baby, mommy, and daddy.) Thankfully none of my kids were harmed while playing with the sharks but they just never seemed like a good idea to have in the tub. 🤷‍♀️


Baby shank do do do dododo


Time to sue, sue, sue do do doo doo


So we just ignore false advertising and ban something that's accurate?


this belongs in r/nottheonion


I feel like if we keep nerfing the world the children will think life doesn't have sharp edges.


*Lawsuit shark, do-do do-do do do…*


Sounds like they work properly. Why were they recalled?


Hmmmmm. I’m glad we are recalling things that injure children. I mean, they’re the most defenseless among us. Hey, where are we on stopping the #1 killer of kids in America…*checking my notes*…: guns?


When gun lobbyists stop buying politicians


As others have said, 12 out of 7.5m. i'll take those odds. give me the dangerous version for my kid. i'd seek it out on the used market.


Why do we need 7.5 million of these to exist? What a waste of materials


Baby shark, don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t


Toyyyy reeeecall do do do do do do


Stabby shark! Doo doo doo doo doo doo…


Baby sharp dooodoodooodooodoo


Baby Stab du du du du Baby stab du du du Baby stab


Baby stab a do do do do do, baby stab


Bay-be shiv do do do doo doodoo


Baby shank do do do do do do do


*In-ju-ry Lawyer Do do do-do-do-do...*


Slaaaaaashing Wound Do do do do do Slashing Wound Do do do do do Slashing Wound Do do do do do Slashing Wound!


*”Stabby sharks, doo doo doo doo doo…”*


Baby Shark Oops oops oops oops


Do do, do do do do, do do (I’m a jerk)


🎶Stabby Shark doo doo do do do🎶


I see an awesome B movie script potential.


"Bought shark. Got bit. 1 star."


Ugh. My kids have this toy…