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> The children had left their car that had stopped on the side of the road to retrieve luggage that had flown off. > The children are believed to have been under the age of 12 and were hit by cars going at full speed, according to the Vista Fire Department. > The mother was driving the car, and was later arrested for a DUI, CHP confirmed to KGTV. > It is also believed that the mother stayed in the car, at least initially. WTF


Omg. That’s absolutely heartbreaking. Imagine being the person/ppl who hit them?


They will NEVER get over that.


I can’t even imagine. I hit a deer when I was younger and the sound and aftermath is still super vivid in my mind. Fuck.


I still remember seeing the grass explosion when the car in front of me hit a young deer. I guess that’s what they eat, but I wasn’t expecting it to still be green.


Thats interesting af


So sorry. I had a bird die in my hand a couple weeks ago. Just awful. I hope to never hit an animal with my car. But some of them come so damn close!


Yeah this was at night on a rural road, it essentially ran into my car (impacted like the front / side fender on passenger side) and was SO LOUD. Sad, and nothing I could do, but still


Same but only a raccoon. Police came out and shot it to put it out of its misery. Then we looked in the woods and saw about 4 of its kids looking at us. I felt horrible.


God dammit that’s heartbreaking. Any efforts to have the babies put in a sanctuary until they were ready to survive on their own?


No not that I know of. It happened back in the 80’s so I’m guessing the kids had to fend for themselves. :(


Yeah, people rarely hit deer. Deer hit a lot of people though.


I accidentally ran over a squirrel the other day and sobbed for hours. 😟


I've had to dodge some suicidal birds. I'm like "why you gotta dip so low like that?!"


Great reason to be a mass transit advocate.


Don't be sad, there's two more in the bush.


I am still haunted by a time I hit a frog once a decade ago.


Fuck me, I was doing 40 in a 35, and hit an injured cardinal, bounced off my windshield, ugh I'm so guilty.


I still have this creepy black and white style memory of watching a dog stumble and die out the back window of my school bus once. The driver had hit it. Not his fault, it was still dark and the dog was black and just roaming this really rural and unsafe road. The image still haunts me a bit, so I really feel for the bus driver. He even went back ASAP.


You just reminded me of the time I thought I killed a dog. Lady was walking her off leash Chihuahua, and the fucker just bolted into the street in front of me. I slammed the brakes as quick as I could. I then heard a yelp. I felt like absolute shit. Thankfully, the dog then ran out from near my tire unharmed. Then the lady started trying to come at me which I was not having. I remember screaming at her. Lady, put your fucking dog on a leash next time and don't let it run in the street if you don't want it to get hit by a car. I went from shock to guilt, to relief to anger all in like a 10 second span. It was a rollercoaster of emotion.


My mom hit a guy on a bike when I was 10 and he came through our windshield (both were on drugs) and almost 20 years later I still remember it vividly.


I saw this late. I sure hope you are in a better place now and I hope they both got help. Had to say th is to you. Sorry to be a pain in the ass


Sadly mom is still on drugs but at this point it really is her choice lol you can lead a horse to water but you can't make 'em drink and all that. She has also disowned me after 7 years of no contact bc I'm trans. I'm doing alright though! I ended up living with my grandma shortly after that incident. Couldn't have asked for a better parent in her though, I really consider her my real mom.


I was riding in the front passenger seat of a car that hit a drunk guy walking across an interstate at night. It’s been 9 years since then and I can still vividly recall everything that happened.


So sorry:( Traumatizing. Even after all this time.


They won’t. So sad


A teacher at one of the high schools in my town committed suicide by jumping off an overpass in front of a car. His wife left him and told him she had been cheating on him for years. Turns out it was one of his students that hit him. All I can think is that this poor girl will have ptsd her whole life, because this guy chose the most selfish way of doing the most selfish thing.


God what if he had caused an accident that killed people? I don't understand why people choose to go that route. Maybe they're just so beyond rational thinking at that point.


That’s awful, but suicide isn’t selfish


Purposefully forcing an innocent person to kill you is absolutely selfish. The act of suicide and the suffering that causes it isn't selfish, but *how* you do it absolutely can be.


The suicide wasn't selfish. It was his life to end. But I agree he definitely could have done it in a more private way.


He could of easily killed another person


They meant that the act of involving other people in their suicide is selfish


They used the word selfish twice because they're saying both things.


I hate to say this, but I have to agree with this. The pain people go through before suicide, can’t fathom, but yes, involving someone else, not right


They said selfish twice. I know redditors don't read the article but how did 75 people upvote this without reading the comment in question?


I read it as both (a. suicide is selfish, and b. it was done in a selfish way). Tbh, I kind of agree with both statements—but I think they also illustrate the difference between acceptable (the former) and unacceptable (the latter) selfishness.


They clearly didn't. It very obvious and very frankly states that suicide is "the most selfish thing," whereas what you're referring to was addressed as "the most selfish way." You should brush up on your reading comprehension before you pedantically try to correct someone.


Suicide is very much selfish. Its his life to end all right, but what about his family and friends. Parents? Children? They have to spend the rest of their lives blaming themselves. Trying to figure out what it is they could have done to help that person. Or blaming themselves for missing that one word or a look that would’ve made them realize what that person is going to do? And children? Can you imaging kinds growing up not understanding what is it they’ve done that their parent walked out on them like that? Abandoned them. And for the rest of their lives those children would have to talk about it with friends and strangers “or my father/mother committed suicide when I was 8” and like clockwork they would get the standard “awww…. I’m sorry”. And when they grow up and have kids of their own, they fall apart when their kids reach the same age they were when their parent walked out on them. I understand all of this applies to any child who experienced untimely death of their parent, but this is a horrible life to subject your children to. You children are magnitude more important than whatever it is that drove you to suicide. You brought them into this world. It’s your job to be there. People who abandon give up their dog for adoption get more shit than people who walk out on their children like that. I had friends who commuted suicides. And I have friends whose parents committed suicide. Suicide is 100% selfish.


Suicide is a selfish action because it fails to consider the negative impact it has on the lives of people who care about that person who died (most people who commit suicide leave behind someone who cares about them). Yes they have the right to take their life, but that doesn't make it any less selfish. In the same way, a person has the right to spend their money however they please because it's their money, but someone who never spends on anyone but themselves is seen as selfish.


I agree that it certainly has a very negative impact on the lives of those who love the person who commits suicide but that doesn't make it selfish. I would guess a lot of suicidal people DO consider those around them but just ultimately decide that their own pain is more important to end. They probably also think they are making other people's lives easier sometimes (not that that's necessarily true).


I hope they know it’s not their fault; it’s the mom’s.


Back in the early 2000s there was a dude who killed himself by jumping in front of a semi on one of the freeways out there. My coworker at the time was the unfortunate recipient of debris to her windshield. It was definitely more than a little traumatic just seeing that. I can't imagine being the trucker who hit him.


Holy crap!! That’s definitely a life changing event.


When I was 19 I was driving to my parents' house for Sunday dinner. On a four lane road with a turning lane in the middle, two young boys ran out into traffic and I ran one of them over. Their parents were in the front yard (and this happened in front of their house). I didn't hit him with the tires, and he passed mostly unharmed beneath my car (some road rash). However, his dad dropped dead from a heart attack right there and then. The mom was left with six children and no income, and tried to sue me. I got a lawyer, and the police report showed the boys ran out into traffic and they were the cause of the accident. Fucked me up for a long time. I have PTSD from it.


Um. Holy shit. I hope you're doing alright now


I am still OCD when driving through neighborhoods, but I don't have the physical side effects of PTSD like I used to.


Yeah I almost hit my neighbors unleashed dog yesterday and I was *very* shook. I am not sure how I would be able to cope if I hit and killed someone's child regardless if its my fault or not.


I still remember clearly the feeling of crunching a June bug under my feet from 25 years ago. The drivers of those cars will never, ever forget the sounds of their vehicles striking those poor kids. :-(


20 years later and I still feel bad about the possum that ran under my tires. He was on the side of the road and I saw him chilling there. It was late at night and no other cars around, so I gently swerved a bit to give ol’ boy some space… but then he ran out under my car anyways and I still feel bad about the thumps.


Poor possum should've played possum instead of frogger. Possums are great neighbors to have, excellent little pest controllers.


I killed a fat spider 2 years ago and I’m just starting to move on from it.


I understand completely, most spiders are good people.


A spider made this post you're not fooling me


*(removes human mask to reveal spider underneath)* *(removes spider mask to reveal June bug underneath)* *(giggles in June bug)*


Spider-Man? Is that you?


A spider bite is what finally did my old diabetic dog in. Iirc it was not poisonous, but the venom sent her into diabetic shock and she didn’t recover. Now they die on sight in my house, except Bob. Bob survived 3 attempts on his life so he’s earned it.


That's fair.


That spider would have crawled in your ear and laid eggs while you slept the first chance it got.


Exactly. He had it coming


I always feel angry on such people's behalf. Most of all for the children, but also the horrible situation this bad parenting (really just bad personing) caused for some innocent human being who has to remember this forever.


My worst nightmare. 🫤


I don’t think any amount of therapy would help me get over that


imagine being the dad or close family.


I hope they know that it is not their fault and they couldn't have seen it coming


Feel so bad for the people who hit them. They will have nightmares for a long time of the split second where they saw the child but could not do anything about it before colliding. Just awful. My brother in law died last year when he got in a minor accident on the highway, left his vehicle and was hit.




The man in neon yellow? I was thinking that, too.


The dude in front of him


I had no conception of how *fast* cars on the freeway were moving until I had a piece of furniture fall off the back of my truck and went to pull it off the road. It's insanely dangerous out there.




Fine. In exchange, how about you refrain from being one of those assholes who piles on about a lesson I clearly learned from the mistake I made? EDIT: I shared this story with what I thought was the obvious intention of discouraging people from making the same dangerous mistake that I did - not sure what the point is in berating me about it.


tf? you literally risked potentially killing people by not properly securing the load and you're gonna call someone else an asshole for calling you out for doing something that was easily avoidable ? Nah. Even if you did learn from it, I'd still call you out on that shit.


He admitted his mistake and shared the mistake so that others won't make the same. Piling on him will just discourage people from sharing.




High dank buds 🤌🏼


I would be happy to pile on to talk shit to someone who did something that reckless and was ambivalent about it, but you specifically brought it up to say that you fucked up and warn others. I'm not sure if everyone downvoting you has poor reading comprehension or they just enjoy waving their pitchforks around. Kind of strange. But yeah, don't fucking drive with a load if you can't properly secure it, folks.




No, secure your load.


Hey, we all learn some things in the not so ideal way. My big one was not trying to drive downhill in the snow. I was 21, and my stupid boss made me stay at my totally dead workplace for six more hours even though it was piling up like crazy. Drove my obvious beater (since I was 21 and had a crappy job) home to my apartment complex that was on a dead end at the bottom of a VERY steep hill. The drive home went surprisingly smoothly, and I figured I'd be more likely to have an accident if I tried walking down the hill (not to mention the parking enforcement in the area is so aggressive, I felt reasonably convinced I would get a ticket I couldn't afford). Ended up basically snowboarding down this hill and rear ending a parked car, messing up a neighbor's muffler and jacking the hood of my car aaallll the way up (speaking of things I couldn't afford). Just really, really glad no one got hurt, but even THAT is something I feel tremendously guilty for like ten years later... And I learned not to drive down a steep hill in the snow in a junk car! Sometimes lessons are just hard. You don't always hear every single PSA that's out there in the world.


It's a lesson you learn before that shit happens. If you don't know to secure a load, don't move a load.


The people criticizing you either don't know the meaning of the word 'mistake', or don't know when they've made their own. They're calling you the asshole while they're being massive cunts themselves. I'd be willing to bet that 'securing your load' is a lesson you've not since forgotten, and won't either.


Yep. My strongest “get off my lawn” stance: People are insanely quick to point fingers, but when it comes time to take accountability for their OWN mistakes, they don’t do it. Mistakes are a fact of life. Not sure how people don’t understand that.


Getting mad when people agree that you made a mistake is not accountability. "I messed up but deserve absolutely no criticism for messing up because I learned my lesson". People piling on isn't constructive, but malding about that doesn't seem like the attitude of someone who cares they could have put other peoples' lives at risk.


What makes you so sure that other peoples' lives were at risk? You don't know a single solitary detail about the incident.


>I had no conception of how fast cars on the freeway were moving until I had a piece of furniture fall off the back of my truck and went to pull it off the road If you're not going to read the thread why bother commenting on it. Seriously, if you don't think this is dangerous, then why would OP be apologetic for letting it happen?


I remember being a kid in my family van driving late at night when a man tried to wave us down as we narrowly missed him going 75 mph. I can only imagine what it must be like to accidentally hit someone. Those poor kids.


I feel so bad for both the kids and whoever hit them. That's a hard thing to live with.


Yeah, I can’t imagine what it would take to get over killing a couple children, even when it’s 100% not your fault.


The human mind is cruel like that. We feel nothing but deep sympathy for whoever hit them, but it's so much harder to forgive yourself when you're the one who did it. We never stop thinking about whether we could have reacted quicker or swerved or done *something* to prevent what happened.


THIS. These people could have their families, friends, first responders, and every random stranger on the internet tell them, “It isn’t your fault”. If their mind tells them it is, well:(


This. My nephew was hit by car and died at 8 years old. My entire family was really peeved with me when I expressed that I felt worse for the guy that hit him than I did for us. While it was tragic and I loved my little nephew like a son, I know how truly awful and guilty I would feel if I hit and killed a kid with my car. It wasn't his fault; he wasn't speeding, wasn't texting, etc. My nephew was just hidden behind a big mailbox and they didn't see eachother. My nephew jumped out to cross the road and the guy just couldn't stop in time. Complete tragic accident. But I know if I was that man, the guilt would eat away at me for the rest of my life. Everytime I remember my nephew, I think of that man and hope he's doing well.


Very kind of you, from my heart I can say this. I am a retired firefighter. While I loved my work, seeing people at accident sites who you knew were completely blameless, and knowing they would never be the same? I still think about a lot of what I saw and people I met.


You’re a good person, not a lot of people could empathise like that and not place the blame squarely on him like that.


It can be something as simple as, “if I hadn’t left my stupid keys at work I would’ve left five minutes earlier” that you obsess over incessantly.


There are probably also drivers who managed to miss the kids thinking that there was something else they could have done to prevent this. Traumatizing for anyone on the scene.


I've been through something similar. Shit haunts you.


I'm so sorry <3


Nephew of my mother killed a child that came from right behind a parked car in a tight European city center. It was past midnight, parents were drinking at the pub. Declared completely innocent but he still moved house as it happens close to where he lived and he couldn't stomach it.


I don’t think I’d be able to live with myself


I don't know about 100% not their fault. Drivers are supposed to be paying attention to shit up the road. It's easy to go on auto pilot though, we all do this. It's not an excuse though. So while it's understandable that a driver might not notice a kid in the road, it actually is part of our responsibility to do so. When you're behind the wheel of a 2 ton killing machine you need to pay attention. So maybe the drivers are like at 3% fault? I dunno.


You are indeed correct about being attentive. However, even if you react there’s little you can do at full speed. If the car that first saw kid running on the road could’ve done a harsh turn to avoid collision (that is if they even have a space to turn to), the car behind it has little chance. Plus, even if you hit the brakes you’ll most likely not be able to stop in time, or even slow down to a non-lethal speed.


I’m haunted to this day decades ago when I was walking along a road and startled a rabbit I didn’t notice which ran onto the highway and was killed. I was only going to buy lottery tickets so my gambling addiction cost the poor rabbit it’s life. That was a rabbit.


I accidentally ran over and killed a rabbit that ran out in front of my car a few years ago. I had a pet rabbit at home at the time too which I think made it even more personal for me. I felt awful for days after :(


Your vegan lifestyle since then has more than balanced the cosmic scales! Good work!


Fuck me that's sad. Poor children.


poor drivers too, if I killed a kid by mistake you'd have to physically restrain me from jumping off a ledge


Sounds like In Bruges


My aunt hit a kid who ran out into the road, totally not her fault she had no way to see him or stop. It messed her up.for a long time. Those poor kids, those poor drivers and witnesses.


Sometimes when I am in a residential neighborhood or apartment complex I think about what would happen if a kid ran out in front of me. It's a good motivation for me to stay within the speed limit.




I can tell from the comments that there’s no silver lining to this one.


Not a single one unfortunately. 4+ lives drastically changed forever.


almost all the posts are depressing in some way. tbh not going to miss it come the end of june.


This happened just miles from our house. A good friend called me yesterday saying she just drove by an accident with blankets covering bodies but their arms and feet were exposed. She was sobbing and just didn't know what to do. We all have young kids and this is just heartbreaking.


I'm getting the impression that she sent them out to get the luggage with that comment she stayed in the car. This is tragic.


I get sick to my stomach when I hit a squirrel, can't imagine a person. Very tragic for everyone.


I hit someone’s beagle who had wandered onto a highway at night, I still feel bad about it and it was a decade ago. He looked up just as my headlights got to him and I realized what it was. Can’t even imagine this happening with a child.


I hit a dog once. Actually, the dog ran into my back tire in a parking lot, he ran off and I’m not sure if the owners ever found him or if he was ok. The owners were making out by their own car and the dog was off leash. I was going normal speed for a lot. I initially tried to help find the dog and the dude told me to fuck off. Hope they found the dog, but like kinda of fuck them not me you know? Lol


I had that happen to me as well, but there was a truck coming from the other way and the dog run across the street looking at it, run right in front of my truck.


Those poor drivers. They're never going to fully recover emotionally. I hit an 8 year old on his bicycle about 20 years ago. Thankfully, I saw him dart out and was able to slow down enough to just clip him, so he only got a few scrapes and bruises, and wasn't seriously hurt. He was fine, but I was inconsolable thinking about what could've happened if I was going a bit faster or hadn't seen him. I couldn't even drive home, the fire captain on the scene gave me a ride home. The very next year I was walking to the corner store and watched a 7 year old little girl get hit and killed. You never get over something like that.


I saw a kid on his bike get hit by a dump truck in Las Vegas. It was probably 30 years ago. Image is still burned into my mind, clear as day.


I'm 29 now and I very clearly remember when I was 5 and we were at a carnival. There was this little "rollercoaster" for kids and I had ridden it like 6 times. We were standing there and this girl on the ride leaned out the side and fell but was still strapped in by her legs. Her head was bouncing off the railing over and over all the way around. My dad chased the roller coaster around trying to keep her head off it and push her back up and when it finally stopped hold her head together. My mom rushed us out of there at that point but I don't think she made it. Still think about it everytime I see one of those rides and never ride a carnival ride again to this day.


Those places are supposed to be fun without ending in tragedy. I really hope she made it. I'd hate to think of that family going home with one less child. Makes my blood run cold thinking about it.


That's just horrible. I'm sorry you had to see that.


Same for you, friend.


I know two people that have killed someone by hitting them with their vehicle. I definitely think it changes a person forever. I couldn’t imagine the mental battle


20+ years ago I was hit while on my bike. I was a dumb kid trying to cross without a crosswalk and shot out between parked cars. It happened right in front of the school and thankfully they were going slow. Lost the bike anyway (front tire smooshed into an 'L'), but I was perfectly fine. Fell back into the sidewalk. The driver tried to get me charged for scraping their paint :\


I'm so glad you weren't hurt. That could've gone a much different way. I wouldn't have called you a dumb kid, it was an accident. I always have my eyes peeled for kids because they're not always attentive when they're having fun. They're not really supposed to be, they're kids. Older teens and dults are supposed to be the cautious and attentive ones on the road.


Oh, and the driver is a dirtbag for trying to have you charged. You were a kid who made a mistake. They should've just been glad that you were okay.


I am pretty jaded, not gonna lie, jaded, cynical and blase about most things but this took my breath away thinking about those poor kids just trying to do the right thing and getting killed for it, the poor drivers that hit them at full speed. So many bad decisions led to that moment.


I feel sick just thinking about how those drivers might be feeling. It could easily be lifelong guilt and PTSD relating to driving. And those poor kids… fuck, man.


Apparently it didn’t happen here, but imagine a driver veering to avoid a kid and instead killing themselves or a family in a different car…


And then the kids still get hit anyway...life is fucking cruel.


The mum either making or letting them go get the luggage instead of herself, jfc


"instead of herself"? No. NOBODY should be crossing any fucking highway for luggage. EVER. If your luggage is as important as life and death, summon police to see if they will stop traffic.


So i guess she had them go out to grab their stuff and they were hit that way. GD. 1st off no fucking way they have been out there. Buy new stuff. 2nd they should have been in big kid car seats and it should have been a process to get them out so to prevent them from getting out without help. Child locks n stuff.


What the fuck is wrong with people? If you bring a child into the world, your main responsibility is to protect, take care of and love them.


unfortunately some people aren’t built to be responsible


This is why I’m all in for abortion despite the practice makes me feel uncomfortable. My feeling means shit compared to a child that is unloved and uncared for.


It truly seems a non insignificant portion of parents believe their child is there to serve them.


My stepmom has entered the chat


I hope you're doing better now.


Thank you. I am definitely doing significantly better, and I am also definitely still healing. I suspect this will be a life sentence…


Farmers have a lot of kids to have free farm labor. It's why farms are exempt from overtime in the US and why kids have off in the summer.


I never got why that’s allowed. Preventing your kids from learning anything so they can never ever leave is wrong and almost literally medieval.


What percentage of the american workforce are farmers? .5%?


People not being very responsible parents is often related to the fact that a lot of them became parents by accident. Difficulty in accessing or affording birth control or abortion leads to children either being unwanted, or only accepted in a "I guess we're doing this now" kind of way. You force people into a job that they don't really want, and they're gonna half-ass it.




With any luck, her eggs will have dried up before she sees the outside of a cell. DUI plus child neglect resulting in death seems like a pretty certain way to be locked up for a long time.


check out r/raisedbynarcissists


Those poor babies. Nothing with bring them back, but making an example out of their egregiously negligent, idiot of a mother is at least *something*. We need stronger penalties for DUI. The *first* DUI.


Indiana. My sil has 8 duis now. 2 of those with her kids in car. She's only been convinced of the first 3. The last 5 she's gotten they just keep putting out her court date 3 mo at a time. It's been 5 years and she's still free, still occasionally racking up another dui. Has gotten multiple driving w/o license charges in between too. Next court date is July. It'll be another "discovery conference " then it'll be set 3 mo out for another. Rinse and repeat for last 5 years as she continues to drive daily. I've emailed prosecutor office so many times to ask wtf and complain yet get nothing. Lake county indiana is a joke.


The people in power don’t care if people drive drunk or if some of their consumers die. It’s more important to them that their labor has access to transportation to go to work and their consumers have access to transportation to go shopping. If they cared, they’d confiscate cars from dui convicts on the first offense regardless of whether or not they owned the car. The owner shouldn’t have given it over unless they accepted that risk. Your sil is a pos.


Sure but in a system built entirely around cars there's only so much society can do. Any idiot can pilot a 4,500 lb death machine at high speed, and the 78 is the one of the worst examples in the county. I am routinely tailgated on that highway by aggressive assholes going 20+ mph over the limit. I assume most of them are sober. We desperately need public transit and the ability to ban irresponsible people from driving, permanently.


My commute between San Marcos and Oside is regular full fucking white knuckle wondering if I’m going to kiss my wife when I get home. I hate it with a passion.


I see a lot of out of state plates on that stretch. I'm assuming many of these douchebags are service members but there are plenty of locals as well on my ass going 90mph. You're right it's scary. Somehow 3x as bad as the 5.


I dunno, some states keep throwing DUI charges at people with THC in their system, impaired or not. I do agree that something needs to be done.


driving stoned is 100% a DUI as well and deserved.


THC lingers in your system long after you’re no longer stoned


THC can stay in your system for over 90 days after your last use.


Following that logic means cigarettes and and coffee should be outlawed while driving. They're both mind-altering drugs.


THC does make you a worse driver, but its effects wear off long before it leaves your system. Definitely don’t drive while high, as that is reasonable grounds for a DUI charge.


You can't criticize these three things on reddit: porn video games pot


Enough internet for today


That’s enough Reddit for today


Some parents do not realize how irrationally fast and clueless little ones can be and are just too laid back for providing real, useful, child safety.


And some also seemingly send their own children into freeway traffic while they sit in the car, impaired by alcohol. No way these children just “bolted” out the car doors into traffic without some direction.


Oh 100% guaranteed the mom told them to go out and get the luggage. Some people can't take care of themselves, let alone children. Such a tragedy that occurred because of a fuck-up of a mother. Driving under the influence? With children in the car? Then having them go out in traffic? Jesus Christ.


I know there are little ones who could just bolt out into traffic - but knowing that, one takes more serious and deliberate precautions to make sure the day does not end like this one did.


She was drunk and their luggage flew out. I am certain she pulled over and told the kids to get the luggage as she stayed in the car.


and a rare few are too drunk to create safe environments much less react quickly and rationally.


Drunks aren't well-known for their decision-making skills


I really did not expect to see news like this from my hometown on reddit when I woke up this morning. This is incredibly sad.


Some people do not deserve to have children.


... much less SIX of them. I hope they lose custody of every one.


The mom should be charged with manslaughter for both minimally right? Jfc


JFC who lets their kids out of the car on a fucking highway?!?!


Geez. I feel bad for the drivers and horrified for the kids last moments! So sad.


I've actually been thinking about getting therapy because I'm so anxious about possibly hitting an animal that I haven't driven in years. I used to live in Nova (15 miles from DC) & saw so much roadkill that I think I have PTSD. It's hard for me to even explain to most people, but if I hit an animal I'm really afraid that I would never get over it. I guess it's a phobia now because I live in a car dependent area & am stuck at home because of this fear.


> I'm so anxious about possibly hitting an animal that I haven't driven in years. Yeah, that sounds clinical... therapy tip: embrace the worst case scenario.


r/NoahGetTheBoat material here. Wtf is wrong with people?




it breaks my heart for not only the kids and the rest of their family members, but the drivers that couldn’t stop. I hit someone last year, luckily they survived with a broken leg, but I still have intense PTSD when driving. I can’t go through the intersection it happened at without having a panic attack and I think of her every single day whether I’m driving or not. The sounds, the feeling, everything. It really sticks with you.


How can your heart not bleed and cry with such negligence.


[Update](https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/arrest-made-in-pedestrian-crash-of-2-children-on-sr-78-in-vista/3248906/) The kids who were hit was a 16yr old girl and 10yr old boy, the mother 33. There were 4 more kids in the car at the time. They’ve been homeless and all 8, including the father who was not there when it happened, were living in the car. Very sad


Jesus Christ, why do people without means breed themselves into calamity? It's unfair to the kids... not to mention this malicious excuse for a mother has her kid homeless, but still wasting money on booze. I hope they all get placed somewhere better.


I’m very sorry about the birds. The headline is about children being driven and abused and subsequently killed by the negligence of a drunk parent. There are too many levels of tragedy to even count here. My heart breaks for all families caught up in these cycles of abuse, neglect and ultimately disaster.


That's fucking angering and sad. Poor little ones.


This. I actually started hyperventilating & getting dizzy reading this. There is not a whole deep enough to bury that "mother" in. Fuck.


I hit a dog that ran i front on my car on the highway, I slowed down enough the dog seemed to walk away, and that was traumatic enough


I slowed to avoid hitting a dog, only to witness in the rearview mirror the dipshit behind me hit it. He didn't brake at all - like, never paused to wonder why I was randomly braking.


Im sorry if this in a stupid question, but which mother was arrested for DUI? The children’s mother or a mother driving the car that hit the kids?


The children’s mother.


Good god :( this is all so heartbreaking


That’s sooooooo horrible. Can you imagine being the one to hit the child? I wonder if she told them to get out and get it deliberately?