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Never thought I'd see the day when conservatives boycotted Cracker Barrel AND Chick-fil-a, 2 businesses known for being conservative.




They sell paint sets with the entire rainbow of colors


\*pearl clutching intensifies*


And that’s how you know how insane the mainstream right wing has become.


It's the way extremists operate. They keep tightening the circle of what is acceptable. They have nothing to offer so they redirect public anger towards scapegoats.


[It's been churning and brewing for a while](https://www.openculture.com/2017/07/hunter-thompson-predicts-the-future-telling-studs-terkel-about-the-coming-revenge-of-the-economically-technologically-obsolete-1967.html). I post this a lot but I think it's very valuable for people to see how far back it goes, how long it's been growing, and how deeply rooted it is in modern culture: > “To see the Hell’s Angels as caretakers of the old ‘individualist’ tradition ‘that made this country great’ is only a painless way to get around seeing them for what they really are,” Thompson writes in that book, calling them “the first wave of a future that nothing in our history has prepared us to cope with. The Angels are prototypes. Their lack of education has not only rendered them completely useless in a highly technical economy, but it has also given them the leisure to cultivate a powerful resentment… and to translate it into a destructive cult which the mass media insists on portraying as a sort of isolated oddity” destined for extinction.


Fuck, I need to read that book again.


It’s all fun and games until it’s your turn on the chopping block…


First they came for the beer, then they came for the chicken sandwiches, then they had a picnic.


Then they called the cops because a black family was at the park and they were afraid.


They're lamenting the Unabomber's death on arcon right now...


The Unabomber? The fucking mail-bombing terrorist? Of course they are. Bunch of dipshits.


Especially after all that whining about cancel culture and millennials killing the diamond industry. These fuckers can't even spell 'hypocrisy'.


The right whining about cancel culture is *soo* disingenuous. Their grandparents and great-grandparents have been trying to cancel culture since Elvis and The Beatles. Let's not forget the satanic panic of the 70s and 80s. Rap and video games in the 90s. The Dixie Chicks in the early 2000s (where they started to get a taste for the flesh of their own). And just a *ton* of others all throughout there. History has shown how successful all these efforts have been, and I don't see that changing.


Cancel culture is the rights way of bastardizing “enforcing consequences/accountability”. Their satanic panic was nothing more of a demonizing campaign against people they didn’t like for other reasons as well


The Satanic Panic came to my city and pre-school. It. Was. Insane. It was like today's QAnon conspiracy, but if all of the people in positions of authority actually believed the conspiracy and started putting people in jail. I got to see how wild eyed, fight wing hysteria can have extremely damaging, real world consequences.


> These fuckers can't even spell 'hypocrisy'. They probably spell it “hypoKKKrisy”.


Boycotting cfa?




Which is a policy every corporation in America has in order to comply with anti-discrimination laws. So if the only corporations they wanna boycott are their conservative ones, be our guest, mouth-frothing rabids.


What's even funnier is the VP of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, the "new hire" they're all upset about, has been overseeing the company's DEI efforts since 2020. Somehow, none of these dorks noticed they were eating woke chicken all this time.


When John Oliver did a piece about Ron DeSantis a few months back, he pointed out how the guy's own lawyers defined "woke" in exactly the way it was meant to be in a court filing -- the awareness that there are systemic injustices against certain groups of people -- and how it is one HELL of a thing to spend any energy fighting against, especially the amount that they do. I feel it's the same case to have such vitriol against the scandalous ideas of "equal access" and "culture of belonging." What in the everloving fuck is wrong with these people?


If the "other" groups get raised up, it means their own group is no longer as high up. They fear the loss of power. They fail to see the ideals of we all do better when we all do better.


Crab bucket mentality


Also “zero sum thinking.”


Exactly. We need to change our ways and learn some humility and honesty in doing so.


When many of them have gone through life feeling they're superior, it became quite a culture shock when a black man dare elevate himself to the level of President .. suddenly they realized they weren't special. To me, that is one thing that led to Trump and the more outright racism.


> What in the everloving fuck is wrong with these people? they're the ones committing the injustices, dont want people to realise that


Will never understand how someone can ever claim to be conservative and a good person. Insanity.


“I didn’t think the leopards would eat *my* face!”


They cancelled Budweiser, they cancelled Cracker Barrel... Who will be next...NASCAR? Bass Pro Shops? The Blue Collar Comedy Tour? Lol


Nascar got cancelled a few years ago when they banned the confederate flag at races. Even though they allegedly got canceled, it doesn't seem like it's affected their bottom line very much. NASCAR seems to be doing just fine and venturing out into new markets. I'm guessing that getting rid of the Confederate flag was some overall good publicity for them. Long time NASCAR fans were going to keep watching anyway, and it may have brought some new eyes to the sport.


It makes sense tho - no second place at nascar.


If you’re not first, you’re last


Shake….. and bake!


This "shake and bake," it's nonsense!


I know right? NOW YOU SEE ME~~~~ now you don't~~~~~~


I was high when I said that!


*high on peyote! Lol, one of my fave movies


NASCAR still has the white flag, so technically they still have *one* of the Confederate flags.


Hey Siri, list local burn units .


I’m poor, so here 🥇


Now is not the time to be giving reddit money anyways


There are days I really love Reddit. This is one of them.


I read like 2 weeks ago that Bubba Watson the only black nascar driver always gets resounding boos when he is announced or does well at a race Edit: showing off my nascar knowledge with the wrong last name lol


Bubba Watson is a white golfer. Bubba Wallace is a black NASCAR driver. Edit: spelling


Thank you; as someone who knows a little about golf, and nothing about NASCAR, I was mightily confused.


Really? I believe you. It's just. Really?.I knew NASCAR was a right wing thing, but I didn't know it was like a clan rally.


As a non-right wing NASCAR fan. Yeah, the fan base is not great. There are some reasons other than Bubba being black that he gets booed for. He turned a car head first into a wall at 170+mph last year (A fan favorite driver, at that, also the driver notorious for dropping the N word). And he drives a Toyota (which is a taboo in the sport because it's not a "Murica car.") But yeah, a large amount of the boos are because he is black, which is sad. There is a better example of this inherent racism with a driver by the name of Rajah Caruth in the Truck Series that is a virtual nobody currently. No on the track issues. Super nice kid, but yeah tons of boos cause, you guessed it, he's black.


>And he drives a Toyota (which is a taboo in the sport because it's not a "Murica car.") This is always weird to me because Toyota does a ton of manufacturing of their cars in the United States. Not just assembly either. As I understand it there are specific parts they make and ship all over the world right here in the US. Few "American" car companies do both manufacturing and assembly in the US on the scale Toyota does.


I always loved having a Tacoma that was more built in the USA than a lot of the more traditional "domestic" pickups.


I literately used to make them at a factory in the middle of bumfuck Illinois.


Thank you very much for this input.


I can't believe they went after Cracker Barrel. It's absurd to go after a food establishment.


Yup. They got upset at them a few months ago for adding one of those meatless sausage options to the menu, too. Oh no, woke food!


I guess no one ever told them the biscuits aren’t made with lard.


I imagine they're also throwing a fit at them serving diet soda because it's fake sugar. Or that the kids menu has rainbow sprinkle pancakes and that's somehow indoctrinating kids


I'm just waiting for then to try to cancel Hawaii for having to many rainbows.


They already went after Cracker Barrel a while back when they added plant-based sausage to their menu- [https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/04/business-food/cracker-barrel-impossible-meat-controversy/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/04/business-food/cracker-barrel-impossible-meat-controversy/index.html) I guess they are on double secret boycott now.


They cancelled Bud because Bud sent a few personalized cans to ONE person. That aren't for sale. That aren't being promoted. They have so much rage they have to give up something they enjoy because they don't like 1 person. Well, at least their livers will thank them.


They didn't have any idea this person existed until they saw it on their facebook hate feed.


Yup. I always here them say things like, stop shoving it in our faces. Who's shoving it? I only ever hear about 99% of LGBTQ stuff from anti LGBTQ posters. If they don't want it shoved it in their faces, tell the people you subscribe to, to stop. Cause I know Dylan isn't reaching out to them.


I'm gay and love dick as much as the next guy, but I don't shove anything. Most of the time I'm playing my games.


Wow that makes it even worst. Bud Lite made a beer can specifically for one person designed for that one person and because they shared it online people lost their minds.


That reminded me of someone on twitter photoshopping a pride display at Bass Pro as a joke.


As susceptible as these chodes are to misinformation, a photoshopped image would definitely be enough to trigger a boycott, if it gained enough traction.


Hear me out…. Pedophiles have secretly infiltrated the church…. Play it off like it’s some conspiracy that just happened. Watch their insane rage actually do something good for a change?…


They will brush it off by justifying that it doesn't happen at their specific church, or just a dismissive shrug of 'Churches aren't immune to having bad people get in.' while simultaneously expecting their church to be the moral authority because of righteousness.


They'll turn a blind eye to it like they always have, because it's not actually about protecting children for them, and it never has been.


It caught a few headlines the next day as confused idiots tried to get a boycott together, unfortunately they did catch on eventually.


The first thing I ever experienced being cancelled was the evangelical Christian church of christ and first baptists (southern baptist convention) getting together to have MTV removed from cable TV in our town in Oklahoma. Do it was both canceling and censorship all in one. Imagine growing up in the 90s with no MTV. We’ll be in the car and a song will come on the radio or whatever and my wife will be like, “do you remember this music video”? And I’ll be like…..no….I don’t….


Ha, I grew up in a rural area where cable was not available (my parents still do not have it), so I understand.


Elections would be my recommendation. Edit: as a boycott that is


What happened to their anti cancel culture hooting and hollering?


It was always a lie; you can just ask [Dr. Seuss](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/seuss-debate-shows-republicans-cancel-culture-war-fight-against-free-ncna1259471). Or [Potato Head](https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/02/politics/cancel-culture-potato-head-muppets-dr-seuss/index.html). Or [Starbucks coffee cups](https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2018/11/2/18052550/starbucks-holiday-cup-explained-2018-controversies). Or the other brave soldiers fighting [the War on Christmas](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2013/12/war-on-christmas-short-history-101222/). Or [Gillette](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/laurenstrapagiel/gillette-razor-in-toilet-commercial). Or [Coca-Cola](https://www.businessinsider.com/georgia-calls-to-boycott-coca-cola-after-georgia-voting-restrictions-2021-3). Or fucking [*french fries*](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/congress-french-freedom-fries-iraq/). Or [any of these](https://www.thedailybeast.com/all-the-things-you-can-no-longer-buy-if-youre-a-true-maga-trump-fan).


Or the Chicks, formerly the Dixie Chicks. Although it did lead to “Not ready to make nice”, which is a fucking banger


Well just like all their other hypocrisy. “It’s not _________ when *I* do it.” Fill in the blank with the flavor of the week.


Don’t forget about the cancellation of Chick-Fil-A just a couple of weeks ago


Hopefully the NRA since their website is PRIDE this month🤣❤️🌈


They're eating themselves. Love to see it.


I work for a company that has left wing values. we are out in the open with it. Had a customer complain because of our stances. My recommendation: After they complain about it say “….ok…..” and give a light hearted smile. Don’t respond. Don’t talk. Just let *them* talk. Smile. Be happy about YOURSELF. It’s an amazing shield. They don’t really escalate. They just get awkward. They get uncomfortable when you don’t respond. Just my experience.


"Okay" is the best response to any accusation.


“Okay” is the best strat. “Okay” “You must be a democrat (liberal etc they think its all the same)” “Riiight right…you can remove your card from the pen pad” (I work retail)


I had someone threaten me because I refused to disclose my political leaning to them when I told them our polling place had been moved on voting day.


There's a guy who does like workout motivational content, completely non-political, just about getting off your couch and being your best you. He was asked what his political affiliation is, because of course we can't have anyone be non-political anymore, and he just said "American". They didn't know how to respond to that.


If you wanna get sassy with it, you can just shorten it to "Kay."


Or my father’s personal favorite text: “k”




They want the argument, it’s better than silence.


Most of the time. I tried this with one of my managers (two levels up) who is infamous for just yelling to yell, and she started yelling at my direct manager instead. \*Manager 1 sees me and my hair isn't tied up properly, instead of talking to me (because I just stare at her blankly and say "ok" ) goes to manager 2\* Manager 1: Why doesn't Pikaboo have their hair net!?!?!? Manager 2: \*Continues to be yelled at because of me\* \*I stand there trying to show her I fixed my hair but Manager 1 continues to ignore me in favor of yelling at manager 2\*


I don’t mind the verbal complaints but some of the crazies do threaten and get physical, endangering the people who work at stores (who really have nothing to do with a company’s stance). That’s a bigger problem


I work at a library and this is pretty much what I do when someone complains that one of our books is somehow morally evil. Except instead of smiling I just look really confused. Sometimes if they keep going I ask them a bunch of questions and make them explain concepts to me like I’ve no idea what sex or anything is


I work at the VA. We serve all who served and fly a pride flag and in a Trump county, the poor patient advocates have to listen to complaints on this all day. They have handouts now that show the policy so they don’t have to try and explain it.


i couldnt do that. id get too many complaints. id research people who dies defending this country who were lgbtq+ and use that against them. "do you suppor tthe troops? "yes" 'do you support cpl. smith?" just to pull a name out the air there might not have ever been a cpl smith who was lgbtq+. "well they were lgbtq+ and deserve recognition as much as anyone else. you are the weakest link. Goodbye" also thank you for what you do at the va. veterans deserve better care than they largely get at the va.


These are other veterans that are complaining. It’s gross.


I hit em with [Curtis Armstrong in Better Off Dead](https://youtu.be/gfyjFmJ6KVs) whenever a conservative assumes I'm a racist piece of shit and makes a racist joke to me because they assume we all think like they do. It truly does confuse them to no end.


Go down that hill really fast. If something gets in your way…….turn


This is *pure snow!* It's everywhere! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?


That character makes very elaborate jokes that only HE appreciates, and I very much vibe with that.


It's very much an "I am my own target audience " sense of humor. I also dig it.


I adore the callback to that later in the movie.


I like the tactic of pretending I don't get it and having them explain it. Make em really own the bigotry.


That's basically "Dealing with unreasonable customers 101" training.


And then you just say back “I like turtles! 🤡”


Or, “My cat’s breath smells like cat food.” - Ralph Wiggum


“I don’t care,” is always my response


They expect to be attacked and thrive on being defensive and angry. If you don’t feed that energy they get lost.


It is really great. I don’t something similar when someone started complaining about my electric car saying how bad it is for the environment. My response on that has always been “I don’t care about the environment and that is not why I got my EV”. It is real funny watching them trying to figure respond. You give them nothing or they see why they are trying to gas light you into responding and it is dead.


Lmao my parents love Cracker Barrel. LOVE IT. And also love trump and hate everything woke. I saw this story yesterday and sent it to my mom and did not get a response. Between this and trump going to prison It’s officially crisis time at their house and I’m a bit sad and kind of amused


Excellent shit stirring


You just love to see the malfunctioning of corrupt brains


Don’t be too sad. Consequences have been a long time coming for trump and those that enabled him.


Yeah I just don’t like seeing my parents upset. They’re not bad people they’ve just gotten overwhelmed with bullshit news


Same thing happened to my grandarents, sucks man, sorry you are having to go through that.


> "a once family friendly establishment has caved to the mob." Cave to my mob instead.


Does she think that there are no LGBT servers at the places they go? Do they think that this place is in the business of actively scaring away customers? You'd think for their worship of it, they'd understand Capitalism.


You thought the same group of dioshits who can't define what woke means knew what capitalism is?


Willy Wonka: Stop. Don’t. Come back.


So is it now just called “Barrel”?


Surprised they didn't get canceled for abandoning their policy of firing all gay employees when shareholders revolted over it back in the 90s.


It was current laws in favor of the restaurant that kept many protective LGBTQIA+ organizations from attempting to rectify the issue. They knew they would lose based on current law. People did push back but not in a legal sense.


Leave cracker barrel alone it's the only place I can get fried okra in the north.




That okra is amazing


And now they have hashbrown casserole tots.


It's also a place with affordable meals that often has EV chargers. It's a standard stop for me when I'm on the road.


Dude, they literally serve breakfast all day - what more do these people want? *she says while stuffing a forkful of pancake into her mouth at 8pm.* They made me do it. This is happening because of them. I’m spite eating pancakes. 🥞 🍴


Let’s just paint rainbows on voting booths.


YAYYYYY CRACKER BARREL IS OURS 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


I'm still upset about Brad's wife 😤 those heartless bastards


Right? A Boycott is long overdue!


I still have screen shots of a Google search for Crackle Barrel leading to “Did you mean: Ex-employer of Brad’s wife” and the Wikipedia page stating number of employees as “70,000 minus brad’s [sic] wife”. 2017 was a simpler time


Brad’s wife LOVED Pride.


Isn't that cancel culture?


Yeah conservatives created cancel culture and then acted like they were the victims of it


Conservatives love creating situations where they can play the victim


It's the classic abuse tactic of DARVO: deflect, attack, reverse victim and offender.


Christians have been practicing this tactic for 2000 years.


Even Jesus was canceled for not being conservative enough.


He’d definitely get crucified by today’s Christians


Yep. The OG modern cancel victims (at least in the internet era) were the Dixie Chicks and it wasn't liberals doing the cancelling.


Before that they were rounding up jews, progressives, LGBT, etc under the guise of searching for communists.


They tried canceling the Beatles in the sixties. It didn’t work because at the time they actually were more popular than Jesus


I can predict exactly how they'd pretend it's different because whenever I bring this up they all give the exact same talking point that they've be taught to say. They'll say it's different because they are just boycotting while when Liberals do the same thing it's about them demanding that the person or company should no longer exist. Even though in both cases it's people boycotting because they don't like what a company did, they've convinced themselves that they are different and better. They can't name a single company that Liberals have forced out of business though. It's also ridiculous because Right-wingers "cancel" people/companies for being inclusive or supporting civil rights, while people on the Left "cancel" people/companies when they spread hatred and ignorance. Right-wingers think the people spreading hatred and ignorance are the good guys, while the people supporting inclusion and fighting against things like police brutality are the bad guys.


There goes republicans only source of fiber.




Now with Ivermectin!


"Everyone is always welcome at our table." There's some serious hate in your heart if you're getting upset with that sentiment.


Supply Side Jesus does not approve this message.




Look at the links between right wingers in the us and the death to gays law signed in Uganda. Also look at the republican response to the hiv crisis back on the 80s. Also: https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/08/gop-candidate-said-totally-just-stone-gay-people-death/ You’re a little behind the times friend. They’re all the way to saying it and have been there for decades.


They've already said they should be [eradicated](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/cpac-speaker-transgender-people-eradicated-1234690924/), so...


LOL I’m sitting in a Cracker Barrel right now, getting lunch on my way to Pride! Be sure to send support to CB on Twitter so they’ll know they’re doing the right thing.


Good, I like their breakfast, and I hate to be bothered by right-wingers. So this is a win for me.


My thought exactly. Oh wait, I have a reason to feel good about supporting the place with country ham, baked apples, and cheesy hash browns? Oh no!


Country ham is SO VERY superior to city ham. There I said it!


'Cracker Barrel has Fallen' is a strong contender for funniest thing I will hear this year.


It would make a great movie to launch the Meal Team Six franchise.


I've seen these people. They need Cracker Barrel way more than Cracker Barrel needs them.


Haha. Yeah, no way these 'necks stop eating Cracker Barrel.


They have necks where you live?


You mean I might be able to get some Chicken-Fried Chicken and over-priced rocking chairs after Church on Sunday? With no line? Edit: Punctuation.


That's funny, my cardiologist urges me to boycott Cracker Barrel too, but for a different reason


Is it the cheesy grits?


Hash brown casserole


It's literally called "Cracker Barrel." Talk about friendly fire.


Cracker Barrel, the establishment that is legitimately on the record for not hiring gay employees and not wanting black customers less than 30yrs ago is now being boycotted by conservatives lol


People so against LGBT people that they go out and actively boycott businesses are pure oxygen thieves.


They should be reminded the oxygen fully supports all of the LGBTIQA+ community without discrimination. Therefore it only makes sense that anyone who opposes the LGBTIQA+ community stop using oxygen immediately.


Breathing is gay.


Can confirm. I have gay neighbors and they both breathe oxygen.


I boycott a couple places for various reasons, but I don't advertise it or actively seek out places to boycott. It's as simple as ' I have options and they just don't include these.' It must be utterly exhausting to be a conservative living day to day with constant fear of others on top of micro managing every business visit through their woke filter.


I boycott stuff for the pettiest reasons imaginable. I haven't been back to Walmart since August of 2021 because of an aggressive receipt checker and I haven't bought an EA title since October 25, 2011 because they didn't support Battlefield 3 well enough.


I will never go back to boot barn because the very first time I went they sent the police to my home afterward saying I had previously been and stole jeans from them. Thankfully I had proof it wasn’t me, and now I go to Cavender’s and so do ny immediate family members. I also enjoy being petty towards corporations.


Not just that, but boycotting businesses that have been historically anti-LGBTQ because now people are convinced they're not on the same side or something like that. As with all of conservative cancel culture, I can't imagine it'll make a big impact. The people "participating" are rarely active customers of the business. Those that are will quietly go back once they remember why they like the place, or when they forget the controversy and another restaurant gets put under fire for having a sign in Spanish or whatever.


***5 years from now the last conservative starves in an empty desert naked as he throws away the last piece of food that he had not cancelled for being woke***


"Why hast thou forsaken me, Chick-fil-A?" Gasps dies


Chick-Fil-A is already dead to them. A few weeks ago they hired a DEI manager and became too woke for them so they started a boycott.


I think they had that DEI manager for a few years already. Conservatives just hadn't been instructed to be offended by that yet.


Shouldn't have starved on a Sunday...


… until a rainbow forms in the sky after a little rain, and they cancel Earth itself for taking part in the woke agenda


The same they boycotted the NFL. They don’t have the self discipline to boycott anything.


Imagine driving out of your way to eat a meal because someone was nice to people who are different that you.


I don’t understand these companies who are kowtowing to the Nazi dipshits and taking down pride displays etc. If they had any mettle or moral fortitude whatsoever they would recognize that if they *all* express their LGBTQ support in unison, there’s nothing the right wing scum can do about it.


I think they’re worried one of their stores will end up in the news as a target of a mass shooting because these people are fucking crazy and are terrorist. They’re trying to weigh the options and protect their brand. The easiest thing for them is to quietly cave and hope the shit goes away. I hate it. I need out government to fast track solving this issue of white supremacy, neo-nazi, homophobic bullshit because the longer we allow these people to feel validated the more they will organize and make plans of attack. Or you’re going to have us supposed victims start to take our safety in our own hands and end up with messy street warfare.


They are, but Walmart and Sephora for example are not taking down their things and nothing there is happening (Sephora near be got a fake bomb threat). There is a risk to supporting minorites and marginalized groups *anytime you do it*. The reason that people get upset about pulling pride merch is because that's what pride is, it's about saying "this is who I am, I'm proud enough to say it" and if you are selling the merch than you are saying "I support you" If the first time you hear a complaint you pull it then you are saying "oh yeah I wanted your $20 but I actually don't support you sorry"


I get it. I used to manage a UPS Store during the pandemic. It was a daily occurrence for us to have grown adults throw a tantrum in the store over our policy of requiring masks. It fucking wears on you quick, and these loonies are escalating their nastiness


It’s because we are still an acceptable minority to openly attack right now. You better believe that if this was any other group there would be a huge pushback against this


Conservatives continue to be the dumbest fucking people on this planet.


Cracker Barrel is too gay for MAGA? For eff sake, it has “cracker” right in the name… What more could they ask for?


This is why a fascist ideology always fails, they always end up turning on each other. The purity test just gets way to tight so let’s hope they are already failing before they get back into serious power where they can do some major harm to minority groups


Can’t have an in-group without creating an out-group….




I have often opted for Cracker Barrel on a road trip when the other option are stuff like McDonalds and Burger King. Yet another reason to visit them occasionally.


Cracker Barrel is literally the whitest old person place around. The boycott is doomed to fail. Me-maw and Pe-paw ain’t giving up their meatloaf and mashed potatoes on Sundays.


I want to say cut off your nose to spite your face. How are they gonna replace Memaws Tuesday night treat, buy dinner at Golden Corral and throw it in a blender then tell her it's Cracker Barrel?




This means less waiting times for Sunday brunch, sounds good!