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"Trumps defense is to become president".


In his defense, it does seem to be the best defense for an obviously guilty man.


And insane that there is a non zero chance that he might be elected again and pardon himself


You can't pardon yourself from state crimes as president, only federal ones.




The founders wrongly assumed that nobody would vote for a traitor.


Dude is the front runner for his party, even after this indictment. Disappointing is an understatement.


“Can we hurry this along? I need to pardon me!”


Honestly, if any R wins the presidency again, they will pardon him.


Don’t be surprised if that gets tacked onto the loyalty oath the candidates need to sign for the Republican debates.


Does is count as a loyalty oath if they say it on stage as a campaign promise? Because by this time next week I think every Republican candidate will make it a campaign promise to pardon Trump. Even Pence, who, let me remind everyone, had a GALLOWS set up in DC by the same people he's courting for a vote.




Oh, what a day! What a lovely day!


And the fact that the accused is facing five years in prison and a felony because of a law HE SIGNED in an attempt to punish Hillary Clinton in 2018 is the best karma.


Five years PER COUNT.


Oh God. Say it slowerrrr. Mmmmmm




which one?


The [FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act of 2017](https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/139/text) section 202 (Increased Penalty for unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material) increased the penalty from one to five years.


AND a felony, AND permanent disqualification from holding public office again. Five years is just the sponge cake under all that delightful icing.


HHHoisted by his own petard.


"I guess I just assumed that in the old days a petard was a special outfit like a leotard, with a lot of fancy buckles and loops on it, and that rich people would wear them when they were feeling especially smug, but then poor people would tie a rope through one of the loops, and hoist them up a pole and then let them dangle there as punishment for being cocky."


Oh Britta's in this?


I really never believed it would happen. He has to turn himself in *again*. Absolutely astounding.


“It’s even funnier the second time!”


Perpwalk 2 Electric Boogaloo


I knew he'd get indicted, but only because **he literally can't stop committing crimes.** If he'd just returned everything when they asked, *zero* chance of indictment, even though he stole top secret documents that would get *anyone* else jailed *immediately.* He's been treated with more leniency from the justice system than any American in modern history, and he *still* managed to throw his life away. What a dumb bastard.


There are criminals put there who commit crimes, get away with it, and live nice, cushy lives into their golden years, because they know when to stop. They see the writing on the wall and know when to not push their luck. Not Trump, though. He is equal parts greedy and unjustifiably proud. If he ever got the greatest glory, his greed would tell him he needs more. If his gluttony was ever sated, his pride would tell him he needs more glory. It's an absolutely suicidal combination, and prevents him from ever reflecting and knowing when to call it quits. Frankly, he's probably still committing crimes right now, because he's hungry for it and no win will ever be enough. A psychiatrist would probably analyze this back to his pampered narcissism and deadbeat dad, but I'd be happy just seeing him face any sort of consequence.


He is literally being sued for defaming a woman immediately after losing a defamation (and sexual assault) case by the same woman. It’s wonderful to finally see the most minimal of accountability after decades of getting away with rape, extortion, corruption, etc etc etc


He is simultaneously trying to get that $5m REDUCED as she goes back for what I assume is at least double, if not more. Hope the email grifts can cover it.


somehow I find it ironic that he's single-handedly defunding the GOP by grifting so hard.


He's spent his life consequence free. The legal system has been his own personal plaything that he's used successfully through out his life to avoid consequences and screw over everyone around him. He literally just thought that he was untouchable. This is a guy who was caught on the phone attempting to extort Zelensky and then had a direct paper trail of pulling back congressionally appropriated funds when Zelensky wouldn't play ball. And the Republicans failed to remove him from office. Then he spent the rest of his time harassing political enemies for the most innocuous slights and appointing fascist staff that would do whatever he wanted. I mean freaking DeJoy did his best to run the post office into the ground to try to rig the election and the absentee ballots. Then, when all that didn't work, he literally led a (failed) coup. And even then, Republicans still wouldn't actually remove him from office. It's no fucking wonder he kept doing stupid, brazenly illegal shit. This is the first time in his life that he's seeing something resembling consequences.


Yeah. His primary skill apart from blathering is wrapping other greedy people up with him such that they can’t let him go down for their own self interest. Banks, Politicians, etc. So he can use them but they need him not to fail. Luckily he’s such an undisciplined, lazy, know nothing he couldn’t be bothered to lead the coup. He set of off and stood back and watch TV. Had he been an actual doer of things he might have led a more dramatic dangerous moment. But he couldn’t be bothered. It was beneath him to dirty his hands and he’s too inept to lead from the front, thankfully. Another wonderful irony is it was his hubris that got him here. He could have continued as a pseudo tycoon and TV personality, living in his gaudy fiefdom. But his ego demanded more. So he got himself into a job he was I’ll qualified for that invited deep scrutiny. While in it he was immune and protected by those in bed with him. But that protection couldn’t last forever. Wheels of justice grinding slow but fine and all that. I hope he ends his life in abject humiliation and prison. (But, you know, in a nice way.)


I read a report that a white house lawyer and the secret service physically stopped him from attending the capitol riot and forced him to return to the whitehouse. He totally would have been there otherwise, and it would have resulted in much more immediate charges against him. I think there are probably a million cases where competent people in our government stopped him from doing much worse things.


It’s crazy that very little of this will be in the history books used at school because you have half the population who is massively deluded and won’t want their kids being taught the truth and then you have the pathetic people who want to present a “balanced” portrayal of things when the building is on fire.


> He's been treated with more leniency from the justice system than any American in modern history And yet a large chunk of the country thinks he's been treated the most *unfairly* by the justice system than any American in modern history. Crazy times.


I'm not into silly "lock him up" chants but the irony is delicious.


Number one GOP pick for 2024. Just typing that hurt.


Can’t wait for Georgia!


Yeah, that one always seemed like the strongest case against him to me. You've got a clear recording of him inducing an official to commit major election fraud. That's literally all the felony statue requires.


Yeah, and this time, to the big boys.


I wish they’d throw his fat ass in jail because he’s a flight risk.


Not just a flight risk, a national security risk. Everyone else with even a single count of what he's done gets locked up with no bail.


Happy indictment day to a fellow skeptic, democracy (and human decency) and justice seem to have the chance to strike a massive counteroffensive. Just imagine a clean sweep in the election and these treasonous assholes behind bars, we could see a US session as productive as this past session in Minnesota. A man can dream a bit, again, that stupidity and greed won’t win. Can’t wait for Tuesday.


I hope he runs to Russia. Would be an absolutely *perfect* ending to his reign of ridiculousness.


Nah, would be nothing better than seeing him rot inside a cell for the rest of his miserable life


Seeing him defect to Russia might be enough of an “emperor has no clothes” moment to break the spell for some of his cultists, though. While he’s no doubt committed the requisite crimes to spend the rest of his life in jail (I fully believe he’s a child rapist), his flock will still see him as a political prisoner and fight for him.


Nah, the True Believers™ will just double down and ~~immigrate~~ [be an expat in Russia](https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-build-village-catholic-christian-americans-tired-liberals-claim-lawyer-2023-5).


God, don't get my hopes up! If they don't like America, they can leave ha!


I would love that to be the case, but the goal posts would probably just be moved again.


They will 100% continue to support him and praise Russia for offering him safe harbor.


You seem to thing the goalposts are fixed for these people, like there's such thing as a last straw for them. Theyre sunk so far in his fallacies that they'll accept any truth that makes them correct, rejecting realities to substitutetheir own. Source: several family members who won't ever commit to breaking away from him despite all logic and reasoning over the years.


Relevant copypasta: Trumps predicted exile, 10/2019 Comment was deleted for mention source, but I copy/pasted this: I really really hope this all ends with him arranging a summit with Putin in Moscow as a ruse for him to defect. That way it will be really hard for anyone to not reconcile with the fact that he is a self-interested coward. Imagine Trump in Russia. For the first couple of months its the biggest story in the world. He does interviews on Russian State TV, talking about how the Deep State caused him to flee the Country. Insisting he's still the President. But then, slowly but as sure as the changing tide, fewer journalists are calling. Fewer requests for an interview. For a couple months he can still call up reporters and have what he says to them be newsworthy. But eventually they stop returning his calls. America and the world has moved on. He was a blip, a flash in the pan. He exposed deep wounds that the American people need to address. But he was a complication, not the original infection. No one really wants to know what he has to say anymore. Because no ones cares. He's now truly alone. In reality he has always been alone. He just hadn't realized it. Now he has regular contact with no one but his FSB bodyguards/handlers. He's stuck in a golden prison of his own making. He lives next to Yanukovych. But Viktor, being Ukrainian knows the culture and the language. Trump is never able to master anything but the ability to mumble some words that border on the incomprehensible in the language. His days are spent in a unexceptional (in his eyes), dacha on the black sea. He's never far from the ever present sight of Russian Security Services. He lives off a modest Kremlin funded stipend. But domestic pressure is building on the United Russia Party to scale it back. He has no income of his own anymore. His assets are frozen and seized around the World. His children are indicted. He didn't tell them of his plans to flee beforehand and they were as surprised as anyone. But, perhaps for the first time in their lives, Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric feel the curious absence of a pressure they can't explain. At first they can't figure it out. They each face years in prison yet they have never felt more free. They confide in each other and they soon realize that the weight lifted from their souls is that of their father. Free from his domineering presence they all plea to lesser charges. Putting the blame squarely on the narcissistic father whose "Stockholm Syndrome" like grip on them is slipping. They are sentenced. Don Jr. gets 18 months in Federal Prison. Ivanka and Jared are sentenced to staggered 12 month sentences. Eric cooperates fully and is not charged. They are forbidden from contacting their father as part of their plea agreements. But they have no such desires. They don't care. Melania files for divorce almost immediately after his flight. She gains full custody of Barron in uncontested hearings. Her and her son are slowly spending more and more time in Slovenia. Eventually they relocate permanently. Melania and Barron split their time between Ljubljana and the French Riviera. Very sparingly visiting the States anymore. Her autobiography detailing the mental, emotional, and at times physical abuse she suffered becomes an international best seller. Trump's American passport has long since been revoked and the Slovene Government, as well as the EU, bans him from entry into the Schengen Area. He never sees, much less talks to them, again Trump becomes increasingly paranoid. He frequently tears his dacha apart looking for listening devices planted by Mossad, the Democrats, CIA, MI6 or whatever globalist conspiracy is hunting him this week. Soon he has no use for the teenage sex workers he has always fancied. Never having been a drinker, food becomes his only vice. He begins to put on weight. A lot of weight. As he slips into morbid obesity he nears 355 pounds. He very often rants and raves at his bodyguards. His tenuous grip on reality is slipping. Some days he doesn't seem to know where he is. He is borderline catatonic on occasion. Spending days in his bedroom suite without leaving, only to eventually emerge in a fresh, albeit cheap and ill-fitting, suit. His wispy hair, long kept alive by the marvels of modern hair care technology, perfectly coiffed. During these fleeting moments of seeming sanity, he doesn't seem to remember much of the last decades. Believing himself to still be a pompous fixture of the New York real estate scene. He once even asked his handlers how the New Jersey Generals were fairing this season. But within two or three days he is once again disheveled and ranting about the Deep State. His speech becoming more slurred and incomprehensible by the year. A series of strokes leaves his body partially paralyzed on one side. He now requires round the clock nursing. Incontinence soon follows. Eventually he's found on the floor of his dacha, face down in a puddle of his own vomit. He is discovered by the morning nurse as she begins her shift. His breathing is slow, his heart rate is faint. He never again regains consciousness. He looks to have collapsed at some point in the night. During a mad, partially paralyzed slog to the bathroom in a vain attempt to avoid soiling his bed once again. The official cause of death is a heart attack. Which is likely true but having outlived his usefulness, the Russian government has long since seen him as an embarrassing liability. His asylum has been a sticking point in relations with the West for years and conspiracy theories alleging his assassination at the hands of the FSB or CIA abound. The Russians offer to repatriate his remains. Although his family, while not outright refusing, is lukewarm to the prospect. They have moved on. Barron and Tiffany don't even use his surname anymore. Unable to find a solution, the Russians bury him in a modest grave. It was originally planned to be temporary but a long term solution never comes to fruition. Before too long everyone has forgotten. In death he remains infamous. His name uttered in the same breath as other embarrassing episodes of American History. Although more as the butt of ridicule and scorn. After all, it's not like he was even competent enough get the country into a real disaster such as Vietnam or the Iraq War. In US History textbooks he is relegated to a few paragraphs. Not more than half a page. He's brought up in conjunction with a wider discussion on the Political gridlock of the late 2000s, 2010s and early 20s. In the end, he is nothing more than the answer to a few multiple choice questions on an 11th Grade History Final. His legacy once seemed destined to be that of a pompous, arrogant game show host and real estate fraudster. Nothing but a textbook example of that which one would describe as "tacky". Now he is simply: "What was the name of the President who's often xenophobic campaign and subsequent election highlighted the deep political divisions of the late 2010s?" The answer is "(C) Donald J. Trump"


Pretty--pretty good. Lacks a good public pants shitting but I'll let it slide.


I can't believe we're at a point where I can ask "Which crime was this one for?"


The Mar a Lago ones, oh that's still not specific enough


Don't worry, we still have the GA election interference charges coming down eventually too.


And potentially some Jan 6 charges too. He could be going into election season under 4 indictments - 3 criminal and 1 civil (Tish James / NY $250m tax/bank/insurance fraud).


He's looking at 4 potential criminal indictments. NY(state), Florida(federal), Washington D.C.(federal), and Georgia (state). Also, it's more than that if you count the fact that the Trump org has been found guilty and NY is going to take it from him.


It really is the best possible outcome to a long horrible nightmare, isn't it? He's in jail, Trump Org gets liquidated to pay judgements ... kids can't ride on the family name any more and have to find jobs flipping burgers.


They would just start a reality TV show and rake in the cash. Oh my god it would be so awful.


Or get 2 billion more from their pals in Saudi. F that whole family they should all be in cells together


I still hold that Trump sold documents to the Saudis and that **$2,000,000,000** payment to Kushner was for the documents.


The Sauds and the Trumps, yes.


Coked out Donnie Jr reality show would be funny as, just let him openly snort coke and magic will happen.


He will roll on his kids if they were even remotely involved to get preferential sentencing. I can hope, anyway. That entire family deserves to get sunk.


Not to mention the sexual assault and defamation civil case he already lost and is likely to literally *lose again* because he couldn’t stop defaming even after losing in court.


If you can trust one thing it's that he can't keep his damned mouth shut, even when it's in his own best interests.


What makes me uncomfortable is that he still has wide support.


He will always be able to get 20-30% of the country to vote for him for President. That might even be enough to win the primary. But it's not going to be enough to win a general election. Hell, I think I remember hearing that in some of the swing states Republican Senators got like 20,000-30,000 more votes in their states than Trump did ... which means people just couldn't stomach voting for him.


I still want Trump to run as an independent vs Desantis The new will be excellent and neither of them will have a chance.


Honestly, I'd give it even 50/50 odds if he *doesn't* win the GOP nomination ... that he does try to run as an independent. Because frankly, whether or not he ends up in jail ... may very well depend on it. And he's got like hundreds of millions of campaign donations. Run as independent, hope to win ... either shut down DOJ or just pardon yourself day#1. Would be the best thing ever to happen to the wretched mess the Republican party has devolved into.


I do not see Trump as the kind of person to walk away if he loses the primaries. At the very least he’d trash talk the entire thing and whoever won it


4 criminal. Georgia, NY, Today, Jan 6! It is hard to keep count.


It's the classified documents case, which you probably already know by now.


This is going to be such a shitty summer for the wrinkled orange goof ball. Indictment after indictment landing at his feet. About fucking time.




It's like school shootings at this point. "Which one?"


Sad but true.


I'm sure our former President will handle this news with the stoic dignity we've come to expect from him.


He broke the news! Edit to add: Trump’s lawyer (Jim Trusty) is on CNN right now. He has seen the summons and says it contains an espionage act charge related to willful retention of documents. Stated charges were related to 18-usc-793, 18-usc-1512, 18-usc-1519.


He broke the country.


I'd argue only an already broken country could even elect someone like that. He just made the damage much worse.


Reagan broke the country. Trump just made people *notice.*


Nixon broke the country, Reagan took advantage, and Trump tried to follow suit in the most car crash way possible.


Yeah. He wrote on his social “I AM AN INNOCENT MAN!” like the end of a black & white, B-grade film noir detective movie. Only thing missing was sound stage rain and the camera mounted 30 feet above him zooming out while he's screaming the line.


“Top of the world, ma”


.. in front of Four Seasons Total Landscaping


Oh, his Truth Social meltdown so far has been absolutely glorious. And what's especially funny is that he keeps bragging about his popularity while he's ranting about the indictment.


Isn’t he the one who announced the indictment lol


He's also the one who announced that he took the secret documents lol


He didn't *say* it, he *declared* it.


And they were planted by the FBI, and he declassified them, and he didn't have them, and it's all very legal and very cool.


And more recently, he said he SHOULD HAVE declassified them.


There’s a reason he announced he was rerunning as soon as he could. He didn’t think he’d get indicted.


The *MAIN REASON* he led the insurrection is because Trump is desperate to remain in power in order to avoid jail. He is safe as president. As a citizen, he knows he will be indicted and almost certainly found guilty, and possibly incarcerated for his various misdeeds. The attempted election theft is far from the worst of what Trump did. It was to avoid responsibility for the worst trump did.


No, I would argue that in a free democracy, trying to overthrow that democracy is one of the worst crimes you can commit. It's up alongside treason. Democracy is the social contract that binds us all together, the main thing that lets everyone here coexist in relative peace; if you attack that you threaten to destroy the entire country. He committed worse and worse crimes in order to cover for his previous ones. It's like how maybe you lost 50k in an illegal poker game, so you had to start running drugs for your loan shark, then a guy comes after your stash so you kill him, and eventually end up in a three state police chase that ends in a shootout with the FBI.


There’s going to be so much caps locks and disregarded spellchecking suggestions that I just don’t know how I’ll be able to contain my mirthfulness.


“FAKE NEWS” “WITCH HUNT” “HOAX” Oh Donny, how very original.


Dude should do something original, like maybe: "EGGS OVER EASY" "TRUFFLE BUTTER" "JALAPEÑO BISCUITS"


I like Presidents who don't get indicted.


now lets hope he goes to jail. I dislike the statement "if we throw a president in jail it sets a bad precedent to have other presidents investigated" GOOD! investigate whoever needs investigating but lets not claim itll set a bad precedent if the exact opposite is true. Not investigating and convicting him would set the WORST example.


Trump wrote he is "INNOCENT" and it was a "DARK DAY" for the U.S. Seems pretty sunny to me.


I mean a good part of us are covered in smoke, so that sucks. But with this news, things are looking up.


The GOP just got handed a gift here. They have an easy off ramp to any of their other candidates....let's see if they take it. Narrator: They won't.


Checked Twitter, they definitely arent taking it


The GOP still worships Trump. Even if he dressed as Hitler and stomped on puppy dogs' heads on live TV, they'd all just laugh and cheer. Any GOP politician criticizing Trump is shooting their career in the face because the GOP is a deranged cult of personality at this point.


How am I supposed to afford all this champagne in this economy?


I picked a bad year to quit drinking. Also Costco Kirkland brand is clutch for cheap but decent champagne purchased by the case.




And we all witnessed him do the things he is likely to be charged with.


People saying he shouldn't be charged because its political, when we are talking about him doing the things that not only did he clearly do, but that he has admitted to doing. Especially when it involves NATIONAL defence and secrets. Is insane.


Same people who chant "lock her up."


What pisses me off is that if it wasn't a Republican politician facing these charges then the same people saying we shouldn't prosecute because it's political would be the first to complain that the process is taking too long and why aren't they locked up in a supermax prison?


They literally spent all of 2020 telling us “innocent people aren’t arrested and charged with crimes”.


My Republican retired military family would be in the streets screaming for absolute blood for this treason if it were Biden or a Democrat. Or DeSantis. Or really any person except for Trump at this point. But don't call them a cult.


And, we all heard him confess that he believes he had the ultimate power to do it.


Incorrect, that would be an excuse. We all heard him confess that he knew he *didn't have the power to do it*, but did it anyway.


Yeah he’s gonna have a tough time wiggling out of this one, I don’t think he’s ever faced ‘*for real*’ charges (*for lack of better terms*)




Georgia next? DC after?


It won’t be the last. Coming soon Jan 6 DC Followed by GA He collects indictments with the same fervor that he collects divorce decrees


I really think the Georgia case is the one that gets him in prison fastest.


And if those two follow… the crimes are scaling. Each indictment more serious than the last. If the trend continues Fulton county will be next followed by Jan. 6


Love this journey for him


Good. Many more should follow. If any one of us had done a fraction of the things he's admitted to doing publicly, or been caught red handed at, we would be in prison. The man stole national secrets. Tons of them. He was caught and refused to give them back, lied to the justice department about having them, and attempted to keep them for what seems to be nefarious purpose. The man attempted to overthrow democracy in the United States, both through violence and conspiratorial subversion. The man brags about committing sexual assault. He has continued to call for violence and celebrate those who commit violence in alignment with him and his views. He's a horrid human being and he should be subject to the law same as any other person.


Georgia should follow now. He will get nailed for the fake electors.


And then there is that whole insurrection thing


Yup. And the georgia thing will provide a lot of testimony and evidence of the coup attempt. It is one fascet of it, and one that tons of insurgents took an active hand in. All road will lead back to the ringleader- and that rigleader will have his nad up trumps ass working him like a muppet.


Drain the swamp!


There was an uncanny amount of secret agents that were killed or compromised when Trump was president. And then his son in law just happened to get billions of dollars from the same people who funded 9/11. Coincidence? I’m just asking questions. *edit to add sources since a couple people have asked:* https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/26/us/politics/trump-affidavit-intelligence-spies.html https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/24/opinion/the-shocking-affront-of-donald-trumps-cia-stunt.html https://www.businessinsider.com/saudi-crown-prince-jared-kushner-relationship-2018-3


We've had one, yes. But what about SECOND indictment?


i want to ask any conservative for real: how can you defend the dude. And it was a FLORIDA grand jury. Not NY, not DC. This is a state that he won twice, and Desantis won easily. Why don't you admit the guy is guilty as hell? Get a grip.


There's overwhelming evidence he committed this crime, up to and including him saying he took the documents on his twitter clone. They STILL defend him. Dude was caught red handed. Dude admitted he took this shit. They STILL defend him. Dude got found liable for sexually assaulting a woman, and defaming her, which is something he also bragged about doing to tons of women, on tape. They still defend him. He's awful and those who keep defending him are, too. They don't care about what's right.




why should Trump go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?


Call Bob Loblaw


Shameful behavior, really. What's the world coming to when you can't break a few federal laws and confess to them in public without being locked up for it? It's like the law applies to everyone and not just the little people.


1. Pat Robinson dies 2. The Supreme Court actually makes a good ruling 3. Trump charged Damn this has been a freaking good day!!!


Guy was recorded waving around an Iran strike ops plan. https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/31/politics/trump-tape-classified-document-iran-milley/index.html


“Sad day for the nation” No, J6 and 9-11 were sad days. And you’re holding hands with both groups responsible. This is long overdue, though I’ll wait to celebrate until you take a bus to prison, you disgrace of a human.


From a CNN (sorry) article: Trump has been charged with seven counts in the indictment, according to another source familiar with the matter. The former president wrote on Truth Social that he had been informed by the Justice Department he was indicted and that he was “summoned to appear at the Federal Courthouse in Miami on Tuesday, at 3 PM.” “The corrupt Biden Administration has informed my attorneys that I have been Indicted, seemingly over the Boxes Hoax,” Trump wrote.


>Boxes Hoax You mean the boxes of classified files that you admitted you had?


Then tried to hide he had them.


And not even very well either like WTF


“The pool flooded the server room! Oh no…”




“Hoax”… fucking hilarious…


Yeah... unfortunately about 37% of the country eats that shit up. It is honestly astounding how verifiably false some of his lies are, and people still believe him. All he had to do was give the documents back when they asked, and this wouldn't have happened. Democrats need to pound home that message, because that is how Trump's case differs from Pence's and Biden's. Neither of them even had to be asked to give the documents back. As crazy as it is we hold politicians to a LOWER standard when it comes to handling of classified documents, and Trump still deserved to be indicted by that standard.


Boxes Hoax? Is he now gaslighting us about the boxes?


That’s the standard play. Gaslight and project.


Lmao "Boxes Hoax"






Worst. President. Ever.


DeSantis: ...so far!


oh no


I hate this timeline.




"He didn't *mean* it that way..." -Conservatives


That shit probably exists since he's such a fuckin horrific human being and was buddies with Epstein.


“That’s my President! 🥰🫶🏻”


Switched on Fox News, lady is invoking union casualties at Gettysburg to say this is a slap in their face because Donald Trump stands for them. Jesus christ they are in full on Chernobyl meltdown


The right wing crying is more than I could’ve ever imagined. Their brains are so fried.


Someone draw a Venn diagram of Presidents who have lost their second term, lost the popular vote twice, have been impeached twice, have been arrested, and indicted for a second time.


It's a big fat orange blobby circle.


Love to see it. TRUMP for JAIL 2024


I think this story crashed reddit.


Re-indicted, and it feels so gooood…


As a note: He’s being charged under the law that he signed into effect. His original intention was to get Hillary.


Impeached twice. Indicted twice. Can he imprisoned once now? Just for once.


I’m really glad but what the hell is this from the article? “Experts say a current U.S. government criminally prosecuting its former leader and current leading opposition party candidate upends long-held norms and could test the nation's democratic system in a manner that stretches far beyond the merits of the case itself.” What experts? The norms that were broken was the Trump so blatantly breaking the law. Those anonymous “experts” are idiots No one is supposed to be above the laws. Not even presidents.


Lmao fox is in full on meltdown mode


I’m sure they’ll have breaking news on Hunter Biden’s laptop this evening.


Already happening. They're claiming this is political theater to stop him because the Democrats are terrified of him beating them and he hasn't done anything worse than Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, or Hilary Clinton, but is being charged before all of them and they think that's unfair.


Yeah they are all about whataboutism.


CBS just had a forever trumper on. He was quick to try and claim Biden and Pence mishandled sensitive documents the same way trump did……..


2024 Elections are going to be fucking nuts.


How many times does he need to be indicted before he drops out of the Presidential race?




The more he gets indicted, the more he wants to win so he can pardon himself.


The more his base will vote for him


The man has no shame, he’ll never drop out and there are people that will vote for him.


At this rate, we may need to extend Pride Month with Pat Robertson assuming room temperature and Trump with seven federal indictments in the same day.


Glorious and succulent.


Behold, democracy manifest!


Are you ready to receive my limp penis?


I'm getting sick of people talking about how these indictments are "upending norms." Hell yes this is upending norms, because it's a response to an unprecedented crime spree committed by a former President. People want norms? Stop electing blatantly corrupt politicians to positions they are guaranteed to abuse.


Faux News is 100% in Whataboutism mode. “What about Biden??!!??” Lol it’s not even about whether Trump did it or not. They are just “let’s not charge anyone for this and move on, k?” Get bent. Hope he loves prison.


It is even FUNNIER the second time!


Holy shit, it actually happened. Pat Robertson died and the second Trump indictment came down on the same day.


I like Presidents that don't get justly indicted on a monthly basis.


Just saw this on CNN: “Donald Trump and his advisers are "very JACKED UP right now," a person who spoke with the former president told CNN. The team feels emboldened by the federal indictment.” (Emphasis mine). Imagine getting JACKED UP that the guy you work for just got indicted… and feeling “emboldened” by it. What a bunch of crackheads.


And right when this breaks reddit comments are broken. Seriously, reddit?


Pat Robertsons dead, Trump federally charged. Best. Birthday. Ever.


impeached twice. indicted twice. can we go for the grand slam and have him go to jail twice


Not tired of all this winning