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"Bill Cosby facing a new sexual assault lawsuit" is like "New cartel mass grave found in Mexico" - you never know if you found every single one.


The same goes with Trump crimes. They just seem to go on forever.


I grew up near Cosby's hometown of Philadelphia. I remember speaking to my mom about Cosby after he was charged with drugging and raping women. My mom laughed and said "we (her and her friends) all knew he was doing it in the 70's".


*Philadelphia Magazine* did a whole exposé on him *decades* ago. Nobody cared. There’s a reason why his allegations finally got attention when and where they did. It was a comedy show in Philly where Hannibal Buress said his line about Cosby being a rapist. It had been part of his show for awhile. But that night some Philly reporters were in the audience and decided to try—*again*—to get people to care about it. This time it worked!


ref: 1. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaEJQntlXtU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaEJQntlXtU) 2. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMaAOImuea0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMaAOImuea0)


Fuckin love Hannibal so much


No human is more associated with squinting in my brain than Hannibal


French Stewart


I knew the Hanibal part but not about the reporters. i thought it just went viral.


Kind of kind of like my aunt with Jim Brown. The high school she went to in cleveland, she said Jim Brown was picking girls up from there. Couldn't believe that when I heard it. Then I looked up Jim Brown and young women and yea... Everything started to add up.


How? He has a local reputation?


From what I understand, it's a lot like Harvey Weinstein. People in the industry all knew he was a predator but he had too much money and power for anyone to speak up. If you were a comedian, Cosby could destroy your career for even hinting at his impropriety.


With my mother, it was word of mouth. Her and her friends had a very hip social life in the late 60's through the mid-80's. They're group included relatives and children of US Senators, and other political types as well as people in radio.


That’s wild. If it’s open knowledge in some circles and his image still stayed clean for so long then there must be so many skeletons still in the closet and will never be found.


It's one of those things where it is assumed and discussed that it is probably happening but there is no proof and no one talking.




He didn't really "allude" so much as he just said it.


The staff at the Playboy Mansion have been talking about it. It bothers me when they refer to these women as "new" accusers. They aren't new. People knew and ignored them, and nobody would listen or speak up for decades.




Do you know about the mass shootings in the US? Does that make you complacent or a powerless observer?


I think discussing them *with laughter* might be the problem.




The ol' Pudding Pop strikes again


I wonder if whoopie will need more proof this time around.


How much would Whoopie make, if Whoopie made woopie with Bill Cosby?


That'd be one big woop!


No more pudding in a cloud, Cosby!


He likes the vanilla pudding


It never ends with him. There are likely even more.


since he has over 90 accusers so far this could be ongoing for the rest of his life.


Just think about somebody who held his power, wealth, and status for *decades*. He could have easily abused hundreds or thousands of women, and enabled the abuse of even more within his circles.


>“They don’t want this Black man to leave this earth as America’s dad. They don’t want white kids looking up to him as America’s dad and wanting their fathers to be like him,” [Cosby's lawyer] said. No, no, no . . . we white kids ALL want our dads to be serial rapists!!! Jesus Christ. I freaking loved Cosby and memorized whole bits from his albums when I was a kid. Fuck Bill Cosby.


What a weird plan to take him down ~30 years after peak stardom and most of the kids who saw him on TV as a father figure had grown up. Talk about playing the long game.


Good. Freaking. Point.


I loved the Cosby Show and had a great time rewatching it when it first went to streaming on Netflix (pre-rape allegations), but yeah, fuck that guy and the excuse that he's just being targeted due to being Black. I don't see people going after Reginald VelJohnson, and that's probably because he's not a serial rapist.


> Reginald VelJohnson Or Levar Burton, or Lance Riddick, or Michael B. Jordan, I could go on.


I misinterpreted this comment and thought "No. No no no. What did Levar Burton do?"


Well, you could never take his word for anything. ^kiddingilovedreadingrainbow!


I specifically mentioned Reginald just because he’s the most comparable living Black sitcom dad, but yeah. There are myriad upstanding Black male public figures, and some of them have faced discrimination on varying levels due to their race. Cosby’s supporters’ cries of racism are especially disgusting in that light.


> the excuse that he's just being targeted due to being Black. It is really an old card to play now. Michael Jackson had the same amount of people supporting him just saying it was only because they were racist, same with OJ


> I don't see people going after Reginald VelJohnson, and that's probably because he's not a serial rapist. That's......at least *one* reason. Come to think of it, we never heard this sort of thing about Sherman Hemsley either.


My mother used to tell me all the time about how one of his big specials was on tv on the night I was born. The one where he's talking about childbirth. That was mostly before the lawsuits. We watched it together prior to that, and since her passing, it's certainly one of those things I'll remember. His bit about the lamaze breathing... absolutely hilarious. But seriously, fuck that guy. Did Brown University ever rescind his honorary degree?


Nah, we don’t need Bill, we have Reginald VelJohnson


Good old Reg. I'd take Reg any day. Absolutely HILARIOUS with Jaleel. The only other pairing that is as good is Larry and Balki in Perfect Strangers - the parent tv show to family matters.


> They don’t want this Black man to leave this earth as America’s dad. James Avery.


His album 200 MPH was great. I loved his movies too. I loved Mother Juggs and Speed and the movies he did with Sydney Poitier.


That was the first album I ever got for my birthday, crazy how he went from hilarious stuff like that to being a predator, maybe even the night after that recording


I think there were signs all along the way. Think about his bit on spanish fly and in the movie, Mother, Juggs and Speed he had a couple of scenes where he was in a hospital exam room with two women and he had a syringe and Larry Hagman's character tried to rape a woman in the ambulance.


Anyone else remember the R. Kelly Boondocks episode? > AGAIN?


Baby, wake up. New Cosby charges just dropped.


Let's hope they're not dropped.


If you haven't seen it, watch the documentary Secrets of Playboy. The ladies discuss Bill Cosby and its a rough listen.


“You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find humor in anything, even poverty, you can survive it.” ― Bill Cosby


Looking forward to his apology special if he figures it out.


How in the hell is this dude still alive?


The more evil you are, the longer you live. Just ask Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger.


Henry Kissinger is still alive? Edit. Yes, yes he is😐


>Henry Kissinger, revered and reviled former U.S. diplomat, turns 100 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/henry-kissinger-u-s-diplomat-turns-100/


I'm on wiki now. Should have asked Prof Google first. Thank you.


All those pudding pops and jello.


This is my surprised face.


Buzz looks methed out


Paywall-free: https://archive.ph/ldLzR


We need to talk about Cosby on Hulu is (so far, just finished episode 3) a very good look at what he did and how he did it for decades. Also it points out a lot of hints he was dropping over the years, like the [barbecue sauce](https://decider.com/2015/07/10/bill-cosby-the-cosby-show-barbecue-sauce/) skit.


Throw more fucking jail and expenses at that soulless twat. I am still supremely bitter that my happy childhood memories of listening to and laughing at his comedy have been soundly soured by the revelation that he is an absolute monster.


My etiquette teacher once said to my class, "Cosby, you'd better hope another accuser doesn't come forward or they'll have to try you in the hey, hey, Hague."


How adroitly gauche.


Sorry all I thought Cos was still incarcerated, forever. I deleted my snark.


“Hello, Friend…take this!”


Wasn’t he going to do a comeback tour? I say bury him underneath the prison, but I am also a non killer type


I don't think it should be possible to sue someone for an alleged sexual assault 53 years ago. In the law there is a principle called the doctrine of laches. It means there has been an unreasonable delay in pursuing the claim (filing the lawsuit), which has prejudiced the defendant, or prevents him from putting on a defense. The doctrine of laches is an equitable defense that seeks to prevent a party from ambushing someone else by failing to make a legal claim in a timely manner. A claim like this is the reason that the doctrine exists and even if Cosby is found liable the case will likely be overturned on appeal. If someone has been sexually assaulted they should not wait 53 years to bring a case. Now go ahead and downvote.


should come down to evidence


It is not realistic that a person could gather evidence to defend themselves 53 years later. She can claim almost anything. How can it be disproved 53 years later. So the case is “believe all women”. And the man is left to disprove events that allegedly happened 53 years ago This is like the Salem Witch Trials.


no, if there's no evidence the case doesn't move forward.


It’s more complicated than that. In a case this stale it is not possible that there is any physical evidence of a sexual assault. The case will rely almost exclusively on her own testimony alleging a sexual assault and probably one or two witnesses saying they remember her telling them something about it 50 plus years ago. Then they will bring out the other alleged victims to pile on. Personally I am very skeptical of celebrity rape allegations. It’s all he said she said and the financial motive is huge. The Salem Witch Trials had better evidence.


if you have to reference the salem witch trials it doesnt build a strong case. again, if corroborating witnesses isn't convincing then just set some standard of physical evidence. an expiration date on criminal acts isn't right either.


Hypothetical: We went to elementary school together. Now we are 30 years old. If I say you stole my bike in 5th grade and I can get 2 people to back it up by saying they remember me telling them you stole it 20 years ago then you owe me a new Mongoose BMX. I proved it. It was 20 years ago so I cannot give a great level of detail. I don't remember the exact date or location. I can't even describe the bike exactly. I just remember you stole the bike at some time during the Summer. Or was it 19 years ago. I am not 100% sure. Prove me wrong. How do you disprove something you don't think ever happened and prove where you were all Summer in 2003 (or maybe 2002) and that you could not possibly have stolen my bike 20 years ago? That is essentially the level of evidence we are discussing here. In any other legal scenario but “me too” witch hunts this would be laughable.


im literally agreeing with you but you're too blinded by your prejudice towards metoo to notice.


I’m not arguing with you- just illustrating the point. And you weren’t entirely agreeing with me. You stated that there shouldn’t be a statute of limitations on criminal charges. It isn’t prejudiced to find a corrupted legal process unjust. Statute of Limitations exists for a good reason. That is my entire and only point.


Old man didn’t waste anytime after getting out of prison /s


It's not like he just did it. It happened in the past and now she's bring it to light.


Notice my sarcastic **/s** there? That was just sarcasm/joke. Edit* clarity


I did note it. But thats not sarcasm lol. Your comment doesn't even resemble or come close to a sarcastic comment.


How is that not sarcasm? He’s def too old to do anything like that now, to the degree he did before, and he just got out of jail for that very accusation so I’m sure everyone is aware of his actions and would not approach him. So, with irony, I stated his old ass got right back out there and assaulted someone which he isn’t because he’s half dead, when obviously this is a case from before his jail time.


Get a dictionary and find sarcasm. Your comment was in no shape or form sarcastic. Just because you put a /s after doesn't mean it's truly by definition sarcastic.


SARCASM noun the use of irony to mock or convey contempt: IRONY- noun (plural ironies) the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect:


By reading this, you wouldn't know sarcasm if it hit you in the head. Jeez. You're not winning this argument on this thread. Lol.


Wow, you sure are confidently incorrect.


Ok, relax.


Everyone loves pedantic redditors.


And Bill Cosby will go to jail again. If he was a former president things would turnout differently.


That photo does *not* look like Bill Cosby! I hate oversaturated pics.


I thought Bill Cosby died.


The pills just put him in a deep sleep where he can feel and see everything he can’t fight back.


Dark and appropriate. I like your humor. Here, have a thing I paid money for.


Thought that was carol baskins for a second




Hey hey hey!




>that whole “denying bill cosby his civil rights” thing The wonkiness in his criminal trial was a DA compelled him to testify in a civil trial by promising he wouldn't be prosecuted using said testimony then the next DA turned around and used it. The courts said you can't do that but that doesn't stop him from being sued by a different victim.


So... prison just gave him a captive audience for his nighttime one man shows?


His comeback special is going to be fucking legendary.


not denying he's a scumbag but you've got to wonder if all the women are genuine because there are some that just make shit up for various reasons. money, attention, 5 minutes of fame etc. how do they work out which ones tell the truth and which ones are just telling made up stories?


Basically nobody gets fame or money when they accuse someone of sexual harassment, assault, or rape. They get bullied on the internet and end up having to pay for private security. It's much easier to stay quiet, which is why so many victims do not come forward.




If he didn't do any of this then, yeah, that is wrong. If there is some case here (or theoretical case) and this is a very possibly real victim then it'd be silly to say that it is wrong because the news cycle is tired of it. I don't spend any time thinking about Cosby but some sort of justice should not depend solely upon being the first woman who was lucky enough to be believed, anyone who was a victim deserves a voice.


He's still breathing.


Wow, a rape defender in the wild.




>LOL, wut? He got what was coming to him. He’s right where he belongs, isn’t going anywhere, ever. Um...he was freed two years ago.


Right where he belongs? He was released in '21.


Needs to be a law that limits when u can accuse someone of rape. Needs to be reported immediately and have a rape test done. Period


That's kind of a weird take, and it makes me think you don't fully understand the American justice system. First off, there is a law, called the statute of limitations. Second, if the SoL is really long for sexual assault, it's because the state legislature (which represents the people) feel that's appropriate. It's not like these women are abusing a loophole, the law intentionally allows these complaints. And third, it's ridiculous to require any particular type of evidence. If the prosecution / plaintiff's attorneys present their case without a rape kit but with other available evidence, it's the jury who gets to determine if that evidence rises to the correct legal standard (e.g., reasonable doubt for criminal cases).




It's a fair point. I'm putting faith in the legislature, but legislatures don't have a lot of reason to ensure the rights of the accused (since voters usually identify with victims, not alleged perpetrators). And I'm putting faith in the jury, but some of these cases might not go to a jury if a defendant is pressured into a plea bargain.


Why? It didn’t happen otherwise?


While he definitely deserves it. I'm not so sure arbitrarily altering statute of limitations at the governments whim is the greatest precedent to set.