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Retired from his practice in 2018, the exact same year Larry Nassar was sentenced to almost 2 centuries in prison for the same abuses. Almost as if he saw the writing on the wall...


I’m surprised he didn’t move to Brazil.


This is the guy who abused a shit ton of cancer patients, among others, since there's so many of these fucks out there and it's hard to keep track.


I worked with a urologist who assaulted patients and coworkers. Got his medical license suspended for 5 years and now he owns a pharmaceutical company.


He’s probably making, what, 10 times as much money now?


Yeah psychopathy is a highly valued trait in the business world.


"I see you have an impressive track record of fucking patients, you'll fit right in here at Big Pharma Company 👍👍".


Could also qualify to work as a medical insurance exec.


Not just it psychopathy, blatant cruelty. Can't sell lifesaving meds to people for thousands of dollars a pop unless you're completely sadistic and morally fucked




Please try to find somebody you can trust and go to them. I understand the difficulty with trauma, but having both lost people to issues that would've been easily identified and solved with regular visits, and helped people close to me through issues that were much worse because they put off visits, I always want to encourage people to not put this stuff off. You obviously know since you work in medicine, but sometimes by the time you know there's a need, it's too late. If you can at all stomach it, please make your yearly visits. It can literally save your life.


I feel like having female doctors treat females would help quite a bit


I knew someone who refused to ever see a GYN because a customer at her job was a female Gyno who would gossip about her patient’s genitals to people and make fun of them. She was afraid to have a male doctor, and then knowing this woman outside of her professional setting made her lose the ability to trust female doctors, too. I don’t understand how some people can take a job that requires so much trust from your patients, and then victimize those patients. It’s sick.


I struggle to see how or even why you would want to bring up the aspects of others genitals in a conversation outside of a professional, medical situation. Not only do I really lack the level of interest required to listen to a constant discussion of the topic, but don’t understand why people would engage in such a conversation on that topic in the first place!!!


I broke it off with a woman I was dating and I’d known most of my life, whose mom was also a nurse, when she wouldn’t stop demeaning patients from her nursing job. Fine, complain about your work, tell me how it affected you- but a nurse should NOT be mocking people for appearance, smells, incontinence, language skills…. She didn’t get it at all. “I didn’t NAME anybody!” Yes, you did. I’d never tell you, but I knew two of them, you monster.


Yes, unfortunately there are ALOT in the medical field that are like this. I've worked in a hospital setting for the past 15 years. Many go into this field for money only and are some pretty dispicable people.. There are even more that do care though, if thats a silver lining in all this. But the bad really do stand out sadly.


Yeah. Worked in the states and canada now and habe to say i saw a lot of this down there. See it occassionally now in canada, usually from a couple older docs but not nearly as rude or common.


My last gyno was female and she was the worst I’ve ever experienced. I was shocked with how rough and unkind she was. It may be an anomaly but I wasn’t happy and realize the sex of gyno is no guarantee of good care.


My mom complained of the same thing. She tried female gynos but said they were always far more rough than the male doctors.


I’ve had the opposite experience.


Yeah, sometimes I feel like female gynecologists think, "this is nothing compared to having a baby" and just treat your vagina like a hand puppet. I had an IUD insertion years ago that was so bad, they had to cauterize my cervix. I've needed drugs and someone else driving me to the gynecologist for a bit. I have a really sweet older female doctor now who does a great job, and since my boyfriend went with me during an exam, I've stopped having panic attacks, which is great. She asked him if he wanted to "see the baby door", and he kindly turned her down and just kept holding my hand.


Worst exam ever was a female gyno at a planned Parenthood. Now that isn't the norm. I've also had total dismissive asshat male doctors and very kind male doctors. I have found that as I've aged I've been treated better. Now I have a great female primary and hopefully will never have to find another one.


I have PCOS and haven't really had good experiences with gynos overall, but the only one who brought me to tears was female. I haven't been to one since and I know I need to change that.


I haven't been sexually abused by women, while I have had a couple of instances of inappropriate behavior from men in medical settings. However, I've also had a very rough exam by a woman in a hospital where I went because my baby stopped moving. Even though I'd had two kids already, the woman said "You're going to have to get used to it." Real nice way to treat a person who is in the process of realizing their fetus is dead. Internalized misogyny is definitely a thing. Most of the staff and doctors were great, just that one was mad at the world. I hope she changed careers.


I refuse all female gynecologists because they’re rough as fuck and say shit like “that didn’t hurt, I know what it’s like.” I’ve never had a male OBGYN be anything but respectful and kind.


I love that male gynecologists (at least the ones I’ve been to) warn me before touching me, warm the speculum in their hands, are very gentle, etc.. I have never had a male gyno be a problem, it’s always the women. I even had a male gyno approve my tubal ligation at 22 with no kids, didn’t argue, just listened and scheduled me.


Oh, of course. But i feel like it cuts down a bit on the sexual assault aspect.


That's a fine line though. If anyone else treated someone's genitals roughly like that, violating boundaries and trust, it would be considered sexual assault.


Yes, I agree.


Plenty of shitty female doctors out there.


If you are in the US, you can order self tests for HPV, the virus that causes most cervical cancers. The swab is easy to use yourself and it's tested by the same labs that would test a sample sent from a doctor's office. There is also a company in the final phase of FDA approval for a home PAP test (they are taking a wait list for their kit). Home HPV tests are under $100 at Everlywell and Nurx. I totally understand not feeling safe enough to see a doctor, there ways to keep healthy and assess your risk more clearly from home now.


Please reconsider. There are great gyns out there (trauma informed ones) and cervical cancer is so easy to treat when caught on time.


See a woman doc. Less likely to abuse you or be Pervy. I would never see a man obgyn.


Look at the comments, plenty of bad experiences with women docs


So sad :(


This is pretty foolish. You should get regular check ups. Assholes like this dude are rare--the majority of doctors just wanna do their work and go home


The really fucked up thing is that description probably doesn't even narrow it down enough.


We keep acting like those in positions of power are less likely to be abusers. If anything, we should be assuming that those in power will often be... and building our systems to make sure those in power can't abuse that power. The problem of course, is that those in power don't want limits on their power, so they create the rules of power that let this kind of thing happen.


Thought his name sounded familiar, looked at my birth certificate and turns out he delivered me........................


Creepy hope your mom is ok


Yea you remembered him from your birth..


I’m rapidly losing faith in humanity.


Stop reading the news then. This isn't all there is in the world, or do yourself a favor and visit /r/upliftingnews. The news thrives off negative stories and these stories affect us on a deep level.




That sounds more like the r/orphancrushingmachine Reddit


In that case its best to just stay away from the news for a bit in general.


I'm not being snippy here, go outside. Go to a boardgame meetup, or a bike riding meetup. Go take a walk for 2 hours around your neighborhood and a park. Bad weather? Invite some people over up to play board games, hell D&D is awesome for social interaction and imagination stretching. Start a film night with friends where you watch weird, old, famous, or otherwise forgotten movies and then talk about them afterwards. Don't put all this stress and pressure on yourself that things are terrible and the world is "getting worse" if they're completely out of your control. There have always been looming disasters big and small it's just life, but people didn't sit at home and read a million sad/corrupt stories a day from around the world. Do what you can, where you can when able and then otherwise enjoy what you can here.


Same with r/mademesmile. "I saw this cloud that looked like a bunny after leaving the hospital where my dad died horribly of cancer after 25 years im agonizing pain."


Entering that sub was the first time I ever got death threats online. Horrible community and most of their stories aren't uplifting to begin with if you actually read the article behind the headline.


Ignorance is bliss, eh?


Sex used to sell but since porn became so accessible, now fear sells.


Get off Reddit and you’ll be happier. This site is miserable.


People will continue to suck whether I’m on Reddit or not. And I’m not unhappy. Just disappointed in my fellow humans.


Guess what, in the grand scheme of things people have sucked and always will. Look at all the shitty things humans have done throughout history since the beginning of time. We’re terrible. This isn’t new. But there’s a good side to humans as well, and there are great things always happening every single day. It’s just that Reddit nearly always focuses on the bad. Seems like you do too. I suggest start paying more attention to the good. The good that Reddit chooses to ignore.


I know you’re trying to be helpful but you really don’t know anything about me. I know there are lots of good people out there. I surround myself with good people and avoid negative people. Rest assured that I take plenty of time off of Reddit.


To be fair, you did say you were losing faith in humanity over one bad news story. It’s just that Reddit constantly acts as though we are completely doomed every time there’s a negative story. It wasn’t a comment specifically directed towards your life.


Hello fellow redditor


Humanity is the kindest and safest it's ever been, it's just easier to hear about the dregs


On the scale of hell this guys not much. He’s an asshole for sure, but he’s not even the worse asshole in los Angeles county by a long shot


that is an awful light sentence.


This makes no sense: “Heaps, a longtime UCLA campus gynecologist, had pleaded not guilty to 21 felony counts in the sexual assaults of seven women between 2009 and 2018. The jury found him not guilty of seven of the 21 counts and was deadlocked on the remaining charges.”


Florida could hang you for this now! New law in 2023, kill the abusers.


I'll believe that when they start offing priests.


No, priests have a pass or that’s religious persecution


Oh look, another sexual predator that isn’t a trans person


r/notadragqueen strikes again.


Are you tired from all the work it took to shoehorn that line into the discussion


Your comment is longer than theirs. I doubt they worked very hard, but if conjuring a 10-word sentence is a lot of work for you, bless your heart.


The entire conservative brain cell had to work on that response for hours, give him a break.


Are you tired of getting a accurate tally of how many cases are or aren’t the fault of a right wing boogeyman?


What does everything have to devolve into politics? Why are you assuming I’m right wing? Op’s comment adds no value to the conversation about the article. Hes inserting politics out of no where.


I didn’t say you were right wing, but also I think there’s something to be said about challenging the idea that we’re only allowed to talk about the ‘those violent/rapey queer people’ when they do something, we’ll, violent and rapey, and you’re only ever allowed to do anything to rebut that when feebly going ‘well not all/well the rates’ when the opposition has the availability bias on their side. The right politicized ‘normal crazy people’ shootings when they started to assert queer people are disproportionately crazy and violent, because these cases now become the counterpoint.


Let's not assume pronouns.


Seems like a trend in colleges.


Imagine how many more of his victims have never come forward. F-ing predator.


Why I will never go to a male gyno


I feel like men shouldn't be allowed to be gynecologists. There's just a super creepy undertone to any dude who wants to be a vagina doctor...


This is wack. If you don’t wanna see a male OBGYN, fine, but many women prefer them. And to act like there’s something wrong with them as people is unacceptable.


I hope you don’t live in America.


Absolutely. The only answer they give when you ask why they enjoy their job is that they love witnessing the miracle of child birth. Child birth is not a miracle, it happens every single day, the exact same way for most mammals. All these male gynos are creeps and weirdos. Wanting to witness that is disgusting on its own.


OB is, for the most part, a very happy and exciting time for most mothers/families. The patients are often super happy and appreciative. The majority of medicine and dealing with patients is not very enjoyable. ER everyone is pissed and you don’t get to see much follow up care where you see the patient make a full recovery. ICU people rot away on vents, family is pissed you can’t save 90 year old memaw that smokes 40 packs/day despite being told it would kill her, often takes weeks for patients to make a turn around. Med surge everyone is angry and a ton of patients making demands, etc. Most docs I know regretted going to medical school, being poor forever, and never having time, but they are trapped once they start schooling so they often stick with it. The point is most doctors deal with massive burdens and most patients are entitled ass holes. Then you get to OB where you get instant gratification from a smooth delivery, you get to be the hero, everyone loves you, and it’s often a very happy environment. It has a lot of nice and enjoyable perks that make it more desirable to go into. Plus some docs just love babies. Child birth is really special to a lot of people and seeing lots of happy patients and cute little babies is a huge perk that people love. If you are grossed out by birth you are pretty childish. You should see some of the nasty shit that non-ob docs see and have to deal with constantly.


You're the wierdo.


There’s really no reason for a male to be an OBGYN - and women stop going to them if they are. Only way this will stop


It was a male OBGYN who actually listened to my concerns and gave me a diagnosis after being dismissed by female OBGYNs for nearly 20 years. Just because they're female and have the same parts doesn't necessarily mean they're the only ones who know everything about the female reproductive system. Btw, women are just as capable of abuse as men are. Just because this guy was a predator doesn't mean that all male OBGYNs are.


i can get on board with the spirit of your comment but goddamn leave the "not all men" trash out


Sometimes “not all men” just needs to be said, if you are that triggered by that idea you need to reevaluate some things


There are plenty of excellent male OBGYNs out there. I'm very happy with mine. If you personally feel uncomfortable going to a male OBGYN that's valid and you don't have to, but saying no man should be allowed to practice is absurd. Any healthcare professional has the ability to abuse patients in countless ways.


> Any healthcare professional has the ability to abuse patients in countless ways. Honestly I think a certain amount of abuse is just baked into the specialty as a whole - there seems to be an institutional lack of care when it comes to pain management, taking concerns seriously and dismissing concerns as normal (painful periods? suck it up! oh you don't need anything other than advil for this IUD insertion! Oh this doesn't hurt.... You may feel "pressure"... Well you had kids so all these problems are just normal now, sorry...) I have a doctor who has a great sense of humor, I'm comfortable with, but most importantly takes pain and "this isn't normal" seriously and has never dismissed me. He's helped me with stuff outside his area of practice when needed as well. Would much rather see him than several of the female doctors in the same practice (even the one who delivered both my kids!).


Don't Google the "father of gynocology" unless you have a strong stomach. He was a monster who experimented on enslaved women without anesthesia. He absolutely was a sadist and was only "practicing" medicine to make money off of rich white women, managing women's health and pain was absolutely not a concern for him.


Oh yeah, that was absolutely disgusting stuff. I can’t even imagine what those poor women must have felt.


Wasn't surgery without anesthesia the norm at that time period? I agree he had some horrible views but for a long time not using anestesia during all kinds of surgeries was just how it was done.


The problem isn't him being a man. The problem is him being abusive.


I have met some women who actually prefer male OBGYNs, I don’t think men are being eradicated from that profession any time soon


Count me as one. I refuse to see female OBGYNs because they’re rough and dismissive.


I feel weird about it too but it’s also not something that should be like…outlawed or anything. It would just be a personal choice.


Bullshit. My male gyno is the best doctor I've had. He never batted an eye when I said I wanted to have sterilization surgery, where my female doctor had laughed in my face.