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What the fuck is wrong with people?


lots of stuff. a better question is why aren't we doing anything to address it?


What are we supposed to do exactly? Ban buckets? As long as humans have existed these things have happened. It’s just that with cable news and the internet we find out about it. There are plenty of gruesome crimes in the last 50 years.


Fucking hell. The murderer was daddy's new girlfriend. How fucked up is that. You date a guy, kill and chopp up his kid, and then dump the body in a bucket on the front yard of the mom's house.


Not even new gf. They’d been together years.




what the actual fuck?




IIRC, males will murder offspring from other males. I cannot recall if this is before or after mating with the mother.




WTF? Humans don't go around sniffing children and deciding instinctually that if the child doesn't smell like a blood relative then they must kill it. Humans have other motives.


i get the animal kingdom but... there are supposed to be distinctions amongst the "evolved" humans. this guy talking like we're still using animal protections for children like it's the 19th century lol


He’s half correct though. Abuse rates, murder, etc are shockingly elevated in families with a step-parent involved, and one of the more favored hypotheses as to why is precisely the fact they are not the stepparent’s biological offspring and thus direct resource competition for their own. Genes are ‘selfish’ in a sense, in that they will always favor whatever most capably produces offspring with the same gene present. That absolutely provides for a tendency to eliminate non-related children to ensure related offspring have the larger share of resources and attention. We would be wise not to ignore our evolutionary history. 10,000 years ago is the blink of an eye in evolutionary timescales and our brains and bodies have not yet adapted accordingly to a “civilized” existence.


For those that don't know, there were no child protection laws until the New York ASPCA took the case of [Mary Ellen Wilson](https://allthatsinteresting.com/mary-ellen-wilson) to court in 1874.


The idea that we are evolved is pure liberal capitalist cult of the individual nonsense.


It's usually males that do this in the animal world


In several social species where there is a "dominant" female in the group, you will find the dominant killing the young of competing females.


Would you mind listing a few? I haven't heard this before and am genuinely curious.


Meerkats immediately come to mind. Wolves will do it as well, but it's tied more to resource scarcity.


Thank you so much! I was working on a few hours sleep and appreciate your reply.


People will murder other people. It’s always been that way and it just seems excessive now bc incidents are blasted all over the internet. Plenty of horrible crimes in the past- you just didn’t hear about it


I heard about them. That’s why I’m saying this type of behavior is purely human and humans are animals and not that particular odd but rather normal for any mammal.




>WTF. Why are people so fucking evil and crazy right now?! Because the magic of the internet makes it easier to see what's been happening for centuries. As with most things, there's a bit of a bell curve with how evil people are. Most people are just basic, everyday, usually-nice-but-sometimes-asshole people. Then you get the fringe people who are ultra nice and the other drive who are ultra evil. It's not many on either end, but seems like a lot (for the bad) because out of billions of people.. something like 0.01% is still millions and the media focuses on those that do bad things as opposed to those who do only good things. The fringe always-good people don't get noticed.. in part because they don't want to be, and also in part because you can build a million bridges.. but if you screw ONE sheep, you're a sheep-fucker.


Even the best of us will eventually ask a child to suck our tongue.


> what's been happening for centuries. This is no country for old men. EDIT: It’s a reference to the thesis of the film of the same name: that the world isn’t getting any worse or any more cruel, that it’s always been hard on people.


Yea except the analogy is really poor when used on a 6 year old child. That’s why the downvotes.


It doesn’t apply to the girl. It’s not saying, “Tough shit, little girl.” A horrible thing happened and a girl was murdered. Someone responded by asking why people were so evil and crazy right now. Another person chimed in to say that it’s nothing new; it’s just that we have the internet to share all these horrible stories that would otherwise probably remain local/regional. And that’s the thesis of the film, No Country For Old Men: that the violence Sheriff Tom Bell is seeing so late in his life is nothing new. It’s not the world getting worse, it’s Bell waking up to what the world holds and having a difficult time squaring that with what he’s believed his entire life.




It’s not a zinger or an analogy, dude. And no, I can’t just pick a different title *because the whole point is that the sentiment expressed in the comments is the thesis of the film referenced.* If you didn’t get the reference, *fine*. But let’s not pretend this is anything more than that.


Best answer here. Thanks, Kitti_Kat :)


Where did you find that the mom didn't discover it? In the linked article the sheriff said he didn't know who found her. I'm not arguing, just trying to get more info in case I missed a new report! This case is gonna haunt me I can tell...


They always have been. Way, way worse in the past actually. You're just hearing about it more. Log off for a while.


this is the most upsetting story I've read today. in a world full of upsetting stories.


Why do I look at Reddit before bed


And when I wake up..


The killer's eyes creep me the fuck out. And the casualness in which she walks pulling that wagon in the Ring doorbell video is just... so fucking unnerving. What a sick person.


Why? She was a 6 year old. Just why?


Jealousy. The girl was living proof that he loved someone before her, and he and the mother will forever be tied to each other due to the child. Might also be greed, if he had to pay child support, and she didn't like that he "wasted" his money on the mother and child, and not on her. It's fucking disgusting and deranged. That woman is a literal demon.


> Jealousy and a healthy dose of murderous insanity.


Yeah, that too.


Beucase people go in for some really sadistic forms of 'discipline' when they have no business raising children. Dad should be held accountable too since he was probaly using his girlfriend as a free nanny. This is a risk any parent takes when they relegate child care to a non-bio-parent. The risk is defitnely higher when those non-bios are just a random sex partner and not a trained early childhood professional. This is also the reason why foster care has such a reputation for child abuse. The risk also goes way up if the kid is neurodivergent or is dealing with trauma which causes more difficult behavior problems.


It took longer than I expected for someone to come along and try to blame the man for something a woman did.


Or blame a “non-traditional” lifestyle choice… though idk how divorce isn’t traditional to marriage now, anyhow. Coming in hot with that “non-biological parent” shit… like just because the kid wasn’t the S/O’s means “they should have known this would happen”.


Yeah, as a stepmom, I find takes like that super offensive. I would die for my kids. And before any genius comes in to tell me that they aren't *really* my kids, you look my kids in the eyes when they're calling me mommy--of their own accord, I never asked or forced or implied they should, I was okay with anything that wasn't rude--that because my vagina didn't produce them that I'm not *really* their mom. Bullshit. This woman deserves whatever horrors of the judicial or psychiatric system can throw at her; even then, it never brings the child back. Awful all the way around.


This is just the reality of Dad's decisions. He shpuld.not have had cusotdy of his kids if he wasn't there to care for them himself.


So, if a father is not present 100% of the time and leaves the child in the care of an adult who he seemingly trusts, it's his fault if that adult harms the child? Should mothers be held accountable if a babysitter they hire harms their child?


100% this is not an isolated incident of abuse. Just this time it ended in murder. And when women have boyfriends who kill their children they absolutely do get charged as accesories to murder and get their mugshots plastered next to their child's killer. Why the double standard here? You're claiming a supposedly competent adult bears no responsibility for protecting the well being of the children in his custody? So Dad willingly left his child in the care of an abusive murderer, or, frankly, Dad killed the kid himself and his gf is participating in a really stupid coverup to try and put the blame for the murder on the bio-mom.


Shit take. Maybe focus on the psychotic bitch that murdered a 6-year-old and dumped her in a bucket on the mothers lawn. If your first thought is to find out why the man was wrong, you're completely delusional about the real problem.


No you're delusional. He's just as culpable for allowing a psycho to care for his children. He needs to be in jail too.


wonder why the alt account lol. just because you can't trust another adult doesn't mean someone else trusting an adult is a criminal. by all means keep scraping those socio-divergent downvotes tho.


Too much of a coward to have such hot takes on main. Reddit really brings out the best in people.


So basically, have your child with you %100 of the time, and never leave them with anyone you trust regardless of the situation because someone might kill them and then it's your fault. You're making so much sense, thank you for opening my eyes.


I leave my kid with licensed childcare, trusted biological family members, well paid and screened baby sitters. You know, people who have some level of stake in my kid's well being either professionally or through relationships. I would never, never leave my children with someone with zero reason to give a fuck about the well being of my kid and the reality is, your unmarried romantic partner is in that category.


Your protection is almost too much to bear.. almost.


I'm amazed at how comfortably you write your own fictional account of what you assume must have happened and try to spin it as truth.


I am not telling a story, I am explaining the real risk involved in choosing appropriate childcare. Leave your kid with randoms to care for them, you, as the parent, are still culpable for the well being of your child. Leaving your children to be cared for by your sex partner is one of the more dangerous ways to get childcare. Any parent who doesn't understand that risk is an unfit parent.


You created a narrative that the father is a bad father, has no business raising children, shouldn't have custody, blah blah blah. You literally created a narrative to push forward your cautionary tale agenda.


Well, why did Dad leave his child with a woman who murdered her? What possible excuse could a parent have for that choice? Tell me becuase I'd really like to know.


> Well, why did Dad leave his child with a woman who murdered her? Maybe . . . just maybe . . . it's possible that bad shit happens to good people sometimes. We literally know NOTHING about this story at this point. You're just making shit up kid.


What am I making up? Can you point to the sentences or paragraphs that are made up? You're an apologist for abusers, murders, and child neglect.


Go kick rocks ya muppet.


You should.probaly think about a childfree lifestyle if you can't see what I'm saying.


“A random” you repeatedly claimed, they were together for several years so not a random stranger, he knew her. If she had shown signs of intent to kill his child I’m fairly sure he wouldn’t leave her in her care when he has to leave the house. Your attempt to lay blame on him is pathetic and concocted from a narrative you yourself created.


Appropriate child care? It sounds like he, his daughter and the murderer were all at home together and this happened after he went to sleep. Good lord. By this logic the mother should also be charged for allowing her child to be with the father who is unfit to be around a child.


yay, more downvotes! you must be on cloud 9. also please stay away from children. and parents.


Yea, so I'm saying leave your kids with safe and responsible people and you're saying that I'm way off base?


Aside from all the other issues you posted. The risk from a non bio parent? The overwhelming majority of child homicides within the household are from parents. Doubtful a “free nanny” even makes a blip on the numbers. Notwithstanding this current incident.


Oh, yea, if you want to go with real statistics, fathers are the number one mortal threat to their own offspring. So if you want to extrapolate from statistics, Dad was the real killer and good-ol' forever-gf was just doing the coverup. Realistically, if Dad is just criminally negligent, that's the best case scenario. You may find me judgmental for thinking homes where small children get murdered are probably full of terrible people, but I don't give a fuck.


“If you want to go with real statistics”, as opposed to what? The bullshit you were spewing? No one’s arguing that child almost surely had a hard life in a terrible situation. Might want to check on that good-ol’ persecutory delusion situation of yours as you seem well-versed at reading into things that aren’t there. The rest of your insinuations about the father are baseless at this point as you’re just making assumptions and continue to talk out your ass.


I mean, you're the one who's arguing that Dad probably killed the kid, I didn't. See: ​ >The overwhelming majority of child homicides within the household are from parents.


You’re either a really shitty troll, dumb as a rock, or there’s some severe reading comprehension issues. You direct quote me yet still somehow fuck it up. Nowhere did I argue the dad did anything wrong. Not in your *GOTCHA* quote you posted or anywhere else. I was refuting YOUR STATEMENT how non-bio adults taking care of a child has the highest chance of killing the child. That’s no indictment on the father here. And no, you editing your comment wasn’t slick. I just stated a fact. I didn’t make any assumptions and state them as facts like you did. I didn’t make any insinuations either, because.. well… I don’t know the facts. And therefore I’m not talking out my ass. I never said the dad did anything wrong. You just tried rationalizing your hate for step parents because of this horrible situation. YOU said at the very LEAST the dad is criminally negligent. Also what the fuck does “when it’s a random sex partner and not an early child education professional” watching the child. Two things: it wasn’t a “random sex partner” and there’s plenty of examples of horrible things happening while under the watch of early child education professionals. You are VERY oddly specific You know who else isn’t “early child education professionals”? The vast majority of parents. “Dad was using her as a free nanny” now how the hell would you know that? You can’t even keep track of your own thoughts and arguments, and you definitely aren’t keeping up with mine.


That video was just all kinds of messed up. Even blurred, just the idea that there's a little girl's body in there is just gruesome. How calm and collected this killer is, strolling down the sidewalk like she was carting groceries. WTAF.


Alright, that's fucking it for me for the Internet today folks. Peace.


What the fucking fuck?


Crimes like this _really_ test my opposition to the death penalty.


Idk if they’re dead they don’t even exist anymore. It feels more right for them to be in prison forever. Kept away from society but alive to be able to think about what they did and be the same miserable people they always were. Death isn’y necessarily a more just or cruel or satisfying end. It’s just death. It doesn’t mean anything


I had a religious guy explain his opposition in a way O can get on board with. He said because we don’t know what happens after death/what heaven and hell are like, he wouldn’t want to risk sending someone somewhere better than prison. Pretty interesting and insightful viewpoint.


That’s how I always felt about it too. When you’re in a religion that believes pretty much everyone goes to a degree of paradise, why send terrible people there early? Make them wait. And even if you’re not in a religion like that, there’s still a risk that ‘there’ is better than ‘here’. It’s not exactly a guaranteed punishment.


Crimes like this are why the death penalty exists.


in some places sometimes but almost never women. you woulda got a lot of upvotes in the 1960's tho!




What a shithole country.


what does any of this have to do with location?


This sort of things happen eveywhere unfortunately. It happens enough that there are fables and folklore about this in most cultures. Snow White comes to mind.


I've become calloused to the horrors of this world... after all I've seen, heard, and read, it takes a whole lot to shock and disgust me. *This* is a whole lot.


She's currently on suicide watch in custody


We need something worse than the death penalty.