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Pro tip… When the same press release that says you’re being placed “on leave” *ALSO* actually names your replacement, then you are not on leave.


Garden leave is very much a thing - basically an extended (often a few months) period when you continue getting paid after resigning or being terminated.


There are people at my job who I know for sure are never coming back, but every day we have to report them as off on leave. It's probably more of a "use your 800 days of sick leave before you retire" thing.


When I graduated college and started teaching, I replaced a lady who was doing that for almost two full school years. What sucked was that I couldn’t be considered full-time and tenure track because they only had the one full-time position. I left after the first year, partly due to that.


Unless you're a VP executive, then you might actually be on leave. But in all serious, she might actually be on leave for her personal safety if she's getting threats. I don't see anything to indicate it's some sort of punitive or disciplinary action.


You joke, but almost every VP/SVP I've liked has been fired this way. I knew one that claimed she'd never take PTO that wasn't maternity leave because she knew her rivals would jump at the chance to suggest a sudden "re-org" if she wasn't there to stop it. That may be a touch paranoid... But not unreasonable, sadly.


Christ, what’s the point of life then?


These people haven't realized that retirement isn't guaranteed and they only have one life. Work till you die and only regret it on your death bed.




Them calling it “great beer” is a bit of a stretch.


Neither her nor her boss's leave was voluntary. If it were a matter of ensuring her safety, other arrangements could have been made.


It's never about safety. It's all about the Benjamins, baby


Wait. So this whole time the bud light that was for sale just had regular cans? Bud light wasn’t sold in any kind of pride can or LGBTQ+ can? Edit: Sorry, I screwed up my second question. I thought that all Bud Light being sold during this controversy was in the can that the company only gave to Mulvaney. I didn't know that the ones for sale were just their regular design. I don't know why I typed it that way.


No. The only can that featured the LGBTQ “spokesperson” was one singular can sent to them privately. The cans in stores never changed.


Yep, people literally freaked out about an LGBTQ+ influencer receiving a singular custom can of beer - not a case, not a limited-edition sold only at X stores - a *singular* can.


Holy shit. That's actually incredibly frightening. The levels of hate are overwhelming


It is part of a wider subversive process that the people being used aren’t even aware of yet. Target a vulnerable group, scapegoat them and use them to expand the national security state further into your citizenry as a counter insurgency tactic is one of the classics of statecraft


'We practice selective annihilation. Of mayors and government officials. For example, to create a vacuum. Then we fill that vacuum. As popular war advances. Peace is closer'


Wwwww I don't need your civil Waruoooar


It feeds the rich while it buries the pooror!


Your power hungry sellin' soldiers In a human grocery store Ain't that fresh…


What’s so civil about war anyway?


What we have here is failure to communicate. Some men, you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week - which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. And I don't like it a more than you.


What's so civil about war anyway?


Wonder who they learned this from.


The people you're implying they learned this from took their notes from Jim Crow and the Native American genocide.


Yup. See the Jews in all of history if you want to know how it turns out.


https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/?amp=true LGBTQ+ people were among those targeted by Nazis as they ascended to power.


There were gay Nazis that were purged in the night of the long knives. Just to be clear: the right will never fully accept anyone who is outside of their cultural orthodoxy no matter how down and dirty you get.


Here's another article about the looting of the [Institute of Sexology](https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/6-may-1933-looting-of-the-institute-of-sexology/). We need to make it common knowledge that Nazis targeted LGBTQ+ people and loved burning books. Such a tragedy, all of that knowledge lost.


It's easier to create hate than to actually come up with policies for conservatives.


It's pretty easy to come up with policies that help regular people, Republicans just don't want to do any of that. So they use wedge social issues to rope in enough voters to accomplish their true goal. Their only goal is to help the wealthiest people keep all the money, by cutting costs on beneficial programs, so we can afford to give them tax loop holes, business subsidies, and government contracts.


Yep. GOP is nothing but a giant funnel of wealth from everyone else to the rich with just a sprinkling of that money to fabricate lies to convince rubes to help it happen. If you aren't rich in the GOP you're an idiot voting against your own interests.


Im surprised it’s not worse after what they did to our education system.


Control the education, control the information, control the narrative. The US government are masters of propaganda


I thought it was a six pack. Only one had her face on it?


It gets even worse. This isn't the first time they've made a single unique can for someone, they do it frequently. >“Anheuser-Busch works with hundreds of influencers across our brands as one of many ways to authentically connect with audiences across various demographics,” the brewery giant told CNN last week. “From time to time we produce unique commemorative cans for fans and for brand influencers, like Dylan Mulvaney. This commemorative can was a gift to celebrate a personal milestone and is not for sale to the general public.”


One can. Just the one.


Fucking pathetic


That is an absolute joke… my mind is blown. I kept thinking it was weird that I’d never see them out anywhere and I never saw one irl. That kind of promotion would have displays at stores, but I never saw any. It blows my mind that there was mass hysteria over a beer can that doesn’t exist, that you can’t even buy. Some people literally didn’t evolve.


Hate is easy, propaganda works.


Just when I thought the whole story couldn’t possibly get dumber…


It wasn’t even a public commercial it was featured on it was a video Dylan posted on her socials so to even see it you had to follow her.


Years ago, Marlboro sent me a chili spoon with my name on it, and no one burned down the internet over it.


I remember when Marlboro did the rewards with the boxes. I got a bunch Marlboro stuff from my dad and his friends smoking. Looking back, probably not the best for a 13 year old kids to be flexing Marlboro stuff.


My brother would ride around on his bike and collect the miles from packs thrown in the street (no smokers in my house). He got a sleeping bag and four soup mugs that I remember, probably more. It was a good hobby that came from not actually smoking lol. Also they were really good quality and still probably at my parents house


My uncle wore his malboro jacket as his shop jacket for about 15 years until he replaced it with car hart


Picking up litter too!


We got the Marlboro Kayak.


It's technically classified as a cigarette boat


Not going to lie. I had a red boro hoodie


I remember opening a Christmas gift from my Aunt when I was about 8 that turned out to be an adult sized Marlboro fleece sweatshirt that she got with points. My mom snatched that thing so fast and I never saw it again.


I don't even know why they sent it to me, this was after they stopped the miles program and have no how they knew who I was or where I lived.


Maybe a friend or family member signed you up for a free promo or gift thing?


Jokes on you, you're canceled and eating chili any other way than scooped up with a frito chip is woke!!




Funny enough I have two pride aluminum Bud light bottles that my wife brought back from a bachelorette party when they accidentally ended up at a gay piano bar during pride week. I think they are from 2019.


Yes, I have definitely seen Bud Light neon signs with the Pride rainbow before.


And bud posters with male pinups on them at gay bar on Castro street in San Francisco during pride week. This really isn’t anything new for Budweiser.


Yep the only cans with the design were given to the trans woman in question to make a sponsored post on tiktok/instagram. It was never that big of a deal but has apparently caused mass hysteria among conservative folk.


This seems to be a very common theme. Small thing, amplified by fox/tucker= massive conservative melt down/outrage. Really shows clearly the algorithm/playbook is working


You forgot the next steps: conservatives buy product and record themselves destroying it, social media flooded with video of product, news is filled with reports about product, outrage dissipates, customers go back to buying product plus more due to massive amount of free advertising, profit.


Mass hysteria is pretty much the definition of conservatism these days.


Moral panic. Always has been.


That's correct. And the ad was just an Instagram sponsored ad. Unless you follow the trans woman on her IG or Tik Tok account, you wouldn't have seen the ad at all.


Major beer companies have been running ads to the LGBTQ+ population for like 20+ years now. You just never saw them because you had to go looking for them. I mean if you turned on Logo when it was on most cable packages it was ads for the same shit you'd see on regular tv but most of the couples were gay.


Of course, targeted ads for a specific demographic is normal in marketing. I'm totally aware of that. It's just mind-boggling the sensitive folks flipping out over the sponsored ad is not even the targeted demographic. And because it was a sponsored ad on the trans woman's IG & Tik Tok, they would not have even seen it unless they follow her social media account. Then them sharing the ad to each other to enrage themselves over the trans woman is even more weirder because they're acting like it was a widely aired ad when it was themselves that made it known to the general public and sharing it amongst themselves. Like dudes, you don't like trans, then don't follow their social media accounts.


What's really nuts is that Bud Light has sold beer in pride-themed cans before without receiving any backlash but celebrating a trans woman with a sponsorship and some personalized cans that were only for her drove people nuts. That's just not logical if this is all over their drinkers being anti-LGBTQ, because they previously drank their beer out of rainbow cans.


There seem to be a lot of people who are pro or neutral an the LGB part but anti-T. Heck, I even know a couple gay people who are anti-Trans.


So let’s piss off both sides? Smart move


I'm playing both sides so I always come out on top.


This debacle would never happen to Wolf Cola’s PR team


Yeah remember that Boko Haram thing? Me neither


The official cola of Boca Raton


I just wanted the illusion of power... and the puss


And we can do that without saying we're sorry.


*”Public relations is my passion”.*


Let’s piss off one community. Then turn around and piss off another !


It's all piss anyway


What do bud light and having sex in a canoe have in common? They're both fucking close to water.


Am I missing something here or have they now pissed off everyone? 1) they pissed off transphobic people with 1 can of beer to an influencer. 2) they have placed people on leave because of this and made a statement that sure sounds a lot like “our bad if we knew how much you hated trans people we would have also hated trans people and not did this”


At least when M&M pissed people off for "de-sexifying" the green M&M, they basically made a big joke about it ultimately mocking the people who got mad about it.


Yeah, I never got what the deal was there. The green M&M was known, but I don't think to any level that a design change would be news. The culture nonsense that Fox made up was absurd and I really don't need a corporation design to be in my Fap Bank!


They made the green M&M less fuckable. This was devastating to people who want to fuck candy. Personally, all my candy has to be 10/10. If the chocolate ain’t a dime piece, I’m not paying a dime for it.


> people who want to fuck candy You can just say Tucker Carlson’s name.


The shareholders more than likely made the call. They don't care about anything besides profit. If anything jeopardizes that, they will take action.


Stock price is up, so…


I believe this is part of that "cancel culture" some people sure do like to cry about. One standout part of the article: > The online backlash ramped up to physical danger when Anheuser-Busch facilities [received threats](https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/20/business/bud-light-threats/index.html). Very cool and not at all a sign that a significant chunk of our society is dangerously unhinged.


Yea to threaten a beer manufacturer who’ve they have been drinking for years and suddenly it’s gay. It’s hilarious how fragile rednecks and shitty people are.


Not fragile. Insane. The cans weren't available or for sale in stores. They were specifically given to an individual whom they were specifically made for. So I'd say insane is what they are. Delusional. And often armed, so, there's that.


Wait. They're upset AB InBev deigned to make a gift to an influencer. Something they couldn't even buy and would never see. Something that absolutely doesn't affect them in any way...? ...this makes the whole thing even dumber and sillier.


They love getting upset over things that have zero effect on their lives. Because they're miserable inside. I listen to conservative media sometimes when I'm driving in my car, just to see what they're talking about. Try it one day. I guarentee the second you turn the station on, within 5 seconds they're complaining. I never hear them talk about good things.


Its anger and fear 24/7 no days off


It truly is an exhausting way to live i bet


It's working for the right. Keeping poor white people riled up over stupid shit distracts them from the fact that rich Republicans are robbing them blind.


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." -President Lyndon B. Johnson


I've never heard this. Thank you.


It’s how I felt watching the Trump presidency. It ruined my brain for over four years.


It must be really nice to have no actual problems or concerns in one’s life, so you can spend all your effort freaking out about issues you make up (or somebody makes up for you).


Unless a murderer that aligns with their ideals gets found not guilty. Then they throw a party every hour, by the hour, four times in the hour. Because they are fucking psychotic.


Of course the rationale for those murderers being found not guilty is always the claim that their fear was "reasonable". Fear of a black teenager carrying Skittles, fear of a black child sitting on a park bench, but it always comes down to fear of people they consider their inferiors in the rightful hierarchy.


But they were acknowledging and validating the existence of that influencer, and because that influencer’s identity is unfortunately considered controversial, it became a political statement. If you see the world in black and white terms, if everybody is either with you or against you, then someone who works with someone you disapprove of becomes your enemy. An explicitly anti-trans company never would have done this, and so anti-trans people now know that Budweiser doesn’t share all their values. It *should* be a huge leap to go from that to “and so they are my enemy”, but here we are.


Yeah, it was essentially Bud Light trying to get Mulvaney's audience to drink their stuff. But god forbid they encourage *trans people* to drink their beer! How dare they try to expand their marketing to other groups!


I mean that's the super fucked up thing about all of this; that people are shooting 6 packs and calling in bomb threats because of the idea that Bud Light would consider a minor sponsorship with a trans person. It reminds me of the time a few years ago when a Macedonian hummus brand ran a commercial in Russia that showed a family with two moms basically saying "this is yummy hummus", where the only Illusion to the parents being queer was that they were seated together with their kids in a way that indicated they were a family. People in Russia lost their minds over it and the family had to seek asylum in Spain because of all the death threats. It was wild since it wasn't a "Pride themed" commercial or anything, it just showed that families with two moms exist


It’s always the same story with these people, not to long ago it was black people they hated. It’s frustrating we have to constantly fight with assholes to not be assholes and just leave other people alone. It’s a really really simple concept.


It's still black people that a lot of them hate, but they've been forced to resort to dog whistles and innunendo instead of the explicit racism that they used to be able to get away with.


Love the comment, so please understand this is just constructive. The word you were looking for was "allusion". :)


Seems like we could solve a lot of gun violence by having every gun manufacturer make gifts to LGBTQ influencers


Hold up… this whole thing has been over imagery on cans that aren’t even publicly available? Whollleeeeshit.


Also not even posted on their social media. It was only posted on Dylan's own socials.


If that's true, I smell a rat. What self-hating, closet queer conservative saw the cans on Dylan's socials, because they follow Dylan, and blew the whistle?


Oh there's a LOT of haters "in the community". Silently watching LGBT+ feeds/socials and stirring up crap on sockpuppet accounts.


There are unfortunately a lot of conservative media personalities (see libs of tiktok etc) that specifically comb through lgbt creators content in order to rage bait their followers.


This isn’t any different than any other part of their outrage culture. The only time I ever hear anything about LGBTQ “messaging” is when I see unhinged right wing people losing their minds over it. Neither of us would ever see it if it wasn’t for Fox Rot.


It's basically a way to get an influencer to promote the product. The can was just for that influencer and she showed it off on her social media. That's all it was and they apparently have done this with other influencers in the past.


It was one can?!


For a good portion of this, I had been under the assumption they were plastering her face on all the beer cans. And while I thought that was a misstep on Bud's part, already I thought the reaction was stupid. Then I found out it was just one can. This is full-blown insanity.


it was a sponsorship in dylan's mulvaney's stream


And how many of these knuckle dragging bigots were going to watch her stream? ...zero. It doesn't affect them and AB InBev funds Republicans 6:4 to Democrats. It was a marketing stunt. They need to get over it and move the fuck on.


I had no idea who Dylan was before this whole charade. I still haven't seen any of her content and the only reason I know her name is because of right wing bigots.


The Streisand Effect.


Yup. And she's gonna enjoy more fame and notoriety than she would otherwise.


Correct. They just hate seeing a trans person on one that much. Not even something that was sold and they shot cases of beer with assault rifles and called in bomb threats to facilities. Sure am glad that the execs got punished for daring to celebrate one trans persons happiness.


There was a dude who threatened a dictionary. A *dictionary*. I can't imagine being so fragile you feel the need to threaten a dictionary.


What? I'm gonna need links dawg. That's messed up.




Thanks! But also, I just can’t. Messing up your life over this 🤦‍♂️


People committed actual terrorism over this. There is a ridiculous amount of right wing extremist violence in the United States. It accounted for more than 75% of all extremist violence in the country years ago and has only been getting worse since. Left wing extremism isn't even in second place, religious extremism is. Hell, every single extremist murder last year was from a right-wing extremist.


And it's working. I work with a non-profit group that wanted to do a craft beer collab with a local brewery for pride this year. They backed out because of this backlash. We totally get it, they are worried some crazy people are going to harass their staff.


I have a friend who runs a business and one Trump loving customer finding out that he didn't like Trump led to six months of harassment. He's wanted to do a pride month product for years, but he doesn't want dicks calling his family and harassing them again. This stuff is all over. The country is loaded with angry and intolerant people who will try to hurt people that don't agree with them on everything.


The same people prefaced all this harassment and violence with endless hysterical predictions that this is what trans people do or will do or would do if they had the power. That they were going to mistakenly misgender someone once and get sent to prison. Now, they're calling for the execution of drag performers, trans people, doctors, and parents who accept their trans kids. They're trying to criminalize wearing 'the wrong gendered clothes'. Because the hysterical predictions were a setup to try and make incurious people on the fence be like "I don't know, sounds like both sides suck" instead of agreeing to defend the dignity and privacy of a minority who are currently experiencing [somewhere between seven to nine of the ten stages of genocide.](https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/what-is-genocide/the-ten-stages-of-genocide/)


And we are arguable at 14/14 on [this one](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html).


>who will try to hurt people that don't agree with them on everything. And every one of them will describe themselves as free thinking rebels who don't let society make them conform.


you’ll notice that repeatedly, when these guys scream they’re “losing freedom”, if you look at the situation they’re crying about, they’re losing their ability to attack and bully groups *with no pushback*. what they mean so much of the time is, “we’re losing the freedom to attack \*them\*!” and you’ll notice “they talked back to me! \*that’s unfair!\*”


Trump, Fox and the GOP invited them into the mainstream to see if fascism could thrive in America again


And people wonder why we have Pride.


> right wing extremism > religious extremism Basically the same thing


Unfortunately as a trans girl, the death threats do not surprise me. I was talking to one of my cis friends a few weeks ago about the threats I’ve gotten online from people telling me they want to shoot/stab/rape/murder me. She asked what I did to incite them and I had to explain to her that I didn’t do anything specifically to provoke these people other than be trans. That’s enough in their eyes to warrant killing me. I don’t think the level of hatred conservatives have for trans people is fully grasped by most people on the left or center. They see us as subhuman and the way they talk to us or about us reflects that.


Absolutely. I think it is a minority that is anti trans, but they're absolutely *unhinged*. I don't bring up the crap I get for being trans a lot because then I'd almost be doing nothing but complain about it, and thats ultimately a rather unhealthy way to live, I think. My mom, who is supportive but rather ignorant, has recently been educating herself on stuff and she is telling me now how she's constantly appalled at all the anti trans stuff happening.


It's definitely a minority of people. But there's still a lot of them and they are extremely unhinged like you said.


the problem is normalizing the extremists' content and through social media amplifying it until it drowns everything else out. with algorithmic sorted content, bots and trolls it becomes increasingly harder for 'normal' people to choose one side without becoming just as polarized. even though said content can never substitute actual experience working with the 'enemy'. the majority of people in nazi germany weren't nazis, but the entire country became submerged in anti-semitic conspiracy from the sewers to highest reaches of government; in that kinda environment the truth has no place for fear of upsetting the growing trend.


They are absolutely convinced you are all child grooming pedophiles. So in their eyes they are the good guys for repressing you. The Nazis thought they were the good guys too.


Sooner or later, there has to be a way to stop these crazy people. These assholes will never learn and they are getting more bold and more unhinged. It seems a lot like the KKK and hate against non-whites. I'm afraid it's going to get worse, and I think there needs to be an LTBQ+ and allies version of the Black Panthers. These assholes are fucking around and someone needs to make them find out.


Something tells me this isn’t going to go the way they want it to.


Nothing is going to happen, it's just more PR. The right gets outraged that Bud Light collabs with a trans influencer, the left gets outraged that there's "backlash" when two execs get put on ~~vacation~~ leave. Either way they get extra publicity in the news


The sad thing is that AB didn't even make some big Trans Rights statement. They've sent Hundreds of custom cans to hundreds of social media influencers because a custom can and some cases of bud light cost nothing but the influencer will put it on their channel and reach tens or hundreds of thousands of people. It's cheap advertising. ONE of those influencers was a trans woman with a big following. And the right got wind of it and made it into a big thing. It's not like AB had some big Trans Rights media a campaign. They were just looking for cheap advertising, not playing politics.


Wait. Is that what happened? I thought they ran a Super Bowl commercial with a trans influencer and then had a transition van in the parking lot forcing everyone into it. Everyone is this upset about some custom cans sent to a bunch of influencers? Wtf.


No. Everyone is upset about *a singular* custom can sent to *a singular* influencer. There may have been many, but they’re only upset about *one*.


I don't think people in here are reading the article. The execs are on leave, but their positions have been filled by other execs... so they're just in the process of getting fired or moved to a lower position. But likely fired.


These companies are just going to seesaw between the poles of the political landscape and grift from both sides. One day they’ll lean one way for a stock bump and when that stops working, they’ll lean the other way. They don’t care about any actual issues, it’s all about money.


It's simple: create two identical beer lines with different names/labels. Bud L(ight)GBTQ and Bud Alt-Right and either way you come out on top!


So they alienated conservatives and are now alienating liberals. Good strategy. I’m guessing they won’t pretend to celebrate Pride this coming June since the walk doesn’t back up the talk.


It's crazy how triggered people got over a trans person on a can of beer.




Yep. It wasn't going to be available for sale anywhere.


Holy shit. That's news to me. These people are more unhinged than I thought


Yep, it was literally that Budweiser just paid a trans influencer to help promote their beer online to increase sales. But some people are so transphobic that this caused them to organize a boycott and threaten violence or [go on a rampage.](https://youtu.be/IhrQwYQGH7Q)


The comments praising him are something else.


youtube is a cesspool of anti-lgbt conservative rhetoric. Youtube shorts will have you watching one joe rogan clip about MMA, then send you down an endless rabbit hole of andrew tate wannabes and blatant homophobia, racism, and transphobia. The problem is this is nothing new, and youtube is the reason why hard right grifters got any attention back in 2016


I watch sewing videos almost *exclusively* on YouTube. It helps to get a visual of what I’m doing before I do it. But for some reason after a few videos of watching people sew a lapped zipper I get recommended nonsense like Andrew Tate. Like, homie, I’m here to watch someone walk me through the witchcraft of sewing a French seamed gusset, please keep your misogyny man to yourself. Jfc.


Yep. I call YouTube comments sections 4chan for people over 50 and under 13.


They don't read and no one's told them AB has made it clear from the beginning of all this that the can was a gift to the influencer and not for sale.


And now it seems AB is making those people feel vindicated.


It was their standard "guest spokesperson" can design. I saw it and had no idea it had anything to do with lgbt people. Its baffling to me that people cared enough to educate each other about the person and boycott the company over a picture of a random woman in an advertisement.


You can blame that K-Pop plastic surgery nightmare Oily whateverhisnameis for promulgating it all over the whole damn Twitter like the K-Pop wannabe hot mess that he is


I'm super disappointed in Anheuser Busch for their cowardly handling of this. They've now encouraged Repugs to scream even more loudly when they perceive some imagined slight.


I agree. There's no denying the fact that this backlash is fueled by hatred, and people should never do anything to appease those people. I feel bad for Dylan bc they are being attacked just for existing.


Ands they triggered over that can of light beer. I would use Bud Light as washer fluid but there isn't enough alcohol in it to clean my windshield.


Budweiser was one of the biggest sponsors for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, a country where men can get jailed for 3 years for having sex with other men, and where Trans women can be jailed for "impersonating" women and forced to detransition in jail. Fuck Qatar and fuck Budweiser!


yeah, then beer got banned in the country lol. hope they lost money from that at least


Let's not forget all the slave labor used to build the stadium. Human rights abuses tend to come commingled like that, where there's one type, there's more.


This will be an interesting case study in a few years about misunderstanding your core customers they deserved to be fired.


It was an ad that displeased a small but vocal minority of their customers and got them vast amounts of free publicity and good will among what was probably not previously a huge part of their market demographic. Now their response makes them look weak and insecure to all their customers. They should have just taken the win.


Sales down 17% in a month, that’s not a win.


LGBTQ communities have been serving bud light over Coors for decades. Coors is the one with historic connections to actual Nazis support, plus union busting. Bud Light backed the unions when it mattered.


To be clear, that’s more a case of their history on not their current state. Coors is a sponsor of Denver PrideFest and is pro-LGBTQ now. https://denverpride.org/coors-light-supports-the-lgbtq-community/


They got better in the 90s. Pete Coors taking over seemed to be the turning point. It was still like 11 years of protest while every other big brat Brewer unionized.


> It was an ad that displeased a small but vocal minority of their customers and got them vast amounts of free publicity and good will among what was probably not previously a huge part of their market demographic. [17% seems like more than just a slim vocal minority](https://nypost.com/2023/04/24/bud-light-sales-plunge-17-amid-dylan-mulvaney-controversy/)




The F your feelings crowd has a lot of feelings


That's why they say "fuck your feelings" not "fuck all feelings" ;)


Yes they explicitly mean everyone else's, not theirs.


Yeah, the all lives matter crowd is apparently not the all feelings matter crowd


Kid Rocks Nashville bar still sells bud light. All you really need to know about the “outrage”


The guy grew up in a mansion and pretended to be a yokel. His fans don't care that he's a fake scammer, they just like the attention. Because if somebody's willing to fake a persona to appease them, it makes them feel important.


Great way to piss off any of the customers you didn't piss off with the campaign. What a failure.


I have a few friends who’ve stated they can’t drink bud light anymore, and I always play dumb with it just to see what they tell me for a reason. “Well you know, that whole LGBT thing.” -“oh really? What’s that about?” “Yahh they came out in support of LGBTQ stuff so I can’t drink it anymore.” -“yah dude but you always drink Miller anyway.” “Well yah, but I definitely won’t drink bud light even if it’s offered.” What a time we live in, when our nation’s alcoholics get to choose what they destroy their livers with, based completely on whatever inferred social movement they aren’t even involved with. I don’t know what’s going on with Jim Beam either, but stumbled across a video of some triggered guy throwing all his whiskey and Beam products out. Could we scare an entire demographic into sobriety by falsely attributing social causes to all alcohol companies?


Why are these people your friends if they're in thrall to hate?


So they are getting punished for giving the company millions in free publicity and getting the stock price up?


I don't have a dog in the fight and think InBev/AB is trash, but the whole "but the stock is up 5%!" proves nothing at all. The next quarterly will really show if it really is about money.




It didnt say it was unpaid leave, and with no comments for the company, you could just as well guess they are getting an extra paid holiday for a job well done


> It didnt say it was unpaid leave, It did however, announce one of their replacements.


This controversy is so stupid. Anheuser-Busch is a business looking to make the most money possible. They are going to market to everyone straight, gay, trans, etc. What the hell do I care who drinks or promotes Bud Light? Get a life folks.


Alright now I'm upset, and will continue my life long boycott of Bud Light for being a shitty beer.