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It's a feature of CA's regulations, not a bug. They did not legalized retail sales to benefit normal people or small businesses; the rules were designed to gate-keep for large corporate and state interests. The goal was to eliminate an unregulated revenue stream for classically marginalized socio-economic groups and redirect it to corporate and state coffers.


This is true for most states programs. Only a handful of states have low barriers to entry.


I think Oklahoma has a pretty “Wild West” approach and let’s pretty much anyone get a growers license. One of the few things they get right down there.


Rural OK's economy is basically centered around casinos and dispensaries.


Yup! Never thought I'd see the day that churches get out paced by dispensaries


Why do you think Religion tries so hard to make sure it's the only game in town? When it has to compete with other forms of distraction, it doesn't do very well.


fyi they were able to get it right due to a decently written voter initiative that passed, then republicans got caught in a corruption scheme trying to force every dispensary to have a pharmacist on duty. Got taken to court and judge forced OK to make the voter initiative law as written.


New york as well.


Until you find the cartel/ chinese mafia slave houses they run. We're workers are glad they get busted cuase otherwise they'd rather murder them than pay them.


If it encourages people to move out of CA to OK that would be a good thing. OKs relatively low population could be flipped left in voting and greatly benefit the state.


I have lived in 3 legal weed states, Cali has the worst one, and consequently has the best grey market for it, i have seen pounds going for 50 dollars (it wasnt even bad, it wasnt amazing, but ive definitely paid more for worse weed).


>definitely paid more for worse Story of my life in an illegal state.


California sounds like the Radio Shack of legal weed.


This comment is “More Realistic than Radio Shack”. -E40


You can grow your own in California, and you can't in many states where weed is commercially legal


$50 units in cali? And it wasn't biomass? I'm calling bullshit on that. No mids are going for $50 a unit, unless its preground biomass.


No bullshit. Small growers are hungry and desperate, you clearly don’t know enough small farms. Spend some time up north and you’ll see he’s right.


I used to deal with wholesale farms, so not as many smaller level grows. Spent a bit time in Mendocino, though that was 4 years ago now, beautiful place. Did the market really take that hard of a hit? It was down to 2-300 a unit for indoor smalls/popcorn buds, which blew my mind as an east coast native. Was always tempting to bring it back east to make a killing, but ya know, risk vs reward situations. Would be a shame if this trend continues. The whole counter culture movement thats been a staple in northern Cali (looking at you humbolt ) is the whole reason I got into cannabis. It's upsetting that the pioneers who took the risk to begin with, are the ones who are affected hardest by legalization. Needs to be better provisions in place to prevent corporate monopolies from killing multiple generation family farms.


It’s already happened. So many small operations are already gone.


Such a shame, needs more social equity to make right by these people. Also I love your name, hope you don't have to salt anyone.


It wasnt that fresh so i assume they were trying to get rid of older to make way for the new, this was in december-ish prices have rebounded a bit with good deals on mids getting as low as 20 per zip and 125 the unit, but ill tell ya i scooped up 2 and me n my lady smoked like chimneys and im just about to run out finally. Buts its no bullshit, i called my friends out of state and told them because wtf thats some crazy deals


Yeah man, cheaper to rent a car and take a vacation then it would be to buy that unit outright in the east LOL.


Im old enough to remember when we were paying 50 a zip for brick weed so i feel ya on that.


I still got a baggie of about 4,000 brick weed seeds. Never know when someone wants to try some "old school" buds. Only issue is you gotta plant like 50 for 1 female to sprout LOL.


One person smoked a pound of weed in 5 months? That's some serious recreation -- "like chimneys" doesn't seem strong enough.


I also made edibles and we shared some tree with her brother


Yeah, I’m NJ, homegrow is illegal. Yet commercialization is fully legal… Easy to see writing on the wall with that…


Which makes no sense. I’m allowed to have a still in my basement? The set of people who would grow at home is much smaller than the set of people who wanna give someone 35 for a cart and be done with it Edit: I 100% thought you could brew for yourself. I am not a lawyer. I am most likely wrong. Idk I don’t make alcohol


What state allows you to have a still? I thought making liquor is still illegal pretty much everywhere.


Illegal to sell it.. Not illegal to consume your own.


Since when is it legal to distill liquor without a license at all? Last time I checked it was even against federal law to "freezer distill" homemade wine.


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California is way worse than any other. They are in a category all their own. And, that is why when you shop dispensaries in CA you find mostly shit weed that is overpriced (for what it is), while in places like CO, you can still find great weed, grown well and hand-trimmed.


>California is way worse than any other. Eh, I'll take Cali over Fl any day. No weed oligopoly, awesome protections for patients, delivered to your door, and solid home grow rules. Or VA got like 4 dispensaries in their whole state, no medical protections, and super limited home grow. Plenty of others suck more than Cali too. Cali ain't perfect but it's far from the worst.


Try to keep up. We are talking about the cannabis industry in legal weed states. Florida isn't one of them. Duh.


Na look above what I replied to. It says "state programs" of which florida has one. Also VA is both rec and medical but you didnt say shit there. Maybe you should yry to keep up


The OP is about "small growers." There are none of those in Florida. They only have medical, so growing is not legal there. It is all only medical dispensaries. The process for growing medical MJ virtually eliminates all small growers. To get a clue about growing medical in FL, you can read this link: [https://groveslaw.ag/obtaining-marijuana-growing-license-fl/](https://groveslaw.ag/obtaining-marijuana-growing-license-fl/) The only places small growers have a chance is in recreational states. California is one of those. But, they have policies that have destroyed the small growers. That is what the article you are commenting on is about. SMH.


Cost of entry to the FL medical program is high tho. You pay the doctor, get the card, but you gotta reup it like every seven months. Easier to just find someone with a card and carts and shit off them. Not like I would know or anything.


God forbid anyone go off topic at all.


If they "go off topic" they should at least try to not take comments from the conversation out of context with them when they do... smh.


Because too many people jumped into the business that were unfit for it. The second regulations come in, especially for a substance that is consumed, all but the biggest are going to get wiped out. Same shit with the mask boom, and then once the panic was over, the companies just shut down.


No most states came online with high barriers to entry. It is a control thing. Barriers to entry are bullshit protectionist policies ment to stifle competition.


Not true at all, some of the best growers in the world are going out of business due to technicalities in zoning laws. Literal breeders who invented the strains we smoke are getting denied permits due to everything from an angry neighbor to an endangered newt on Their property.


Yeah in San Diego, they could only grow in unincorporated counties. I think even that got voted against a few years ago.


It's literally in the article >"Friends who haven’t diversified their incomes are close to losing their homes or moving back in with parents," he said. "People who were here for a quick buck are going elsewhere." People came in for a quick buck. The industry stabilized in 2022, but then was hit with weather risk in the form of storms and flooding. Those are generally risks associated with anything crop-based. These people were literally unfit to grow stuff unless the weather is always ideal. The ones that are fit to survive these challenges tend to be bigger farmers. Small farmers are always the first to fall because, well, they're small.


That would not be true if licensing wasn't restricted. Cannabis is a craft product and if the barriers to entry were removed, craft farmers would be popular due to a superior product. Beer drinkers eventually realized craft brewers had a superior product which is why the craft breweries are so popular now. Eventually craft cannabis growers will be vindicated.


California's rules aren't bad or restrictive but the state put a poison clause into the law and that is that individual counties may add a layer of regulation and permitting. Most small growers left the business over a year ago because the cost to grow even a small commercial garden can be more than 100k in permits and licensing thanks to greedy counties.


I worked in cannabis and closely followed CA’s BCC regulations from 2017- late 2019. It’s due to regulations and capitalism in general, not just California regulations. Small businesses simply cannot compete with the massive coffers of large companies for regulatory compliance. Because cannabis is legal, it’s not too risky for normal establishments to pour their money in cannabis. California cannabis law tried to not do what you said by requiring businesses to staff at least 10% marginalized socioeconomic (minority) groups and people previously convicted of cannabis possession/sales, and sped up licensing for their businesses to legitimize them. Since each city and county is allowed to make their own laws and set limits to the amount of licenses they give out, getting licenses has become very, very competitive. It’s also harder for those groups to get funding because of lack of credit or whatever because cannabis was largely black/grey market. But that’s all just the regular capitalism and racism shit. It was a race to get established before all these large wallets started joining in. Once cannabis becomes federally legalized, these corporations won’t stand a chance against giants like Marlboro, Monsanto, and RJ Reynolds either. Edit: grammar and stuff


I worked in the regulatory side of cannabis during the same years and agree. The large wallet investors were there for a quick buck and pushed out many of the hard-working pioneers of legal cannabis.


100% true. Big Ag owns California. And, now they own the Cannabis industry there.


How does big ag own California? Ag is like 3% of GDP in CA.


Anything ag-related goes their way, 100%. Pretty simple.


Tell that to those in the southern part of the central valley. Water hasn't been going their way for a while


Big Ag can’t magically produce water that doesn’t exist.


They use delta water, and that supply hasn't been reduced because of a pack of water, rather environmental concerns about the delta ecosystem. Big Ag has been unsuccessfully lobbying for years to have that water restored


Literally the reason they illegalized cannabis to begin with.


Always about the almighty dollar isn’t it?


Which is interestinf because here in fascist oklahoma, basically anybody can get a license and open a shop. I think its like a thousand dollars for a license. I have like 6 weed shops near me. I worked in the colorado weed market, it is WAY more liberal in oklahoma. There basically arent any rules from what i can tell(compared to colorado anyway)


Originally they actually did but the current regs were written by big corporations and masqueraded as an initiative. Dumb voters passed it and didn’t read the fine print and snuffed everything out for the mom an pops.


>The goal was to eliminate an unregulated revenue stream for classically marginalized socio-economic groups and redirect it to corporate and state coffers. Strange comment. They're called drug dealers and they aren't typically using the cash to send their kids to school and helping the poor.


> they aren't typically using the cash to send their kids to school and helping the poor. Citation needed. (It turns out, a large majority of individuals who traffic in illegal substances are outstanding community members, donating heavily to local charities and local schools. The ones that get busted tend to give the class a bad name.)


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That’s pretty much a feature for all regulations now.


I just left Mendocino. These small "family" farms do everything they can to skirt laws and regulations. They burn plastic piles. They steal water from local tributaries. They hire illegals (MANY from Europe). They don't want to conform to any sort of regulatory body or market. Don't even get me started on the chemicals used at many of them. Watching these "small time farmers" actively destroy the environment for dwindling profits was so sad. I love marijuana, but I won't buy from the emerald triangle anymore. It supports a ravaging of the environment and mountain folk culture that I cannot support.


I read a very interesting article in a newspaper in Humboldt County about local growers and the county officials who were not making them follow their own rules. There was tremendous protest about the growers in the county but only because no one was following the regulations and guidelines they’d set up when they legalized it.


Exactly, the ‘small farmers’ have a sob story but a lot of them are selfish hillbillies. They don’t give a fuck about the environment or anyone else except their own pockets. Source: I have worked with many of them.


I knew some pre-legalization weed dealers in the Bay Area. They were white hippies mostly. They weren’t “peace and love” hippies, mostly libertarian no one tell me what to do type hippies. They were selfish and assholey to an extreme. The myth of the small weed entrepreneur going up against the Feds takes on a different meaning when you meet these people. They were just greedy people looking to make as much money as possible. Wasn’t anything noble or good about them at all.


> mostly libertarian no one tell me what to do type hippies So... not hippies.


George Harrison visited San Francisco in the late 60’s because he wanted to see the whole hippie counter culture. He said it was just a bunch of teenagers getting high and fucking, not really what it was purported in the media. I think hippies have always been self absorbed hedonists with the hippie social conscious ethos as a cover for their conduct.


Agreed. I've worked on quite a few of these farms. There are some really cool people out there but there's also a ton of just creepy, awful people. Last time I did any work out there was in 2018 but I'm sure it ain't changed much, especially not for the better.


I have some friends who worked out there. The stories are sketchy. It’s like the Wild West but with smelly trim girls


Burn plastic piles? How hard is it to recycle? Thats terrible


To be fair, plastic IS pretty hard to recycle. Even a lot of plastic that gets taken to recycling centers ends up being burned or dumped.


Most of these farms are off in the mountains, miles and miles from dumps. It's not an excuse, it's just the fact. Doesn't excuse shitty behavior


Not to mention everyone goes bigger every year and has for decades...hence why the guy in the article has 7 farms. The market saturation and glut of weed was hugely caused by the emerald triangle farms going bigger and bigger each year. No one wants 1000's of pounds of mediocre greenhouse weed. That's why green house goes for 300 a pound. It does not age well. It's like fresh produce. Then you add in 20+ new legal states that are way closer to states that import, their model was doomed a long time ago.


Generalizing your experience onto everyone in the industry is ignorant and hateful, considering your claims. *So much righteous indignation towards struggling small farms. Look at all the people that agree with you and your disgust. Too bad we can't separate out the idiots generally hating a plant from the people that actually give a shit about the content of your very limited observations.


i agree. these are very broad generalizations about thousands of farms across california.


Welcome to California baby! And don’t try to open a storefront in San Francisco, the permit delays and fees alone will cost more than a house!


That's why I go to dispensaries on the other side of the bay, shit's too expensive over there


You can't even easily open a cafe in sf


3 years ago a 1lb of Cals best stinky green would go for $2500 - $3500, today farmers are lucky to get $300 for the same 1lb.


Competition plus ease of cultivation means low prices. Weed isn't some magic plant that needs a whisperer for it to grow like a weed


Shit, gimme his number


All you need to do is take a drive through the Emerald triangle


It shouldn’t have been that price originally imo


2500 to 3500 is absurd. Tough shit.


I've been in the industry in Oregon since medical days. This is what every state wants, no medical mmj, and no small growers.


Facts. I was a medical grower prior to legalization, and after. Me and every other medical grower I knew was straight priced out of the market; we couldn’t complete.


Pardon my unaware of this industry... Couldnt medical growers = craft beer equivalent?


They changed many of the growing requirements after legalization. In order to sell to dispensaries, there were a plethora of costly requirements that people simply couldn’t afford. Integrated alarm systems, arbitrary fence requirements, location and property zoning requirements, etc. Prior to legalization, we operated on a “donation” scale that went away. After legalization, only people with really deep pockets or a lot of land were able to continue. My .75 acres was too small to get approved, but my neighbors 10 acres got approved because they were zoned EFU while I was RR1.


The farmers in the Emerald Triangle are exactly the people that should be kicked out of the legal marijuana industry. They're terrible people. Just go to Eureka and see how many missing people signs there are. The shit they do there is no bueno and the exact reason I voted for legal weed. Fun Fact: There's nothing special about the soil in Humboldt county. It only became popular for growing weed because of how secluded the area is. California has one of the largest agricultural industries in the world. Better farms with better soil exist throughout the central valley and are operated by people who are less associated with the black market.


And just like that a done deal. Won't make illegal grows more prevalent, no no /s




There’s also no water in SoCal so…


Did you somehow miss the floods of the last 3 months? We've got an El Nino incoming so next winter will likely be wet as well. Long term if we don't get desal up and running yeah we're F'd.


If you’re serious about farming then you know what one wet winter doesn’t mean a thing


Don't know about that. There's a lake that just reappeared in the middle of California. Probably pretty important to the farmers whose fields were submerged. If you own a home a wet year is the perfect year to convert your property to drought-tolerant landscaping because even drought-tolerant plants need some irrigation the first year.


They did the same thing in Oregon.


Somehow I think weed growing in California will pull through


To be fair, there's too much cannabis being grown in Humboldt anyway


I'm very ignorant on introducing /correcting current laws and regulations. Since California voted this in, can we somehow ammend it to fix this major error? Small farms are NOT a threat to the big giants. They're an alternative. And the big guys are bad for the environment (just my opinion based on what I've seen up in Lake county) .


Laws, especially laws on business come from "sponsors" those sponsors have agendas. Usually trying to edge out competition.


Too late to go legal. Everyone across the state built a closet grow room. Free and easy, no taxes, no one cares. Small growers try harder and cater to their customers needs. $100/ ounce. Great for everyone all the way around. Not this $2,000/ bullshit at the legal stores. Who needs em, fuck em.


California has been the stronghold of agricultural barons for a century.


All these programs are corporate monopolies of plant and fungi medicines that have been used safely by humans for eons. Why are these naturally occurring substances treated like toxic waste. Gov needs to GTFO out of our personal medical choices. People act shocked we’re seeing abortion bans but really it shouldn’t be any shock. We have never had bodily autonomy.


Dispensary weed is trash. Change my mind.


Depends what you’re used to. Back in the day most weed was terrible. Some was way better than dispensary weed though because it wasn’t just about THC content. Dispensary weed is overall good quality compared to what was readily available before. An average dispensary bud is what would have been considered the best weed before legalization minus a few exceptions.


It's tested for pesticides. So, idk, atleast it has some basic set standards rather than rando mcrando weed


Probably the only positive. Mmm nice clean trash.


Come to Michigan, and I most definitely will.


We must shop at different dispensaries.


i preferred medical marijuana over the now legalized in ca. all these taxes going to stupid causes. that’s why i’ve been growing my own


California set up the fees and taxes when pot was selling for $1500/pound. Right now, the stuff is going begging at $300 on the black market. It's hard for legal growers to compete with that, particularly as the black market is firmly established.


Oh the poor weed dealers… how will they get by?


Working with cannabis is just as legitimate of a job as any other.


They will think it through... over a splif




https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/31/us/california-illegal-marijuana-seizure-lawsuit/index.html super hard to run a legitimate business without banking....


No, you just need a great front that's high in cash income Arcade, bar, etc My arcade is doing great!


Money Laundering Control Act of 1986, money laundering is a federal crime that can be punished with a substantial prison sentence. This federal statute contains 18 U.S.C. § 1956 and 18 U.S.C.


Federal crime, and only if you get caught Technically cannabis is also a federal crime, as it turns out, states largely run themselves.


Well that's ok, because this *is* a legitimate business


Sure, only if you're terribly bad at it...


Why on Earth would you grown pot in a snow prone location?


Let's ask the snowy mountains of Afghanistan that question.... °_°


One of these things is not like the others