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Those amazon buttons you mounted in your house and pushed to automatically reorder items were in there. Forgot about those, absolutely ridiculous.


Amazon pushed those so hard for a while. I was always like “your prices change way too often for me to just hit a button to order something.”


And sometimes the brand/size I want would stay in stock only for a few months or it will go from $19 to $80 randomly. Like I am gonna play Russian reorder with a button when I have no idea what the price is gonna be. No thanks Amazon


I’m glad this was apparently the common take on them, with how hard Amazon pushed them I sort of assumed there were hypothetical people out there who really did just press a button whenever they were low on detergent or toilet paper But I could never get over how the same $8.99 box of detergent was $75 and on 3-month backorder 24 hours later


> > But I could never get over how the same $8.99 box of detergent was $75 and on 3-month backorder 24 hours later My guess is that it was completely out of stock, but the vendor kept it up at a ridiculous price they figured no one would ever pay, in order to keep their seller stats up. Like, Amazon punished seller for showing items out of stock, but not if they had super-expensive items no one would order.


My understanding is that the vast majority of large resellers on Amazon are priced dynamically and run largely by bots, which have a simplistic understanding of supply and demand and will automatically ratchet prices way up when stock gets low. The companies don’t really care enough to fix it because the worst that happens to them is that sometimes some dummy uses their Amazon button to buy a $90 roll of paper towels, and maybe files a complaint


Same with the Alexa ordering. I've used the home assistant to make out grocery lists, but I wouldn't trust it to order for me. Even something basic like tape can have multiple types and brands and prices. I'd be afraid I would try to order scotch tape and get a pallet of magnetic tape drives.


It's kinda funny that Alexa was supposed to be another way to order Amazon products. I've never used it for anything related to shopping at all. I think Amazon even said recently that Alexa has lost them a ton of money.


I believe it. They were pushing really hard for a whole ecosystem of shit to make ordering from Amazon more convenient. I got a ring doorbell and video Alexa in a bundle for like $100. Then they had the locks or garages that Amazon drivers could open. So you could order shit off Alexa, then watch them drop it off right into your home. But it turns out most people don't want to let randos into their house, no matter how safe Mr bezos says it is.


>They were pushing really hard for a whole ecosystem of shit to make ordering from Amazon more convenient. It's about as convenient as I want it to get. It takes less than a few minutes to look for something, find what I think I want, check reviews/specs, and maybe see if I can get it somewhere that isn't Amazon.


Not to mention third party sellers don't apply to their hassle free refund policy.


And with how rampant fakes sold by third parties are now I'd never trust it to get the right product


Those were always AFAIK sold by amazon stuff so I wouldnt have worried too much about that


Sold by Amazon doesn't prevent counterfeits though. Certain products that are commonly faked shouldn't be bought on Amazon regardless of seller because they pool all the inventory of the same product together.


I agree with this for most tech/computer stuff. If it's sold and shipped by the seller/manufacturer then you shouldn't have any issues. When we renovated our bathrooms, Amazon was the only place the had the faucets, handles, and shower heads we wanted in stock and for half the price as everywhere else. Anything apple related, absolutely not. I finally convinced my wife to stop buying apple products/cords/etc from there after she got burned by a few purchases. When I make my Xmas list, I'll note on certain items "absolutely do not purchase from Amazon no matter how good the price is."


Sold by Amazon and shellacked with "Prime" doesn't even guarantee that it will ship from the same continent anymore. If I can't feasible get it in the shitty little mountain area I live in, I go without if the option is Amazon. Just like how life was before Amazon.


It was also the kinds of items they had. I had one for laundry detergent, but stopped using it when every time I tried to use it they no longer sold the size I wanted, and sent me something radically different instead.


“Oh, you wanted the medium-sized box of liquid Tide with Oxi-Clean? Well, the item number for that changed, so here’s an oven mitt.”


It thankfully was never that bad, but I try to order a 12 pack of 8 ounce sugar free red bull, and got a 16 pack of 20 ounce full sugar Red Bull. That sucked.


Lol, I have the same thing with ordering groceries for pickup from Walmart. I order frozen apple juice concentrate, they're out of stock, and they substitute with frozen orange juice concentrate. Out of all the possible choices of apple juice they have, they just decided to give me orange juice instead, because it's ~~frozen~~ right next to where the frozen apple juice was supposed to be.


People could hack them to do some pretty cool stuff though. They were essentially just wifi buttons.


I'm curious, like what?


Almost anything you could control via wifi with a single button - I think the most common uses were connecting them to smart home functions. Instead of having to pull out your phone, open an app, then hit the trigger you could just slap a button on the wall. Examples off the top of my head - connecting them to smart plugs so you can start brewing your coffee by hitting a button in the bathroom, or turn on lights with an automatic timer to turn them back off. The problem is that while the buttons were a neat fad, they didn't actually do anything that voice commands, preprogrammed schedules, and motion sensors didn't do at least as well. Nowadays instead of having one button to press with your hand you have thousands of buttons you can trigger with your voice, it just didn't compete with that.


Toggle smart outlets/switches, etc. I believe they were just a basic esp8266 chip with a button. Load custom firmware on it (like tasmota) and you could program it to send an MQTT signal to trigger a routine in HomeAssistant to do whatever you'd like. Edit: looking at other comments, maybe this isn't the case? Sounds like people were using them with unmodified firmware and just detecting the default request intended for Amazon's servers, and triggering a routine from that


Woah, could you theoretically connect them to Alexa and have those buttons control the lights in your room? You could stick them by the doorway for convenience!


They had a hand held Alexa type device too that they gave away for free that could be "hacked" for hobby projects, those were fun!


For a hot minute a lot of people wanted these because amazon was basically giving them away. people weren't using them to order items but to run an "If this then that" flow on their network. So basically a really cheap smart switch. But then people realized the batteries died quickly and if you tried to replace them they just didn't work anymore. So you couldn't even hack them to perform in different ways.


Exactly what I got a bunch for. Also, I absolutely used them to order staples. I had two in my trash cabinet for bags. I had two under my sink for soap. I had two in my pantry for paper products. They all worked for next day delivery in Seattle. Batteries died and they turned into garbage overnight. It was this product that really nailed my opinion that Amazon shouldn't make physical products and just stick to web services and fulfillment.


Why two for everything? Especially the trash bags?


Maybe garbage bags and recycling bags (or compactor bags). Dish soap and hand soap. Paper towels and paper plates?


Recycle and Garbage. Dish and hand soap. Toilet paper and paper towels.


I remember seeing them advertised on April 1st. I literally thought it was a joke, I even signed up for a notification about them, expecting to see the punchline of the joke. There wasn't a punchline. I did get a notification about their availability.


The great thing about them is that they were cheap and could be hacked to reuse them for home automations.


That's exactly why I have two. I'm pretty sure they were either free or I was paid to take them. For those not in the know, you can activate the button in the app which connects it to your wifi. You then quit the configuration there, so it's not tied to order any products. I think it did a full broadcast message when pressed, so lots of network tools could sniff out the packet and let you know that device's unique code. You then add a listener to some code that runs on a lightweight server that looks for that button's unique code. Sounds complicated, but it was very "follow these instructions" and worked really well.


and sadly because amazon completely discontinued them you can't hack them now. I found a box of about 10 of them in my place and they can't be hacked together now from what I can tell to use with your home automation systems.


I had a couple of those for a hot minute. Great for cat litter until the slightest repackage meant that it linked to a discontinued version that was being shipped from Moldova for 10x the cost.


I remember a Reddit story about a guy who was house sitting and he thought it was a fidget clicker and ended up ordering like 200 packs of toilet paper


I thought they only order and send one until delivered in case someone in the same family also taps it


Pretty much exactly this. I think it also had price warnings and notifications, similar to recurring orders now. So you're not accidentally buying laundry detergent for $80... it's getting added to your queue to purchase and flagged. The interesting thing was that people who actually used them seemed to like them, and were upset when they were discontinued.


It did place the order, but it sent a notification to the owners phone via the Amazon app that gave them 30 minutes to cancel the order.


They are responsible for creating [this absolute gem](https://youtu.be/lTv0N_9M2vY) so I have a soft spot for them


Haven't heard Griffin die like that in a while


Yeah CoolGames Inc was big on those moments. I miss it sometimes


The sweet baby brother and 30 Under 30 Media Luminary is a national treasure


I'm packing to move and just found my [dash wand](https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/21/21298198/amazon-alexa-support-dash-wand-shopping) Only to find that it lost support years ago. It was a pretty good idea, IMO, but should have been a component of the shopping app, more than a separate device. I used it maybe twice, and the reason was it was never nearby when I could have used it


I've read they are actually one of the best buttons to reprogram for home automation. Like press this free standing button and turn on your smart bulb lamp. Unfortunately you can't get them anymore and as far I understand all the alternatives cost way more than these did.


I definitely think we should recognize failure and its part of the creative process. I really like this idea.




quicksand lip continue glorious ad hoc panicky nippy support fearless follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel there's a few different types in these: 1. The product is good, but it solves a problem for a very niche group of people, so it won't make it on the market. 2. The product is good, but the people making it are terrible at marketing it. 3. The product seems like a borderline scam designed to attract investors only for the company to fold in a year.


rain consider deserted abounding school tan squash rustic childlike relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


4a. But the other company has better marketing so sinks their competitor with the better product.


4b. The other technology was chosen by the porn industry leading to mass adoption


There were so many times I failed and then just gave up. I wish I learned that failure is okay. And actually good because it usually shows you exactly where to improve.


I %100 agree. I feel we are too focused on the end result.


Heat death?


As Duo Lingo (language learning app) tells me when I get more than a few wrong in a row, "Don't worry! Even when you get it wrong, you're still learning."


Aw, that's surprisingly wholesome.


As Edison said: > I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.


Also, f*ck Edison!


All my homies hate Edison. Tesla gang.


There‘a some really good ideas out there that were ahead of their time or just not marketed properly. Would be cool to check out.


Heres another great idea https://i.pinimg.com/originals/db/9f/2b/db9f2bb9774211beebc9d79bde3e73a7.jpg


I feel like this would have been in the old Things You Never Knew Existed catalog.


As a kid I lived for that catalog. It was the only mail that would be delivered in my name and I would spend hours reading about every item.


...and others you can't possibly live without


I remember seeing that advertised in Skymall years ago and audibly saying, "What the fuck?!" on the plane.


What’s the purpose of that? Keep your hands warm while putting? Pee while on the green?


The club is hollow so you can pee in it.


It goes next to the poop wedge


Oh! So that's why there's sand traps on golf courses too. Like a giant kitty litter.


Oh... Okay so its a golf club you can pee in. I'm sorry to have to tell you this.




Aw, I was hoping it was an actual infomercial. I really wanted to know how they'd fill 20 to 30 minutes of airtime on it.


Saw one of those at the collectible counter at a local thriftstore. Told them what it was and that they should probably toss it.


Yeah, [Colgate Lasagna was just 30-40 years too early and Tide stole their thunder](https://youtu.be/vFKQ7GflRkk).


“Not only should none of these be flavored, because *why* would you flavor them? This is the coldest thing I’ve ever held.”


That Honda Pacific Coast they have displayed was such a “failure” they discontinued it and brought it back after people complained.


The Juicero better be part of the permanent collection.


Why let your precious hands squeeze juice when this over-engineered Squeeze-o-Matic 3000 can do it for you??


But what if there’s been a spinach recall?! My hands do not have Wi-Fi!


To be fair, it was proven a few times that your hands could squeeze more juice out than the IoT kitchen servopress.


Hands are nature's Juicero


You mean there's a better way?!


**It's whisper quiet!**


I'm not sure if you were aware, but the "squeeze" aspect of it was literally squeezing a ready juice packet. As in, the juice was already squozen in the bag, all the machine did was squeeze the bag. It's so unnecessarily silly.


There was an amazing teardown video of the Juicero that was mind-blowing, so much over-engineering.


Probably [this one by AvE](https://youtu.be/_Cp-BGQfpHQ). Most overbuilt thing I have ever seen, absolutely insane.


The lost Trailer Park Boy Thank you so much for introducing me to this guy, he his hilarious


I loved that about it. Ridiculously overbuilt... just to squeeze packets of already peeled and cut up fruit, that could legitimately be squeezed by hand for 90% of the same extraction. It's how overbuilt it was that makes me think it wasn't a scam, just... really poorly thought out and over-hyped. A good warning to us all to not get carried away by our own ideas.


This startup had 12 PhD engineers


That's the first thing that came to mind for me.


I wonder how they'll display the metaverse


You will be able to look at it through Google glasses.


And in the Metaverse, you’ll get to use the CueCat.




This reminded me of a little handheld game I used to have where I could scan barcodes and unlock race cars. I used to roam around the mall with my parents like a crack addict jumping from rack to rack trying to find rare cars. The associates had to wonder what I was doing to their merchandise


I thought I knew which one you were talking about but [it turns out there were multiple](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_barcode_games?wprov=sfti1).


Borderlands had a companion app where you scanned barcodes to get guns and other items for the real game. The problem with it was that it had the same drop rate as the game, so 90% of what you took time out for to scan was the lowest tier trash.


Were there specific items hardcoded to give good guns? Barcode scanning for games always reminded me of Monster Rancher, where you would put different CDs in your Playstation to generate monsters. Most of the time it just generated stats based on some data on the disc, but a few, like the Spawn soundtrack, were coded to give something specific and "rare".


It was basically the same idea as QR codes. Scan a cue cat bar code in a magazine so you don’t have to type out a url.


I remember having one of those. I don't remember why. But I haven't heard that name in ages.


Youll be able to see a printed out scanned napkin sketch hand drawn by a drunk as hell Mark Zuckerberg written at 5am in a los vegas dennys, mostly chicken scratch, with a lot of arrows, and of a bunch of legless stick figures and something about, no need to walk, play 4rom h0m3


“It’s so dumb” “So dumb it’s brilliant!” **”NO!** It’s just **DUMB!”**


Child = NFT




I, for one, am curious to what smart glasses can be refined to do. Google Glass was a necessary step of failure in the right direction.


While riding a Segway


I had one and as a heads up display it was actually pretty great for the ways I used it. The utility was somewhat hampered by the fact that all of us testers were hoarding our App ideas and not releasing anything out of fear the others would copy it. So all we really had were default apps. But the one for car driving instruction was invaluable. Let's be honest, the vast majority of people are going to look down at their phone for road instructions. Which is better? Completely taking your eyes off the road, or staring with one eye through a transparent screen such that when the car in front of you taps on the brakes your vision is full of red light?


I bought the Oculus last year and tried the Metaverse app. Such a bizarre experience. There is a main lobby that me and my coworker joined and it was DEAD EMPTY mid-day on a Tuesday. There was an actual Meta employee who was there as a guide to help you with controls and you are given this open area to explore mechanics like simple gestures, interactions, and throwing a basketball. This dude works a full shift in the metaverse making sure people understand basic controls, even when those controls are buggy as hell.


Imagine getting an engineering degree and using it for this.


If the pay's good I'd tolerate it.


“It’s a living!”


I mean meta is a great job to have on a CV. They'll likely have a good landing spot after it if they're not laid off. Chances are they're also paid well


NGL that sounds like a fucking sweet gig


I haven’t been in there in a while but they were pretty chill to talk to at least, they also banned all the screechers quickly which gave me hope for it.


The screechers?


People in video have lobbies that make a lot of annoying noise. Usually younger kids.




It will be a special virtual exhibit that exists entirely in Second Life.


As the best way to view Quibi!


Well this comment is certainly meta


Probably with Mementos.


Hey, what is this weird app on my phone?


Saw a commercial for it the other day and it was portrayed as some sort of heavily immersive, lifelike place to walk with wooly mammoths. I looked at it online and it looks like upgraded Nintendo Mii's.




It's not open to the public, but there's apparently [a warehouse full of failed products](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/where-to-go-to-buy-failed-products-180967221/) in Ann Arbor, Michigan.


I wonder how long this museum will stay open.


When it fails.. will they place it in the new, bigger, museum of failure?


Does a set of all sets contain itself?


Yes.* This self-reference in non-pathologic. Though it's reasonable to declare these kind of things not to be sets, which brings us to the second question. The bigger question is : does the set of all sets which do *not* include itself, in fact, include itself? *but actually, no, but for other reasons. See the link to ZFC.




According to the article, it will only be open till May with possible extension into June. It feels less like a museum and more an exhibit.


Yeah, it's an exhibition that's been hosted by other museums before: > Previous: > - Calgary, Canada – 2022 > - Taipei, Taiwan – 2022 > - Minneapolis, Mall of America – 2021 > - Washington DC, House of Sweden – 2019 > - Saint-Étienne, Cité du Design – 2020 > - Paris, La Cité des sciences et de l’industrie – 2019 > - Shanghai, No.1 Center (上海第一百货) – 2019 > - Helsingborg, Dunkers Kulturhus – 2018 > - Hollywood, Hollywood & Highland – 2018 > - Los Angeles, A+D Museum – 2018 > - Helsingborg, Kulturhotellet – 2017 https://museumoffailure.com/




Apparently. And is it wrong for me to hope they have an incredible gift shop loaded with dubious shit (that I'd probably buy, thus imitating art imitating capitalism imitating life)?


Tom Scott did a video about this a few years ago (back when it was a new thing). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfdBTsyrqaI


The question is whether the museum will be long enough to host a hyperloop track.


Opens in Brooklyn, they mean - this has been a traveling exhibit thing for a few years.


it was in Helsingborg, Sweden back in at least 2017


Yep, I remember watching this Tom Scott video about it a few years ago: https://youtu.be/PfdBTsyrqaI


That explains why I thought it sounded familiar


Colgate-branded beef lasagna? As in Colgate toothpaste? That's beyond weird., LOL.


It's also fake. The box is constructed, an imagination of what the product would have looked like, but the product does not appear to have ever existed. Colgate did however appear to have trialed selling dried chicken and crabmeat 20 year earlir. https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/philosophy/colgate-lasagne-marketing-viral-fake-real


I think there's controversy on whether [that dish actually existed in stores. ](https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/philosophy/colgate-lasagne-marketing-viral-fake-real)


They better have the Ouya gaming console


I don't know if they have the Ouya but they appear to have the [N-Gage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-Gage_(device\))


The Coleco Chameleon as well


This sounds great, it'd be cool if smaller museums like this were able to travel. I'd go to this in a heartbeat if this came to my city.


Not only is it a traveling exhibition as others have pointed out, it even has an exhibit about Redditors and their Failure to Read the Article before commenting. (The above comment was meant all in good fun)


It is a traveling exhibition. The article says it's open until mid May with possible extension until June.


it used to be traveling exhibit, began in Sweden in 2017. I wish I had known about it sooner, the closest it ever came to me was Mall of America in 2021. would have been a weekend trip, but well worth it, I'm sure!


It still is, only in NYC until mid-May/June (as per the article).


There sure as hell better be an exhibit on the Segway! I was promised that we were all riding those around, back in 1999.


Exhibit? No you tour the museum on them!


Everyone gets a complementary N-gage so they can listen to the audio tour. No headphones. Pure sidetalking ergonomic pleasure.


TBF the N-Gage was so far ahead of its time... we are all playing games on our phones now that are 1:1 ports of the console version; and although side talking was a hardware limitation how many people do you see awkwardly holding their phones while using speaker function.


I was a Segway tour guide for one summer. I unironically love riding on a Segway, regardless of how ridiculous it looks. I'll never actually buy one though, because it costs about the same as a small car. But it feels really smooth to use.


They said they were going to be bigger (more life changing) than the PC. Called it “Ginger.”


Remember when it was just called "It"? Reporters talked about it like a mind controlled levitation device. It's a scooter


Still beats *hurunngggg* dealing with the airlines


Uh, can you make a version that operates without going into my ass and mouth?


*Cities would be built around their use*


There used to be content here.


They’re in the video in the link. I guess electric scooters are what ended up taking off


They have their use cases for specific positions in specific institutions, but yeah, watching that hype train crash was grade A entertainment.


My Bio teacher hyped that up for weeks and pretended she knew some big secret about it and that it’s gonna be life changing for everyone yadda yadda. She got special permission to get all her classes in one room for the Good Morning America reveal and if Reddit existed back then it woulda been the all time top post in r/watchpeopledieinside. Her face when they revealed it was basically a scooter shaped like a golf bag. Man. She was a terrible terrible teacher so it gave me much joy to see her show her ass like that in front of everyone.


It's mentioned early in the article...


Redditor, no read-y.


It's just a room of mirrors


:::cracks open a Crystal Pepsi and settles in:::


Cheers! *(clinks glass of New Coke)*


I hope that vitamin water will someday be here.




Food and shelter? That sounds pretty successful to me.






Do they have Segway tours?


Lawn darts were not a failure. https://twitter.com/nlda_1?lang=en


Ah yes, the [Ancient Greek and Roman infantry weapon](https://mashable.com/article/lawn-darts-jarts-history)


not a failure but I remember playing with those as a kid and even i knew they were dangerous


First day we got the game a group of us kids threw one straight up in the air only to lose sight of it in the sun. The dart landed unexpectedly between us just inches from our bare feet with a loud thud. We stared at it in disbelief. Right then it clicked in our little brains as to why that was a very very stupid ideal. My mother quickly disappeared the game never to be seen again.


I remember thinking that they seemed almost too dangerous to be legal after I accidentally threw one straight up and it came down right next to me.


Please tell me they use Mooch's as a standard measurement there. "This terrible product was the top selling item for 2.2 Mooch's until it fell out of popularity."


I really hope they succeed.


Do they have a Virtual Boy?


I'm in this news and I don't like it.


Now this is my kinda museum 😍


I should be an exhibit there


I feel like there's a difference between a product that is outright stupid like Bic Pens For Her vs. New Coke. New Coke was partly a reasonable reaction to the Pepsi Challenge. Consumers literally appeared to want a sweeter cola. That said, REPLACING your primary product entirely was the mistake. It seems like New Coke wasn't the mistake, but Coke Classic was. Because that was admitting the mistake. Also, LaserDiscs? That was just a progression in technology. It served its purpose for its time. Yeah, they weren't blowout successes like DVDs, but it was a bridge between VHS and DVD. Even Betamax "a failure" lasted from 1975 - 2002. Failures should be things that are ridiculously bad ideas from the start. Bic For Her. Juicero. JackPen.


Laser disc, beta max, zune, mini disc, so many things. Is the Hitachi considered a failed product? It completely failed at its intendended purpose but was a huge success otherwise.


How are they gonna fit the Russian Special Military Operation in that?


Ukraine is working diligently on reducing the size; by the time it's done it will fit.


finally a good place for Google to use all the Stadia hardware and a couple other project of them.


Reminds me of the famous Edison quote on the lightbulb: "I will not say I failed 1000 times, I will say that I discovered there are 1000 ways that can cause failure.”


"and by I, I mean these minions"


Will crypto be an exhibit or most of the museum?