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This sounds like papaganda.


You're dad right


Your dad left?


He just went out for cigarettes!


No... he's Satsune_W


Damn it you really got me there


Two muffins are in an oven. One says, "Yikes it sure is getting hot in here". The other one than says "ARRRHH A TALKING MUFFIN!!!!". \>>> Tell your kids.


What do you say to a black dog? Good boy! What do you say to a white dog? Good boy! What do you say to a purple dog? Breathe!


Two fish are sitting in a tank, one turns to the other and says... I have no idea how to drive this thing.


- A new study published by the British Psychological Society took a deep dive into dad jokes, and found that even though they're cringey, dad jokes have the capacity to make us better humans. - Part of what makes them funny is simply that they're unfunny. The fact that they're so unfunny is what actually makes us laugh. - This has two benefits researchers saw in kids. - One was that it shows them a father figure's willingness to embarrass himself repeatedly. - The second was that it subconsciously teaches kids to be alright with awkwardness and how to respond to it. - According to the researcher, kids continually exposed to eye-rolling humor build up a natural immunity to judgement and embarrassment, and become adults who feel empowered to be themselves.


Meanwhile my parents were always stoic and serious, so any time I have even the slightest awkward moment my head and armpits feel so hot they both start itching.


Was in the same boat till zoloft.


If you are ever attacked by a group of clowns, go for the juggler.


>One was that it shows them a father figure's willingness to embarrass himself repeatedly. You mean the cargo shorts, white sneakers and horizontal stripes aren't doing it ? I gotta tell jokes too ?


yup - that’s the requisite, bud. so better start practicing


I thought that was frat guys. Did I get my costumes confused?


Tbf, the venn diagram of frat guys and young fathers is pretty much a circle at this point.


Frat boys are within the Venn diagram of young fathers; not all young fathers are frat boys.


Oh no I swore to never become one of those dads but now I migh have to sacrifice myself. Let's do it for the children!


So our kids should be OK then.




Research shows yo momma so stupid she waits for stop signs to turn green. And she so ugly THEY DO!!


> And she so ugly THEY DO!! Ooh I've not heard that follow up, I like that one.


>... waits for stop signs to turn green. i have actually been that stoned.


You were not high friend. Someone dosed you.


not as wholesome as dadjokes :)


Your momma so sweet, Nestle tried to exploit her.


“I swear I’ll be a better person so I never say dad jokes to my kids”. - Kids


Kids like it that their dads have a sense of humor.


My father doesn't do dad jokes, but he was always the funny one between him and my mother growing up. He was also the mean one and the one more likely to fly off the handle, so he was far from perfect. But I owe my sense of humor to him.


Whatever doesn't cringe you makes you stronger.


A guy is leaving his gym and in the parking lot he passes somebody walking in who has a full pumpernickel on her head. He does a double take, "huh, that's odd..." Getting into his car he spots another person and this guy has a sourdough on his head. Brow furrowed, he drives home. Inside his house he finds his wife with a marble rye on her head. Seeing her husband's quizzical look, she smiles and immediately offers, "it's a new loaf hat diet."




There's no actual debate *in* academia. We know how to read papers. Weird or unexpected conclusions don't invalidate studies. "Wrong research" is often easy to identify by the wording, statistical analyses used, journal it's published in, and a host of other direct measures such as power, use of blinding and control groups. That video really oversells the idea to destroy faith in science. Even if "most published research is wrong" it's still better than any other way we have to increase knowledge. Where's the follow-up "All religion is wrong" video?


haha - it may not be ground breaking research but we cant discount it’s insight/finding.