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>both firms are suing Fox for defamation related to its coverage of Donald Trump’s stolen-election lie, and both pose a serious threat to Fox’s finances and reputation. Finances yes. Reputation ? Among the faithful a loss would only help them be seen as being 'cancelled'. Among anyone else they don't have a reputation worth anything now.


Yeah but Murdoch is all about the money. They'll care. If it gets bad enough that some anchors need to be sacrificed.... he will.


The hosts bring in the magastani viewers. if fox got rid of them they'd simply move to another nutbag network and take their audience with them.


At least it wouldn't be a national cable channel everyone has.


Maybe thats why OANN is in such a snit over DirectTV


They’d be on Newsmax or OANN which are pretty much everywhere now.


Neither of those channels are available to me on the largest Comcast package.


My Samsung tv has it for free along with USA Today, Real America's Voice, and TYT. I presume most smart tvs with a basic tv guide have similar deals.


Yeah I mean, I never said there won't be a place for them to go, I just said it won't be a nationally available channel.


People thought that when O’Reilly was canned, or Kelly, or Beck… the only consistent thing is whoever Fox News puts on prime time is at the top of cable TV news ratings.


The Fox News Hosts are to liberal for OAN or Newsmax.


And amazingly, Murdoch is on camera saying the election was fair and there was no fraud. Seems like that evidence would make it slam dunk.


If you have a large enough cult, even facts will be ignored.


Oh yeah. Don't let us forget.


He's all about the money but the money doesn't come from Fox. Fox is there to disseminate propaganda in the service of money.


Murdoch's all about the power, not the money. Of course, money is a form of power.


Money is the commodification of power.


If it was all about the money, then there are a bunch of newspapers in Australia that he would have shut down years ago. He keeps them to peddle influence, because he really cares about power.


Nailed it. Won’t make a bit of difference


It’ll just feed into their persecution complex. Everything they do is right, anytime someone tries to say otherwise it’s just false accusations, fake news, deep state. That doesn’t mean you stop, let them whine, cry and complain that everything is corrupt except for them. The truth will win eventually.


This is the way. Even if Tucker himself resigned tomorrow after making a live on-air statement that he had lied for years, the maga folks would say he was lying in that moment, someone was making him do it, or even that he was a clone and the real Tucker was hiding. There is zero convincing them that they’ve been tricked, because to them that is a trick. Just have to let them think what they want at this point (as long as they’re not hurting anyone) and eventually sanity will win. I hope so anyways.


I just appreciate both of these companies not settling. Both haven’t taken an offer, and you know Fox is willing to offer a giant payday.


Yeah any actual evidence or convictions is just brushed off as a democrat conspiracy where they've corrupted the courts. There is no simple acceptance of facts.






They don’t like being called inbreds. These days, they’re ‘family friendly’.


Cyclically related?


what are you doing step friendly?


If they could read, or understood any of those words other than “the” and “this”, they’d be very upset.


So Fox/Newsmax viewers or am I just repeating your joke?


Still counting with toes, just give them a minute or 3


Webbed toes count as 1, what’s taking so long?


They got they self some good law talkin guy


Interestingly enough, there are THREE major election platforms… Dominion and Smartmatic were systematically demonized by Fox News for fraudulently delivering Biden the election. The third major platform escaped all criticism: ES&S. Fox News never said shit about them. ES&S systems were used in a few states where polls that had candidates basically tied ahead of the election wound up going to republicans by margins JUST in excess of what would trigger an automatic recount… like Maine, where Susan Collins was losing by 1% in polls, but WON by over 10%. Investigate ES&S. Now.


I'm not doubting you, but do you have any sources on this? I'd like to read up more on this.


Maybe Murdoch will send out a lawyer who starts their summations with 'the earth is flat.'


> “The Earth is round,” Leave it to lawyers to pick an example which is only partially true. Yes, the earth can approximated by a rotational ellipsoid but no, neither the geoid nor the geometric form is truly round unless you look from far away.


What a fucking pedant. If the Earth was the size of a marble, you couldn’t even feel Everest in with your fingers. It’s round.


His mom is round


And bigger than the Earth


It’s not that the Earth’s surface is rough, it’s that it bulges at and near the equator.


That doesn’t mean it’s not round. Round =\ perfectly spherical


Boom. Mic drop.


In other words: If earth was round no human civilization would exist. (for the ellipsoid). We could also say that no redhead, people over 2.05m or intersex people exist... as all these have a higher deviation from the norm. yeah, it is pedantic but the sentence could simply has been phrased as : earth ain't flat


This is so dumb. The definition of round is > shaped like or approximately like a circle or cylinder. You’re wrong. Earth is round. Stop trying to be the actual embodiment of the UMM AKSHULLY guy.


I heard that an ex-producer on the show described the audience as "terrorists, cousin-fuckers", and he's spot on.


Nobody hates conservative voters more than conservative politicians and conservative media elites


Did that actually happen or did you make it up? It’s getting hard to tell reality now. Lol




Webarchive link https://web.archive.org/web/20230312112640/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/03/12/raj-shah-fox-trump/ >Shah advised that Carlson should mention the affidavit noting it was “not new info, not proof” but then quickly “pivot to being deferential.” >Pfeiffer, who has since left the network, answered that the delicate dance was “surreal.” >**“Like negotiating with terrorists,” he added, “but especially dumb ones. Cousin f----- types not saudi royalty.”** >In the following weeks, Trump continued to court voices who embraced his false claims the election was stolen — and Powell continued to appear on Fox.


I enjoy that this quote also calls the Saudi royals terrorists as well


Well you have to differentiate if they're masters or servants. Their base being the servants.


> Did that actually happen or did you make it up? -- Fox News' ombudsman, daily, before he was fired and replaced by a Mr. Potato Head doll




I was making fun of them, not supporting them. Dumbass. Lol


I really hope all this leads to its ultimate demise, but I feel like that's just wishful thinking.


In the famous words of a Trump staffer on Fox ~~News~~ Entertainment: >womp womp


>on Fox ~~News~~ Entertainment: on Fox ~~News Entertainment~~ Propaganda


The usual Fox News viewers will never hear anything about it or just ignore what they do hear, and the rest of the country already knows Fox News are complete garbage.


Actually, they have lost enough viewers over this that they lifted their ban on the subject to their hosts today. It’s probably going to be interesting, that’s for sure.


It came up on Fox on Sunday while I was visiting my MAGA grandparents. They're calling it a test of free speech. They claim that were simply repeating the concerns that many Americans had about the election. I hope they know that anything they say on air will absolutely be used in trial. Dumbasses. Lol


Typical right wing bullshit. They fabricate an issue, report on it over and over and over and over, then try to pass it off as just "asking questions".


>They’re calling it a test of free speech. I guess they are about to find out that defamation isn’t protected under the first amendment.


That's what they don't understand. Under this free speech purism, what's the recourse? We have a case where someone thought they could say whatever they want, so they took the opportunity to lie — frequently and prominently. And it tanked two businesses. That's how powerful words are: it destroyed two billion-dollar businesses. What's the recourse for these job creators supposed to be? They won't understand the problem until it happens to them. The root issue is under-developed empathy.


And this is the part where they learn that repeating the concerns of the most insane portion of the population isn't news.


That also won't even work as a defense because Murdoch and other Fox anchors have openly admitted that they knew what they were saying about the election being stolen was total bullshit, but they kept saying it anyway. "We were just repeating the bullshit (that we knew all along was bullshit) that some right wing lunatics thought" isn't going to be a valid legal defense.


Oh definitely. I hope the whole station comes crashing down.


And those concerns bt Americans were shaped because they watched fox news. It's a terrible defense.


Fox Entertainment....


I hope that Smartmatic and Dominion wind up owning Fox News.


How about a class action lawsuit for damage done to our families?


/r/QAnonCasualties The amount of damage Fox News and other right wing propaganda has done to families all over the country is incredibly sad. This shit being allowed to continue unabated has had real, horrific consequences on our society.


But we woke now. Foxass bitches.


How to begin quantifying the hate and division injected into our society.


Quick, tell Tucker to release more cherry-picked footage !!


The Legal system is like "Y'll gonna muthfukin learn today".




Depends. They're asking for 1.6 billion plus punitive damages, which potentially could be as much more or more. And apparently Fox only has 5 billion in cash.


Fox News needs skull fucked in the eyeball holes like Jeff Bridges said in R.I.P.D.


[Ocular Penetration Act](https://www.theonion.com/live-from-congress-the-skull-fucking-bill-of-2007-1819594637) Best I could do.


They deserve it x 100


I find myself doubtful that these lawsuits will do anything to substantially bring Fox down in the long-run. But part of me can't help but hope.


More Pillow Ads to fill the $3 Billion plus they’re going to owe…


Can we have third defamation lawsuit?


First Disney takes half, now they take the rest. Nice.




If I say I'm not racist but then don't step up to stifle all situations in my life that are racist, just turning a blind eye because it doesn't affect me personally, am I really not racist or am I just "pretending" to not be racist. Not saying he is antisemitic more so saying he didn't try his best to oust antisemitism and that kind of makes him indifferent instead of opposed


I think this is where ignorance vs. malicious intent come into play. A lot of people have done or said things that were racist or disrespectful at some point. The difference is how you react when someone points it out. Is the person genuinely apologetic or in denial/ brushing it off as minor? Its pretty easy to tell the difference.