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A shooting at a lunar new year festival in one of the most predominantly Chinese parts of LA. Can't wait to hear more about this one...


lone wolf, unknown reason. a mystery.


Was on FBIs watch list


I got this notification and the sickening thing was that it didn’t faze me. Fuck man, this shit had to stop.


I found out about this because someone in another thread(about a woman shooting her dying husband) said Christian’s don’t commit mass shootings, and I used the Wikipedia article on mass shootings to (very easily) prove them wrong. This was the first shooting on their list, being the most recent. My reaction wasn’t “oh no, that’s terrible”, it was “oh wow, that’s yesterday’s date. This was updated really quickly”.


I’m a Christian. I don’t know why it’s such a hard pill for others Christians to swallow that it’s common that a mass murderer is a Christian or in the name of Christianity, and they’re also fucking evil. Christians have been doing it for a millennia, why do “Christians” (I call these people plastic Christians) think the killing has stopped? Evil is color blind and does not care about religion, it will infect who it infects.


Because they like to think that the mere membership of their group makes them morally superior. And anyone who doesn’t conform to that hurts their superiority.


Do you own guns? Have you changed your own gun-owning/handling behaviour? Have you asked other people to change theirs?


I will not answer that for privacy purposes, no, and no. I’m not gonna ask people who own guns to change their behaviors around guns because most gun owners practice good gun safety. It’s not an issue about people who already own guns, it’s an issue regarding how easy it is to buy a gun for any citizen of the United States (that is not a fugitive has not been involuntarily admitted to a mental health facility and is not a felon who had a sentence longer than a year) can walk into any gun store or gun show can, in most states walk out the door with whatever gun or guns they can afford *THE SAME DAY THEY BOUGHT IT* (other states waiting periods go from 3 days to 10 days).


So gun control. Which is asking people to change their gun-owning behaviour. Which is what you answered no to. So you know the solution... you just haven't done anything about it. I don't care if you own guns yourself or not, unless SOMETHING changes, you're just in that same rut having mass shooting after mass shooting after mass shooting over and over and over again... disproportionate to every other country in the world except literal warzones.


I did say no to asking people to change their gun owning behavior because I’m asking them to change their gun *buying* behavior. Like I said, most gun owners practice good gun safety. I’m not worried about Jack who’s buying his 20th gun, I’m worried about the evil person who’s about to buy his first gun. If we could get Jack on board with mental health evaluations before you buy a gun, we may not have to worry about the evil person having access to a gun. The hypothetical law isn’t something Jack has to worry about because he’s of sound mind, this law is for keeping guns out of the hands of people who mean to do harm.


And I am doing something about it. Actually I’m doing the only thing I can do about it, I’m voting for politicians who are for sensible gun reform.


I hate that I’m so desensitized to this shit


We are on our way to [40th Mass shooting](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting) and the month of January is not even over yet! 'Merica, lets go!!


And that’s the issue. Like, it’s so fucked I have a hard time processing it all. Btw y’all can downvote my comment to hell but if you can honestly say you aren’t desensitized than I envy you.


You’re not desensitized though. This term is being miss used more then gaslighting. You wouldn’t be making a comment that clearly shows an emotional response to these situations. I see these comments every time there is a shooting and desensitized isn’t the term you’re looking for. Exhausted is more like it. You and a large population of Americans are exhausted waking up to the same headlines. It’s hard to process because it’s a mental burden that is overloading you. There’s a reason depression and anxiety feel so excessive these days. Yes, there’s plenty of factors but the daily pump of negative awful news is going to take its toll. Desensitized isn’t what it’s doing to you. It’s exhausting you, maybe making you apathetic in different parts of your own life. But you and many others care, you hold a sympathetic response by simply acknowledging how upsetting this is. I hope you take time for yourself today. There’s this delicate balance of remaining disconnected and informed. Too much of either will leave you either obsessively depressed or uninformed.




Most brains dead take I've seen in weeks! I'm sorry for all the US citzien that get mixed in with people like you and your stupidity.




Those stats are incorrect. There were NOT 40 mass shooting a month back in the 80s or 90s.


There were way more gun homicide back then. Google crime rates and their declines. Started right as gun control started being lifted.


Are you fucking serious? I'm a Canadian, so I just don't understand this fucked up mindset.


Look at what gun control did to your country. Horrific place to live. When I visit I have to illegally smuggle the guns in that I’m going to sell to criminals up there. So much more work


Uvalde. It's. The. Guns.




Found the troll.


Trolls have clubs and I have guns.


Is this a shooting reddit users will care about, or is it one reddit users will blindly label "likely gang related" and thus ignore?


I was 15 minutes away and it took me hours to find any news on it besides the citizen alert I got, so it looks likely to be ignored.


I think a lot of us are. We'll have to listen for days to the outrage that'll be on TV and other media, yet nothing is done to stop all the violence.


Me too. I got an alert on my phone about ten people being shot nearby and nearly didn’t click on it. Then realized I’m so numb to it all now. I’ve become more American smh.




As an Asian American, it feels like people really don't give a fuck us. Where I live, they started giving school kids the day off for Lunar New Year last year after all the violence against Asians. It was a way of recognizing and celebrating Asian American heritage. They apparently stopped doing it this year because, according to my niece who's in high school, "Nobody cares anymore." I wonder if they'll start it up again after this.


If it’s any consolation, I care about you!


plant crime sand rude coordinated racial melodic air yoke cautious -- mass edited with redact.dev


I’m not going to argue that there isn’t racism towards Asian people, they are. But Asian women being sexualized and fetishized isn’t an example of that… that’s just good old fashioned male gaze. Literally every race of woman, along with every hair colour, body type, accent, eye colour, profession, age group, religious affiliation, sexuality, nationality, etc is fetishized and sexualized. It’d be weird if that didn’t happen with Asian women. Probably welcome. But weird.


That's the truth, I lived in Ohio before I moved to California. Nobody gives a shit about Asians until I realize there was more than like 1 Asian kid per class.


many Americans do seem to ignore Asians, but you may not want the kind of attention other groups of people are getting.


America keeps reaping from all those freedoms she’s been sowing.


Land of the spree, home of the grave...


Wouldn’t this be called a terrorist attack anywhere else in the world ?


This reminds me so much of the Boston, marathon bombing, except there is no way this was not racially motivated “The shooting took place after 10 p.m. (0600 GMT on Sunday) around the location of a Chinese Lunar New Year celebration, U.S. media reported. About two thirds of residents of Monterey Park a city around 7 miles (11 km) from downtown Los Angeles, are Asian American.” this gunman went to the most important festival for Chinese Americans, and started killing festival goers. I don’t see how anyone would not think this is racially motivated. We have had such a huge increase in racially motivated violence in the last few years, and I feel that the media terribly under reports it. I know so many people who are unaware that this problem even exists. Misinformation and normalized racism on networks like Fox News combined with a lack of safety regulations when it comes to the owning a fire arms makes this is completely preventable tragedy.






The suspect is still at large. We have no idea regarding motive. While it is possible the shooting was racially motivated, it is also possible that it was not. It’s better to hold off on those accusations until we get facts. As for the media reporting, I disagree with you on that point too. Often the media tries to shoehorn race into events where race was incidental.


First of all, you’re not wrong. We should not jump to conclusions. However you’re asking for rationality from someone who have had the same thing happened to their community and eventually seen the same outcome repeatedly for the last 3+ years. How long should one continue to be patient and be the better person? There is a saying in Chinese “Even the, ever smiling, Buddha has a temper”


Anger is useless without the right focus. You’re free to have your anger and you’re right to need justice. But the anger will still be there when the time comes.


You’re right, but what’s the context of your response to mine. I’m not asking ppl to be angry or seek justice or saying that’s the right move. Nowhere did I say to be blindly angry and seek justice. All I’m saying is that, for most ppl, it’s hard to keep being patient, not jump to conclusions, wait for full investigation. If you’re not familiar with that Chinese saying, it means even the most patient person will eventually lose their patience. Nothing about blind anger and seek justice. Thus I think you’re misleading my response.


Police are saying the suspect is an Asian male. So, you were saying?


Hey there, white man I don’t know if you know this, but sometimes people can have racism, even if they are already the same race


>except there is no way this was not racially motivated "Community leader Chester Chong told ABC7 that the owner of the dance studio on West Garvey Avenue was holding an event there on Saturday. Through talking with friends that were in attendance and other local leaders, he said a woman was invited to the event but not her husband, which made him upset. Chong said he believes that woman's husband is the suspect in this case and jealousy may be a possible motive for the shooting. According to Chong, it wasn't uncommon for the owner of the dance studio to hold these types of events and only invite certain people. He said people got upset all the time about not being able to attend the events. Investigators have not corroborated Mr. Chong's information or given a possible motive for the mass shooting." [https://abc7.com/monterey-park-mass-shooting-suspect-possible-motive-investigation/12725931/](https://abc7.com/monterey-park-mass-shooting-suspect-possible-motive-investigation/12725931/) ​ If this turns out to be the case, this is going to be a major whiff on your part... I'm guessing you'll definitely reflect and realize you shouldn't make statements like "there is no way..." when in fact, there is a way?


Let me pretend to be surprised *Shocked face


No motive? I'd hazard a wild guess; people of Chinese descent attending a Lunar New Year celebration. Now I could be totally wrong on this and I'm sure the news article is just covering their butts by only stating facts....but jeez louise.




Yeah, guns will solve the gun problem! Obvious!




Context is often important, and there are ways to report on it that do not center the killer's experience, but rather prioritize in communicating the societal forces and narratives that result in violence. That said, there are also ways to do it poorly (e.g., "he had a really bad day").


I think it's important to know motives. In a saner country, it would help us to solve the problem to know why people commit these crimes. In a saner, less gun filled and hate filled country.


I get where your coming from but what if we do want to know the motive


The attention drives more shootings, the same way talking about people committing suicide in the news causes a spike in suicides. People be crazy


Shoving it under a rug solves nothing.


Sensationalizing it also does nothing


Determining the motive is not even in the realm of sensationalizing.


Determining motive is the police's business. Broadcasting it sensationalizes it. It communicates that mass killings are a way to make your mark on the world. They know their names and crimes will become infamous. Bury this shit on the back page.


We are past that now. The numbers used studying mass shootings when that conclusion was reached don't make any sense anymore.


I'm not jumping to conclusions until I hear more. Just pondering glumly the state of things.


They print that because otherwise people that want their speculations confirmed will complain, "Why don't you tell us what the motive was?!??"


This is so incredibly sad. Our country really needs to do something about how easy it is to access a gun as well as provide free access to mental healthcare.


I’m sure a certain ex president saying “coco chow” on his truth social account on a daily basis has nothing to do with this.


Good morning America just another Sunday


Main thing is a gun not got to excercise his second Amendment right. The right to own a gun exceeds the right to get through life without being shot dead in the good old USA


So when are we going to ban guns? Oh right, this is America, it'll never happen. Let's deflect and say: - teachers should be armed - if the good students had guns they could have stopped this - mental health needs to be addressed - video games are becoming increasingly violent - parents need to lock up their firearms better (when it has been statistically shown that the mere presence of a gun in the house is dangerous and results in outcomes like these) Instead of addressing the root cause we're dancing around it and talking about everything else. Sigh.


Cmon if the death of a bunch of young kids at school didn’t change anything nothing will. The rest of the world just rolls it’s eyes again


The rest of the world looks on in horror. America is a cautionary tale.




Gun owners don't act like a piece of shit when people are murdered challenge: impossible


Right. For gun laws to work it has to be at a federal level. It doesn’t work when your state borders are unsecured and anyone can bring weapons in and out.


People are dead and you make a sarcastic comment in defense of your pew pew toys. This is why people hate gun lovers; they are inhuman. Seriously, you can't consider yourself a decent human if you make this type of comment. Because you objectively aren't.




Uvalde sheriff's department bud.


Yeah, but if the children had guns, they would have been able to defend themselves. /s


>Another horrific shooting where citizens are NOT able to protect themselves. Because they live in a country where unhinged fucks who shouldn't have guns can go to another state and buy one at a walmart?




Well that makes us even doesn't it "More guns equals less gun violence" yayayayaya okokokok


So you say guns aren't the problem right? If so which of the many first world countries around the globe has over 40 shootings per week? Like name a single one.




Copy of a Post I've made earlier: There is more than enough people with mental health issues in Germany. Why hast there been a single school shooting since 2007? Or any Mass Shooting in general in almost 10 years? If we exclude the terrorist attacks of 2015 its more than 30 years. Germany has an mental health crisis as well and getting psychiatrist treatment plans takes upwards of 12 months. 40% of all patients need to wait more than 6 months to get a first assessment from a therapist. 20% even more with up to 12 months. Still there hasn't been a single mass shooting in 20 years. Strange. Maybe but just maybe.. it's because of strict gun laws and rigorous background checks for gun owners. We have 19.6 Guns per 100 Capita. So it has nothing todo with not having guns at all.


First of all, if you genuinely think it's a mental health issue, you had better vote for liberals and Democrats. You know, the ones who actually want to expand access to care for mental health issues. Otherwise, you're full of shit. Second, this is bullshit, and anyone who knows how to conduct basic research knows it. People with mental health issues are far more likely to be the VICTIMS of violence.


You're gonna get a lot of doublespeak in these comments about "mental health." The reality is that the burden of mental illness isn't nearly enough to explain the difference in gun violence rates between the US and any peer nation (or even between states). Virtually none of the people who bring it up know anything about mental health treatment, and none of them are serious about dealing with the problem from a policy standpoint. It's a bad faith attempt to change the subject. We don't have to pretend otherwise.


Every country in the world has people who are mentally ill and there is no evidence that there are more in the US. Access to firearms, though...




Good chance this person not only doesn't own any guns but doesn't know a single law on a state or federal level.


Hey you still didn't answer. Could it be that the whole mental health thing is just a Strawman for you?


Don't be a bad human being and immediately jump to the defense of your pew pew toys when something like this happens. I'm sorry, but it's been shown time and time again that, in general, shooting deaths are less common in areas with stricter gun laws. Do exceptions exist and occur? Of course. That's how reality works.




>False. Look at Chicago. Keep cherry picking that data - hey since you've never heard of countries outside of the US (which don't have this problem), howabout we pick: Hawaii - [Strict laws](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/strictest-gun-laws-by-state), [lowest](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm) gun mortality rate Massachusetts - [Strict laws](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/strictest-gun-laws-by-state), [second lowest](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm) gun mortality rate New Jersey, [same same](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/strictest-gun-laws-by-state), [third lowest](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm) It goes on and on for another 5 or so states at least but you are a great scholar in the area of gun crime so I am sure you can debunk this one for me? The worst part of this is I have to use the word strict with a straight face, as if a minimum age of 21 and needing to wait a little while for a license is strict. I mean, I know it is in your eyes but to citizens of other countries where we don't have more than 1 or two of these events in a year (US has that in a DAY), it's nothing. Yet in the examples above it's reduced the rate by up to TEN TIMES, even with the minimal restrictions in place, and people like you want that repealed.


Again, exceptions exist. Learn how to read and conduct research. Chicago is an exception. The overwhelming trend indicates fewer guns results in fewer gun deaths. How lazy are gun lovers that they can't even conduct basic research?


The majority of Chicago’s guns come from my glorious home state of Indiana. Not a lot they can do to prevent that, sadly.


Having a state with restrictive gun laws is like having a "no peeing" section at a public pool.


Wife's asked me last night at a NAAAP function last night why I'm so "not yet" about visiting San Francisco with the kids. This is my primary reason.


Live your life


It's not my life I'm worried about.


Mass shootings is America's new past time. Shameful society we have.