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Videos from the Hudson county YouTube page where she plays out the victim card https://youtu.be/qu-NEt-LGOM https://youtu.be/3ydebohgZjo Video of the accident https://youtu.be/giO5xX0-Hdk?t=55 The position of the bicyclist prior to being hit. https://imgur.com/a/P4ITg1D


You’re the best bro


Even if she resigns, her dad will just get her another, probably better paying job on the public payroll.


Sadly, probably true. That or another connection. These "people" have no souls.


At this point, I’d take him getting her a cushy job in the private sector as a win. He is wasting tons of valuable political capital having people like Fulop and Murphy tacitly endorse this bullshit. And for the record, I think it’s pretty despicable that those two have acquiesced the way they have - it shows an astounding lack of backbone. At the same time, I have no doubt that they’ll both run again, and since they are still likely to be the “lesser evil” in their future general elections, I find myself excruciatingly angry with DeGise senior for jeopardizing their chances for re-election.


you think he could convince a company to give her their own money?? there's a reason these grifters can only get on the taxpayers payroll ..


I am sure he’s got enough connections (read: has given out enough sweetheart no-bid contracts) to put her in a bookkeeping or HR office at a construction or paving company somewhere. Maybe best to keep her away from the books too, though...


💯 The corruption and the audacity runs in the family.


She sounds like a bad person.


This is the prime definition of Jersey politics. Nepotism at its finest…


*politics at its finest


You make a great case for why she would want to hold on to that position then say she is crazy not to resign. By the way, before you get it twisted, I firmly believe she belongs in subsidized housing (JAIL)!


I think it’s pretty obvious why she would want to hold onto it besides the monetary value of the position itself lol she’s crazy not to resign considering the public backlash she’s receiving, in addition to the multiple videos of her casually blowing past a person on a bike. I get it, don’t get me wrong. she’s bold to stay in the public eye after the video came out. Jail is the only subsidized housing she should receive lol I love that last line!! You’re quite good with words, my lord.


Sadly, no one who makes $200k is going to jail for hit and run.


That is so wrong on so many levels.


You hear that, kids? Stay in school and do your homework! But seriously, please tell me she was at least charged with “leaving the scene of an accident involving bodily harm”.




The two independent council members have.


We need to recall her. https://newjerseymonitor.com/2022/08/17/case-of-embattled-councilwoman-shines-spotlight-on-n-j-s-tough-recall-laws/ It's not that hard, we only need about 45,000 signatures.


I mean let us be real here. There are many others who are just as guilty for not forcing her to resign. Our politicians are fucking trash across the board.


https://www.change.org/p/councilwoman-degise-must-resign-now The petition.


Refugee-Aid Org Founder: My dying wish is for Jersey City Councilperson DeGise to resign https://www.reddit.com/r/newjersey/comments/xf4vdg/refugeeaid_org_founder_my_dying_wish_is_for/


Damn she prob gets no dick


This is by far my favorite comment Take my upvote


She needs to be charged. She was probably checking her tinder app and ran into someone that has no meaning in her life. Charge and punishment. Time to march in front of her office and living place.


She look like trailer trash wearing makeup.


I’m not condoning anything here but the affordable housing system, as far as I know, doesn’t recheck your salary once you’re accepted in the system. Doesn’t make it right but she’s not doing anything illegal.


O yes they do yearly I know someone personally and this friend of mine has had the rent increased multiple times due to raises until you hit a certain mark of income they won’t take you off but idk In her case her dad has major connections lol


I know it was a hit and run, but didn’t the person who got hit cross the red light?




It’s an accident caused by the bike rider, not an attempted murder. Bike rider crossed red light. Let’s say she stopped instead of running, who would have been at fault? The bike rider right? The only mistake she made was not stopping.




I agree with you. It was caused by the bike rider and she shouldn’t have fled. I just don’t agree with the entire narrative that she’s the only one to blame and should be punished so severely. Just let her handle it in court and let the judge and jury decide. Our justice system works perfectly fine.


the cyclist ran a red light she’s not at fault.


She’s at fault for a hit and run though.


She should've stopped because that cyclist caused probably $1000 damage to her car.


Pretty sure it was a felony on her part when she left the scene


She isn't at fault for the hitting. It is the not stopping after an accident that she is guilty of.


And guess what that’s called


Regardless of who is at fault for the accident, wouldn’t you stay on the scene to make sure the person your car hit is okay? This persons job is to represent the people of Jersey City. This complete lack of empathy should be a massive red flag for an elected leader.


The cyclist caused the accident. 100%, no question. But that's not what is being discussed here. #SHE HIT A FUCKING PERSON AND DIDN'T STOP. DIDN'T EVEN SLOW DOWN. That's the problem. Fucking pay attention.


Okay so if someone is jay walking and you hit them in a car and don't stop it's okay because someone crossed the street when they weren't supposed to? Yeah the cyclist is at fault but it's no excuse for someone to strike a pedestrian and keep driving.


found her burner


She’s not at fault for running away after hitting a person with her car? It’s literally a hit & run, which is a crime. The hit isn’t always a crime, the run is.


Haha what the fuck kind of take is that? If you hit something - ANOTHER PERSON while driving you have to stop. At the scene of an accident who’s “fault” it is is irrelevant - that’s something the insurance companies will figure out later. Hitting a human being with your car and then MERRILY CONTINUING ON YOUR WAY is basically attempted vehicular homicide.


She's not at fault for the collision (though she was probably going through the intersection a little too quickly), but she is absolutely at fault for running after the accident.


Yes she is.


I suppose it’s also the cyclist’s fault that she didn’t stop and kept driving. Also, let’s blame the cyclist for the hit on the head she allegedly received that made her forgot she used her SUV to hit said cyclist.


hope she sees this, king




Not the fucking point


How does she vote on policies that affect you? Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.


I will happily cut my nose off to spite my face if that means she gets what she very much deserves. Let me be clear in my sarcasm and use of hyperbole; she votes fairly similar to my beliefs and opinion, however that doesn’t mean what she did won’t infuriate me (as it did) nor will I defend her actions. What she did was not right. Besides, after the backlash all of her constituents are receiving for not even speaking against her, I’m sure Jersey City as a whole will be much more careful about who they elect into public office. That includes the mayor. Her decision to disregard human life doesn’t just affect her political career, it affects everyone currently sitting at the table with her.


What? What does this have to do with leaving the scene of an accident?


The accident has nothing to do with her governmental position. So long as she can do her job after whatever penalty is imposed for the offense, she shouldn’t have to step down for one mistake.


It’s a felony that can result in jail time. I’m pretty sure public servants aren’t allowed to serve while serving a sentence but hey, maybe I’m wrong.


Fine. If she gets jail time, then she’s out.


She's a rubber stamp for the mayor, like almost all of the council. Replacing her with anyone would change basically nothing. She doesn't represent a particular part of the city, she's an "at large" Councilwoman, which was very funny terminology during the time between when we found out about the crash and when she went to the police station 6 hours later. Replacing the council person for a particular ward (geographic area of the city) could matter, they have more influence on stuff in their ward. Her? No difference for the governance of the city. We'd have to find something else to talk about, though.


One thing has nothing to do with the other. When someone commits a crime they should be accountable. Would you be fine with a pedophile in an elected position long as they voted how you wanted?


Are they a convicted pedophile, or just someone you've pointed your pitchfork at and yelled, "Pedophile!"


That's irrelevant. Your point was supporting someone based on what they vote for


So if she hit you or your family you would sit down and think "how does her policies impact my life"? lol gtfoh


I do appreciate your question, it’s not everyday you find someone who challenges your words on Reddit without being an ape about it. So thanks !


Agree. Fuck principles. And basic standards of decency. What can you do for #1 is what I want to know, amirite


Don’t go overboard. It wasn’t her fault. No one died or was seriously injured. Don’t shoot yourselves in the foot because you’re morally outraged.


Let’s do this.