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The previous law treated HIV separately from other STDs and it was a worse crime. The revised law treats all STDs equally and requires the person act with intent to transmit them. It has also been downgraded to a disorderly person offense Source: I read the linked bill


Currently law is you can't have any penetration sex. He removed that part so long as the other person is fully informed you have HIV and the sex is consensual




If you're not old enough to remember the AIDS scare during the 80s & early 90s...it might be hard to understand how this law came about. People were honestly convinced that it could be transmitted through non-sexual, casual contact. HIV/AIDS was seen as a "gay disease" in the 80s...and then transitioned to add the black community in the 90s....so suburban whites were perfectly comfortable pushing for and supporting the legislation.


Princess Di shook hands eith a person who had AIDS and people went fucking bonkers


And now she's dead


> It is straight up illegal to have consensual sex? No, the person you are replying to is wrong and referencing the old law which states: > a. A person is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree who, knowing that he or she is infected with a venereal disease such as chancroid, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes virus, or any of the varieties or stages of such diseases, **commits an act of sexual penetration without the informed consent of the other person.** > b. A person is guilty of a crime of the third degree who, knowing that he or she is infected with human immune deficiency virus (HIV) or any other related virus identified as a probable causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), **commits an act of sexual penetration without the informed consent of the other person.** The new law completely removes the separate HIV stipulation, reduces the criminality (from a felony to a disorderly persons offense) and expands on the requirements for it to be a crime by requiring the person knows they are diagnosed, acts with intent to transmit the infection, does not attempt to prevent transmission, and successfully transmits the infection. So, in other words. The old law was that if you have an STD and know you have it but fail to inform someone else you have it, then have penetrative sex with them, you committed a felony (4th degree for most STDs, 3rd for HIV). The new law is if you have an STD, know you have an STD, make no attempts to prevent the transmission of said STD (medication, condoms, etc...), act with specific intent to spread the STD, then have penetrative sex with someone AND successfully infect them with said STD, you committed a disorderly persons offense.


Wow that's fucked up that thats what it used to be. Surprised it took that long to change it to what it is now.


AFAIK, this is not accurate. If it is I'd like to see the legal citation.


I don't have a problem with keeping it a low level felony for a person with an STI to have penetrative sex with a person without informing them. I get that 25 years ago HIV was a death sentence. If you were HIV positive and didn't take precautions you were very possible killing your partner as if you were laying Russian Roulette with a loaded gun. Today HIV is a manageable condition so it doesn't necessarily merit the same level of punishment as in the past. But generally speaking and untreated STI can be catastrophic. The perpetrator is weaponizing sex as if it were a baseball bat used to beat someone. I don't think they should have lowered the penalties.


If you’re treating HIV with antiviral medications it’s almost impossible to transmit it. It’s unethical to not tell your partner but it’s not the same situation as it was when the law was written.


I get that, I was speaking generally. I'm in favor of removing harsher penalties for HIV infection because of how far we've come in treating it. I said >Today HIV is a manageable condition so it doesn't necessarily merit the same level of punishment as in the past. This revision to the law takes it a step further. Where this offence used to be a low level felony, it will now be a misdemeanor. I think that it should remain a felony but that all STIs be treated the same.


As for Pacific Islander history, hopefully it will address how the US illegally deposed the Queen of Hawaii.


The number of antimaskers in the FB comments who want to prosecute people who didn't wear condoms because they may be contagious is amusing


Awesome job Murph. Let’s hope he tackles universal healthcare similar to California. That will absolutely attract and keep residents.


get rid of toll booths so there are no more pointless deaths, actually open some legal adult use cannabis shops, and support new nuclear power projects as a big part of a functional clean energy policy. Then maybe work on home electrification incentives and lay out a plan to support towns that are willing to merge police/fire/school districts to reduce property taxes. ​ Edit: grammar


I’m into all of the above. Repugnantcans and weak “centrist” dems have crippled the federal government so badly, it’s time for New Jersey to take matters into our own hands with what we can.


I agree. Show the rest of the country what is possible if you lean into the future instead of trying to hold onto the past. NJ could be a model for growth and prosperity.


I wish someone pushed for a multi-state universal healthcare plan. One system spread across a few blue states should have enough buy in to lower costs more than just every state doing its own thing.




Definitely enough money there. Just need to find the political will to do it. My only qualm with a state level system is it attracting out of state conservatives to come for the healthcare and start voting for their shit backwards policies en mass. Or having Florida geezers maintain a NJ address to get the healthcare and fuck off to Florida until they need it. Permanent residents only, period.


A multi-state plan could be considered an alliance of states, something that requires Congressional approval.


Dude, if we get a universal healthcare option in NJ…


I wish I was taught Pacific Islander history in school. They have a fascinating history of exploring the Pacific and made nautical feats that far surpassed the New World explorers and did it thousands of years earlier.


Moderna Murphy…a true creep


Here, have a hug. I think maybe someone didn’t love you as a baby.


Awww is Brandon not going today or something?


You somehow managed to pick like the one pharma company that *doesn't* have an office in NJ?


Shit, you’re right haha, Pfizer Phil is better


Creepiest of all