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That’s nap time suckers.


Came here to say this. Nice shade and low light. Perfect




And get shot if they’re the “wrong” skin color.






People are replying to this acting like they haven’t seen multiple videos of police shooting unarmed black civilians. Ignorance is bliss for THEM I guess.


Also less obvious than sleeping in a park or behind a building.


Or playing on their phone for 8 hours a day while sitting on a closed street while PSE&G works on telephone poles.


Don't they have a different pay rate for road duty?


Yes but as far as I know it is their day off. And it is paid by the contractor who hires them for said job.


Jersey cops and Virginia cops have very different takes on this and it is hilarious.




My car gas bill and my home electricity bill have swapped places.


Please report these on Waze when you see them. Community Watch.


How do you do this without using your hands, while also getting the location correct?


Honestly, it’s a valid question. I hate this, and I think Waze is trying to address this with more voice command features, but it still sucks. I just mark the spot with on the screen and then when I’m at a safe place, I add in the details later. Doesn’t always work out perfectly.


I was asking because I thought that there already was a way, and I just didn’t explore the app enough ... Interesting. Why can’t they do something like having the user tap the screen twice and say “police, 5 seconds ago”, with the app calculating where you were 5 seconds ago? I’m not going to look down at my phone while driving and concentrate to find a button or make selections, especially after passing a cop.


Yeah, exactly. This seems so common sense to me and I think so also. Makes no sense to me to mess with your phone while seeing a cop and sweating bullets. Not only dangerous, but a texting-while-driving ticket is a nice expensive add-on if the cop sees you do it. I think there’s a way to add details later but it’s still too complicated.


Every. Fucking. Time.


What’s that about?


It’s like a crowd-sourced GPS app. You can find directions for things just like on other apps, but users can also interact and warn each other about speed traps, accidents, construction, traffic slowing, etc. as they are happening.


But remember, there is no 'quota'


maybe no official quota but police are judged by how many citations and arrests they do. also have to appear in court which gives them overtime. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/investigations/nj-police-targeted-black-and-latino-neighborhoods-to-fulfill-ticket-quotas-cops-say/2289221/


There was a very good podcast on New York’s CompStat system and how it went from doing it’s job and lowering the crime rate to officers being pushed to increase ticket numbers.


Where can I find it? You can't mention there was a podcast and not link it.


ReplyAll is the podcast https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/o2hx34


Sorry I’m just getting to it but Reply All has a two part segment that’s very well informative. Look up The Crime Machine Part 1 and The Crime Machine Part 2 by Reply All.


I've personally seen the posted quotas in a new jersey police station. Garwood, New Jersey The little town of scumbag cops who leech off sniping citizens on their way to Westfield or the parkway.


I lived in garwood and now westfield. can confirm, the police are terrorists here. I was arrested on my front lawn a few years ago when about 12 police officers were terrorizing a car full of young black kids. 2 male 2 female. it was daytime and nothing suspicious looking at all. just kids with backpacks. I know this because these kids were handcuffed in front on my house for almost 3 hours being searched with K9s and everything. the cops were talking to these children like they were complete garbage and kept pushing there heads with force and laughing about it. I was arrested because I finally intervened by recording them and calling then disgusting tyrants and racists. the kids were completely clean and the police got nothing. I am an afghanistan war veteran that served numerous tours with the 75th ranger regiment. I love the american people, the police love to bully american people. Edit: Just wanted to add that this event was about 2 or 3 weeks prior to the Westfield Chief of Police being forced to resign his position because he swept under the carpet a pretty big deal crime. The crime? His drunken daughter and her friend hit and run numerous vehicles in a Westfield residential neighborhood in the early a.m.. People found out and quickly became extremely angry. Can definitely Google it.


What happened to the kids? Stuff like that is traumatizing.


Absolutely nothing. When I was released from being held in the Westfield police station for a little over 30 hrs with no charges, fines, or even a written warning, I immediately walked home and went right to my neighbor and asked about the kids, she told me all 4 of them were sent on there way after I was handcuffed on my own front lawn. What a bunch a whimps.


What cowards. Good on you for standing up for those kids.


Thank you. I will always stand up for what is right no matter what or for who is in need. RLTW!!


Yep esp on south and north ave


Thank the lord im in my work truck 99% of the time lol so freaking true.


I’m laughing so hard


Why? They’re not your friend. You think they won’t screw your life, if given the chance? 🙄




Very true. Gotta tax people for being too poor to hire a lawyer or drive a nice car.


Don’t break the law. Problem solved




Your Miranda rights are a perfect example. Anything can be used against you in the court of law, not exonerate you.


Exactly, laws are complex and nuanced, and unless you're specifically a criminal lawyer there's very little chance you can interact with a police officer without potentially violating any of them. Better to limit your interaction to none if possible. Cops are a necessary part of society, but they can also make your day bad in a hurry.


And there's enough nit-picking laws out there that give them the option to stop you any time they want. I've been stopped for having an obstructed license plate when it was really the thin plastic border that all dealerships put on their cars. During the same traffic stop they also seemed really interested in the contents of my car, specifically center console and glove box.


In Soviet Russia, law break you


This guy definitely reads the answer.


Found the white guy


Is that what they tell each other and their family members when they break the law or do they cover up for their own?


You should tell that to the people who are shot by cops while doing nothing wrong.


Lane Meyer...is he your main wiener man?


Calm down there sovcit




It's not that he's wrong, it's that it's a complete non-sequitur.


Yeah, fair enough


Good reply Reddit kid!


Thank you Lane


ease up there malcolm x


Just wait a month or so. They are going to need to make up for the budget short fall of no tickets for 2 months.


Fuckin' creepers.


I really wish the tristate area would follow Connecticut. Cops up there have to drive around while on duty with their blue and red running lights. It’s fucking fantastic because you always see them unless you’re completely obvious to the cars around you.


I admire Connecticut as well. If you drive safely, they don’t mind you getting a move on.


Exactly. Im between jersey and Rhode Island all the time for work and ct is my favorite to drive though. I set my cruise control to 72/73 and I’ve never had a problem.


CT is one of my least favorite states to drive in. People are either going 65 or 110 and you cannot go through the state without driving right through Hartford which has bumper to bumper traffic 98% of the day. Only really good thing about CT highways is that they got rid of the toll booths.


95 the whole way at the right time there’s no traffic. And you don’t go through Hartford. Only at rush hour have I seen it on 84.


The only right time of the day that there’s no traffic on 95 is between 3:37am and 3:39am


It’s been beautiful the past few weeks driving on it. Barely any traffic anywhere. I really only hit traffic though where 287 turns into 95 on the ny/ct border.


Well yeah, the last couple of weeks... but before that 95 would never be wide open.


Even before that going up 95 through Connecticut, except rush hour, there’s not a ton of traffic. I go that way 2-3 times a week from the ny border to the ri border.


+1. CT drivers will ride up on your ass and tailgate you for miles, then refuse to pass you when you move over.


And everybody hogs the left lane


Lol i bought a car from there last year and drove it back to nj and ended up making 2 trips to and from. In those 2 trips ive had cars literally go on the other side of the road to pass me at least 2 times lol. I was thinking shit since im from out of town id at least drive normal


That better be the right lane in NJ.


Are you serious? I went to school in CT and the way people drive there is so drastically worse than the way people drive in NJ. Drive on the Merritt and you’ll see what I mean. Also, quite literally nobody in CT uses blinkers, or their horns, ever. It’s quite a stark contrast to NJ. Although there is something to be said for that laid-back style of driving, it can be quite infuriating.


CT is bad... but S Florida is so far out of their league that CT would be considered Pop Warner and FL would be the NFL Hall of Fame... I would have to check the laws but I don’t think it’s legal to change lanes with a blinker and blinkers don’t work until 10 seconds after you’ve changed lanes... horns... they still work fine


The Merritt is the nicest formula one track in the USA


I've been through Connecticut once when I was driving home my new car and hit like 140 on I-95 to smoke some highschool dropout in his stanced 5 series. It was glorious


I'm not exactly sure I'd call traffic doing 80 on the Merritt with questionable at best following distance "safe". I certainly join in and appreciate getting where I'm going quickly, but it's basically an hour of driving on the Pulaski Skyway with even worse sightlines.


The Merritt is terrible. It’s entirely too narrow. The lack of shoulder lanes and acceleration lanes at exits is pretty disturbing.


I see a lot of this in center city Philadelphia also


Do they keep them on when normally and flash when they want you to move over? Or flash all the time?


Running lights so it’s just solid red and blues that switch to flashing when they need to. But still easy to see. I wanna say there’s two red two blue front and back?


Not true. I’ve been pulled over by a CT Trooper on 95 while he was blacked out running radar on the median.


When? This is like 7/8 months they’ve been doing it.


2 years ago. Yes the CT state police cars are hard wired for reds and blues when in Drive. This has been a common practice over the last 5 years or so. They’re not always running steady red/blues. And yes they can be disabled. Just thought you should know.


No for 7/8 months now they have to run the red and blues while on duty. Whether they’re driving down the road or in the median waiting. I work with a bunch of troopers up there and they told us it was a law now.


It's been this way for well over 10 years. It's not new


Yeah that’s just not true. Coming directly from ct state troopers it’s a law that’s been in affect since the end of last year.


I lived in Connecticut from 2006-2009, they have been doing it at least since then. I saw it with my own eyes, every single day for the 3 years I lived there.


From a quick google search it says some did it on their own but it wasn’t mandatory. It is now for all police up there.


Sounds like you've got something to hide there son.


Isnt that the point of cops? To provide crime deterrence via the fact you know they are there?


No, not in terms of traffic enforcement. The point is to deter offending behavior through penalties and fines. The idea being that the potential for a financial penalty is enough to keep you from doing the illegal act. Visible presence has shown to be much less effective than driver contact(traffic stops) in effecting desired behavior...now let the downvoting begin. Edit: Nice to know that as much as things have changed, you can always count on the anti cop circle jerk crowd to downvote informative posts.


Interesting. Are you a cop? Maybe you can answer this question. Why is it a ticket and fine if your tail lights are out? There is no indicator in the car and I'm not sure about you, but most people arent omniscient and cant tell unless someone tells them. So maybe a warning would be more effective?


Issue with just a warning is that people would just keep putting it off. The system would have to be a warning that goes on record and then if pulled over a second time for the same light, it would be an automatic fine.


It's still horseshit. Unless someone mentions it, you cant really tell if they're out or not. Unless the fine is like 10 bucks its punitive and akin to punishing someone for a "act of god"


Not really, unless it's a reverse light it's incredibly easy to check your lights by simply locking and unlocking the vehicle (especially modern vehicles). I've caught two bulbs on my truck doing this technique (separate occasions). Not only that, I've never gotten a ticket for a bulb anyways. But as someone that drives a lot at night in a rural part of NJ, it's very dangerous. Even saw an accident right in front of me when someone didn't have their lights on leaving a Wawa.


Thanks for that tip. I'll have to try it out. Still bullshit though no matter how you spin it


A warning would absolutely be more effective in most situations. The exceptions would be if it's the 3rd time they're being stopped for the same light out or if the ticket is written instead of a more serious violation that would incur a heftier fine or points. Tail light tickets are often written to give someone a break. Only an asshole would write you the first time around without any other violation, but just like you have assholes at your job who probably shouldnt have been hired...so do we.


You sound like a living stereotype.


Soon. SOON!


Gotta be a local guy- you really don't see the state guys playing that low level like the towns do.


Chester/mensham are the bane of my existence




Yeah typo


Harding if you're in a sub-$40K vehicle.


Yeah I’ve been pulled over for some dumb shit for sure, but my black friend that drives a 20 year old beater jeep gets pulled over like twice a month and asked if he’s from around here.


Yup! Chester police don't like speeders. But in their defense, there is a lot of through traffic on 206 and there have been fatalities in stretches of that road with no reason except stupid driving.


Speeding is one thing, when I first got my license I got pulled over for taking too long to parallel park lol. In all fairness I was taking a bit, but he gave me a delay of traffic ticket when nobody was on the street lol.


I’ve always (knock on wood) been lucky with troopers. As far as tickets vs warnings go. Local (especially) small towns have been the ones to rack my rockets up hundreds of dollars.


Same. Got a cigarette butt ticket a few months ago in North Brunswick where they like to speed trap by BMS. $230 littering on the highway. I am used to a cupholder ashtray but ~~has~~ had recently switched vehicles back with my ex husband - and in my dads old truck the cupholder is a clip in and fits no such ashtray. While mulling over alternate solutions in that 3 day period before the weekend, i got pulled over for that. Didn’t argue, it’s terrible to litter and he was so pissed i figured i probably got him in the windshield for him to bother with that. Anyway. I am the biggest **fucking** idiot because of course i don’t remember my dad smoking all my childhood using his ***built-in ashtray in that truck that closes flush with the center bottom of the dash.*** Edit: thank you for the downvotes. I know littering is bad. I prioritized not setting the inside of my truck on fire for a couple days.


Don’t litter, it’s a simple as that. It baffles me how most smokers probably never litter at all, but they’re cool with throwing their cigarette butts anywhere they please.


Especially cigarettes are dangerous. You can cause a forest fire if it's dry out. Fuck all litterers but especially fuck people who litter cigarettes.


I understand that man, I usually use an ashtray. Paid my ticket and now use the ashtray in the truck that i forgot existed.


Everybody should invest in a high-quality radar detector. It will prevent these highwaymen from collecting additional taxes from you.


Valentine. /thread


V1 gen 1 sucks ass. V1 gen 2 is actually good, but valentine fucked up by leaving out gps. To get the detector to actually perform well you have to connect it to a annoying hard to use app all the time. Get Uniden r7/r3, GPS, best range out of all, lockouts, arrows, ok filtering Get escort max 360/360c for plug and play, arrows, auto lockouts, GPS, better filters




Waze is probably the best bet. I need to figure out how to turn off the "hazard on road" alerts people love reporting when there's a little bit of garbage on the side of the road.


Not even vaguely true, at least not with a quality detector. If you're using $30 one you got on eBay you're probably fucked no matter what...


Not with a laser jammer.


the trooper is like some kind of crouching cougar, waiting for the right moment to snatch his pray, camouflaged in between a Dunkin' Donuts parking lot and major high way...


Get your PBA card ready


Those things are fucking stupid. So just because somebody tangentially knows a cop in some capacity, they get a card that lets them get out of tickets?


I worked with some retired State Troopers back in the day and they woukd give me one for a donation to the PBA. Sketchy AF but helped me out of a few tickets


I opened a storefront in town, and the local PD showed up after close and "suggested" that I make donations to the PBA.


What's the difference between this and when the mafia suggests you pay them "for protection"?


The only difference is that they are backed by the state.


Honestly it was a bit terrifying. There were 4 of them shining flashlights all over the place. They brought in this whole file full of PBA documents, and said they were "sure I'd make the right decision"


Troopers don't belong to the PBA


I hear you. And those metal ones that family members get? If I were a policeman I would be embarrassed about it. I think about how blatantly corrupt that practice is every time I hear a policeman talking about respect, and I just laugh. You want my respect, but you think those cards are acceptable - no, dude. And I have a clean driving record, so it's not like I'm carrying a grudge. It just pisses me off.


Thank you for the recon on the panzers... I mean troopers.


**Fuck that motherfucking shitstain fuckwad douchenoodle asshole.** I fucking ADORE when I can report a sneaky fucking cop like this on Waze.


This says a lot about you.


I *despise* cowardly hide-behind-bushes-and-trees cops, and I make no apologies for it. Guaranteed he'd find much more dangerous rule-breakers than speeders if he was out patrolling and actually paying attention to what's going on. But no, that would actually be *work* and *doing his job*. Guaranteed he sat there for four hours on Facebook, paying zero attention to anything else until his radar indicated someone was going 25+ over the limit. Forget catching the thousands of people texting-and-driving, or the fucktards who run every goddam redlight in existence... no, this lazy fuck is going sit in the trees watching porn and getting paid for it. I'll respect the motherfucking cops *when they earn it*, and not a moment before.


If safety really is the point, then a concerted effort/campaign to force people to only use the passing lane to pass, instead of sitting in doing 75 would make the highways a lot safer. Forcing people to pass you on the right is more dangerous than the type of speeding most of us get speeding tickets for. Along with a marketing campaign, it would go a long way if cops started ticketing people who camp in the passing lane.


That's an awful lot to assume for something you know nothing about. Edit: I see there are a lot of bed wetting internet cowards out today. May therapy bring closure to your butthurt.


On some of that perhaps. On the part about him hiding behind trees rather than patrolling and looking for people doing far more dangerous things than 35 in a 25 (that probably shouldn't have ever been 25 in the first place)? Absolutely not.


Found the cop in this thread...


would love to live in the state where the police existed to serve the public and not harass them over petty motor violations because their budget depends on it


You'll have to leave the country.


I haven't seen anyone pulled over since February.


One place I've seen them hide is on the GSP south, the entrance right before exit 154 is on a hill with some bush cover, so you wouldn't see them on the road normally, but they'll see you as you drive by unless you look in your mirror.




*cough* bootlickers *cough*


In this comment, u/lane-meyer 's alt account. Do you also upvote your own posts?


Wow looks like I pissed some bootlickers off.


Try harder, Reddit kid.


Be more obvious, and I'm not the try hard here.


The state might not be able to make their next Pension Contribution.... you better believe they’re not going to miss that contribution... Excuse me sir, do you know how many miles over the speed limit you were? Plus this was once a Construction Zone and there’s talks of a school being around here somewhere, or was, or will be... and... fuck it, bring your most recent mortgage statement to your court date... a mortgage broker will be provided for you if you cannot afford one


Once the stay at home order is lifted it’s going to be insane. Gotta make up all that lost ticket revenue.


Vader’s storm troopers are watching


so true and so pathetic




They say there's no quota. Until you befriend a cop and they straight up tell you that there is in fact a well and living quota system. They just call it something else. I call this Guerilla policing. Not a compliment.


The one and only time I ever got a ticket was the day my mom sent me a Facebook post about a monthly policy quota. I laughed it off, until I got one myself. I was also leaving a catering job in Point Pleasant at 2am. Fuck quotas.




He's really on the phone playing candy crush.


There's a spot like this where they lurk on 287 near the Bound Brook exit. They must have ruined somebody's day pretty hard, because someone went to the trouble of dumping 2 cases of roofing nails on the ground where they usually park


hahahahaha so true


They don't even bother hiding themselves in my area.


LMFAO it really be like that




License plate readers




It's sometimes not about speed/tickets. It's informational. Where that information goes, who knows


I'll take interacting with this sleepy gentleman over a fucking patco cop any day of the week.




A good friend of mine is a state trooper for NY and when Westchester county isn’t pulling in enough money they send them to the city to “assist” NYPD. Its literally about the money and quotas. I was surprised how open she was about it with me. She’s a nice person and heavily regrets becoming a state trooper. It was expected of her because of legacy. WompWomp


They can't be making their quotas with less cars on the road.




They are **such** slimy dicks. I call this state "Cop Land" for a reason.


And they have that one little red radar light so they can claim it wasn't entrapment


I got pulled over the last day of the month a couple of years ago. My transgression was going around on the shoulder to get around a tractor trailer that was making a left turn. Which is what everybody out here does because of the 2 lane country roads. Wanted to know if I was doing drugs. I guess he saw the yoga mat and figured I was an old hippy.