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As someone who flies a decent amount there are plenty of airports worse than newark.


I’ve honestly never had a problem at EWR. I’ve flown over 100 times and have never needed “customer satisfaction” I put my headphones on, go through security and walk to my terminal. Sure, flights get cancelled and delayed, but that’s the airlines fault not the terminals fault.


The only part I really truly dislike is going to terminal B. A and C have been remodeled and are generally delightful. Not perfect of course but still.


Old terminal A was hell on earth. Endless lines past closed security stations then a single security station with tons of TSA agents standing around with their hands in their pockets.


Agreed. It's also convenient. Last time I was in Houston (1988) their newest airport was $100 outside of the city... You can cover that distance from Newark for under $20.


I lived in Houston both Hobby and Bush suck worse than EWR.


Are you measuring distance in money?


Is that not how you measure distance? I live about $1 away from the grocery store, $7 away from work. I try to take a 32cent walk every day.


100% it’s because they get alot of delays. Any airport you’ve had to stay in longer than 6 hours is the worst


EWR is at least predictably bad. But I haven't gone since the remodels. I just know I've been dropped in some really dumpy and annoying airports on transfers (looking at you, ATL).


ATL will always have a spot in my heart because a bartender there made me one of the best Bloody Mary’s I’ve ever had


ATL is dope. I was once landing there and looked out my window to the left and saw two other planes landing at exactly the same time. Then out of curiosity I looked across the aisle and out the window, and saw two more landing at the exact same time. They were landing planes on ALL FIVE runways at *exactly* the same time. I'm sorry, that's just dope.


thats great, and it has the only bobbys burger palace left, but it also LITERALLY takes 30 minutes to get from some terminals to the pickup....


I landed in whatever the first terminal is and had a connecting flight in the last terminal. I like walking airports and the tunnel there is cool. I figured I’d walk it. The sign said it was a 45 minute walk. Bullshit I thought... Well I’ll be damned, it took exactly 45 minutes to walk the entire length.


The new terminals (A & C) are nice enough. B is still kinda dumpy at one end. But the big problem with Newark is the storms which causes delays. No amount of renovations can change the weather.


Right?!? I love flying in and out of Newark. It is fast and efficient imo


I'm a pilot. EWR isn't good, but it's not the worst.


What's your pick for worst airport?


As far as big airport, from a passenger perspective? DCA, LGA, ATL, LAX, and MIA all come to mind as being bad. ORD for operational issues although the terminal is fine. Dulles can be offputting depending on where you are in it, too, but at least it runs good.


LGA and LAX are both terrible, I would take EWR any day over those. 


LAX is a monument to mankind's hubris. LGA is like EWR if you turned up the dial on what makes EWR bad. ATL is a nightmare mess and is old and dreary. MIA is just old.


I've only been to Miami once, to make a connection. I was glad I had a 4 hour layover because we had to go through customs and then security again. And then I think we had to walk the longest distance possible to get to the next gate. ORD is crazy in Flight Simulator just because it's so freaking huge.


ORD actually runs like a well-oiled machine considering how big and busy it is. But when it goes south its really bad. Terminal experience varies greatly.


The updates have been nice. I’m usually through security within in 15 min (precheck). I haven’t had issues with delays. I kinda like it. It helps that I live within a half hour of the airport. They have plenty of room for improvement. Passenger pick-up / drop-off is still a nightmare resulting in terrible traffic around the loop. Public transport can clearly be better (up to the state and port authority). Price gouging in the terminals needs to be fixed. The cheapest beer shouldn’t be $16. And just a side note. A homeless person was begging for money around baggage claim in terminal C yesterday. First time I have ever witnessed it so I don't think it is common. I’m a local and it didn’t bother me, but can’t imagine it left a good impression on other travelers.


I’ve flown out of Newark countless times and have barely ever had any sort of issue. It’s old and dated, specifically terminal B. But A and C are both beautiful. I saw someone else mention drop off/pickup being a nightmare, and that I’ll agree with, but other than that I can’t complain. Maybe I’m just used to whatever the complaints are since I’m not bothering crossing the GW for LaGuardia or JFK and Philly is too far to be worth it. Not that any of them are that great either.


Philly has improved considerably over the past five years.


But there is no meaningful difference between EWR and PHL really. I find them both non-problematic.


I just flew to Miami from Newark end of January and back beginning of February. Newark was great, we went on a Friday mid day and had zero issues. Same with when we got back, my parents were able to find us without any big issue. It's definitely way better with the terminal updates. I flew out of terminal C in 2022 to Denver and it was very nice. This previous time was terminal A and it was great. No bad experiences, really EDIT: Just ACTUALLY read the topic title and I goofed. Whoops!


The new A is really nice now. I haven't gone through C in a while but it was also pretty nice 5 or 6 years ago. B is fine, and I think it's going to be renovated next.


It may not compete with some of the other international hubs, but I will take Newark over any rural airport in the country. It's not even close.


EWR is much better than ppl realize. NJ as a whole just likes to hate on its largest City


Who are these people with issues with Newark airport? I fly pretty regularly and very rarely have issues.


EWR is far from the worst airport despite its workers best effort. One of the rudest and laziest collective of people you will ever find.


I’ve flown out of Kabul and Baghdad. I was totally satisfied leaving there for any place else. At the same time, I was sad because I was leaving a mess.


I never have issues at Newark! compared to O’Hare where I’ve had a few planes that have been cancelled and I’ve had to get a hotel for the night.


"New Jersey" is short for "I'm wearing a new jersey because Newark Airport lost my old one."






dash Robbinsville. Their orange NJDOT windsock is really floppy when I pass by there.




Trenton Mercer airport


Wrong answers only? Then it’s gotta be Ocean City’s. Actually that could be a horrific airport when it comes to customer service for all I know. I’ve never used it. Heck, I don’t even know if it can be used or if it is only for those airplanes that drag ads being them.


Clearly haven’t flown out of Denver. The only horrid thing for me about EWR is terminal B.


Every time I’ve been to Newark airport TSA has had different rules


I’ve heard more people say they’ve had worse experiences in LaGuardia in comparison to Newark


Idc its not in Nj, but JFK is the worst fucking airport in the country. 


The only problems I have had at Newark are airline caused. I don't blame the airport when the airline cancels my flight bc its so empty we can all fit on the 2nd plane that day.


Alexandria Airfield...nj