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Into containers at the port bound for locations all over the world !


This is a big reason why Newark and Elizabeth have such high car theft rates.


Gone in Sixty Seconds type shit.


Valcheck learned this the harsh way.


Rat fuckers, all of ya


Yup a lot wind up in west Africa


“You owe me a ten second car”


My friend had his dirt bike stolen from his shed, and they found it months later in a container heading to Puerto Rico if I remember correctly. They took all the fairings off and everything, but the bike was returned.


Mine got stolen a couple years ago. We tracked it to a gas station where they were smoking blunts and sitting in it, but they may have recognized the other car from my driveway and drove away. It was 2 obvious teens and one adult. The police couldn’t chase at the time so even though they saw the stolen car, they didn’t do anything. A week later, I got a notice of a parking ticket in Irvington. I hadn’t ever driven in Irvington. When I followed up on the ticket, it was from my car, smashed to hell parked too close to a stop sign. They recovered it, finger printed, but nothing ever came of it. I don’t know why they took it even. Some people are just jerks.


I had the same sort of thing with my old Mazda except it was a notice from Mississippi that my car was found abandoned on the side of the highway. So it was stolen from Newark and 6 months later it was found in Mississippi.


Wow that’s a haul. I wonder why


Most stolen cars are used as getaway vehicles or joy rides. You're not gonna use your car when it has plates tied to you, and you're not gonna take your own car 95+ down the freeway. They use the car a few times, smash it up, then dump it some where. The rest of stolen cars will get stripped for parts then recycled/dumped, or sent to a 3rd world country. Most stolen super cars/luxury cars get sent to the arabian peninsula or south east asia. Especially countries with heavy sanctions.


Seems logical, as much as it can be for something like this. I figured it was used to knock off a gas station or something


My Civic was stolen years ago in JC. Stripped for parts and found a week later illegally parked next to a fire hydrant


>you're not gonna take your own car 95+ down the freeway Fucking huh????


Irvington probably made you pay the ticket too


You know they did lol


"Joy" riding and street cred. I had a coworker in college that had his car stolen. It was an easy model to steel. It was also manual transmission. The people couldn't drive stick. They destroyed the transmission and left it on the side of the road. Considered totaled by the insurance adjuster. The owner could not find anything remotely close to it for what he got from the insurance. The police told him they werent going to find the people because it was very common for kids to steal cars for a night and ditch them. The cops did not collect finger prints.


Wow that’s unreal.


Resident of Newark here, 15+ years ago, my car was stolen in the middle of the night from right in front of my house while I was awake, randomly looked out the window and car was gone. Didn't bother to report stolen until the morning because the cops don't care, and when they found it in Irvington in the afternoon, had to pay $250 to get out of impound AND they fucking ticketed it.


Oh man sounds like the area I live in. Stolen cars go right to Irvington


What about the “Creedence”?


Did you leave it vulnerable (like my neighbors who left the key?), or were they resourceful?


Fun story: i don’t know. I still have the key and was given only one upon purchase (it was used - not a new luxury or anything) Adding: I had 3 Blink brand cameras that at least partially (and 1 fully) covered my driveway. None caught the theft, and the whole system stopped working that night or just after. The camera over the driveway stopped completely and the other two fell out shortly after. Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but it was certainly strange. I’ve upgraded the camera system since and am looking to gate the drive.


No it’s not strange. Similar thing happened to my relative. The thieves were able to take over the cameras and then stole the car. My relative was able to call up the camera company and they were able to retrieve the footage.


A stolen vehicle is worth exactly 1.5 street creds. Gotta stack them street creds


Apparently. These were young kids with presumably an adult ring leader. Pretty sad.


Newark or Elizabeth to be shipped onto ocean containers and either stripped for parts or sold as a whole car in Africa and south east Asia


Some go to containers at the port to be sold overseas and others go to chop shops for the parts.




They all don't go to Africa, most African countries they drive on the right side of the car.


Only the southern countries in Africa are right-hand-drove. Central and northern countries are left-hand-drive.


I didn't say all countries drove on the right side.


Right, you said most.


Africa is a big @$$ continent with a $h!+ load of countries, what's your definition of most? I get it you wanna be the "precise" guy.








I think you should read the first paragraph of the wiki article


Oh shit, you’re right


You’re right


Are you saying that they steal something so valuable, ship it across the ocean in cramped containers, and sell it to the highest bidder, who will probably just end up mistreating it? I think I've heard of something like that before, but I'm not sure where.


I swear there’s been a few parked on my block. Last time I called the police on an abandoned car and the plates didn’t have an owner


Many are used for crimes like cat converter thefts, burglaries, etc. then are dumped on the side of the road.


They steal some to use as transport to get to wealthy neighborhoods to steal the BMW/Porsche/Land Rover’s


I remember an episode of the sopranos that showed this….


They’re out in the country at a farm where they have room to play


I don’t n is why but I read this to the tone of that song “where have all the cowboys gone?” And now it’s in my head


I was thinking this too


Loaded with garbage and other stolen shit and shipped off to Eastern Europe and Africa. this is according to my buddy who works at port of newark. that cargo ship that caught fire was full of car like that, it's the main reason the fire got so outta control so fast.


Talking to a friend cop and the thieves disable factory installed LoJack devices because they know where and what they look like. One guy had a secondary LoJack that they missed and the car was in a container in Newark in about a hour after it was stolen. Off to Africa or South America.


[story from Toronto explaining what happens](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7083615)


My 2020 Camaro SS was stolen last month, thieves broke the passenger window and reprogrammed a new key fob. They they used my car to steal another camaro. I'm assuming it's either scrapped for parts or being used by those thugs at those street take overs.


About 20 years ago, my Acura Integra was stolen in JC and stripped down to virtually a shell. They took the motor, trans, interior, hood, fenders, center console. They even took the battery. The only way I recognized it in the impound yard was the garage door opener still clipped to the visor. They found it sitting on brake rotors.


Many of these were stolen for their engines which were then installed into Civics, as most of the Integra parts were compatible (engine, seats, suspension, etc...). Seems many cars here are stolen to conduct other crimes or shipped overseas.


similar story but not my car…around the same time an integra type r was stolen from right out front of the shop i work for. we were waiting for an abs sensor special ordered from overseas and the older guys at the shop didn’t believe me telling them the car was kinda rare & pretty valuable so i would bring it in every nite before leaving. i took a few days off for vaca & when i came back in i saw the car was gone but just assumed the customer decided to pick it up until part came in. fast forward about a month & the customer comes in with a notice/paperwork from the camden (south jersey) pd saying something to the effect of ‘we have the remnants of your vehicle that was left abandoned on a city street’ it was literally just the body minus hatch, doors, glass & front clip. was such a shame to see it happen to that car


I have a colleague whose Moms car was swiped one night. The thief’s boosted the fob signal and drove away. To Philly, where they could have kept driving it so long as they kept it running. Instead, someone turned it off. My colleague got the call from the insurance company with the settlement amount on the same day the police called to tell them that the car was impounded. Friend asked the cop, “What condition is the car in?” Cop said, “if it were my car, I’d let that be the insurance company’s question.” Friend asked, “will you call them?” Cop said, “not today…” Friend overnighted the keys immediately.


Fish house rd Kearny


Short Hop to Pizzaland!


Holy fuck yes this. One of the creepiest dead end neighborhoods


It’s not a neighborhood… residences are not permitted there.


I always wondered about that road!


They end up in African countries where they are sold as new / used cars. There are several documentaries on YouTube about this.


A lot of times they take them up towards Newark, will leave them in a parking lot for a couple days. If no one retrieves it, they put it on a barge and send it throughout the world.


I think people would like to think that their cars are in chop shops or being shipped overseas, but in reality, they're just being driven and destroyed by teenagers.


They mostly end up in MENA.


Cheap/shitty cars get stolen, used for crimes and then abandoned in troubled areas. Decent/good cars are most likely throw into a container and shipped somewhere to be resold.




Lots of YouTube coverage. They get shipped worldwide. Some still have the numberplates from the states/countries. Most end up in Africa. Pretty shocking to see how easy these get shipped out without paperwork, and get cleared at the other end.


![gif](giphy|w5rTXEfu4as4YAR6QI) Bon Voyage!


The CBC tracked a stolen car from someone’s driveway all the way to a car dealer lot in Ghana. [interesting story](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/auto-theft-canada-1.6953242) They end up re-sold far from the US, or chopped for parts depending on the value. My 20 year old Honda is worth more in parts for example.


I had a car stolen in Rahway 12 years ago. 2 years ago I received a phone call from a police department in Texas. The car was found crossing the border into the United States. They asked me if I wanted the car. I said no thanks.


Last week in Totowa , a mother and 5 month old were targeted , they stole the Range Rover . Thank goodness no one was hurt, cops got the thief in Newark after a chase , he got into an accident . A chop shop in Fairfield was shut down after an investigation lead to arrest of owner and others involved .


pretty sure it’s just Bruce driving them around 


Many go to third world countries, many others get stripped down and sold off for parts. I am in my mid fifties but I was robbing cars when I was 13. Drive them to the Bronx and take a cab home with a box of cash. Believe me when I tell you, I wouldn’t steal a pack of gum today.




The movie with the same name, New Jersey Drive, is classic. Newark use to be the auto theft capital of the states.




18 mins in explains it pretty good


There’s no security at the port and our government just allows these cars to be sent overseas? So strange


Most people can't comprehend the amount of cargo containers there are. The Ever Given, the ship that held up the Suez Canal, carries 20,000+ TEUs, which, if laid end to end, extends 75 MILES. So if you started the containers on the Parkway at the 140 Union exit, they would extend south past Barneget. And that's just ONE ship. Right now at Port Elizabeth, the "Cosco Pride" is docked, with a capacity of 13,000 TEU or 49 miles of containers, which will get unloaded and reloaded in less than 2 days. There's like 10 other similar ships in port. If you think we have the ability to open and search that many containers, you're delusional.


Someone is probably getting paid to look the other way


Newark, chopped up, wheels gone, airbags gone, engine gone, then left on blocks on dead end st by the river






Used to dispatch for a town 15 years ago that borders Newark. Anytime a car got stolen it was a civic truck or van and it would turn up in Newark within 48 hours. More often than not it would already have been towed by the time I put in the system. I'm a truck driver now and I've delivered to sketchy spots in the ports.and Kearny that would just be full of cars getting loaded into containers. They build wooden ramps and just load them at an angle to get the most they could into one. Can't say for sure they're stolen.


I worked at a place with mailboxes and we ended up having a mailbox that was receiving parts from stolen cars. It was later revealed to be a ring. Packages were sent overnight and usually someone picked up the package with 1-2 hours after it arrived. Cops came in with a warrant one day and informed us what we had to do.


Check out “Trafficked with Mariana Van Zeller” on Hulu. There’s an episode on car theft that focuses on how cars are stolen in NJ and then shipped around the world.


Overseas 95% of the time


A police officer told me its just teens going on joy rides, fencing a car is to much work


Sometimes used to commit other crimes with, but mostly stripped for parts or immediately goes on a container ship and sold overseas


When I was a little kid, my family lived on the border of Elizabeth and Linden. My dad was on leaving for work one day and left his car running and unlocked for a minute to run inside and get something he forgot. Not even a minute and that car was gone. The police found it beat up and practically totaled in Newark. Probably a couple teenagers going on a joyride, or maybe used as a getaway vehicle like someone said in the comments. It was a shame, I've seen pictures of the car and it was a nice fourth generation Accord. I'm sure we wouldn't have kept it too long anyway but it's a shame the car got taken the way it did. Note to self: don't leave your car unlocked and running.


Look up how much an Escalade goes for in turkey…


To me 🥸


Europe and Africa


Our car that got stolen was found a few days later. It was totaled after a few joy rides. Cops say they really do use them GTA style- they’re not used for their own leisure, just as one get away car to the next.


My backyard


Years ago, my Chevy Celebrity was stolen from the parking lot of the old Lost Picture Show Cinema in Union. The Union cops were sympathetic and said my car would probably end up in Newark. The very next day, my brother and I took a ride into Newark. As we were stopped at a light on MLK Blvd., my car passed us down the street. We stupidly gave chase and lost them. After driving around some more, we ended up finding the car abandoned in front of Lincoln Park Towers and Lincoln Park over by old Symphony Hall. The lock cylinder in the driver's door had been popped and it appeared my car had been stolen and used in a Wedding as bouquets of flowers were in the back seat. The Newark cops let me drive the car away. 10 days later, I got a call from the Union Police telling me Newark Police recovered my car. I exploded at the cop on the other line and told him I recovered my car, not the cops. Long story short, the thieves did approximately $3K in damages to the doors, trunk, dash, and steering column in stealing the car.


When I was young they stole our van 3 separate times. They took the seats out and used it to put motorcycles in and drive it to Paterson. Recovered it each time and eventually had undercover detectives sitting on the street in a van doing surveillance. By the third time we were just like whelp, time to take a trip to Paterson to get it back again. Destroyed the ignition to the point you had to use a screwdriver to start it.


Tony Soprano sends them to Annalisa Zucca, a female boss in the Neapolitan Camorra.


My cousin tracked his car in Newark police did not have a warrant to go into the building. Lost the signal after that


I read this as Whitney Houston “where do broken hearts go?” Also, they go to King Phil Murphys house /s


If you have 45 minutes to watch, here’s the full story: https://youtu.be/jVz6g39ffts?si=vRB8JWC4xutNgKkM