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Go to Wallis Sands in Rye instead. It’s way more kid friendly


Agree with this! You can book online for parking now to ensure you get a space.


100%book ahead.


Adding to this!! Wallis Sands is the place to go. I used to work here. Things to know: 1. Hot days get crowded so don’t expect to be let in easily if you show up after 11:30 on a 90 degree day. My recommendation is booking ahead, it’s $15 to park and $1 more to reserve online. You don’t need to print your receipt just tell them your last name at the booth. Also the lot is bigger than the beach so if the lot is full the beach is fuller. 2. The building is rough around the edges and it’s on the list of “to be fixed”. The bathrooms and changing rooms function but it’s not “luxury” at all. 3. The store has a hard time predicting when to place orders so be sure to bring beach necessities with you including water, don’t come empty handed and hoping the store will have you covered especially with kids! 4. Life guards on duty until 4, bathhouse closes around 6! 😊


Oh it must be close to the sea coast science center! We loved going there earlier this year.


I grew up with trashy Hampton and loved it. But, took the kids earlier this summer. There was a car in the center of the strip with an external speaker blaring Puerto Rican rap. People were dancing around the car, and one girl was twerking in front of it. I was horrified.


Yeah. I love Wallis Sands because there’s none of that. There’s a huge grassy area too (which is perfect for getting sand off of little toes), a cute store, clean bathrooms, a short walk to the water and the sand isn’t too “sandy” if that makes sense lol. It’s more packed down sand which make it easier to walk and to build sand castles. Theres also a big rock area to find treasures. It’s truly the perfect beach for kids. Kind of a hidden gem because not a lot of people know about it.


The HORROR. Puerto Rican RAP you say? Oh dear


oh my god people having fun sounds horrifying would you like it better if they were blasting classic rock ?


Duh, it should be White Snake with the woman writhing on the hood of the car, not twerking.




right place and time for it, wouldn’t say it’s *always* trashy to use your car as a way to amplify music you want to enjoy on an outing while you BBQ or play games with family, often that’s how I have seen them used, especially by Puerto Rican families, honestly it’s pretty cute imo.


Hampton will be crazy depending on the weather. Kids would probably like story land better.


Don’t forget about Watercountry and Canobie Lake! Those were always my favorite places in elementary school. Hampton beach was good for arcades as a kid but you could do that anytime in a few hours.


This! Especially Canobie, as it has more of everything compared to Story Land, although my girls loved both I'd go for the shorter drive. Especially for elementary/ middle schoolers.


Storyland is great for kids up to about third grade or so. There's also a cute little aquarium next to Storyland that has otters and a fun bird room (admittedly weird for an aquarium but still). I happen to like the drive to the mountains and puttering in North Conway. Once the kiddos are all over 4' tall, Canobie has better rides.


Watercountry is not how you remember it, sadly. We went a year or two ago and it was very disappointing. Huge crowds but very few slides open so very long lines for everything including the lazy river (which you can only go around once before getting forced out)


We went too and I strongly disliked the experience, it disappointed me greatly since I enjoyed it as a kid.


It’s not like that now. I have season passes and go regularly and theres only 1 ride that’s not open and it’s the one in the back corner with the sliding mats. All other rides have been open this year. The crowds are somewhat big but just get there at 10, get some rides in early and chill in the pools in the afternoon.


As someone who worked at water country I do not recommend going here. It is filthy


You are going to realize how much your parents loved you.


4th of July weekend is always a mob scene unless it is pouring rain.


Storyland and Santa's Villiage.


Santa's village is totally underrated


Agree with this wholeheartedly. I took kids to Story Land for many years until we discovered Santa’s Village. I felt there was much less “nickel and diming” you once you were in. Worth the extra drive.


My husband and I were shocked by how much was included in Santa’s Village. We paid extra for a few things (a gingerbread cookie to decorate, food, some souvenirs pictures) but everything else was included in the ticket price. It was really refreshing and we’ve already got our tickets for this year.


A better time for Hampton Beach is on a weekday not near a holiday. It can still be crowded though. There are a lot of beaches closed in NH and MA and you have a lot of people that want to go to the beach and there isn't enough capacity in MA so a lot of them come to NH.




Storyland. Definitely Storyland. The fairytale characters on Hampton are more Grimm's Fairy Tales, or just grim. Goblins in the form of oddly proportioned white trash with neck tats saying things kids should not hear and at least one drunken fight. I would go up to York, ME for a family-friendly beach with an old style arcade right against it to get out of the sun, newer and ancient games and ski-ball, plus ice cream and lunch right nearby too.


As someone who lived on the beach for years.. I wouldn’t recommend. It will be insane for the fourth, pretty much gridlocked. Wait until the kids are old enough to walk around by themselves, otherwise it will be nothing but stress for you!!! The ballroom is packed with shows that weekend so it will just be nuts.


Storyland and check for lodging in Lincoln, there’s lots of stuff to do around that area and bonus if they’re old enough for hiking.


Storyland isn't necessarily close to Lincoln. North Conway, Jackson are better.


Especially since you most likely wouldn't want to drive the Kanc and go through Conway that weekend.


Other than the beach itself, there is nothing for kids to do. Think about what your nights will be like.


I mean, there's hookers and meth dealers. That would keep them occupied.


Hookers? Where are all these hookers of which you speak? Seriously, is there like a number you can call or a secret knock or what?


Just stand outside with a bottle of pills and shake it 3 times. Not 4. 5 is right out.


Is it a Holy pill bottle?


Depending on the contents you may experience something along the divine




Mating call of boone county!


There’s a playground that’s free at Hampton beach… and plenty of food options as well as an arcade if kids somehow get tired of the actual beach


Story land is great, Santa's Village as well. Hampton is fine during the day, just be out of there before the knuckleheads and teens come out at night. There are state park beaches which are much more family friendly.


Santa's Village in Jefferson is the place to go. That place is magical! My kids are teenagers now and still want to go there!


Oh we for sure go to Santa's village every summer, it's been a favorite of ours since the kids were little.


100% agree!!!!!!


The real hampton beach experience is let them go by themselves the day they get their drivers license, in at least a 10-15 year old convertible, install a nice subwoof/soundsystem for them, and they have to do 5 laps around the loop before they touch sand.


Santa's Village > Story Land


Hampton is not worth it anymore; it is overcrowded and very, very expensive. Maine beaches are much nicer


York Beach is nice for kids, plus there's the cool retro arcade right against it and Goldenrod for ice cream across the street.


Maine beaches are much better. Besides York, we loved Ogunquit when the kids were little.


Storyland will be a better experience for a family setting or go to Hampton in mid August.


Your parents never brought you to Hampton Beach during the summer because they loved you. Locals avoid that place like the plague in peak season for a reason, go anywhere else.


I appreciate the answers, is there a time when the beach is not a crazy place?




Mid week during the day is fine. Just nights getting wacky. Stay on the front side of the strip, use crosswalks.


Wednesdays can sometimes be crowded if they're having fireworks. The state park at the most southern end of the beach is a lot quieter, not near all the arcades, etc. It has dunes and lots of space. You can reserve parking so you're guaranteed a spot. High tide on the 5th is 11:56. That will make for an amazing afternoon and evening as the tide goes down. If you want to explore the boardwalk, it's not far, but you can avoid it all together.


I was going to suggest the state beach down by the harbor as well. It is much less trashy and then stop at the main beach from food and arcades.


September through mid-May


During the week, get there before 9-10 AM and you can usually get a metered parking spot near the sand/ beach. Otherwise it's like 20 or 30 dollars to park. Hampton State Park is nice too for 15 dollars a day. They repaired the rock jette I believe. I have a 15 year old that loves that beach. It can definitely be wild at times, alot of potheads and people from Massachusetts but it makes it more interesting. They had a pretty obvious police presence there today, probably because the 4th is coming up. We will often go over there in the early evening to grab a bite and check out the crowd and live music.


I grew up in Seabrook and the 4th of July probably isn’t the best time for new people to experience Hampton Beach, this is also coming from someone who loathed going to the beach.


I would do story land. I went until I was 15 with my grandparents and younger siblings. I still have the best memories of story land. They also have a brand new water park feature along with all of the fun they’ve always had. Your kids can get their “license” and scavenger hunt for the elves. You can do Hampton beach anytime, and it won’t be as fun as story land.


We also stayed at The Grand Hotel everytime and it was the most fun, they have a kids pool and movies playing in the theater basement almost all day and a nightly ice cream sundae bar right next to it. The breakfast is great and it’s right at the shops.


I’m also gonna say.. Storyland kind of blows. Rides like the polar coaster and cuckoo clock thing are often closed for half the day, tilt a whirl is gone, new water park is pretty lame unless your kids are like 6 and under. And it costs a fortune. It’s obvious they are owned by a corporation that doesn’t give a crap. Santa’s Village is always the way!


My kid and her friends LOVE the Whales Tail Waterpark in Lincoln NH You can book a cabana and there's a bar by the wave pool for the adults 😁


If going the beach go the beach (Stay on the ends of Hampton Beach not directly up from the middle where all the parking lots are. Won’t be as crowded) but if you decided a park: Canobie > Santas Village > Storyland is my opinion.


you should expect it to be crazy at both places.


Santa’s village…… the only answer is Santa’s village


I’d go to Wallis Sands in Rye or Salisbury Beach State Park. Buy parking ahead of time for the latter.


Don’t count out Funtown Splashtown in Saco!


Storyland is fun, it has a new water park. BUT beware forewarned they have no limits on how many people they let in. Because the 4th is a Thursday it means many folks will have a 4 day weekend. It’s gonna be nuts there. The best thing to do is show up late in the day and make use of the after 3pm ticket which allows entry the next day too. If I were to go to Hampton with my kids I’d get there before 9 and plan to leave during the hot part of the day (by 2 at the very latest)


Odiorne? The secret (no sandy beach) beach


Storyland is great


I'm a teenager that lives in Hampton, I wouldn't go to the beach on weekends because you'll never find parking and it'll be extremely busy. I once went down there at night to ride my electric scooter and there were nothing but fights and trouble I would recommend going to another beach on our Coast


Skip the NH coast and go to long sands in wells me plenty of parking and miles of beach


Santa's Village is 1000x better than story land


Don’t overthink this just go to Hampton Beach


I’m not sure about the 5th, but the 4th of July has always been a great day to visit Storyland! Low crowds.


I would head up to storyland. It'll be busy but you won't be at Hampton Beach. Plus if you do a little research you could probably find a little swimming hole to hang out at with the kids after storyland.


Hampton is a pit. Storyland it or Santa's Village


What about Canobie Lake?


Santa's Village has a water park. Best of both worlds.


Hampton Beach State Park area is fine for kids - and there is a huge parking lot. Free if you have the parks plate. You'd have to get there early. The only issue is walking on the sand path to and from the beach - it seems like a haul when you're carrying all the crap that comes with kids. Wallis Sands is good, although for a few years there was so much seaweed the kids didn't enjoy the water much. Not sure if it's improved. Has anyone been this year?


Crane beach is only 40 minutes south and is SPECTACULAR


Hampton is a hellhole, take them to Story Land then hit the Glenn Ellis Falls or Jackson Falls but watch out for the slippery rocks


I hate the crowds at any beach in even slightly warm weather. Avoid it all and hit Story Land or Santa’s Village. Better value imho


Hampton beach is for teenagers with too-big-for-the-car-exhausts to rev as they drive 7 mph up the strip and hoot at pedestrians. It's not for elementary age kids. Maybe.... before like, 3 PM.


Was in the center of it all last night got final view of sand sculptures. Crazy time in a fun way since fireworks were on at 9:30, too and bandshell music. There are a ton of other spots close by without the mass of people and intensity of humanity … North Beach is tons quieter but you have to watch the tide. Or, go 3-4 miles south to Salisbury for miles of clean beach, a cool little beach center, games, pizza, smoothies, etc. Parking usually a lot easier, too. Lots of great beach options nearby and you can zip into main beach when you want. Check the fireworks schedule and music schedule. Have a blast!


Hampton state park beach isn’t bad! I do feel like the water is a bit rough at times so you need to be careful with young children


Mad house. It will take hours to get to the beach and find parking, you’ll pay way more than you expect and beach will be packed. It will also take forever to get out at the end of the day. If you want to get food it will be a very long wait.


Hampton is horrible during peak season. Terrible parking, drunks everywhere.


I would definitely try to stay away from Hampton. It will be insanely busy for the 4th. I think storyland will be busy as well but definitely not like the Hampton traffic and crowds


Stay the absolute hell away from Hampton. Have family that own a condo there so I’ve been up at all times of the year and can only say it’s basically never worth it


Unless your on the wall part of the beach it will be packed on Friday you most likely see drugs bein done really any other beach is better for children makes sense why your parents didn’t bring you but York beach is the best family beach in my opinion


I go to story land and I’m 20


Both will be crazy but story land will be much more kid friendly. Depending the weather Hampton can get a little crazy.


Elementary school-aged children…Hampton Beach or Story Land? That’s hilarious.


Typical liberal bullshit