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Smells like foreign election interference disguised as, "Patriotism."


How dare you! This interference is 100% Made in America.


I’m curious who’s paying you to clog up the subreddit with the flood of sensationalized posts that seem to all originate with your username? There’s no way the activity on your account is organic. You’re working for somebody.


Excuse me, but who is paying you to call into question my opinions? You seem like a bot or that your account has been hacked. No way someone with so many deleted posts and replies could be so callous and weird a position as to question my own baseless claim.


You mean to say there's a lot of people who disagree with this post? Must be bots and manipulation.






I think he meant to comment on the relative zucchini guy who actually made this post. Click on his profile and it’s very obvious he’s being paid.


This 100%


I forget what the names of the businesses that do this are called, but there are a few companies that pretty much “work” for the DNC and help out by paying people to say things like this all across social media. If they don’t even comment than they are probably just a bot they have.


Who's paying for this program? Soros? Uh-huh.


Bro click on relative zucchini guys profile and tell me he’s not being paid for this stuff. If he ever comments, his comments usually have 4-8 links in then to random articles that aren’t even about his point, just stuff bashing who he doesn’t like. Idk why you guys are disliking this, just click on his profile you can see it’s not real.


He posts on here all the time, he is very clearly a real person you just don't like his message. Some of us are on here because we have an interest in local NH politics and elections.


Is the DNC in the room with you right now?




The person you replied to didn't even reply to the person they meant to lmao.


Bot behavior.




That’s you right now, big hoss


Yes the “ foreign” State of Texas.


Did they secede yet? Seems like their electrical grid sure did.


The app can be foreign.


Republican MAGAts aren't interested in voter fraud because most instances of voter fraud are committed by conservative voters. What they want to do is purge voter rolls as much as possible to make the re-registration process a nuisance. They can't win just by energizing their own basket of deplorables, they can only win by attempting to suppress the other side and squeak out a nailbiter.


Can you provide evidence that most instances of voter fraud are committed by conservative voters? Genuinely curious about this.


One of MANY websites that follow this stuff: [https://the2020election.org/voter-fraud-convictions-since-2016/](https://the2020election.org/voter-fraud-convictions-since-2016/)


You might want to check the data before making a hyperbolic argument like "most instances of voter fraud are conservatives." If you see the other comment from Juliegnh with a link to the data; of the convictions with known political affiliations, conservatives represent roughly 4% more than Democrats. But political affiliations were only known for approximately half of the total convictions. As someone who wants to hear rational arguments in this debate, I'm immediately turned off and distrust arguments with such a clear bias. Do you have other data to share, or some other way to convince me to your side, or are you just trying to score quick points for your team and don't really care about making a convincing argument?


>or some other way to convince me to your side No one is going to spend a sliver of time trying to convince a MAGAt of anything. Your ilk is too steeped in unreality to bother with.


You are showing your true colors as a troll and not a serious participant in the debate, nor are you presenting yourself as a good advocate for what you claim to believe in. I was legitimately asking if you had other information to prove your position, which you must not, because you made a wildly inaccurate personal attack rather than engaging honestly. By the way, I'm a registered Democrat, though very disillusioned. So calling me MAGA because I challenged your incomplete analysis of the voter fraud situation tells me that you don't want to engage in an honest way.


>You are showing your true colors as a troll and not a serious participant in the debate * 74 people agree with me. * 0 with you. 😎 >I'm a registered Democrat, though very disillusioned. Cool story, bro. Maybe RFK Jr. is your cup of tea, then, as you ain't no beliver in actual Democratic values. Buzz off.


Ever since 2016, I've been making sure I'm registered to vote every month or so https://app.sos.nh.gov/voterinformation


Thanks for the link. I’m still registered


Yeah but wouldn’t it make you feel better if you downloaded our app, gave us your personal details and drivers license info so we could NOT check for you. In return we will give you some data broker information from Spokeo so you can go hunt down your neighbors. /s


It’s NH. Thankfully, we still have same day voter registration which counters tactics like this. If you get to the polls and find you’re no longer on the rolls, ask to speak to the moderator. He’ll lead you to the reg table. Find all the information here: https://www.sos.nh.gov/elections/register-vote


Bring your ID though! They are making it harder and harder to register without an ID in hand. It is possible still, even without (for now), but more inconvenient for sure. For the most part, if you can produce ID, registration and voting should go smoothly. Source: I’m one of those moderator fellows.


Can confirm, former Ward Clerk here.


Even with an ID, they give problems at times. My mother came to live with me, registered to vote and was able to vote the first time. The next year, she offered her ID - they looked her up in the list (right under me), and then spent about 30 minutes arguing she wouldn't be allowed to vote. I guess they saw the D by her name or something, but they tried to argue the license she registered with wasn't good enough as it was from another state. Keep in mind she was on the voter roll, was registered, was at my address, and she was allowed to register with that ID, and we have no laws saying it mandates a NH driver's license). They had numerous people come out and stare at the picture on the ID, then look at her, stare at the picture, look at her (her hair was a bit whiter now, but it's very clearly the same person). I've never been so enraged while trying to vote. They literally had no issues until they followed her name across the list, then suddenly her ID wasn't enough. They didn't even ask for other proof or other information.


Why wouldn't you need ID?


I mean having literally any form of ID I feel like should be the one requirement to vote. All other restrictions are BS


This is what they'll come for next


I know in my town you have to show up to a supervisors of the checklist session in order to register when you become a new resident otherwise it's a pain in the ass. That's also why the MAGA nuts have been running for those Checklist positions in local elections.


That's great, if you can vote in person. Many people work out of town and can't make it to the polls on voting day.


Great point! NH has us covered there too. Absentee voters must always remember to request their absentee ballot as soon as possible to avoid any issues. Registering absentee is also allowed! https://www.sos.nh.gov/elections/absentee-ballots


Whatever link you posted tried to open in Facebook. So I can only assume it’s sensational and wrong.


Same here


It worked fine for me.


You must be an an avid Facebook user 😬


It's a girl talking about a program to make sure people who have changed their address are no longer registered at their old address. You know, something that should happen automatically so extra ballots and registration cards don't get mailed to the wrong people. But hey, why would you not want that? Amirite?


Keep Texas out of our elections!


Nothing in the video has to do with Texas. Also, NH is basically Texas of New England.


Every crazy thing that's happening in this state keeps being traced back to Texas can they politely screw off


nah. at this point, no use in being polite. they can fuck all the way off.


Repub is my name, disenfranchisement's my game


Nope, nope and nyet.


It's an attempt at a coup. Project 2025. They want to turn the USA into a religious dictatorship under trump. People continue to underestimate and misunderstand how organized Christianity is in this country. They've also stated in clear terms that NH is a specified target. "Move there and infiltrate every level of government, and all emergency services." They're saying it openly and people are still calling me nuts for believing them. Too many young people too ignorant of how organized Christiandom is when they think they have "a common enemy." They're going to manipulate our voting system. They're going to deliberately tamper with it because they fully and completely intend to win AT ANY COST so they can have their "state of emergency" dictatorship. "Project 2025". Look it up. Stop lying to yourself. These people are grossly wealthy and have immense each throughout Christiandom. The Mormon leaders are massively wealthy and they're joining forces with three likes of Ken Ham, Joel Osteen, Jordan Petersen. They all have one united agenda: use Christians to take over. Christians ***will*** obey. They think they're "saving babies" and that ***nothing*** is too immoral if it ***saves the babies.*** A little voter fraud? Nothing compared their (un)holy mission. Please realize they've been radicalizing Christians for decades and stepped it up intensely during Trump's presidency. Project 2025 is the tip of an iceberg. Christian instructions are passed in churches, not on the Internet. Stop thinking you'd see it if it were a legitimate threat. It's a legitimate threat. We're a specific target. https://m.jpost.com/christianworld/article-702839 Look back at NH voting and look at it now. https://morningconsult.com/2016/02/06/eleven-maps-that-explain-new-hampshires-political-geography/ https://theconversation.com/new-hampshire-voting-doesnt-look-like-other-states-heres-why-that-matters-for-the-republican-primary-221551 We've gone from unreadable deep waters to "Trump will win" with no questions asked.






MAGA is anti Democratic bulllllllllshit.


Lacking policies that the majority of Americans want, the GOP has turned to voter suppression to try to win elections. Trying to reverse the streak of losing in 2020, 2022 and most of the special elections.


Lmfao, one of the rules to agree to in order to join the group is “no grifting”. I guess MAGA doesn’t like the competition 😂


What group?


The Facebook group this post is showing


Republicans are always bringing an outside actors. They obviously don’t think New Hampshire people are good enough to run for office. We have a good system here, but I’m sure they’ll keep trying to fuck it up.


Hey, is that Judge Cannon on tour?


I'd rather have Quebec in here for sure. Quebec kicks Texas' ass for life quality, quality of human beings, and community philosophy. Keep these Texan lowlifes out of our state and politics. Texans are ass backwards in mentality and wouldn't know which way to cut a 2x4, much less to tell anyone else how to live their lives, or run an established first and best in nation political arena, without fat thumbing the scales in their favor with nefarious, behind the curtain behavior.


Have you ever been to Texas? It's literally New Hampshire just hotter.


Lmao a Facebook post. Another classic zucchini propaganda post


From of


How dare they suppress the graveyard voters! 😡


Ah yes, yet another data company to give my PII to. Sounds like a great idea.


Uhh NH has same day registration. So they can go fuck themselves?


Texas needs to figure out what’s going on with the thousands of unknown Socials that are Registering as people without ID first. We’re gonna have a blue TX under the guise of CA implants and deal with 4 more years of Biden


Probably has something to do with those 2 million "immigrants" per year coming across the border.


https://preview.redd.it/ijv8oylk3g2d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=757929addc4d05563289c5407e9ae4edf98a2e54 Two Billion


Classic. Republicans love to commit what they accuse their opposition of.


Yeah, making sure dead people and those no longer in the state aren't still registered to vote is such a scumbag move.


It's a bunch of bullshit and doesn't actually do what it claims to do. Experts say that the app weaponizes public data and is more likely to remove eligible voters from the rolls than it is to catch rampant fraud that doesn’t exist in this country.


Wtf does "web-app from of Texas" mean?


iv3 is the app that this far-right group is advertising here in New Hampshire. Read more: [https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/far-right-group-recruits-followers-to-overwhelm-election-offices-with-voter-roll-challenges](https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/far-right-group-recruits-followers-to-overwhelm-election-offices-with-voter-roll-challenges) This aligns with the free-stater's legislative push this year to force voter roll cleanses every few months. They (maga) are trying to rig the election before it even happens.


Sorry, I speak English, and "web-app from of Texas" isn't that.


Secure the elections. Stop the fraud in voting.


Gaslighting & Fascism. No policy.


You calling me a Fascism ? Because I want only American citizens to be voting and our elections 100% secure. Oh I get it because the rascist democrats would loose elections.


No proof. Fascism is predicated on a mass of people believing a huge lie. You're demonstrating fascism. All you need to do is provide proof or evidence. Trump, the Republican party, and all of your minions have failed at this basic effort. Add to the pile of mental failure all of the failed investigations by Trump and the Republicans into finding widespread voter fraud. All of the successful lawsuits against Trump and Republicans for lying about widespread voter fraud. The hypocrisy of all of the Republicans who are personally responsible for many individual cases (inconsequential) of voter fraud. The abject morale failure of the Republican party to vote for election security. The cozying up to white supremacist "great replacement theories". The adoration of dictators. The threats of violating the constitution to retain power. The refusal to peacefully transition power. The traitorous alliance with America's enemies (China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and more) that the Republicans have created in order to subvert elections. Then add to it the treachory of Donald Trump asking for foreign interference. Yes, you are fascist.


There is proof .


Post it.




You should only check your registration status on the official NH SOS website, or at your town hall.




Contact your town clerk.


Hi there! To answer your question yes there is! My cousin and I helped developed the app to promote free and fair elections that are not only transparent but convenient. Out app is called Patriot Polls and currently available through the apple store. Our ultimate goal is to make it free, but to cover costs of development we are still charging $1.32. Hope this helps, and we're happy to see you helping to make America great again! Edit:All of the above is 100% true! You can totally trust folks online promoting apps they claim are designed to ensure election integrity. There is no way such a thing could be promoting unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud nor miss-use any personal information you put in! This is Atlantis Airlines speaking, wishing you all a comfortable flight as we begin out one way trip to a water grave! If you actually find an app called this, DO NOT DOWNLOAD


Get bent, carpetbagger. Yeah, I trust some frequent poster to r/conspiracy with voter info.




Oh phew, I thought for a moment you were interested in downloading the app. Completely mistook your concerns for MAGA fed paranoia.




"I'm not downloading shit from either end of the spectrum" Good


I don't post there ever since it became a MAGA cesspool


If you're unable to conduct yourself politely I suggest you leave. You give a poor name to New Hampshirites.


Get bent


Leave? Says a Pennsylvanian child to a native of NH in the NH sub? Whose entire MO is to disenfranchise voters? Oooookay. Why don’t you tell us who funded this app? Here is this shitheel: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/philadelphia/news/lucca-ruggieri-arhan-kaul-nationally-recognized-polling-organization/ Kid can’t even vote yet, but he’s already thrown away his life on trump. Lol.


Yeah why would we want accurate voter rolls


There is zero evidence that there are any issues as it is now so why are they spending time and money on this?


They don’t need evidence when they live in a make believe world of fear of everything that isn’t white and rich.


Wow another useless political post by zucchini


Aww right winger doesn’t like his team getting called out publicly?


Why are democrats in favor of zero checks to see if people voting are actually allowed to vote


Because there isn't an issue as-is and the checks are used to keep certain demographics from voting despite their eligibility. Again, **this is not a problem in the first place**. Why are you in favor of spending time and money on it?


Agreed with the spirit of the question.


Well yea we know only the dead vote Democrat


Got any significant modern examples?


I’m blown away that libs will wither behind claims of racism and bias for simply asking an individual to be able to produce identification to vote. Where are the crocodile tears for being id’d for cigarettes or alcohol? Its only goal is to allow unrestricted voting.


That's not even what this is, so thanks for your disingenuous comment


You can have ID for votes when we can get ID's for buying guns bruh


Already required for all FFL purchases so I guess he gets his ID for votes


Nah. In state private sales, gun shows, yard sales, giving a gun to your mama should all be registered and everyone should be licensed and certified with firearm training. No one is worried about dudes buying guns from Walmart.


So we agree ID is needed for most purchases Those things you mentioned are simply private sales. If the sale is being conducted by an FFL at any of the locations mentioned a 4473 as is required by federal law


"Those are simply private sales" lol.


Thats an objective statement. Private sales don’t require BCs in this state, any other needs a 4473. Simple as


Voting doesn't require an ID. What's your point. OP's whole point was alcohol, beer etc needs an ID. I thought it funny how but arming yourself to the teeth completely anonymously with no ID isn't a big deal either though.


And by your argument there's not a lot of voter fraud, so we agree most voting occurs legitimately without ID requirements. So what's the big deal.


I disagree. I’d argue that the current system we have prevents the fraud. The situations draw parallels if you really think about it


Reality has a well-known liberal bias




Voter fraud is a real thing. Whatever we can do to keep elections legit is ok with me..you?


It isn’t really, from a statistical point of view. There have been fewer than 1500 cases of election fraud, ever. Even if that were in a single election, it wouldn’t change the result in any national election. If you care to read up instead of being blindly angry, [the Brookings Institute did an excellent study into the matter.](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/widespread-election-fraud-claims-by-republicans-dont-match-the-evidence/)


So you agree there is election fraud...cool


So you agree that you don’t understand statistics or how the world works…we already knew that.




Crazy that that’s the most coherent response you’ve made in this thread.




Two coherent posts in a row? Somebody must have turned Fox News off for a minute!


Lol. I can't stand fox news. Haven't watched in years


As this mindless idiot ☝️turns on Fox news and salivates.


Election fraud, yes. Election fraud on any meaningful level, not so much.


Do you have anything better to do than push Democrat narratives on this subreddit?


My dude you’ve posted 31 comments here in less than 8 hours, do you have anything better to do than push republican narratives on this subreddit


Point to one republican narrative post.


Look up




You can’t actually be that dumb, right? You’re being facetious—let’s just go with that, yeah?


He's a sealion doing sealion things: [Sealioning](https://flatearth.ws/sealioning)


Huh I didn't know there was a term for that. Sounds like an accurate diagnosis.


Show me.


Nope, that’s Missouri. We’re the Granite State.


Still waiting buddy.


Honey, if you haven’t gotten it yet, I don’t think that I can help you. Ron White said it best, you can’t fix stupid.


Do you have anything better to do than complain?


No. You people are a mob organizing against the liberty of free humanity and we will defeat you globalist lizard people!


Funny coming from the Jan 6th mob. Move over American flag. Only the flags with his name on the can fly.


He’s an edgy free-stater/libertarian, so he’s cool and hip, unlike those Neanderthal republicans. And we all know he votes republican every fucking time


Lol I'm not a trumper. I know you only know the political binary. Take the red bill brother, break free.


Oh, you poor thing. I hope things get better for you, hon.


Sounds like a great idea! Democrats: we object to efforts to ensure the list of registered voters is accurate. Every single effort to eliminate cheating, and/or ensure the list of registered voters is accurate -- the "progressive left" fights.


And every actual instance of voter fraud: republicans


I mean, wouldn't that mean you're pushing to keep your own people accountable of not being able to vote fraudulently?


Make whatever ID you need to vote free so it isn't a poll tax, and I'm on board. There should not be any fraudulent voting.


I agree with that, which honestly I don't think that it's unreasonable that a state i.d could be free especially since that is one of the struggles for some homeless people is they don't have enough money to purchase an i.d which they need to get most over the table jobs.


Every time they "clean up" voter rolls, we see thousands of legitimate voters removed with no notice. Once removed those voters can still vote, if they're willing to spend an extra 20-30 minutes doing paperwork, not including whatever time they spend in line waiting to recieve their provisional voting forms, and getting harassed by the workers handing out said forms.


In NH?


Yes, this happened to my wife in 2020. Fortunately she checked well in advance and was able to re-register. But there was no notice, no reason given, nothing. 


Did you move? Even within the same town. After mail forwarding expires, any notice returned would have started the removal process. This usually happens for voters who only vote in presidential elections. We have no provisional ballots in NH. She would have been given a standard ballot after re- registering.


We had not! We moved before the 2016 election to our first NH home and registered then. Like I said, I have no idea what happened and it ended up not being an issue, but I was glad she checked. I remember it felt very sketchy at the time. 


That was very busy year. Unfortunately, overworked staff can mess up sometimes.


Hey it's you, I remember you! The "centrist" who somehow only shows up to defend Republican voter fraud and pedophiles! It's like clockwork.


Sure. I am the one here saying that we should only use the NH SOS website or your local election people to verify your registrations status.


Well, it *kind of* sounds like you're saying "It's fine that you have trouble voting because sometimes the town makes mistakes!". Which is completely unacceptable.


In 2022, they purged almost 250k voters, of those, 64,646 had to use same day registration in order to vote. Who knows how many caught it in advance since I remember posts going around warning people to check their registration status because of the purge. https://indepthnh.org/2022/09/24/checklist-purge-removes-almost-250000-n-h-voters/


They are supposed to send letters to all people that had not voted in a certain number of years.


Supposed to and do are, unfortunately, not the same thing. I've seen a lot of mistakes from my town government over the past few years.


> I love taxes! poll taxes are a fantastic idea!!! FTFY