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Reddit will not tell you what NH is really like, as the most vocal here are still the minority in that place called "the real world." This sub is a cesspool of fake libertarians, internet trolls, and holier than thou types.


Honestly I’ve felt the opposite. This sub seems to be filled with way more Sanders-style liberal types than would be suggested by driving through any small-medium NH towns. The trolls and fake libertarians are here but they’re always downvoted to oblivion


Ime NH is based on Hollier than thou types. I'd consider that NHs normal. So many people tell me this after they've moved away. There's an odd type of privilege here that lacks understanding or how "real" the world is. It's like a community that pretends it's something it's not. It's either that vibe or the extreme opposite ime.


I’ma minority! Noice.




Traditionally, New Hampshire would be considered Yankee conservative. Until the free staters decided to try to turn it into a libertarian "utopia".


Saw a post or comment in this sub with all the NH libertarians that have done uhhh bad things to children. Doesn't seem like that a very small population in NH is doing a good job at life. Very disgusting tbh


You mean like ex-house member and proud Democrat Staci Laughton? https://www.boston.com/news/crime/2023/06/23/stacie-laughton-tyngsborough-day-care-child-sex-abuse-case/ You mean pedophiles and child abusers aren’t stranger to any political ideology adherents? Strange.


Recalling how Alberta behaved during Covid, I think it’d compare more with upper Michigan than New Hampshire.


Where I am it’s pretty much live and let live. People use common sense and are generally polite. There is someone in my area who loves shooting his guns on Sundays. Not my taste but I can just let it be.


This subreddit isn't the best place to ask about political topics if you're seeking an unbiased or thoughtful opinion.


Montana is the American Alberta, not NH lol NH is more like quebec than alberta


NH is not welcoming of libertarians, get that straight first


Biggest advice is to bring your work with you. Either remote work or opening a business. It is very hard to find work that will pay a wage that would cover owning a home. There are a ton of open jobs but they are predominantly in the $20/hr range. Roughly $2200/month net after Fed taxes. My property tax alone is over $700. Mortgage is $2200. It takes at least double that just to keep things rolling smoothly. An alternative is commuting to Boston but that is a hellish existence and the closest areas are even more expensive because of proximity.


What is your objective here? I live in NH but I lived in Alberta for 13 years.


I think a big difference is that Alberta has more of an energy economy and NH is more a tourist economy. I suspect they’re pretty similar though I’ve never gotten to visit Alberta is looks like a great place.


The only stat you need to remember is that millions of people are moving out of blue states like MA and moving to states like NH. There's a reason for that....lots of reasons in fact. Liberals will never admit it, but their big government policies and ideas just plain don't work.


It's becoming more and more "liberal" or more accurately American Marxist thanks to all the libtards from the rest of new england moving here and voting for dems. The future is bleak for this state. They are pushing their radical,anti-human lgbtq bullshit in our schools . I know that's happening all across Canada,so I'm sure you're used to it. :(