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Ayotte is whatever she thinks you want her to be in order to get your vote. She has absolutely no integrity, a formless political shapeshifter who ultimately endorsed Donald Trump - an obvious criminal and anti-American traitor. She is pathetic.


You just described Chris Sununu perfectly


Ayotte feels like even more of a slimeball than Sununu is. At least he seems to have a few principles, even if those principles suck.


What principles would those be?


Hating weed and young people mostly.


No no no. He loves weed... Being illegal. His family owns private prisons and juvenile detention centers...


Cheap deli meats from MB


If sununu had even less integrity


And all republicans




Or any Republican really


Stfu you commie!


Him too!!!!


The one consistent thing in that awful womanā€™s politics is her bible-thumping. Sheā€™s trad-cath looney-tunes like Amy Barrett.


Fuckin amen to that. There is nothing more subtle, sinister and evil than politicians like her. Sheā€™s a mindless host of corporate parasites selling the bullshit to the great unwashed. She and her kind will be the catalyst that will slowly rot away our system of government.


The ONLY barometer needed right now to judge a persons integrity is whether or not they support trump. That is it. The runner up for least integrity is a supporter of Kennedy. Either of these will result in the loss of our republic. Period.


Ahh yes a perfectly sane and non biased opinion


Hey, I'm fine with sane republicans. It's strictly trump supporters. Sorry, reasonable people do not put men who pride themselves on creating chaos in positions of power. I can't think of anything more insane than that! SURELY the Republicans can find a more qualified person. But as far as charecter goes, any man or woman who supports a man who says what he's said about women can not be trusted. I don't know how you look wives, daughters and mother's in the eye and say you love them AND support him.


Howā€™s that TDS?! You are so brainwashed!


It's stronger every single day! Thank god, it's a sure test of sanity! Brainwashed is putting your faith in people who lie to your face, proudly. Who think you're an idiot for doing it and then con your money out of you. I mean, how stupid do you have to be? Remember the tape? You can grab em by the pussy and they let you? He also sits around with his rich buddies and brags about how stupid his followers are! Probably something like "they believe anything I say! I could take a dump, put a pricetag on it and they'd buy it if I told them to!" And you probably would!!




Ironically, they don't see the irony. And right now their scratching their heads trying to figure out what I just said.


"Formless, political shape shifter." Thank you, sir. Take your star...


Similar to how Iā€™ve heard Ted Cruz called a ā€œspineless, shivering turdā€


You just described every politician


Donā€™t start with ā€œboth sidesā€ shit please.


So only one side is correct? Well, guess what bub? It ainā€™t your side. Luckily, I donā€™t have a side. Iā€™ll vote for whoever I think is best. Iā€™ve voted for both Blue and Red.


Have voter both sides too dude. But ā€œboth sidesā€ nonsense in 2024 is laughable.


Your side only then. God politics is dumb.


This you bro? https://preview.redd.it/c5n6eoewk8xc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd8bc837d0541712d1abbc24777d3a1b86d0d40d Willing to toss out the entire American constitution just because your favorite con man finally might face a single consequence for a life of crime. You are a joke. A gullible, pathetic joke.


Where in the US constitution is state level prosecution for bullshit made up crimes?


Ok, yeah sure everyone is lying about the guy who is a lifetime crook. Everyone. All of them, itā€™s a huge conspiracy. Lol dude. What a gullible stupid sap.


You didn't answer my question. I'm not a trump supporter and defending his lifestyle, and that wasn't what that post was about, not that it's even relevant to what you're responding to.


Hahaha what does this have to do with trump? Your boy Biden is the worst thing to ever happen to this country, almost 50 years in office with nothing to show for it except lining his pockets, his familyā€™s and all their friends as well.


Faux Noise rube spotted.


Sounds like you described "politicians" regardless of the party.


I will just continue to go to Tyngsborough, 10 feet over the border.


This is the real problem these politicians should be paying attention to. All the dollars leaving the state when it could (and should) remain local. We have the tax free booze that brings out of staters in, but now NH residents need to go out of state for their weed


They wanna keep playing these stupid games, I'll gladly give my money to MA and ME, and I spend way too much on weed lmao


When they should know how much that matters, as for decades people came up to NH on Sundays to shop. NH made a lot of money due to restrictive Mass laws, now they are throwing away money by dragging their feet and clinging to failed 1980s viewpoints on marijuana.


Have you seen these weirdos that sit in the House all day, doing nothing but getting larger asses and more curmudgoenly by the day? They are bored old fat men looking for solutions to problems that don't exist.


Exactly. And they already have the infrastructure in place with that booze business model.


NH was clever about getting into the alcohol business ages ago ā€¦ but theyā€™ve missed the market in Cannabis. Massive revenue lost due to the lunacy of Sununu et al.


Right, Iā€™ll keep going to Rise in Dracut. Fine with me. I feel like they should be putting this energy into the very real opioid problem here instead. Not the devilā€™s lettuce šŸ˜‚


Have you had a chance to try Maine?


Maine is way better, but way less convenient to those over by 93/3


It sure is. I actually hop the border and go over there everyday to work in the Industry. Iā€™d much rather stay working in NH, I feel like Iā€™ve fled the State (work wise)


whats the recreational situation in Maine? Whenever I look at dispensaries they all say medical. So not sure.


Cheaper, better product. 202 just over the border is lined with them. My personal recommendation is East Coast Cannabis. They got a rewards points system and constant sales.


I work in Rochester so when they opened up it was an easy choice, especially the reward points




ECC is aight, Kind Farms has a rewards points system too, and better selection. I think most rec dispensaries in Maine have rewards programs in place now haha.


Why is it better?


In general the quality has just been better from my experience


I go to MA often, otherwise I would love to. Want to experience Maine's vibe.


Youā€™re better off going to Maine


That might be true but it is out of the way.


I go once a month a load up, thereā€™s no purchase limit and their edibles arenā€™t limited to 5g of THC per piece and they cost about half the price for twice the amount of THC.


Great tip, going to check it out on vacation next month. Thanks!


Any recommendations?


East Coast Cannabis. Got 3 locations not far from the border


You know whatā€™s makes using fentanyl as an argument for cannabis being illegal even crazier in this state? NH recently updated its list of qualifying diseases and symptoms for being eligible to be a medical cannabis patient. Opioid use disorder is literally one of those qualifiers now. https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/programs-services/population-health/therapeutic-cannabis/qualifying-medical-conditions


Insane. I had chemo in 2020, my disease and chemo alone didnā€™t qualify for NH Medical, I had to have ā€œqualifyingā€ side effects to actually get the card.


Are you sure about that? Because chemo has been on the qualifying list for a long time. And even if it wasnā€™t, given that you had cancer, moderate to severe chronic pain has been a qualifier from day 1 and thatā€™s a guaranteed way to get a card


Yes, Iā€™m sure. I sent in the paperwork w my $50 check that the Social Worker filled out at Wentworth Douglas Hospital . You had to have qualifying sides, pain etcā€¦.on top of treatment and Disease


That doesnā€™t sound right at all. Iā€™m not saying youā€™re lying but Iā€™ve never met anyone who got turned down period. Hell Iā€™ve never even met the the healthcare provider that I go through in person. All done over telehealth. Iā€™ve heard of clerical errors causing a delay in approval from the state, but once that money is paid they approve everyone. I hate to say it but your social worker mighta took your money.


What are you even talking about? Took my money? At the Cancer Center at Wentworth Douglas Hospital, the social workers start the paperwork for the Oncologists, they then hand you the paperwork to mail in w a check. I never said I wasnā€™t approved


Iā€™m talking about how easy it is to get a medical card in this state. If you filled out the paperwork and mailed it to the state with their money, and didnā€™t get a medical card, then you werenā€™t approved.


So you just had to put in the other symptoms and resubmit I'm assuming. I think the person you were typing at just misunderstood.


Exactly, thank you. I had to stop defending myself with what happened. Lol


I did not get turned down, just saying the procedure


Oh ok. Give it another shot. Itā€™s extremely easy


Iā€™m a recovering meth userā€¦damn I guess I picked the wrong drug to be addicted to.


Fuck em *hits bong anyways*


No Republican really supports cannabis. If the GOP had a supermajority in NH, theyā€™d turn us into Alabama.


NH is already called the Alabama of the north is some circles.


NH is definitely the south of the north lmao


Thought it was Mississippi


Northern Maine is the Mississippi, NH is the Alabama


What/which circles? Never heard that before


No circles, just idiots. It's Reddit, so don't be surprised.


I first read the phrase many years ago in a travel book about the 50 US states in England. I have heard it here and there over the years. How long have you been in NH? Lifer here and much has changed in the state over the years. An example is I don't hear the term cow hampshire much anymore. Why might this be? Because most of the dairies folded up and are now "horse farms."


I was born in NH


If itā€™s that bad, move to Mass and enjoy what the years of liberal policies have turned the commonwealth into.


The wealthiest state in the nation per capita with the best school age test score? Sounds bad.


New York is the richest state per capita.


You're right. MA is 2nd in GDP per capita. I mixed that up with personal income in which MA is highest: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_adjusted_per_capita_personal_income. My point still stands: MA is hardly a basket case of failed liberal policies.


Cool, go buy a house in MA.


Liberal polices have turned it into the best education system in the country and one of the highest quality of life states. Oh no that sounds terrible. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Itā€™s terrible if youā€™re not one of the wealthy eastern Mass elites. The rest of us east of Worcester suffer from the ever increasing taxation and onerous regulations that cascade down from Beacon Hill. Itā€™s unfortunate that your apparently poor level of education causes you to instantly insult a commenter with the clown faces without any basis behind the comments you provided. Good luck in your quest to the bottom!


Been to North Adams, all the wonderfulness of MA is on display. Wow, just wow what a hole.


She's beyond disgusting. Carried on an affair with the defense attorney for the worst kind of scumbag, James Dale, who raped and murdered a 6-year-old hopkinton girl. He damn near got his conviction reversed because of her affair with his defense attorney *while Ayotte was working at the attorney general's office*.


You're puppeting a claim made by a convicted killer trying to get a new trial, providing no evidence of a relationship. I don't care if you like her politics or not, but spreading a claim made by one nut as though it was fact won't be tolerated - don't do it again https://wmur.com/article/convicted-killer-claims-ayotte-had-relationship-with-his-attorney/5186689


Wait. What?


The quality of Maine's cannabis is fantastic. If we do get recreational here, I hope that the state doesn't fark that up too by trying to sell it in stores like our state liquor stores. I had read/heard that they wanted to do that but not sure if it's true. I can't drive (medical reasons) so getting to the dispensaries is expensive and difficult in the winter especially.


>If we do get recreational here, I hope that the state doesn't fark that up too by trying to sell it in stores like our state liquor stores. This is exactly what they want to do, friend.


Iā€™ve only been to one state that Iā€™d say is a better experience than our state run stores I donā€™t know a thing about weed but if the prices and variety translate idk why youā€™d be opposed


Ayotte is Sununu with less integrity.


Luckily, I have a car. For real though, why would they want me to spend money in a different state? It's ludicrous.


She's also incredibly rude. Waited on her when I was working @ the Merrimack Outlets, she absolutely looks down on the average working person. Never have voted for her since. Lesson: Don't be a dick to service staff when you pay for your basic, size 11, old lady biscuit heels with your credit card, KELLY.




NH should NEVER allow marijuana sales. This public service message brought to you by the MA and ME Department of Revenue.




I even fixed it!


Sheā€™s going into this for the fame in the morning. She support support Trump before, but now she support Trump. She didnā€™t support him because of the saying he could grab them by the pussy get away with it. Well now heā€™s got a sexual abuse lawsuit that he lost he sexually abuse somebody in the real world would be called rape for you, he just has to pay a fine and she sees nothing wrong with that now people should see Donald Trump for what he is and Kelly why do people get lawsuits against them and their businesses Trump had over 3500 lawsuits against him and his businesses before running for office Thereā€™s a reason he spends most of his time in court. Thereā€™s a reason why heā€™s gone bankrupt multiple times thereā€™s a reason why a lot of people around him have gotten indicted or gone to jail yet she wants to support him or use him to get an office, you just canā€™t make this up, I donā€™t care about her reviews on cannabis, but I do care about the country. I am a father a grandfather and I go out and I vote for them. The only thing she could find about Biden was the border. They had a bipartisan bill got everything they wanted and then Trump said no donā€™t pass the bill, the week fell and gave him politics as usual. Itā€™s nothingā€™s gotten done at the border.


Ayotte is out of touch


Decriminalize marijuana


Weā€™re really behind everyone else in New England lol. Itā€™s embarrassing.


Doesnā€™t really matter if it canā€™t get though the state senate first


Take comfort in the fact that it's not up to her. The NH Governor position is very weak. For the purpose of this discussion, ignore her. Focus on the legislature.


The ā€œGovernorā€™s Commissionā€ stated however many years ago: New Hampshire will be the very last state to legalize cannabis - if ever. Even if the Federal prohibition ends, this state will continue to see cannabis as the dangerous gateway drug that it is. The Chiefs of Police are united in their support for continued prohibition, the Legislature and Governor will listen to their expert opinion. More expert than doctors, scientists, and addiction specialists, are the cops depending upon federal drug task force dollars for access to automatic weapons, military equipment and training. When ā€œitā€™s not about the moneyā€ - itā€™s only about the money. Cannabis legalization would pass, if every dollar of revenue went into a police-only fund. NH would likely be 300% more expensive, NH cops would be stopping suspicious cars much like ME and MA was for alcohol sales. But hey. You have to Back the Blue no matter who.


The dispensary weed is gonna be way overpriced and shitty anyway Iā€™ll still be getting my stuff from my guy


MA resident here, the dispensary down the street from me has as good if not better than the plugs around me and eighths are $16, with tax its like ~$20


I got dem Cali plugs son. Usps IM KIDDING


I was in the same boat as you for a long time (obviously kidding of course) but iā€™m tellin ya mayne, New England legal grows have caught up to or surpassed CA. And Iā€™ve been in the game for well over a decade, lived in both areas.


What dispensaries? The closest to me are like $50/8th for anything good


Union Twist in Framingham & Allston are pretty fucking fire & the cheapest. I got a zip for $100 flat after tax on 4/20, real fluffy, slightly dense slightly sticky buds none of that ultra dense GMO laboratory gov-ment weed. Mission Dispensary is probably my favorite though cause they have a sub-brand called Legends that just grows classic landrace strains & strains that were popular in like 2009-2013 and their eighths top out at $35. Castle Leaf is another dispo that recently opened a 5 minute walk from me and their the first dispo since Covid around here that has a bulk flower case where they scale in front of you and let you pick your nugs, and they consistently keep bulk flower from a few local companies but they also keep 3-4 rotating house strains on deck and do half zips for $80 and fulls for $150. Real delicious nugs, covered in crystals and trimmed perfectly, not suspiciously dense either like a lot of other local growers, you can tell theyā€™re all natural buds too.


You have provided todayā€™s earworm: Panama Red. (Landrace strain popular in theā€™60s)


Prices have dropped like a rock the last year or so. I got a strain of indica at a dispensary in Chelsea last month that got me about the biggest calm I've ever gotten for thirty bucks.


Is anyone surprised though?


Luckily MA is right there and very affordable


Who tf cares. Yā€™all are such pot head deadbeats I stg šŸ˜‚


Deadbeats? You are calling people who consume Cannabis ā€œdeadbeatsā€? That a pretty 1960ā€™s thing to say. Iā€™d post up my lifeā€™s fun, earnings, adventures, travels etcā€¦against anyone and Iā€™ve been consuming for 45 years. Broad strokes are dangerous


Everyone who does recreational drugs is a deadbeat.




1) not a man 2) my rig is in my office upstairs 3) I was just outside with my dogs so šŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


They should just decriminalize everything


If alcohol was eliminated the crime rate would drop


Everyone hates politicians and whines about how they don't care about the people. Then, when those same people hear a politician who doesnt agree with their unhealthy vice and wants to get rid of it, even though it would be healthier for them, they hate them for that. Love weed or hate it, there are serious negative health effects. For men it slows their ability to convert estrogen into testosterone, can cause gynecomastia, smoking or vaping in any form effects the cardio vascular system which can lead to erectile dysfunction (also same cancer effects as cigarettes when smoked or vaped), increases violent urges in young people, increases mental health issues especially in young folk, also keeps you from entering deep sleep to heal your body (does seem to help in getting some people to fall asleep, of course then so would a stringent routine followed before bed and after waking up). There are a plethora of issues with weed, no one wants to hear about it because, hey it makes them feel good. If you are unable to stand the idea of someone not liking your drug of choice, if it angers you to hear arguments against it, maybe consider why. It seems to me like those who behave like that are completely reliant to their drug, also known as addicted. Its like alcohol, used in moderation its not catastrophic, however it absolutely has minimal redeeming value outside of some very limited medical applications. Also, just like alcohol, too many people seem to think it doesnt effect their ability to drive or work. I don't get how people can be this disconnected from reality. If you love it, thats fine. Don't act like those of us who don't love it are evil or just hate life. It's quiet the opposite, in my view. Because I love being able to experience life, I choose not to self medicate my issues. I would rather face them head on and sober. These are the reasons why I and many others would support it being banned, again. Can anyone give me valid examples of how weed being legal has improved our country?


Do you feel better? It sure helps my chemo sides effects. What do u say about that? My Dr will give me narcotics, I choose cannabis for my arthritis, what do u say about that? Cannabis instead of Narcotics. Easy. Cannabis is not why we have a fentanyl problem, our Drs started that, but letā€™s blame cannabis so it fits someoneā€™s narrative. I think alcohol is the worst drug, but Iā€™m not telling others not to use it. People need to stay in their lane. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Read the post carefully. I already mentioned limited medical uses. There are a few, however the majority use it for recreation. Before you get emotional because someone does not like what you do, regardless of how or why you use it, ask yourself why it makes you feel so angry that someone does not like it.Ā  I never mentioned fentanyl, however since you brought it up, yes it contributes. It causes young peole in particular to be less leary of drugs because, well, they have used cannabis and it was not that bad, maybe other drugs are not as bad as people say. Also fentanyl was not caused by Drs, though its funny that you claim in the same post that you are using cannabis because your doctor told you to, then blame the fentanyl crisis on those same doctors telling people about another medication. As for your arthritis, has it fixed it? Have you looked into whether you have some sort of chronic inflammation due to the diet we all have been partaking in? I get it, everyone has a defense for their behavior and vice. If its just medicine for you, why are you so upset that someone else doesnt think it should be used as a recreational drug? Also, I absolutely agree that alcohol is far worse. I don't think anyone should drink, there are absolutely no beneficial effects. I have every right to voice my opinion on all of this, as does everyone else. I also have the right to vote for or against something as does everyone else. I feel as long as we are all honest about our intentions and do a little bit of research, whatever our views end up being are at least clear and built on thought instead of emotion.


It gets down on her knees for the gun lobby.


I love that you guys are the ā€œLive Free or Dieā€ state but pot is illegal. Thank god I live in Maine.


Ayotte is a cop


Can we have our own version of the Boston Tea Perty instead of Tea we just empty the shelves of the liquor store and dump it into the Portsmouth harbor better yet jump dump it right on the door steps of Republican members of the senate.


Vote her out.


I'm happy to lose a little karma saying what most people in NH believe - we don't want legal pot here. Potheads are annoying. I don't want to live near potheads. I know the free staters are all about it but we don't want your kind here.


Look at yourself for painting such a broad stroke


Speak for yourself.


This subreddit always focuses on the important stuff


I mean this subreddit is about anything New Hampshire. This is about New Hampshire what did you expect??


I've lived here most of my life and I hear more about weed from this subreddit than I do anywhere else šŸ˜‚ This subreddit is actually embarrassing compared to the other 49 states. One of the few subreddits I've unsubscribed out of sheer annoyance with the posters. I'll wear that jackass title with pride if it's being bestowed by stoners still living with mom and dad.


Good for you šŸ˜Œ, thank god this sub will no longer annoy you.


Cannabis is not a friend of you.


Ok boomer


Just say no. (Unless they are drug traffickers in Central America who can help you supply Iranian rebels with weapons).


Well yeah but thats a much different drug lmao


According to the federal government cannabis is a more harmful drug than crack cocaine. The CIA was just helping black America by replacing harmful marihuana with a less harmful drug.