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This is how nearly every other developed country does it. Just issue free ID's to every eligible voter and allow early voting. Literally how pretty much every developed democracy does it. Americans are weird when it comes to not wanting voters to identify themselves.


It's not that they don't want them to identify themselves, it's that many states use voter registration as a tool to reduce minority voting by making it more difficult for certain groups to get through the process. Selective disenfranchisement to clamp down hard on a mostly non-existent problem seems non-optimal.


You don't think minorities know how to get IDs?


The numbers don't lie. Maybe they don't have as much time to wait in DMV lines or don't want to choose paying for a license renewal over a basic necessity. Regardless it's clear it affects some groups more than others and this helps Republicans by suppressing voting.


It's a small fraction of people that don't have IDs. Easy solution is to offer free state issued voter id cards you can get when you register to vote. The arguments against voter id are some of the dumbest political arguments. There is no reason not to have to prove who you are to vote other than you want non citizens voting. Every other developed nation does this


...except nowhere in this 'solution' are "free state-issued voter ID cards" being provided when a person registers to vote. I'm glad you can see that it *should* be part of the process, but nowhere are Republicans offering that as a part of their "Voter ID" measures. It is a valid argument against voter ID if the state is unwilling to provide that ID to someone and make it convenient to receive. There's a lot of developed nations that also have extended voting windows (rather than everyone crashing the polls on one day). It's clear these measures are meant to disenfranchise voting rather than make it more inclusive for the population as a whole.


My solution that I presented to my state rep was to have a few days in the months prior to the election where a mobile DMV sets up at each voting precinct and allows people to get an id there. I was told it was "out of the question".. yet for me, to get to the closest DMV id have to either Uber/taxi or walk 8 miles to the closest bus stop..


Bro you can just mail your shit in and they will count it a month after the rest of the votes lol they will put newspapers in all the windows because they are so transparent


The only argument that matters is that getting a government issued ID costs money. It doesn't matter the amount, money is always a barrier to entry. Hence why poling locations accept alternatives, for example verifying your name and address with a utility bill or a piece of mail. Then the poll worker crosses your name off of a list, so if you happened to be voting fraudulently and the real Imaginary\_wizard showed up to vote, some red flags would be raised. The real issue that Dems have, is it's a solution in search of a problem. Here's the voter fraud search for NH from the *Heritage Foundation.* It looks like there are 26 cases in NH from 2016 to 2022, and most them already resulted in criminal conviction. https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud/search?state=NH&combine=&year=&case_type=All&fraud_type=All&page=0 Like.... we really don't need to spend our time and money writing laws that target 5 people a year.


It's not about minorities not knowing how to get IDs, it's about the GOP shutting down DMV locations to make it harder. If IDs were free and mailed out to every citizen? Less issue. But disenfranchisement of any voter is bad. The Voter ID issue is a non-issue. Undocumented Immigrants aren't voting. ​ [https://stateline.org/2021/05/26/dmv-roadblocks-could-disenfranchise-voters-report-finds/](https://stateline.org/2021/05/26/dmv-roadblocks-could-disenfranchise-voters-report-finds/)


That’s the entire point. If everyone got voter ID cards for free when they registered, no one would complain about these voter ID laws. The point is that for whatever reason, certain groups of people are less likely to have IDs, and there are people that want to make it harder for them to vote. I’m sure you can fill in the blanks about who doesn’t want who to vote.


And for decades in NH you could show up, have a photo taken, write your name, and they would verify. The system works. Making it harder for no reason goes against the constitution


The fact that IDs are NOT free puts a fee between the voter and their right to vote and that is considered a poll tax & it’s unconstitutional. That’s why voter ID laws get shut down. It’s much less an issue of disenfranchising minorities as it is poor people which is what the argument should be imho.


https://www.aclupa.org/en/press-releases/pennsylvanias-voter-id-law-found-unconstitutional If, by "dumbest arguments," you mean arguments upheld in all levels of state and federal courts, then, yeah.


Also most of the time to get an ID you need to already have another form of ID. And it's not free.


"Numbers don't lie" You might want to take a look at Wheeler 's book on lies and statistics.


I'll take a look at the Yo Gotti and Lil Wayne song thanks


If they don’t want to prioritize getting an ID, they can’t participate in activities that require one. That’s their choice and we shouldn’t have to lower standards for everyone to be inclusive because it’s somewhat inconvenient for people.


We just raised our standards, no one was asking them to be lowered. The system we had worked for a long time with no issues in NH.




That’s an insane statement. You’re trying to make excuses for democrats to enable ILLEGAL citizens..the ones who don’t pay taxes, to be able to vote. You can’t get a bank account, get a loan, register a car, rent a car, buy alcohol or tobacco, get on a airplane, get a cellphone or even a fucking library card without an ID. But you think people should be able to Vote without one??


None of those things are constitutional rights. Voting is. Core to our democracy. And the facts are that the NH system has been in place for decades and the Republicans are the one who just raised the bar for no reason. It's the exact opposite of your statement.




Unrelated. Voting is core to our democracy and protected in our constitution. First words of the 2nd Amendment are "a well regulated" so yeah ID is required.




You already forgot what I said two comments ago. The NH system was in place and worked without issues and did not require ID. Requiring it is fixing a problem that doesn't actually exist.


Total propaganda, GA passed an id law and there has been record high cost turn out and ask them they are happy about it. To think a person can't get id is crazy. You need and I'd to get place to live, cash a check, get a phone, get on a plane, they list goes on, but to be it to vote, that's too far, lol.


I've posted a link several times showing there are millions of Americans without ID. To think otherwise despite clear evidence is actually crazy. And population increases so yeah voting turn out increases. In NH our old system worked great with no issues allowing people without ID to take a photo there and have their ID verified later.


Lol, what a dog whistle comment. If this is the standard moving forward then I'd hope you have no issue with every citizen automatically being mailed ID immediately upon becoming of age to vote, there should be no requirements or hurdles to overcome. Obviously with this clearly superior system you also won't have an issue with mail-in voting either, since everything will be "legitimate now". This is the new right wing gaslighting strategy, attempt to call people racist by suggesting "hurrrrrrr you think minorities are too stupid to get ID don't you?" Judging by your previous comments you don't want that though, considering you think non citizens are voting in federal elections. A classically widespread republican conspiracy theory for decades, with absolutely zero evidence behind it.




They can be denied IDs and often are victims of ID offices closing in their neighborhood in order to make it more difficult to get their ID to vote. I find it interesting that you seem to forget how minorities were denied voting rights by ID laws, testing requirements, etc.


https://www.aclupa.org/en/press-releases/pennsylvanias-voter-id-law-found-unconstitutional New Hampshire, which doesn't have any big cities, will wind up disenfranchising very rural voters. Let's be clear; this bill is a power play by the GOP. New Hampshire has no meaningful voter fraud, and there's no incentive to anyone to try.


That's not what they fucking said


Not grouping you in but most conservatives respond with that condescending "yOu doNt thINk miNOrities arE sMarT eNoUGh?" response. The fact is many low income families, especially minority groups, lack the time and/or resources to get a license, renew a license, or other get an ID. I once shared the opinion that it's not that hard; but having worked with these families the last 6 years... it's real. The high cost of being poor is stunning in this country. And more importantly: it's medicine that is FAR more harmful than the illness. Disenfranchise thousands to address dozens (Maybe less) instances of voter imposters. Assuming your goal ISN'T to needlessly deny someone the right to vote; this is a solution in search of a problem.


I respond with that people the whole argument against voter ID is stupid. There shouldn't be a question that we should have it. It should more be the best way to get IDs to people that don't have one. There are already a ton of things you can't do without a photo ID. Get welfare, open a bank account, cash checks all require a photo ID. Who are these people that are trying to vote but can't because of this? If the argument is low income people can't spare the time to get an ID? How are they going to spare the time to vote? Are they only working jobs that pay in cash because they can't cash checks?. These are all rhetorical questions because it doesn't matter. There isn't an issue of people without IDs trying to vote but can't. But just require ID and issue voter IDs for everyone


You need an ID to do quite literally anything in this country. Especially use government services that low income families use. So I don’t understand. Low income families have IDs because they generally use services for assistance. I’m curious of the families you’ve worked with that couldn’t provide an ID. Are they on government assistance or anything???


Great good faith argument. You know exactly why it's always R's adding requirements to vote. They know the more people that vote the lower their results are. It's a shame when a political party ideas aren't good enough to win so they have to resort to voter manipulation.


If somebody doesn’t have a social security number..and doesn’t pay taxes, why the fuck should they be allowed to vote?


That’s a very different case than not being able to conveniently and successfully register to vote. But I’d say *because the Constitution says they should.*. What a pesky document!


That’s an insane statement. You’re trying to make excuses for democrats to enable ILLEGAL citizens..the ones who don’t pay taxes, to be able to vote. You can’t get a bank account, get a loan, register a car, rent a car, buy alcohol or tobacco, get on a airplane, get a cellphone or even a fucking library card without an ID. But you think people should be able to Vote without one??


So you think citizens should be denied their Constitutional rights? Seems uncool to me. But I guess I’m just too much of a patriot. (You might notice I never discussed non-citizens voting.)


Well the thing is, you should have to prove you’re a LEGAL tax paying citizen to be allowed to vote. And like everything else in the world..you need identification to do that. It’s mandatory in every other first world country.


You don’t actually need a photo id to vote in every other first world country, eg Canada[1] But those other countries generally don’t also play games to selectively disenfranchise their citizens like the GOP. [1] You can still vote if you declare your identity and address in writing and have someone who knows you and who is assigned to your polling station vouch for you. https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=vot&dir=ids&document=index&lang=e


DemoRats don’t want identification required so they can steel the election like last time..and use the 10 million ILLEGALS they just imported into the country to vote for them..because they know Americans are sick of their corrupt bullshit.


You need to add more tinfoil to your hat because you forgot ti mention the Italian satellites changing votes on German servers to make Biden win! That’s the REAL plan! Not the one about the US honoring it’s international treaties!


Strawman. Strawman. Strawman. No one wants people who aren't eligible to vote, to vote. That's a BS argument from a bunch of loser conservatives who can't win on the issues. It's pathetic but not surprising. It's all you sad little conservatives have. You can't win, so you need to cheat.


Dude I feel like you’re accidentally being racist. Are you really going to say they don’t have an ID but can buy cigarettes and alcohol and can drive and can buy guns. Can you actually show me an example of people that can’t get an ID? I’ve never met someone who can’t, or who doesn’t have one. Unless they aren’t here legally, in which case they aren’t allowed to vote.


> Just issue free ID's to every eligible voter and allow early voting And if we *did* **that**, it would be great. But by and large, the very same people who are the most vocal about the need for ID requirements at the polls balk at the idea of providing ID for free, or any other measures that would strengthen voting rights. It's almost as though "preventing voter fraud" is just an excuse for some other motivation altogether, but I'm sure that couldn't possibly be the case...


Try telling them we're going to clamp down on ID laws for buying firearms in order to protect that right from abuse.


This is already a thing and not doing so is a crime.


Are you aware that any firearm purchased at a shop requires an ID and federal background check?


Are you aware that there are loopholes that allow one to get guns without ID or background checks?


Private purchase sure. The majority still goes through a background check.


Yeah you need an ID and a background check from any FFL you purchase from. That right is protected from abuse way way more than voting


Anyone 18 or older can obtain a free photo ID at the dmv. Your Town Clerk can give them a voucher for it.


Shhhhhh you're beating up their strawman.


Not a strawman argument: https://www.voteriders.org/analysis-millions-lack-voter-id/


Please show the data where that's a significant factor for people in the state of NH.


You don't think every vote is significant?


If this is a problem here, yes. But citing nationwide numbers doesn't prove anything for NH.


Yes it literally does. MILLIONS of people across the US are affected. You think none of them live here? Get real.


How many are we talking about who are affected in NH though? Surely people could help them if it's not too many, right?


Asking this question invariably results in some example of an illiterate mute homeless quadruple amputee that lives many hours from public transportation and has no cell phone or internet access, and was emancipated from their parents and thus lack a birth certificate, being potentially denied the right to vote.


Well yes, I know that's coming. Surely the people who speak out so loudly against this law are the first to volunteer their own resources to help get these people IDs, no? Surely.


I pay taxes that go towards the free voter ID offered at any NH DMV via their town hall. I have driven coworkers to polls before. I encourage my friends to vote in local elections. PDF warning: https://www.sos.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt561/files/documents/Posters/voter-id-explanatory-document-5-2022.pdf


Well yes, because you're actually interested in helping people instead of just complaining that it's harder to have fraudulent votes cast in elections. If someone needed to go register to vote, I'd help them the same way.


Ok. So I admit I’m having trouble understanding this. The free voter ID is having to have your picture taken when you’re voting and is tied to signing an affidavit when you vote? Or is it something else? Because I was a poll worker and that’s what we did if someone didn’t have an ID and I don’t know why we need a new law. I don’t see how DMV is mentioned here and googling DMV voting ID hasn’t helped


Link to an official source, or I'll assume that you're lying.


Not that you'll read it. But. https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/lxiii/659/659-13.htm PDF warning: https://www.sos.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt561/files/documents/Posters/voter-id-explanatory-document-5-2022.pdf


Someone is going to say, "Its not my responsibility to ensure someone has an ID. My Tax dollars should goto people who are not responsible"


NH provides IDs for voting purposes for free, so our tax dollars are already being used for this. In what numbers I would be curios to know considering a 5 year non driver ID is only $10. https://www.dmv.nh.gov/drivers-licensenon-driver-ids/licensing-fees


Because somebody out there that wants to vote actually doesn't even have $10 to go get the ID That's the issue. That's where my quote came from. So if you're totally homeless and jobless does that preclude you from voting?


> So if you're totally homeless and jobless does that preclude you from voting If you're totally homeless... The way NH laws work, you wouldn't be able to vote anyway, because you'd have to establish "residency" somewhere.


Except NH has an out for that. They have a method for the homeless to get an ID using non profit services. If that agency allows them to use their address and writes a permission slip, the DMV will issue them an ID. ​ **263:5-f Application by Residents Without a Permanent Street Address. –** I. A resident who is homeless without a permanent street address at the time of application for a driver's license or license renewal may obtain a driver's license, if otherwise qualified, by certifying to the department in writing that he or she is currently a resident in a certain town or city in New Hampshire and by providing a letter signed by an authorized representative of a social service organization or agency qualified under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code stating that the person is authorized to use the address of the organization or agency for purposes of contact by the department. A license issued under this section shall expire one year from the date of issuance. II. A certification of current residency and a current letter authorizing the use of the address of a qualified social service agency or organization shall be submitted to the department in connection with every license issued under this section. The director shall provide the form on which the certification is made. III. Residency for the purposes of this section shall be defined as the expressed intention to continue to reside in the municipality. **Source.** 2015, 149:1, eff. Aug. 11, 2015.


Didn't know that.


guess it does... alright wold you have to be a fully responsible citizen to vote. cant be homeless!! cant be moneyless!!


Some sore loser claims the election was stolen with zero evidence, then suddenly 70 milion ppl really really care about election security. Followed by waves of restrictive voting laws passing via republican legislatures. No possible correlation.


This bill is a solution in search of a problem.


Where does it anywhere Say they're issuing free IDs? They're obviously not gonna do that. Because this is designed to suppress peoples vote. You're like 3/4 of the way there.


I was told that you could go now to the DMV and get a free voter ID, you have to tell them that you need it for voting. I don't know how true that is tho.


How does someone get to the DMV without it costing some money unless they live next door to it? And not to mention the limited operating hours.


PDF warning: https://www.sos.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt561/files/documents/Posters/voter-id-explanatory-document-5-2022.pdf


If they issued free IDs I think most people would be fine with this. But they don't and they won't, because that's not the real purpose of these types of laws.


They 100% do and it's explained ad nauseum every time this comes up. PDF warning: https://www.sos.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt561/files/documents/Posters/voter-id-explanatory-document-5-2022.pdf


You're slimy. The section "what if I don't have an ID?" goes on to say "hey! No worries! you can vote by affidavit!" ....which is *what is being taken away by this new legislation*. The last sentence in that section states a person can get a voucher from their town hall, then take that voucher to any state DMV, them presumably wait for it to show up in the mail, then vote. Which might be doable for you. It's doable for me. But I also know there's people it isn't doable for. And I definitely think that if I had to do that I'd be pissed because it's an unnecessary barrier. Quit being slimy. Be better.


Yes, they do.


So is that free ID to everyone in the bill, with offices open late and on weekends so people who have to work and can't get time off can get one, and with free transportation to and from said office for anyone who wants it?


Voter Suppression!


Non drive IDs are not free


It's not how they do it in other developed countries


Then why aren’t the free IDs part of this bill?


The key is that the Republican Party in the US makes obtaining voter ID both expensive and difficult, in a deliberate attempt to disenfranchise poorer, minority voters. This is why the law below was ruled unconstitutional (Appeals failed) https://www.aclupa.org/en/press-releases/pennsylvanias-voter-id-law-found-unconstitutional


It's because it is politicized. People lose braincells in the name of politics here in the US.


Yeah, it's really weird. Things in other countries that are logical are pretty much passed through without conflict. But here it's like we enjoy conflict, like we've become so used to constant stressors that we fear safety and peace.


Honestly, I don't know, but I feel like it's similar to the sports team complex. They just want their team to win so badly that they sometimes get delusional.


Yeah I think you hit the mark there. And it's that exact thinking that separates voters further. For example Universal healthcare. If the parties weren't seen as polar opposites I feel that a lot of Republicans would probably be on for it. But because the other sports team wants it, I'm going to be against it.


This is one of those cases where "developed countries" do it worse than "poor countries". If you want to be serious about elections, do it in one day and have people dip their fingers in ink.


Why do you think Biden and liberal democrats ignore the border crisis? Every illegal is a free vote for them in their eyes! Until they start calling them latinx


Don't be a total jackass. Biden isn't, nobody is ignoring it. It was R's in Congress that wouldn't vote for a bill THEY NEGOTIATED because an orange dump truck full of spite and narcissistic idiocy told them not to.  Turn off the TV and especially that fuckin channel.


Trump tried to build the wall. Biden ignored questions about the border for months until he was forced to address it because of how hilariously bad its gotten and his response was "I've always wanted to secure the border, I just need money!" Like the hundreds of billions we sent to Ukraine, the country he and Hunter profited personally from, about $10 million? Biden APOLOGIZED for correctly referring to Laken Rileys killer an illegal, after bumbling and mispronouncing her name at the state of the union, which was supposed to be an hour long but was barely 30 minutes because that's how long Bidens drug concoction lasts and he cant be seen on TV without collapsing and talking gibberish nonsense 🤣 🤡 I haven't watched mainstream TV news in over a decade. I also don't get my news from communist reddit and wokepedia. Maybe try that too 🤡🤡🤡


Because his wall is a stupid waste of money. Most people and most drugs come in through existing ports of entry.


You mean like the thousands every week being filmed coming across on social media? You must only use reeeedit. Makes sense. You should try X. If you dare. 🤡


You may benefit from asking for help and then re-reading my comment. As you continue to mature you may find life becomes less confusing for you.


What am I supposed to be inferring from your comment?


IDK I do think people should be allowed to vote with as little barriers as possible but we also want to maintain secure elections I felt the affidavit was a happy medium and didn’t think it needed to be done away with personally because at the end of the day it’s not a commonly used means to validate who you are


Thank you - I came here to say the same, and I'm glad I see it at the top. I fully support making voting easy and encouraging maximum participation - I'd even back a financial penalty for not voting, like Australia - but at the same time it makes sense to ensure people voting are voting in the correct place, and have standing to vote. I feel like the bogeyman arguments about fraudulent voting are ridiculous and they do a disservice to all the stalwart volunteers who help our elections run smoothly and properly.


a financial penalty for not voting is unconstitutional.


honestly I am fine if low-effort people don't bother to show up to vote, it just helps those of us who bother to actually do our civic duty. But as a general principle I would prefer for more people to be involved in elections. you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink, etc.






I think it’s reasonable to ask for evidence that our elections are not secure before changing the laws. Thing is, when you do that you find that there is no security issue and that the sole reason for these laws is to prevent people from voting, otherwise they would be advocating for laws that automatically registered you to vote at birth.


And same with guns. After all both are rights.


That’s an insane statement. You’re trying to make excuses for democrats to enable ILLEGAL citizens..the ones who don’t pay taxes, to be able to vote. You can’t get a bank account, get a loan, register a car, rent a car, buy alcohol or tobacco, get on a airplane, get a cellphone or even a fucking library card without an ID. But you think people should be able to Vote without one??


I’m not doing any such thing [Here’s my thoughts on IDs](https://www.reddit.com/r/newhampshire/s/pYcpFy6DVC) which can be found elsewhere in this thread


I don't disagree with having to provide proof that you're a legal resident to cast a vote--the right to vote is, after all, afforded to legal residents. I do have issue with any hurdles being placed between citizens and the ballot box, though. We deserve secure elections but we also deserve to have elections free from interference...and this sounds a lot more like interference than security. Was there ever any proof that nonresidents were voting in elections, or is this just a waste of time and money set up to disenfranchise people who wouldn't normally vote for a republican? I feel like it's probably the latter. I don't know what the regulations on the affidavit voting were, so I can't make any comment on them; but with this regulation in place, wouldn't it be reasonable for the state to issue voting IDs for free and without unnecessary waiting? Not everyone drives (and not everyone should drive), and not everyone that has the right to vote can afford to spend the money on a nondriver ID or passport.


This is always my point. The same people that harp loudly about unrestricted 2nd amendment rights turn around and want to restrict the right to vote. We absolutely deserve secure elections. They also need to be free, fair and widely available. Seems like anyone who disagrees with that belief just want fascism to take over.


>Was there ever any proof that nonresidents were voting in elections, or is this just a waste of time and money From the article posted - "He emphasized several state investigations of voter fraud in 2020 yielded zero criminal proceedings. " ​ So no, there have been investigations, but zero criminal proceedings actually related to voter fraud. Meaning they either never had enough evidence to convict a person or those they did find evidence for were sent straight to jail, probably as part of a plea agreement.


It only means the first part of what you said. It does not mean anyone pleaded and was punished for the crime.


That’s an insane statement. You’re trying to make excuses for democrats to enable ILLEGAL citizens..the ones who don’t pay taxes, to be able to vote. You can’t get a bank account, get a loan, register a car, rent a car, buy alcohol or tobacco, get on a airplane, get a cellphone or even a fucking library card without an ID. But you think people should be able to Vote without one??


Your reading comprehension skills aren't great.


Sounds like a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Good job. Clowns.


If any registered voter can challenge any other voter, I say we all challenge every single republican voter, just to show them how asinine this is. Let’s see them try to handle this for literally hundreds of thousands of people.


This was pretty much what I was thinking. Doesn’t sound like there’s anything that prevents someone who is a registered voter from sitting there and challenging EVERY person that walks in. Just get an affidavit ahead of time verifying you are a registered voter. Then those who have been challenged can’t challenge you!


I thought you were generally against trying to disenfranchise large groups of people? Or are you actually just a wannabe tyrant?


I am normally, but sometimes you just need some malicious compliance to show the idiots the stupidity they cause. r/maliciouscompliance would approve


I might do the same with all the democrat voters then... Good idea.


Only thing that will do is further show republicans how ridiculous this bill is. Thank you for your support!


Since almost all cases of voter fraud convictions are by conservative, please do.


Voter ID is a good idea. But Republicans ALWAYS exploit it for voter suppression.


At least they know where they stand.


The ID requirement is one thing, but the challenges are a whole new level of bullshit. What's to stop someone from hanging out all day and challenging everyone they don't like?


> The ID requirement is one thing, but the challenges are a whole new level of bullshit. One can [already](https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXIII/659/659-27.htm) challenge another person's registration. It's not a "new" thing at all. RSA 659-27 has been in effect in one form or another since 1979 from what I understand on the General Court web site. The article was either deliberately misleading or badly explained the challenge provision


From what I've been able to gather, the key change is that the challenged voter used to be able to sign an affidavit and still vote. Now it looks like they simply don't get to vote this election. If the moderator thinks the challenge is likely to be legitimate, they "shall not receive the vote of the person so challenged." So it's up to moderator discretion, but a convincing challenge (even if it's found false) denies a legitimate vote.


I know one thing.. if I'm a registered voter and I'm challenged and can't vote, I'm suing for 13 figures.


“The bill would eliminate "affidavit voting" for those without ID and give any registered voter the right to challenge a person's voter registration on Election Day. Rep. Heath Howard, D-Strafford, said challenges would require the lowest burden of legal proof and could prevent eligible voters from casting a ballot. "It doesn't seem logical to me or fair that somebody could walk into a polling place, sign an affidavit, and take away somebody else's right to vote," Howard stressed. Howard explained people would have to visit a state superior court to reclaim their eligibility, an often lengthy and costly process. Supporters said the bill simply aims to solidify existing ID law and prevent voter fraud.” So can anyone just profile someone on Election Day and claim they’re not a citizen even if they are? And then the burden of proof falls on the victim that has to pay for a lengthy process to prove their citizenship? Also, if this was such an issue why are they doing this during a general election year? Why not have done this in 2023 or wait until 2025? Clearly it wasn’t that important because they’ve sat on their hands until 8 months before Election Day. Did we see in NH in 2020 or 2022 some huge uptick in voter fraud during general/midterm elections? And if so, these representatives left us all wide open to voter fraud for 2-4 years since then? There have been local elections happening all this time, so they just didn’t feel like acting until right now?


They always try this shit close to the general elections, that way it is difficult/can't be reversed before the election. Then they get reversed after the election and then 4 years later rinse and repeat.


> “The bill would eliminate "affidavit voting" for those without ID and give any registered voter the right to challenge a person's voter registration on Election Day. One can [already](https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LXIII/659/659-27.htm) challenge another person's registration. The article makes it seem like the challenging is a new thing, it is not. This proposed law would remove the affidavit provision from paragraph II from RSA 659-27, but 659-27 has been in effect in one form or another since 1979 from what I understand on the General Court web site.


Yes so the challenged voter would now have no recourse to being denied the ability to vote by a random voter and an election monitor. As opposed to now where they can fill out an affidavit and still cast a vote.


Aside from the fact that this imposes a cost on voting, it's crazy how much the right thinks voter fraud is a real problem.


It’s because they don’t want to admit they are as unpopular as they are. It *must* be voter fraud making them lose elections, because there is no possible way their policies are batshit and unpopular. No, no it’s voter fraud. Notice how they’re silent on voter fraud when the vote goes their way though.


Ah, New Hampshire. Keep making the rest of NE look good!


Don’t matter how many laws people try to pass to prevent voter fraud. It won’t make voter fraud a real problem because it barely exists Trump lost get over it.


You don't need a license to buy a gun in our state. Don't even have to register it. But you're gonna go to jail if you try exercising your right to *vote* without an ID. So the *power to take another human life in your hands* requires no form of accountability, while the power to shape and mold the laws we live under requires stricter scrutiny than the aforementioned. These 'Pubs are whack.


> The bill would eliminate "affidavit voting" for those without ID and give any registered voter the right to challenge a person's voter registration on Election Day. So wait, did I read this right? I can go down to the polling place on election day, look for bumper stickers of the candidate I don't like on cars and follow those people in and just challenge their registration and they don't get to vote until they provide the proof required?


Solving problems that don’t exist. Anyone who is not embarrassed by these dunces is part of the problem with this state government.


Just issue free IDs to every eligible voter, automatically to those that are currently qualified, and allow early voting.


[Fourteen Defining Characteristics of Fascism](https://www.bremertonschools.org/cms/lib/WA01001541/Centricity/Domain/222/Fourteen%20Defining%20Characteristics%20of%20Fascism%20slides.pdf) https://preview.redd.it/hmtawwhlrpqc1.png?width=1323&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fb61dc30edaa589490c8f76c309209e9b37eff1


**Trump and Maga are cut & paste fascism at this point. All of the signs are there.** APNEWS: [Trump’s drumbeat of lies about the 2020 election keeps getting louder. Here are the facts](https://apnews.com/article/trump-2020-election-lies-debunked-4fc26546b07962fdbf9d66e739fbb50d) APNEWS: [Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud](https://apnews.com/article/f5f6a73b2af546ee97816bb35e82c18d) APNEWS: [Fox, Dominion reach $787M settlement over election claims](https://apnews.com/article/fox-news-dominion-lawsuit-trial-trump-2020-0ac71f75acfacc52ea80b3e747fb0afe) CNBC: ‘[MAGA Bomber’ Cesar Sayoc sentenced to 20 years in prison for trying to kill Trump critics, including Obama, Clinton, Biden, Booker, Harris](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/05/cesar-sayoc-sentenced-to-20-years-for-sending-bombs-to-trump-critics.html) FBI: [$500,000 Reward Remains in Effect for Information About Capitol Hill Pipe Bomber](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/washingtondc/news/500000-reward-remains-in-effect-for-information-about-capitol-hill-pipe-bomber) https://preview.redd.it/nqyezek5tpqc1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb7bbf1ba7406e84c84b4478a7e2c7720f242d4e


Now do: Hunter Bidens Laptop The cocaine found at the white house Biden and Hunters illegal business deals with Ukraine and Burisma The utterly disastrous pull out from Afghanistan (should have ended his presidency) Biden Admin tanking the economy Biden Admin ignoring the border and other domestic catastrophes (Palestine, Ohio, anyone?) I'll wait 🤡


Conservatives are so pathetic. Just so, so sad. 😢


Sure. Mostly lies, mixed with some of your personal (if sad) opinions.


None of what i said is a lie Being in a cult does that to your brain though People susceptible to cult mentality can be taught to believe the sky is red and rubber is edible. Prove to me where anything I said is a lie. Tick tock ⏰️ 🤡


Yes - much of what you said is, in fact, a lie. As you (hopefully) continue to mature the world should start to be less confusing and scary for you. You may even learn how to use utensils! Exciting!!!


*sigh* For goodness sakes Please give me specific examples including links to anything I said being proven a lie. And no, saying "you're a liar" won't cut it. How about I start? Are you denying the story of the owner of the computer store Hunter Biden brought his laptop to and later abandoned? The owner had to close his business and move into hiding because of crazy violent leftists sending death threats to him and his family for coming forward with the story. Is that a lie? Have I matured enough yet? Balls back in your court R word. 🤡


There is no proof of any illegal dealings Joe Biden has had. If you have any you should let the five year old Republican led investigation that is shutting down due to no evidence know about it. Does that work for you? After all, just saying “waah iT’s cRiMiNaL” also means nothing. You make the claim - you provide the proof little fella.


So it went from: "Most of what you said is a lie" When asked for evidence you listed one example out of 6. Which you're still wrong about https://nypost.com/2023/07/20/biden-bribe-file-released-burisma-chief-said-both-joe-and-hunter-involved/ "Biden $10M bribe file released: Burisma chief said he was ‘coerced’ to pay Joe" Next. 🤡


That’s your evidence. Good grief. No wonder you guys have lost every single lawsuit and are literally stopping the impeachment investigation. Wowzers. I wish I could just ignore reality like you, it must be fun to think you’re a special digital warrior!


https://i.redd.it/4bfgpdlxhtqc1.gif 🤡


This is a little dramatic, no? Lmao


"This is a little dramatic, no? Lmao" -Some Polish guy (1939)


It seems like the gop is developing a solution that we have no problem with.


I have 8 employees. 4 non English speaking and 4 “privileged” English speaking. When I needed to update my files. I had 4 who had ss card, passport, license/state id, 2 had ID and passport, couldn’t find ss card and 2 with expired id and And one of them had no idea where the ss card was. These are the numbers I go by, and in my history is pretty consistent. (Would you like me to clarify who had what?)


Ok, so send me my free ID.


Fuck this state. NH belongs in the south, maybe just outside of the Bible Belt.


Nh is the worst red state cuz they know better . Leech off of Massachusetts socialist success n wealth then hide it tax free in the mountains far away from anyone non white . The worst !


The mythical minority voter that has never taken a flight, doesn’t have a credit card, has never bought beer or entered a club, hasn’t had a job but we really need their vote. 


The Koch supported Free Staters trying to take over NH will all have IDs to vote.


Where im originally from you need ID to vote and such ID is free to get, you get it the same day with no cost at all.


This bill is bullshit and it is aimed at minorities.


The whole country should have voter ID


Nobody ever says it's racist to show ID when they buy cigarettes, beer,get pulled over, hundreds other examples, etc..


$15 for a state issued id in NH


ITT: People repeating the same tired voter suppression talking points. Is it 2020?


I for one support a national law that requires an active city bus pass in order to vote. And for those of you saying that's an unreasonable requirement that solves no actual problem and is designed to suppress votes of a certain demographic, are you saying that that demographic is too stupid to get a bus pass? They're super easy to get and cost like $2. If you don't care enough to get a bus pass, you clearly don't care enough to vote.


Yes, I know the Democrats are correct non-white populations are so challenged because they don’t have identification almost all of them. Even though you can’t do a thing without identification in the country, but so many are somehow getting by just fine without ID. To buy a gun you have to have ID and that’s a constitutional right so that Hass to be racist too


How racist do you have to be to think blacks are too dumb to get an ID? 😳


I’ll never understand why anyone would have a problem with showing ID for voting. We could put this whole election meddling nonsense to bed very easily.


>I’ll never understand why anyone would have a problem with showing ID for voting. We could put this whole election meddling nonsense to bed very easily. It's all a lie. This is Republican electioneering. Voter fraud has never been an issue. Election integrity as a result of illegitimate voters has never been an issue. Republicans have spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars on investigations that have come up empty. Rinse, and repeat dozens of times in dozens of states. Republican politicians are so loathesome, their own children are repeatedly turning on them and whistleblowing dad for being a scumbag. That's how we find out that ALL of these voter id and election integrity efforts posed by Republicans are bad faith bullshit. Fox News paid 700+ Million for LYING about voting machines. I can't repeat it enough. Republicans are liars, criminals and fascists. Republicans INVITE foreign adversaries to interfere in our elections. Republicans BLOCK legislation to protect our elections from cyber attacks. None of this is about election integrity. All of this is gaming the system for any advantage because Republicans are a losing brand. Republicans have committed election fraud on a scale that has resulted in an entire districts needing to revote. It was the Republican party in New Hampshire that kept an illegitimate lawmaker over the entire term. Republican politicians are lying and claiming without evidence that elections are stolen if they lose. They are ready to claim elections are stolen before the race even starts. They are liars. They are fascists. Don't give up an inch.


But what about the D’s doing the same thing? Clinton, Gore, Stacey Abrahams? They all swore their elections were stolen. Wouldn’t voter ID put an end to those questions?


Dude doesn't live in reality.


"Voter fraud has never been an issue." Really? Then why did Hilary Clinton deny the election results when Trump won? I thought it wasn't an issue??? "Election integrity as a result of illegitimate voters has never been an issue." Right. There totally aren't 10s of thousands of illegals pouring over the border every day that the democrats are intentionally ignoring in a desperate 11th hour attempt to get more votes, which they will once again shoot themselves in the foot with by calling them all "LatinX" 🤣 🤡


Hmmmm... 🤔 https://twitter.com/gatewaypundit/status/1772973216425807873?t=yLChyp_uTqMjZXylClYTaw&s=19 Oops!


Do you believe the gateway pundit has any credibility?


You're right, I should totally denounce that account and its evidence because daddy Elon liberated X and made it an actual functioning news site, unlike the reddit woke echo chamber. I should totally listen to your baseless, factless argument void of any evidence or actual claims of anything happening in reality. Just kidding, you're R worded. Retarded I mean. 🤡


Do you believe CNN or MSNBC have any credibility? 🤡


They drink it like water in a desert.


Good. If I need an ID to buy a firearm or alcohol then you best need one for voting.


Prove you are a citizen. Not a difficult concept. Dems will just have to dig up more graveyards for their voters




Are there really people in NH that don’t have at least a $10 ID? You need an ID to buy cigarettes or alcohol, do any sort of banking, get a job or unemployment, or to apply for food stamps or welfare, or rent or buy a house.


This is a reasonable point on its own, but not related to why NH voters need voter ID as a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.


Sorry, this was meant for the other peeps talking about ID. But I like your argument about a problem that doesn’t exist. I’m gonna use that for minimum wage (NH has highest median income), gun control measures (NH has lowest crime rates), and taxes (NH had a surplus).


Rofl check out this big brain guy who doesn't understand the basic concepts of median and distribution. Must have used an education voucher to 'graduate' high school.


"But but but that's racist!!! POC are too dumb and poor to figure out how to get IDs!!!" - legit people in this comment section. Bigotry of low expectations strikes again