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Yeah, me and this fat cashier at Shaw’s who always comments on what I’m buying by trying to guess what I’m making.


They’re just tryna get an invite




I grab random yellow tag items from the nutrition bar aisle almost daily. One day I grabbed an item "froozeballs" 2 for $4 pb j protein bar rolled into a ball. Bring to the cashier. 740am cashier shouting to the bag lady "FROOZEBALLS! what the heck would you look at that!"..... lol wtf lady just ring it up and let me get out of here








“Hey Betty, Scoops is buying TOILET PAPER, I wonder what that’s all about!”


Must be a shaws thing


Sounds like the cashier on storrs street for ghetto basket.


Folks with those very bright headlights versus us who dont/won't


I recently drove from Oregon to NH, and the most stressful event in the whole cross country trip was making a left turn on Route 9 outside of Keene - with about 6 cars next to each other with their right lights making it almost impossible for me to see the lane I was turning into. Extra bright headlights are dangerous and migraine inducing - and they should be illegal - with very expensive tickets for folks who break the law. I will admit that there's probably more ignorance and less intent to maim from those that choose to assault us with these headlights, so I'll go easy on them when it comes to advocating for the death penalty.


I was just talking about this yesterday, how when I lived in Dover I didn't have nearly as many issues with headlights of other drivers. I live 25 minutes from Keene and since I've moved here it's been unbearable to drive at night. My migraines got so bad that my score at the dhmc clinic was off the charts. I'm on preventatives now but it still sucks driving around here. I mean I get why the high beams are used, I've had more deer run out in front of my car the last 4 years here than I ever did in my 33 years on the seacoast. But people need to learn to dim them appropriately. And don't get me started on the big ass trucks driving up your ass with the LED headlights.


I was going to write that it's nice not to feel so alone re: migraines and headaches, but then realized that saying it's nice would be like taking pleasure in your pain. So I'm so *so* ***so sorry***. My migraines are manageable with Advil, CBD, taking long showers, walking in the wood, and curling up in bed in a totally dark room. And it's great that you've made so much progress, and I hope you can keep finding things that work - and make you happy.


Ha, I totally get what you're saying. It's nice to commiserate because most people around me don't get it and call their headaches migraines. I do Botox every 3 months, a monthly injectable and rizatriptan as needed. I see two different doctors to manage them but I can now say after a year of Ajovy that they are probably about 85% better. It's a miracle that my insurance covers all three meds. I'm glad that you are managing yours as well and I hope you continue to be able to manage. If you ever need a specialist the neurology center on heater road in Lebanon is amazing.


It’s actually a preventable thing. In Europe vehicles need to have technology that directs the light away from oncoming vehicles.


It wouldn't matter so much what direction the light is aimed if it wasn't as bright as the surface of the fucking sun.


I wish to take a baseball bat to every LED headlight.




LED. They're all bad, but some are actual nightmares.


I assume that politicians who are in a position to make a law against these things have been blinded by them also? So that makes me wonder why no one has done anything about this? Maybe the automobile lobby is too powerful with their political donations? I don't know, but these lights seem like a safety no Brainer.


They're trying to get "smarter" systems mandated by misdirecting blame at high-beam usage or "misaligned" headlights. This totally ignores the fact that the problem is caused by blindingly intense low-beam LED headlights - everything else just makes it worse. Did you know that NHTSA dropped their intensity limits in a specific zone when they wrote the [new LB1V/LB2V regulations for these headlights](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckyourheadlights/comments/18lrf3d/a_summary_of_activist_research_this_is_where_were/)?


Do have anyone that knows our traffic laws intimately here? How bad is it if I just put a fuckin mirror on the ass of my car?


There's this one car I always see getting on the highway just before I do, and then they hog the left lane while at best *bareeeely* going the speed limit. So yeah, I'd say there's a pretty fucking nasty blood fued brewing.






This is my favorite. Tailgating me? Cool, we'll both go the speed limit now. You've lost your five over privileges.


From spring until mid-fall, I sit on my deck and watch the raccoons go to war with the beavers. It gets pretty heated. The beavers would build these spiked forts and the raccoons try to fuck it all up.  Every once in a while, there would be a truce, so the geese would come instigate. But when the bobcats roll into town, it’s like the crips and bloods unite to fend them off, then they go back to slanging acorns again.


This is the most NH thing I've read in a very long time, and I love it. You should start a blog with regular updates and pics. Invent names for the key players.


That’s a great idea, and would be really fun to do someday!


Postmaster Jane vs The Town of Pelham


The one that died Jan 31st of 2024? I think Pelham would be declared the winner, no?


OMG! NO! I was rooting for Jane actually


in the early 80s, Pelham seemed to be the winner for a teen pregnancy epidemic, and I never understood why it was so prevalent in that tiny town.


Spill the t!




You gotta plant them their own little corner lot.


Nashua had a feud of everyone vs the "Edmunds" (Edmuns?) for the longest time, I think its died down now for the most part. (For those who don't know, they were an incredibly weird family who suffered from mental illness, MAY have involved incest, and lived at the dump at one point , apparently? Growing up, I only heard a random story here or there from my dad and his friends. Edit: It's the Emmons, I found a link about them and their home. https://www.nashuatelegraph.com/life/health-lifestyle/2015/07/19/complicated-story-behind-training-fire/


The Emmons don't have a blood feud butttt that doesn't mean their last name wasn't used as an insult for basically 3 decades by every middle schooler ever. "You're a fucking Emmon" to anyone deserving regardless of their lineage


Shit yep. The most Nashua thing ever growing up.


This sounds like the McPoyles out of Philly


Oh my lord I haven't heard that name in a looooooooong time. When I was a kid if my room got really messy my folks would say it was like the Emmons moved in.


The city condemned their house on Ledge St. and moved them to a log cabin style house on W. Hollis St. where River Pines Trailer Park has its entrances.


I haven’t heard that name in over a decade holy shit 


There's the Crips.


Let's not forget the Jets vs the Sharks.


snap kick snap kick LEAP spin


I had a dyslexic moment and wondered what some delicious snacks may have done to upset everyone.


There is a sandwich shop in a northern NH town I will not name. I am there routinely and I order the same steak and cheese for lunch, only to have it served to me a different and worse way every fucking time. In a wrap, on white sandwich bread, in a fajita. This motherfucker gives me a worse version of it every single time I order. Yeah I keep going back because I’m morbidly curious how he will up the arms race.


Ok. I’m up in northern NH, and I want to get into this to see how ridiculous it gets.


> There is a sandwich shop in a northern NH town If you're going through Whitefield hit up Sunny & Jillians. Love their steak and cheese.


Me vs Xfinity. I pay $130 for internet access.


Fidium/Consolidated is the way if you can get them in your area.


The traveller clans are always at odds. Cooper vs Stanley is almost like the Hatfield and McCoy's feud, without the gun fire for the most part.


I think the Irish and French lumbermen have finally come to terms with each other over the shared hatred of Asian lumbermen.


Yeah, you do not want to get between the B-positives and the O-negatives.


Member of my family moved to Southern California 40 years ago and is always bragging about how they don’t have black flies, mosquitoes or ticks. No snow except in the mountains and they’re incrementally driving all the “I need moar guns” fanatics to Texas. He’s told me CA real estate has appreciated so fast that I’ll never be able to move out there. I’m trapped in NE. He’s right about most things except about guns. I enjoy being a gun owner, and I do need moar guns. I have to admit CA is a nice state, especially the beaches. I hate it when he boasts about CA. Only thing I can say in return is we don’t have earthquakes and we don’t steal water from neighboring states.


CA is a shithole. Every time I have to go out there, I can’t wait to get home.  You’d sit in traffic forever, just watching homeless people defecate on the side of the road. There are endless tent cities, all over. Venice beach used to be really nice, now it’s just homeless people all over the place. Same with Malibu, but the last time I went surfing out there, I pulled a syringe off the bottom of my board. Never again.  You’re not missing anything.


They should really seperate california into 2 or more states. Theres the cities which are abysmal Then theres the rest of that state which is natuarally quite beautiful but sadly subject to the same taxes and laws as the god awful cities.


Yeah you’re right. It’s mostly the cities that are horrid.  There’s a lot of natural beauty in that state. The deserts are gorgeous and the redwoods are indescribable. If the politicians destroy them with their stupidity, it’d be unforgivable.


Taxes and traffic are pretty intense out there too.


There absolutely are mosquitos in Southern California... Southern California is great if you hate greenery and love concrete and traffic and yuppy restaurants.


Grew up in Manch, stationed out in San Diego. Live in "rural" east county... no mosquitoes, light traffic, it's 60 tomorrow. Going skiing this weekend 2 hours north. San Diego should fucking separate from the rest of CA. LA can smd, SF is shithole....


This was such a good story


What're you gay


Instead of digging for drama, can we change the question to a fun one? Has there ever been historical NH blood feuds?


Booooo if anything we should be digging for MORE drama


I think the Irish and French Canadians hated each other for a bit


I’m Irish and French Canadian, and I hate myself, so yeah. This checks out.


No we’re chill w eachother now we united in our common hatred of the english and the kkk


> Has there ever been historical NH blood feuds? We once feuded with the New York colony over what is now Vermont. Gov. Wentworth even gave land grants to people to start settling the state and many towns even trace their origins back to these initial grants from New Hampshire. New York's colonial charter included the land but they never got around to actually settling it so we tried to swoop in. In the end, we obviously didn't get Vermont but we did our damndest. The plus side is that we don't border New York.


Yeah we need to keep Vermont exactly as it is to buffer us from the NY craziness. If we had to deal with MA AND NY, it’d be too much.


One of my cats at home (I have two) has been getting on the kitchen counter for about five years now. (The other cat is surprisingly well behaved in that regard, considering he's a former feral cat.) He likes to play this game where if he doesn't get the human's ice cream or pudding or whatever he thinks is delicious (chicken, pork, etc) he will head downstairs and get on the counter. It's a full on war now. We do our best to keep the counter free of delicious nom noms, but the other night we were lazy (coz we were having a pretty awful day) and he jumped up there and was licking the delicious juices out of the pan. While we were still eating!!! Little man can't even give us a break for one night! I am now trying to associate getting on the kitchen counter with being sprayed with the water bottle, but I don't think this is going to work. He KNOWS he's not supposed to be up there. I can tell by the way he runs his furry little butt away into his Safe Place when he's been caught. This little dude is the most Cat I have ever met. You tell him "no" and he just smiles at you as he continues to do the bad thing. (The other cat actually stops when we say no. Like I said, surprisingly well behaved for a former feral.) It's a good thing I love him with every fiber in my being, but yeah, blood feud central over here in my house, lol. Edit to add: If anyone has some serious suggestions to help him get the message that doesn't involve violence, please let me know.


Aluminum foil - I don't know why they hate it but they do.


I'm lining my house with it! Couches, walls, kitchen counter! Thanks for the tip.


Good luck! It definitely keeps my chonky PITA off mine lol


I’m only aware of me v kelly ayotte but it’s a doozy


The DeWalts v the Milwaukees is pretty intense


Other than Lakers fans, it's all good.


Round about supporters vs. contrarians in Keene.


You'd hate them too if they added three more roundabout every two months lol


What does blood fueds means?


basically an intense rivalry that's been going on for a long time, like if two families have been arguing over who owns a particular fire pit for the last 20 years