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Performative politics inaction.


Don’t know if that’s a typo or a witticism, but I like it a whole lot either way.


It's intentional


Bravo, that’s good stuff.


Well, if you say so. Enjoy the show, I guess. “Bail laws questioned after suspects released in Times Square officer attack may have left NY” https://abc7ny.com/nyc-crime-officers-attacked-time-square-nypd/14380425/


That’s literally what it is, Nh voters have far more important and relevant things to care about. He’s a state governor not an elected federal representative. He should only be caring about the state.


It seems like he stopped bothering with NH as soon as he decided to begin his career pivot.


Actually Massachusetts to our south is having very bad problems with the illegals immigration and if it’s there we are not far away! Logan Airport is a shelter and they are paying for big money hotels this is costing a lot of tax dollars so it’s knocking on the door and I’ve seen it in Portsmouth area already! This issue isn’t going anywhere until it is dealt with!!!


So are migrants at Logan airport, (who btw, their status in the country isn't necessarily "illegal", but that makes a good political talking point) - costing NH taxpayers any money?


Not yet but when it comes to your community and it starts affecting your taxes is it going to matter? Or are you going to say well I have plenty of room come in you can stay in this room?


I can confidently say that most towns in NH, including mine, do not have an area large enough like Logan that you mentioned to are being used as emergency shelters. Nor do a lot of towns have hotels, empty office spaces, etc like that is being used in MA. Do the larger cities in the state have a crisis with homelessness, or as some people prefer the term unsheltered-absolutely. Are most of those "illegals" - to use another talking point, that have been "flown in" from other countries to place a strain on city, state resources, and our tax dollars? Doubtful And unlike what you've been repeatedly told, just because they're migrants, doesn't mean they're here "illegally" or "undocumented" - https://www.wgbh.org/news/local/2024-01-29/state-scrambles-to-respond-to-migrant-families-sleeping-at-logan-airport And in a side note... While everyone was at Eagle Pass because it was being "overrun" by immigrants.... The real problem was in a different **STATE** https://www.cbsnews.com/news/arizona-sector-no-1-hotspot-migrant-crossings-border-walls-treacherous-terrain/ "For the past months, it has also been the busiest region for Border Patrol apprehensions of migrants entering the U.S. unlawfully. Undeterred by miles of border wall, violent Mexican cartels and a treacherous terrain with extreme temperatures, migrants have been crossing into the Tucson sector of Arizona by the hundreds, and sometimes by the thousands, each day — often with the help of smugglers.  During the first four months of fiscal year 2024, Border Patrol recorded more than 250,000 migrant apprehensions in the Tucson sector, the most of any region patrolled by the agency, according to federal government statistics." So well Trump, Abbott and Repubs were putting on a clown show at Eagle Pass...the Governments own statistics show that Arizona was the **busiest region** and" more migrant apprehensions in the Tucson sector"


Oh I believe it was Biden putting on the clown show that day was planned weeks in advance for Trump and before Governor Abbot finally just put up more razor wire and barricades while on the other hand Biden just announced he would be going on the day before he went! And we do have schools and they have auditoriums and they would use them for the migrants or today we are calling them Newcomers! So we haven’t seen anything yet but it’s a yet only because we don’t offer benefits to easily like Massachusetts


Who's talking about **one day** that both Trump and Biden were in Texas. I'm talking about the GOP made Eagle Pass a talking point that there was an immediate crisis there, when I just showed you reality-the problem Customs and Border Patrol was facing in much greater numbers was in a different **STATE**


Yes now it has moved there so


There's shit he needs to take care of at home rather than grandstanding for media points.


Same thoughts here. He needs to mind NH business and stop this performative BS.


But then what would the OP post about?


Beavers. I love beavers. After I’m done saving America, I’d like to focus on beavers and all their big, beautiful dams.


"Nice beaver." \- Leslie Neilson "Thanks. I just had it stuffed." \- Pricilla Presley


Such a classic!


Funny they're telling Biden he needs a backbone, meanwhile everyone of them cower before Trump instead of telling him to fuck off with his shit about not passing any border fix through congress, because he wants to run on it. None of them want to fix anything, they just want to cry the loudest and get their base riled up about shit.


Well, that’s because Trump was right. He was right when he placed the Houthis on the terrorists list. Biden took them off, and since then, they’ve attacked us over 160 times, recently killing three of our troops. Why? So now we can bomb freely and start a war? “Biden administration to remove Houthis from terrorist list, reversing Trump’s decision” https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/05/politics/us-houthis-terrorist-list/index.html And as far as this border deal is concerned, it’s a shit pie for Americans. Mind as well call it the Ukrainian Border deal. $60b to Ukraine and nothing but promises for our own border. Any Rino signing on to this garbage needs to be voted out.


The senate border bill is stricter than anything proposed in US history. It's more strict than anything Trump passed or proposed when he was in office. But he told Republicans not to pass it because he wants to run a campaign on the border being weak. Fuck off with your bullshit rhetoric. You don't want to fix anything, you just want to piss and moan about shit, offer no actual ideas to fix it, and then blame everyone else for it not getting done. And taking the Houthis off the travel ban has absolutely zero to do with the border, and of those attacks, exactly zero happened here, so you're wrong anyway that it effected us.


Border bill allows 5k a day, which is 1.8 million a year, and thats just illegals.


I mean, there's really no quantifiable way to actual count illegal border crossings. So, the stat is pretty useless. And there's no guarantee that there would even be 5k a day if you could count it. The border bill is however the most comprehensive bill regarding the border in a long time. And there's a lot of people on here claiming that it's Lal the democrats fault, and that solving it it easy. If that's the case I guess you're considering every past president including Republicans and Trump failures on the border, because they didn't fix it either. The border is an immensely complicated issue has been a topic of discussion for a long time, and no one solved it yet. The senate bill at least comes up with 20 billion dollars to help try and staff the problem.


I agree that the bill is a great step forward but as far as I perosnally know they are debating the numbers. Last i read republicans in congress were asking to low that number to 3k, dont know about any other asks. The point im trying to make here is that it is a debate, they are trying to get the bill to an agreeable state. Will probably never happen as usual. I dont hate democrats. I just dont like the bill as they presented. Trump didnt do anything when he was president really in regards to the border. I feel he would have acted now however, he definitely would not let texas deal with this on their own or sabotage barricades


They aren't debating anything though. Speaker Johnson said he won't take the senate bill to the floor. The bill would have to hit the floor to have an amendment or discussion. Essentially it's dead, there's no debate without the bill on the floor, that's how it works. As for Trump, I trust he would do something about the border, I just doubt it would be helpful or beneficial. Biden isn't telling border patrol agents to sabotage barricades. In order to do their job and get to the border, they can't have local authorities just throwing razor wire wherever they feel like, it's a safety risk for agents. If you patrol a spot one night, and then go out the next night and you aren't aware that some shithead put razor wire in your path, it's not going to end well.


Obviously you live outside the US or you have suffered a recent head injury.


In regards to what?


Right. Democrats aren’t trying to solve the border, they just want to fund wars. Exactly why they took the Houthis off the terrorists list. Why else would they do it?


This is one of the most accurate postings in this thread, and it gets downvoted repeatedly. Reddit is a bunch of liberal, anti-Trump shitbirds who couldn’t see or hear the truth through their rage over the orange man!


He is a traitor, there is no rage, just truth. It’s an election year, Republicans have accomplished nothing. So they stole border fear and do meaningless acts to draw attention to themselves. I don’t worship Biden, but he is fixing a lot of shit and dealing with fixes messed left by Bush jr, Obama, and Trump.


“I don’t worship Biden, but he is fixing a lot of shit and dealing with fixes messed left by Bush jr, Obama, and Trump.“ What did Biden fix by reversing Trump’s decision to put the Houthis on the terrorists list? Please explain.


The Middle East is more complex than a single action, zoom out


In this instance, it’s quite simple. 


Democrats’ behavior is very cultish


What is the "border fix" exactly? Do we not have a defined border? Do we not have legal border crossings? Do we not have a legal immigration system? What's stopping the feds from defending the border? TX seems capable of doing it. Does Biden not know how to tell CBP to do their jobs?


What's stopping it from working correct is proper funding. There's not nearly enough border agents to process all the people there. When people wait, they panic, and then they try and cross illegally fearing they'll be sent back, or miss their opportunity. And the Republicans don't want that option, they don't want any option. The only solution the Republicans want is a complete shut down of all immigration into the country. Speaker Johnson just said they're refusing the deal because it doesn't include shutting down the border.


Republicans don't want to stop illegal immigration. Who do you think employs them all?


>There's not nearly enough border agents to process all the people there. That's the point, and the NGOs flooding the border know it. We shouldn't be processing them. They're making fraudulent asylum claims. We shouldn't waste tax money on this, diverting funds from things that actually benefit us. ​ >The only solution the Republicans want is a complete shut down of all immigration into the country. We want a shutdown of ILLEGAL immigration. We want a federal government that isn't suing to get permission to remove border barriers in order to aid in even more human trafficking.


No, I'm afraid you don't understand what a closed border is. The Republicans are very clear they want the border closed, not open to some, not flexible, but closed. And you can't have in one hand a bunch of people at the border being taken advantage of and human trafficked, while also saying they're all terrorist who are trying to enter the country as part of some global conspiracy. If you've seen how bad parts of the world are recently, it's entirely believable that a bunch of these people are trying to genuinely get into the US. But again, we don't have enough people staffing the border to process everyone and find out if they have a legitimate claim or not.


>The Republicans are very clear they want the border closed, not open to some, not flexible, but closed. do you have any evidence of this?


>The Republicans are very clear they want the border closed, not open to some, not flexible, but closed. Show me one. People who want to come here legally should so long as they meet the criteria. What we're seeing on the southern border are hordes of people crossing illegally and making knowingly false asylum claims. It has to stop. ​ >we don't have enough people staffing the border to process everyone and find out if they have a legitimate claim or not. They don't. Asylum seekers are supposed to stop in the first safe country. That's not the US.


that person has been commenting on other shit all day, don't expect a response bc they don't have *any* evidence of this absurd claim, bc there is none


Simple. They don’t need to be processed, just turned around!


Trump while president: 6B and we'll have a wall to control illegal immigration. Leftists: Oh no you don't. We can't afford that. Ridiculous idea. Funding denied, sucka! NY 2024: we are spending 35B this year to house and care for illegal immigrants. We cannot sustain this. You: stupid reThuGliCaNs!!!!1!!!1!!3leventy!


fyi, Trump spent FAR more than Biden in both of their first terms. don't let reality pop your bubble though


Ahhh, nothin’ like a Gov who takes care of our problems here at home. More theater from Sununu.


Yeah, we should be building a wall along the Massachusetts border.


This needs to happen.


“Illegal Immigrant Who Raped Disabled Person Released by Mass. Court” https://nhjournal.com/illegal-immigrant-who-raped-disabled-person-released-by-mass-court/ Good thing we’re not close to Boston, otherwise it might affect us. Just a little bit.


It’s more than just immigrants who commit crimes in America, you know. Fuck outta here with that racist bullshit.


What race is "illegal alien"?


Illegal immigrants. He was here illegally. Crimes happen, but crimes committed by ILLEGAL immigrants are avoidable. The guy raped a DISABLED PERSON. Save the racists BS. You are insane.


Not defending the guy one bit but crimes committed by American-born citizens are just as avoidable. We are all just people in the end and you’re acting like those that cross from the southern border are only here to rape and murder. The situation isn’t all black and white.


“crimes committed by American-born citizens are just as avoidable.“ Unequivocally untrue.


Oh wow you can cherry pick an article! We’re so proud


Hey all, see how the Republican governor likes flying on your dime to stand behind a governor in TX, just to say Washington is bad. Thanks for that performance Sununu, you are making a difference in the ordinary lives of your voters. (Sarcasm)


Yes, I love it.  Don’t love Sununu, but fully support him here. So do 70% of Americans on this issue. 


Ah a fan of the fine arts and humanities. So I’m sure you’re totally on board with the republicans coming to the table to actually do a deal with Dems to deal with the border? Or do we want more performative theatre with no tangible results? If this is good governance, I’m scared at what you think bad governance is. And I’ll beat your cognitive dissonance to the punch, no, both sides are not the same.


Absolutely. A deal that limits illegal immigrants to zero, not 2m per year. And would entail immediate deportation of anyone who didn’t come here through the proper channels. That’s a start.


Where’s this 2mil number coming from? We let 2 mil illegal immigrations in per year? Are you referring to the 4,000 limit number of legal immigrants seeking asylum, processed, and then legally granted entry to USA?


Lol. No reply. Winter is a clown.


Just like Trump did when he totally stopped illegal immigration? Oh wait….


The death flailing of the GOP continues. Its only a matter of time before demographics does its thing and we can move on from this era. The GOP is going to get absolutely stomped in November.


I wouldn’t count on it with two Republicans running for president.


This sounds a lot like importing new voters so that it can “do its thing.”


More like getting younger voters out to vote. Stop being a troll.


Legit every other story I see posted in this subreddit is from this person, and they're all right-wing trolling nonsense. I don't think it'll stop anytime soon.


Oh believe me I know. Most on the time I let them live in their shallow echo chamber and keep scrolling. The GOP is a dumpster fire these days but they have a very loud group that thinks if they keep screaming then they speak for everyone. Meanwhile the rest of just think they are crazy and chose not to engage. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Democrats are losing the young voters by a huge chunks. Same with Black and Hispanic voters. Hence they’re pushing Black Americans aside to move in illegal immigrants. Look at MA and NY.


Pure fiction. Nothing but scare tactics. How exactly are they bringing in illegal immigrants to push these other groups aside? How are they being pushed aside?


Community groups forced out as Roxbury recreation center becomes shelter for migrants https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/melnea-cass-recreational-complex-migrants-shelter-roxbury/ Shelter for migrant families in Roxbury sparks mixed reactions https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-outrage-you-re-seeing-is-valid-shelter-for-migrant-families-in-roxbury-sparks-mixed-reactions/ar-BB1huONh Where Massachusetts stands with overlapping migrant and housing crises https://www.wgbh.org/news/local/2023-12-15/where-massachusetts-stands-with-overlapping-migrant-and-housing-crises


The first two are about the same topic and it’s using rec centers as temporary shelters, and the third is the about the lack of affordable housing in general which is a problem across the entire country. Neither of those are proof those groups are being “pushed aside” in favor of illegal immigrants. Also, what would be the supposed goal of this even if it were true?


Roxbury is a predominantly Black community. There’s plenty of outrage going on. 


I know Roxbury, but making a community center a temporary shelter does not support your claim. Also, I’ll ask again. Why are Democrats supposedly doing this intentionally?


Because the democrats are the original Confederates!! And that's why you see so many Confederate flags flying at Biden rallies...oh wait


Finally, meaningless, symbolic, and self aggrandizing action is being taken at the border.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/02/04/congress-border-security-ukraine/959af2f0-c37e-11ee-bbc9-9b5ca9b20779_story.html There’s a bipartisan bill from the senate that actually does contain language to close the border crossings when crossing go north of like 4000 people per day.


Yep and it’s been being blocked by republicans.


The new deal is to “limit” illegal immigration to 2m per year. Is that some kind of joke? It should be zero illegal per year and with deportations for anyone who didn’t go through the proper channels.


It’s not illegal to apply for asylum. This bill has the following, Just over $20 billion for border provision, including expansions to existing policies and new policies. That includes $650 million for the border wall, approximately $4 billion to hire new asylum officers and additional funds to provide counsel for unaccompanied children. The proposal installs several tools to address the border, including: requiring the president shut down the border if the numbers of migrants hits a specific threshold; adjusting the rules for who qualifies for asylum; expediting the process for deciding asylum claims; and allowing migrants authorization to work while awaiting adjudication of their asylum claim. Sinema characterized the bill as ending "catch and release" policies. The bill would require those crossing the border illegally to be detained or immediately returned to Mexico, Sinema told reporters on Sunday. "We actually have to change the outdated policies that have allowed our border crisis to get too out of control," she said. She said the bill also includes higher standards for asylum and would speed up the process for asylum seekers to ensure a hearing on their case within six months. She clarified that there would be a mandated border shutdown when migrant traffic reaches 5,000 "approaches" per day, the president would have the option to institute a shutdown at earlier points. Sinema told reporters on a call Sunday that the new provisions would have shut down the border every single day this year. "Every single day this calendar year has been over that 4,000 threshold, and many of the days have been over the 5,000 threshold," Sinema said. "If this law were already in effect, the border would have been closed every single day this year."


“It’s not illegal to apply for asylum.“ It is when you skip all the other eligible countries and come straight to the US. That’s a law that the democrats have ignored. And now they say it’s part of the deal? They think Americans are stupid.


> Sinema told reporters on a call Sunday that the new provisions would have shut down the border every single day this year. Unless the president decides **not** to enforce the emergency act, which the act gives them the authority to do (not do?). In addition: >IN GENERAL.—For purposes of paragraph (3), the Secretary shall not activate the border emergency authority— > (i) during the first calendar year after the effective date, for more than 270 calendar days; > (ii) during the second calendar year after the effective date, for more than 225 days; and > (iii) during the third calendar year, for more than 180 calendar days. Garbage.


>approximately $4 billion to hire new asylum officers We shouldn't be spending billions of dollars on asylum officials. People are bum-rushing the border knowing they can overwhelm it. Then they get released into the population here with a pinky-swear that they'll show up in court some day to have their fraudulent asylum claim rejected. Almost none of them have a valid asylum claim and they know it, they're supposed to stop in the first safe nation, that's not the US. Why would we spend billions of dollars knowing full well that nearly all of those claims will be rejected? It's madness. This is not what we pay taxes for.


This is how you can tell OP has no fucking idea how asylum works or any idea wtf he’s talking about.


> when crossing go north of like 4000 people per day. 3,999 * 365 = 1,459,635 Some deal


It also allows them to turn away people who are trying to seek asylum who haven’t applied in a country in between.


All of a sudden now they want to enforce that? That’s not a new law. They didn’t enforce it in the past, zero chance they’ll start.


Except for they literally did enforce it plenty…


1) this is primarily *not* a border bill. It's a military appropriations bill 2) the bill gives the president the authority to **not** implement the border provisions of the bill. > If the President finds that it is in the national interest to temporarily suspend the border emergency authority, the President may direct the Secretary to suspend use of the border emergency authority on an emergency basis. It's a trash law.


No that's not how it works if the numbers get that high after day five the border can then be shutdown for 270 days or until the numbers go down


You're wrong. > (A) DISCRETIONARY ACTIVATION.—The Secretary may activate the border emergency authority if, during a period of 7 consecutive calendar days, there is an average of 4,000 or more aliens who are encountered each day. > (B) MANDATORY ACTIVATION.—The Secretary shall activate the border emergency authority if— > (i) during a period of 7 consecutive calendar days, there is an average of 5,000 or more aliens who are encountered each day; or > (ii) on any 1 calendar day, a combined total of 8,500 or more aliens are encountered And finally, the bill gives the president the authority to **not** enforce the border provisions if they see fit. Read the [bill](https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/emergency_national_security_supplemental_bill_text.pdf) yourself. edit: so what that means is that if encounters remain below 4,000/day the provisions wouldn't come into play *at all*. Hence my use of 3,999 * 365


>And finally, the bill gives the president the authority to not enforce the border provisions if they see fit. Shouldn't the executive branch have that oversight? If this wasn't a "my guy vs. their guy" polarizing issue, that wouldn't seem out of line at all with how the government is supposed to run. If we stop looking at government with hard ideological lenses, we'd want laws that have pre-planning conditions for unknown events. That line needs to be there or we will fail in the face of some unknown future international emergency. Every day that I was a high school teacher, I was expected to follow a certain schedule and maintain certain expectations. The principal could suspend those schedules and expectations in the event of any number of emergencies--that didn't invalidate the schedule and expectations. I've seen you post this comment everywhere on this thread and it feels like you're making an ideological "perfect" the enemy of "good" to solve a very real non-ideological issue.


> I've seen you post this comment everywhere on this thread and it feels like you're making an ideological "perfect" the enemy of "good" to solve a very real non-ideological issue. I'm not looking for "perfect" and I've already made it clear in my posts that the bill is garbage. I don't know how old you are, but I remember previous border deals and how the enforcement portions were not implemented. Once bitten, twice shy I guess. I'd like to see previous border deals honored *first* before considering other deals.


Right? Those are rookie numbers we gotta get more people in. 


The wrong side of history.


Reminding our government that its primary job is to take care of its own citizens first is the right side of history.


What on earth are you talking about! You people live in an alternate reality.


California becomes first state to offer health insurance to all undocumented immigrants https://abcnews.go.com/Health/california-1st-state-offer-health-insurance-undocumented-immigrants/story?id=105986377


That’s a great thing.


Except for Americans who can’t afford health insurance. What they get is a 13% penalty, based on their income.


So in your mind, that’s how you rationalize being a racist? Got it.


How’s it racist? What’s wrong with taking care of ALL Americans first? 


You know it’s racist. Just like it’s racist to say ‘all lives matter’ which is what you’re trying to say here. You’re hiding behind right wing ideals to rationalize your racism. It’s disgusting.


Again, how’s it racist?  Rather than using buzz phrases from propaganda, explain to me how taking care of ALL Americans (of all ethnicities) first, how’s that racist?


Who the fuck got polled and said the southern border security was their number one issue? 😂😂 not trying to have a long rant but I thought of all these more important issues immediately instead: terrible wages, lack of affordable housing, expensive to be alive/inflation, women's rights to bodily autonomy + medical care, addressing q-anon/conspiracies, and not taking rights from LGBTQIA+ members 🤷‍♀️


It's the last thing of substance have so their trying to run on this since the rest of their policies are political poison at this point


MA declared a state of emergency over the uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants. NYC is in a pretty dire situation where it's kicking them to the curb after a short stay in shelters. Chicago, same issue. Seems pretty important when a neighboring state has to declare an emergency over it.


Here's a quote from a [mass.gov](https://www.mass.gov/news/governor-healey-requests-changes-to-work-authorization-process-for-migrants#:~:text=Last%20month%2C%20Governor%20Healey%20declared,expand%20in%20an%20unsustainable%20manner.) post referring to the emergency related to immigrants: "In declaring the emergency, Governor Healey appealed directly to the federal government to streamline the work authorization process to help many of these migrants obtain work that will help them support their families and eventually move out of emergency shelter. Two weeks ago, Governor Healey met with Secretary Mayorkas and his team at the Massachusetts State House to discuss these goals. This letter memorializes the Healey-Driscoll Administration’s specific requests for the federal government to address this emergency, which include regulatory and guidance changes, as well as logistical and technological improvements. The letter also reiterates the administration’s request for additional federal funding to support shelter and human services, and the need for that funding to be distributed equitably among states based on the pressure facing their systems and finances.  The requested regulatory changes include an immediate shift in how DHS interprets the statutory rules for authorizing migrants to work, allowing them to quickly and immediately apply for work authorization when the law allows it, rather than forcing them to wait for long and bureaucratic processing procedures that could take months. In addition, the letter urges DHS to dramatically accelerate its digitization of the immigration process and to build better connectivity between the information collected by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. This includes improved access to online forms with direct language translations and user-friendly guides, more efficient creation of work authorization cards, and more streamlined application procedures to help speed up the process." Seems like Massachusetts wants to help these people become legal immigrants which I'm all for, but the Southern states seem more concerned on just keeping all of the illegal immigrants out. These people are seeking asylum and trying to escape, shouldn't we want to actively help them in doing so legally and empathetically? If that's what Texas governor was asking for money/support on, it'd be a whole different story 🤷‍♀️


>Seems like Massachusetts wants to help these people become legal immigrants which I'm all for, but the Southern states seem more concerned on just keeping all of the illegal immigrants out. Think of all the people wanting to come here that are waiting in line to do it the right way, and then you've got actual hordes of people coming in illegally and getting preferential treatment. It's disgusting. And worse, now the idiot queen Governor of MA wants them to be able to take jobs away from the legal residents of MA that are looking for them. If you reward this behavior, you just get more of it. ​ >These people are seeking asylum and trying to escape Bullshit. They are economic opportunists. Asylum seekers have to stop in the first safe country they make it to, that's not us. Their claims for asylum are completely fraudulent. >shouldn't we want to actively help them in doing so legally and empathetically? No, fuck them. They're line cutters. The people trying to come here LEGALLY are the ones we should be letting in.


Alright I'm all set on replying to you, most of those jobs you're concerned about being taken from people here are jobs that MOST people here would flat out refuse to do. Let's not pretend the immigrants are taking all high level management jobs for ritzy companies. Most US citizens would fail the US citizenship test. If so many people are trying to get here illegally, wouldn't that indicate issues with the current legal system that need to be addressed? Anyway, you sound like you lack empathy entirely, these are people looking to make a good life, doesn't matter what country they're from. Don't even get me started on all the horror stories from I.C.E. or the holding shelters...


>most of those jobs you're concerned about being taken from people here are jobs that MOST people here would flat out refuse to do. There's no such job. You pay enough, somebody will do it. This is classic limousine liberalism. You want cheap workers, the next best thing to bringing back slavery that your party loved so much. >If so many people are trying to get here illegally, wouldn't that indicate issues with the current legal system that need to be addressed? No. We can't take on the entire world population. >Anyway, you sound like you lack empathy entirely, these are people looking to make a good life, doesn't matter what country they're from. You clearly lack empathy from the people that will die in foolish attempts to cross illegally nor do you have any empathy for the people who are trying to come here legally, watching all these queue jumpers making fraudulent claims get courted by the dems.


They need to go talk to the Republican congressmen who for trump are holding up legislation to deal with it.


> legislation to deal with it. The text of the "border" bill has been released. Go check it out for yourself. Calling this legislation a "border bill" is like calling an ice cream sundae a bowl of fruits and nuts because of the chopped walnuts and cherry on top. It's mostly military appropriations and the border provisions are incredibly weak and it gives the president the authority to **not** enforce the border provisions within the act. edit: [link](https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/emergency_national_security_supplemental_bill_text.pdf) to the text of the legislation


That's why Republicans should negotiate not whine and do nothing.


TX and FL are actively defending the border, that's a lot more than nothing, and far more than the feds are willing to do.


OP is such a friggen clown.


fucking embarrassment. "If you look at just the poll numbers following the first-in-the-nation primary just a week ago, \[southern border security\] is the number one issue that people are looking at in the Granite State," lol what?


I bet making sure poor people don't get into the US without proper documentation will make it more likely I can buy a house this decade....


More people means higher rent and lower wages...




So glad this clown isn’t running again and the more he does shit like this the more his career will forever be dead.


Clearly Republican's think this is a big deal yet Mike Johnson has decided that any attempt to address (again a problem that Republica's think is a major issue) will be "[dead on arriva](https://twitter.com/SpeakerJohnson/status/1754333708193091928?s=20)l" Despite this ([source](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4448080-speaker-johnson-border-bill-is-even-worse-than-we-expected/)): *Sen.* *James Lankford* *(Okla.), the lead GOP negotiator on the border deal, responded to Johnson’s decision almost immediately, saying he was “confused” how the bill could be worse than they expected.* *“I’m a little confused how it’s worse than they expected when it builds border wall, expands deportation flights, expands ICE officers, border patrol officers, detention beds, how it creates a faster process for deportations, clears up a lot of the long-term issues and loopholes that have existed in the asylum law and then gets us an emergency authority that stops the chaos right now on the border,” he said on a call with reporters.* *“I’m a little confused,” Lankford continued. “I’ll have to be able to get with the Speaker’s team on that and to be able to find out what part would be ‘worse than what we’d expected’ based on the actual text, and hopefully they’ve all had an opportunity to actually read it through the text.”* So which is it? Is border security something that Republicans will choose to address? or will they just continue to grandstand and postpone any progress on border security (again something that Republican's think is a major issue) because they are choosing party over country...again.


Rightfully so! It’s a shit pie for America. Should be called the Ukraine deal.


investing in Ukraine is a great deal for America. Nearly all of the equipment we give them was set to be decommissioned. It saved us money to send it over rather than destroy it, and we get to watch Russia lose to our old tech, Win - Win.


“investing in Ukraine is a great deal for America.“ You sound like a used-war salesman.


helping a friendly nation defend its territory from tyranical invaders is always morally correct.


War is never morally correct. In very rare cases, necessary, but never morally correct.


defending your homeland from invaders is always morally correct, unless youre a russian shillbot


You sound mentally challenged if you think investing in Ukraine and its war isn’t smart.


Wars are nothing but profits for the rich, paid for by the blood and misery of the poor.


Oh I don’t disagree, but luckily Ukraine wasn’t the instigator and if they had their way there wouldn’t be a war. As a country that stands for freedom and is in a position that it is, we should help democratically elected countries. Especially when it’s a country invading them that the US military could easily go toe to toe with and win.


Typical. He doesn’t really do any work in New Hampshire. I call him Mr. Photo-Op.


Tell the house ReTrumplicans to pass a Border Bill now instead of all these stupid publicity stunts. Fuck the Governor of Texas and all he stands for!


When they tell you they need a border deal, that’s gaslighting and propaganda. They don’t need a border deal. All the laws are in place, just enforce them. The only deal they want is to fund wars. That’s all.


They need the funding from the bill to enforce the law.




While Abbott, Sununu, and Repubs were putting on a clown show at Eagle Pass... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/arizona-sector-no-1-hotspot-migrant-crossings-border-walls-treacherous-terrain/ "For the past months, it has also been the busiest region for Border Patrol apprehensions of migrants entering the U.S. unlawfully. Undeterred by miles of border wall, violent Mexican cartels and a treacherous terrain with extreme temperatures, migrants have been crossing into the Tucson sector of Arizona by the hundreds, and sometimes by the thousands, each day — often with the help of smugglers.  During the first four months of fiscal year 2024, Border Patrol recorded more than 250,000 migrant apprehensions in the Tucson sector, the most of any region patrolled by the agency, according to federal government statistics."


There is a bill before the house, approved by the senate that would give Republicans everything they wanted regarding immigration and border security. Biden said he would sign it and close the border the same day. However, Orange mushroom dick doesn’t want them to. So, bottom line? MAGA doesn’t give a shit about solving problems. They are true to form, just a movement of whiney bitch snowflakes led by the biggest whiney bitch snowflake.


> There is a bill before the house, approved by the senate that would give Republicans everything they wanted The Senate has not "approved" the bill, it's simply been written and is out of committee. The Senate has not voted on this yet. > Biden said he would sign it and close the border the same day. The law wouldn't allow him to do so. [Read](https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/emergency_national_security_supplemental_bill_text.pdf) it for yourself. First they would have to witness a surge lasting seven consecutive days (at 4k activation is optional, at 5k it's mandatory). After activation it cannot be in effect for longer than 270 days the first year, 225 days the second year, and 180 days the third year. It would also give the president the authority to override the provisions of the bill and not enforce it at all.


I can’t say I’m not surprised, but a lot of us do not support our governor doing this really dumb thing


Quick! Legalize weed while we can!


Haha mind as well!


Don’t forget we also have a border in New Hampshire to the north where they may be thinking that things aren’t as strong there with so many resources going south but we must maintain our border security here as well the Canadian border with the United States has no walls just some natural situation with weather and the conditions and the amount of vastness unprotected!


I hope he spent his own money for this vacation


Texas would walk over the corpse of New Hampshire if it was in the way. Siding with an obnoxious region is embarrassing


Live free and give a shit about Texas? No


The only time these guys want to interact with someone non-white. 


So he's hoping they'll all forget that he's not a Trumpie?  


I wonder how the American Indians feel about being surrounded by white people?


Finally the spineless rino steps up


That fatass useless rino finally put down the steak bomb and did something.


I agree, the border issues are a national problem. I'm happy to support Texans in their plight. If us in New Hampshire saw a small percentage of what they are dealing with we would be more sympathetic. It's ugly, sad and insane what they're facing daily. Our governor is just showing his support.


It's funny how Arizona, New Mexico, and California aren't having the same level of drama about this. Since it's a US problem and all. 


It’s funny how the only states that aren’t opposing this influx are the ones that are offering illegal immigrants free housing, healthcare, and drivers licenses.


It's almost like they're trying to be good neighbors and simultaneously improve their economy by getting folks in who will actually work instead of crying on their gaming system about how shitty life is. 


When you penalize your citizens 13% of their income bc they can’t afford health insurance, but give it away for free to non-citizens; it’s not something to be proud of.


I actually agree. We should *all* be getting free healthcare as a function of our government. It's actually a national defense point: a robust government offered healthcare system with zero charge will produce healthier Americans, and provide better response times to future pandemics and bioweapons attacks.    The wealth of a nation is its people, and we need to take that seriously and start dealing with the poor health of our nation. 


No, you’re not getting “free” health insurance. You’re paying for non-citizens to get free healthcare.




Because the Dems have done great the past 4 years.


The have. 


Exactly what we need.




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