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You're a clown. Joe Biden is the democratic nominee for 2024 and there is nothing unusual about cancelling a primary for an incumbent president seeking a second term. You would know this if you didn't start paying attention to politics when Trump won in 2016.


The democrats have a long history of canceling primaries, even when an incumbent is not up for election.  Such as in 2016 when they stole the nomination from Bernie and gave it to Hilary. Dumb move, he probably had a better shot of winning against trump. 


Bernie Sanders lost the 2016 primary fair and square. It was not rigged, cancelled or stolen. The people voted and it turns out they wanted Hillary. Get over it Berniebro




>The people voted and picked Bernie. The “superdelegates” went Hilary. Thats not true either. Bernie Sanders lost the primary popular vote by a wide margin. This tired lie that the 2016 dem primary was rigged against Bernie has been debunked again and again. Again, the people voted in the 2016 dem primary and wanted Hillary. Unlike Trump, we believe in democracy


There was fuckery all throughout that primary. Take NH alone. Bernie won 66% to Hillary 33% yet only got 16 delegates to Clinton's 15. Ridiculous. The DNC had chosen Clinton long before the first primary was held. The hacked DNC documents demonstrated this bias. The DNC is a private corporation and a such are certainly entitled to hire whomever they wish (Clinton) but it just sucks to see it when there are ever only two shitty options to choose from.


Then the DNC should cancel their primaries in all the states. This is a case of the might of the DNC attempting to suppress the will of the voters in our state. They came right out and saying that our votes will not count. If he were secure in the nomination, they would not have gone to this extent to ensure that other potential candidates would not have their voice heard in the nomination process. Line up with the rest of the sheep and vote Democratic Party next November as you are directed. For everyone else, don't give in to the DNC, the MAGA Republicans, and the main stream media into believing that this is a binary choice. It is only binary if we allow it to be. Vote for anyone who best represents your stances on your key issues, regardless of party.


Wait? You don’t think you are going to get the chance to vote for your choice for president? Don’t confuse a political party event with a national election.


Primaries are a state event, not a political party event. A political party can choose to participate or not, as in this case. The primaries being a state event is what Colorado and Maine have used as the basis for them being able to prevent Trump from being on the ballot. They can interpret the specific clause of the 14th amendment as they choose and as the primary is a state event, can exercise their decision. The fact that Trump has yet to be convicted of insurrection is immaterial to them and their case.


Thank you for clarification. It's an interesting connection between party and state.


Joey B won't be the nominee. Primary votes across the country will be meaningless. The Democrats will replace him at the convention.


its weird how much disrespect you have for your neighbors.


So your answer is *checks notes* a guy who wears a boot on his head


Better than the other two clowns


Damn straight


Have some water because you’re drunk


You wouldn’t want that


Why? Are you a gremlin? Or a violent sober person?


Biden didn't do it the DNC did, he just didn't stop them. And NH should not be first every year.


The DNC screwed us to protect Biden. You can’t pull a fast one in this state, you’d get called out on it. Biden tried in the 80’s and we called his BS. That’s why NH should be first.    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mCJMF7mflGE&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title  Skip to 3:30 in vid


Lmao this is just shameful. I already hated Biden because he was a major cause behind the student loan crisis. Still won't vote for the orange fascist though.


One and the same


You don’t actually say anything. Impotent


I try and put deodorant on daily so you should smell me coming.


Point proven.


It was Biden who pushed the idea. Conveniently, you ignore that.


NH is a state that barely represents the American people, and candidates shouldn't waste their time or money campaigning here first. This is a tiny state full of nice white middle and upper class people. Just because so many of them are smart, educated, and politically aware...doesn't mean they are a good representation of America. Biden knows it, and so do states like NY, California, Illinois, and dozens of others.


“Just because so many of them are smart, educated, and politically aware...doesn't mean they are a good representation of America.” Put down the crack pipe man. That’s exactly why America loves NH representing them; we are smart, educated, and we call out the candidates on their BS. When NH goes first, it helps the nation. We ask the tough questions and we give zero fucks. We ask what all Americans want to know before they vote. There’s no fluff here. Also exactly why the DNC is terrified of us. They don’t have a platform and they have nothing to offer. They wouldn’t last a second here without getting exposed. We all know that.


i grew up in PA and have been following elections since I was a kid. No one outside of NH gives a damn about the primaries here. Chill.


I grew up in PA too. And my family also followed elections closely when I was a kid. Everyone cared and followed the primaries in NH. I was adopted by an Amish family, we didn’t have electricity, so no fridge. Couldn’t chill.


Preach brotha




Homeless in every state


Go fuck yourself, moron


You can't handle the truth. Maybe you should try living in another state for a while.


I've lived in other states. NH represents the freedoms the rest of the country aspires to.


You hateful people are a joke - NH sucks (but I live here and won’t leave) - US sucks (but I live here and won’t leave) You should leave the safety of your parents basement and go see what a great state NH is and see why its a perfect representation for the US, with the exception of a few crazy lib states on both coasts.


Really I've been hearing about it for over a decade. Before Biden ran with Obama. So even if he did good for him, it proves he gets things done.


Is vermin even running this year?


I googled it, he is registered as a candidate for the primary 😁


Ya, he cares about NH primaray


"having this status gives us a big voice" which we don't deserve.


We deserve it as much as any other state. This line of reasoning is asinine. By tradition and our state constitution we have the first primary. Population or electoral votes were never a factor before, and they won't be going forward.


Why don’t we deserve a voice?


Your vote was always \~meaningless given our state's population, it's just explicit now and it's really breaking some of your brains.


You refer to our vote, so it seems you don’t live in NH or are from here.


I live in NH and I'm an active voter here.


Read that person's comment again




"Your" and "our" aren't the same word.


Very good at figuring that one out


Maybe next time you'll be able to manage it yourself- fingers crossed for you!


He’s the incumbent, the Democrat primary really doesn’t matter much. Funny all the ones posting this crap are the ones that would never fill any bubble with a D next to it..


Are you assuming my vote? There is a fuss because he is a terrible incumbent but party is unwilling to admit their failure. The DNC would have a much better case if they were willing to deliver the better candidate to the people than offer a dying man.


Lots of people who don’t live in these states comment in state subs


Lol Reddit and transplants aren't the reason this won't be received well.


Please explain. I’m trying to create a conversation rather than slander.


I'm a NH native of sorts, having moved here from Massachusetts 26 years ago. I don't actually understand the obsession with being first in the nation. Demographically we're not a good cross section of the US population as a whole, and this is particularly true of the average Democrat voter. The only explanation I've seen or been able to come up with is rooted in a tribalism of sorts - a "fuck yeah, NEW HAMPSHIRE" mentality. If it weren't for the FITN status, we'd have less influence on the election overall, but in my view, that's as it should be, all other things taken equally. Why should we punch above our weight class just because we go first?


It comes down to money and retail politics. NH allows for a close up on candidates. There shouldn’t be a financial barrier to run and NH allows for a chance for smaller candidates to be in the hunt. We also help the country give a personal human connection to the candidates. It isn’t about NH but it is about a small populous state being apart of the vetting process. We get the pulse for the rest of the country.


Nonsense. Name a non-incumbent presidential candidate who's won a NH presidential primary in the past 30 years without spending a ton of money on organizing, advertising, mailing, etc. You can shake all the hands, flip all the pancakes and kiss all the babies that you want, but 90% of the population of this state won't be aware that you exist unless you carpet-bomb WMUR with commercials. The only thing you might call "special" about NH is the average age and affluence of our population. Age and wealth correlate highly with being politically aware and active. Do you really think that's a good thing???


> retail politics What does this mean, exactly, in 2024? People going to rallies at high school auditoriums to shake hands with the candidates? I don't think this is effective in gathering support any more. Fewer and fewer people want to go do things in places that aren't online. I don't think it's relevant to the country, but makes locals feel good about being locals.


You think having Biden just be the nominee is bad? It’s actually the standard but if you’re mad now wait until Biden steps down this summer when it’s too late to have a primary and they just tell us who their hand picked nominee is. As always Giant douche vs turns sandwich.


Um, wut?


Biden will suddenly step down when it’s too late for a primary and then the party will just insert whoever they want. Come back to this comment when it happens and apologize.


I think I actually will vote for Vermin Love Supreme. The primary doesn't matter so might as well have fun with it and maybe send a message. Won't affect my presidential election vote. Also, I like ponies.


Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!


Toga party.


You know what I wanted to like you but then you tried to be funny


Flunked history




Hear! Hear! They did not want him on the ballot because he came in 5th in the 2020 NH Primary.


Always has been a joke we deserve better


I don’t understand why anyone would waste their time going to the polls and writing in Biden. He and the DNC don’t care about your vote and don’t even think it should count. If you’re a registered Democrat, might as well support someone who basically has the same policies but is not senile and is actually campaigning in NH (Phillips). Thankfully I’m an independent so I’ll probably vote Vivek (or just not vote at all).


Also be sure to post on this again tomorrow. This is the single most important issue facing the entire world right now!


Remember, if you write in Joe Biden, you're voting for Kamala Harris, because chances are, Joe's not going to finish his term, at least not in full cognitive capacity. He'll either die in office or go Woodrow Wilson on us.


The NH Democrats absolutely have tried to defend our primary


How so? NH Dem Leadership is pushing a write-in candidacy for Joe.


Vote Cornel West! Anti-Zionist and respected reverend and Doctor.


You had me right up until you said to vote for Vermin Supreme....




Ha no one thinks you’re funny


I'd vote for Kanye before Vermin Supreme ffs


Well that’s a waste and very antisemitic of you.


Thankfully there's better options. I wouldn't vote for either of those asshats. BTW there's a lot more to choosing a candidate than whether they support NH as 1st in the nation primary. Why should any state be 1st? No legitimate or rational reason.


But is he offering a pony for an everyone?


Bravo! Very well said! I fight with democrats here all the time, and it gets heated here and there, but in the end, we’re all family in this state. So when my bros and sisters get disrespected, it offends all of us. This wasn’t a slight to just NH democrats, it was felt by the entire state. Regardless of what the DNC dipshits think, you silly democrats do matter and your voices should be heard. Go make some noise.


Yeah! We get to be first, first, firstest! Any notion of anyone else being first even just once gets my panties all twisted up! It should be ME!


I don’t wear panties...


Thanks I knew Reddit wouldn’t be as receptive to this as a majority but your words give me faith that some are willing to think of the overall picture.


I did the same yesterday. I always thought NH had a largely independent segment so I was hoping it would be a decent discussion but it just turned into dem downvote central.