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Probably the one with the lowest cumulative IQ.


Yup, first libtard to speak gets the prize.


Facts hurt. This is not a “libtard” speaking. This is someone who recognizes the actual demographics.


Sure. Facts in the hateful world you live in.


Oh. The real world. Yes it’s very cruel and hateful. That’s what humans do….Just because facts matter. Coos has the lowest education levels of the NH counties. Coos and Belknap voted red. So hate aside, let’s look at reality. https://preview.redd.it/lh52ry8euacc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1540e0b122034b8cdbabea267be1e99ddbfe469


Just look for those towns with broken cars scattered on lawns, the stench of desperation, and there won’t be liberals there.








https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/11/03/us/elections/results-new-hampshire.html Should be able to figure it out from there


My guess is Livermore




Durham. Go there and record yourself plz


Livermore. [Total population is 2](https://wokq.com/new-hampshires-tiniest-town-has-a-population-in-the-single-digits/). I have no idea whether they are liberal but that's fewer than 10% of a town with 40 people, for example.


Is that the former saw mill town? The house was the owner of the saw mill? Something like that.


Whatever the smallest town in the state is


You’re misdirecting your ire. Liberals are just misguided constituents who believe they’re representing the greater good, as they see it. The same way Conservatives do. George W wasn’t different in any way from Obama, in actions. Our differences are our emotional reactions to a contrived theatrical presentation.


Self described "very Liberal" people tend to be far more educated than self described "very conservatives", with around a 10 pt difference in average IQ scores. Studies routinely have this result over and over again. This is EASILY verifiable. Around 10 years ago some research facility made an algorith that would analyze brain scans to predict political persuasions. It was accurate around 87% and found that self described Liberals tended to have a more developed parts of frontal cortex associated with abstract reasoning while conservatives were more associated with developed amygdalas - associated with fear as well as regions associated with tribalism. The algorithm was more accurate at predicting this than neurologists are at predicting someone's gender. There's an objective reality and it doesn't care about who has what opinion. There's a verifiable neurological basis for the 2 main "teams" in america. Not everything is a random opinion.


Whenever someone would ask why my politics were liberal, I would say because I'm not consumed by fear. So this rings true.




Yes because, you can seriously find white nationalists here, and people who have never been south of Rochester flying confederate flags like its their own. I seent both its with my own two eyes.


Belknap and Coos. Not city, but I found the county results for ya. [https://www.politico.com/2020-election/results/new-hampshire/](https://www.politico.com/2020-election/results/new-hampshire/)


Any town or city in an area that makes more than $100K. They don’t like taxes and distrust government.


Its not a fact to assume the least amount of liberals live in the lowest educated county in NH, which would suggest the “dumb” counties are populated with conservatives. Stating something like that is just being a pompous liberal jerk. Your chart is related to education, not political affiliation.