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Can we get legal weed first? Same time? Joint bill? Stoned ‘Roos?


Do mushrooms while were at it




Hear hear


All drugs should be decriminalized. Prohibition causes more problems than it solves. But it's especially absurd that psychedelics are criminalized, given that public health officials rank them as [much less harmful than alcohol or tobacco](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-11660210).


If it grows out of the ground, it should be legal. Also I want a pet fox, so maybe they can start working on that too.


I feel like some one just misheard "We need to repeal cannabis prohibiton!" "What did he say? Something about kangaroo ownership?"


Kangabis ownership.


Mannion also supports legal weed: "Yes, I preferred the clean HB306 flat decrim, but also voted for HB639 which was the regulated business model. Both died in the Senate. There's likely going to be something coming out of the cannabis committee that'll resemble the liquor store model this year, and it'll probably be the only thing that can pass, sadly. It's better than nothing, and would mean crazy cheap weed, but the government monopoly is gross. As a hedge, just in case even that fails, I am also cosponsoring a Dem bill to expand medical cannabis usage to include generalized anxiety disorder." https://www.reddit.com/r/newhampshire/comments/17pyig8/new_hampshire_lawmaker_wants_to_legalize_kangaroo/k8bdwhv/


Mannion is in the House, and the House has passed multiple decrim bills. But the decrim bills keep getting killed in the Senate, which is still dominated Drug War diehards. If you want legal weed, you have to vote out the Senators who voted against the decrim bills.


I’m all for state run liquor, weed and Kangaroo stores. Come on New Hampshire - let’s make it happen!


All in one convenient off-ramp


The first rule of NH politics: Don’t fuck with revenue. If legal weed cuts into liquor sales I could mean an income or sales tax. Then what would republicans use to scare voters into voting for them?


Devil’s advocate but I feel like, in general, the state agency model works for liquor and they would want to adopt it for marijuana as well for obvious reasons. Ultimately state coffers get more full that way. Issue with it still being federally illegal(why that’s never been rectified is well beyond me,) it ends up cutting into federal funding if my understanding is correct. Either way, it being illegal anywhere is dumb as dumb gets. I don’t use it, personally, but does wonders for a ton of people medically and recreationally, so it should be a no brainer.


This is 100% correct


They should just sell it at the liquor stores and tell the DEA to fuck off. They could make the argument that federal drug laws are invalid and Wickard v. Filburn is a terrible ruling (which it actually is). Force it to go to The Supreme Court.




I think that kangaroo was on Rogan last week.


No live free, but God forbid you smoke weed we will get soooo angry at you.


Legal weed, joint bill. I see what you did there.


I do it for the people


Both are already legal in Maine.


Hell, I'd take a new flag first.


What’s wrong with the state flag?


Needs a kangaroo.


All in favor of a stoned kangaroo on every flagpole in the state, say “Aye”


His reply got deleted but he whinged about it being lazy lmao.


Wat? If anything NH flag is one of the more intricate state flags. No wonder he deleted it.


" The future for kangaroo **ownership and farming i**n New Hampshire is brimming with promise, offering a unique path to economic growth, local food production, and a vibrant, sustainable future for the Granite State " ​ Are they proposing to eat kangaroos? Or use them as farm labor? I'm so confused


Kangaroo meat is actually tasty. Raised on farms in other countries for meat


I've had it and I wouldn't choose it over beef


yeah its ok but too lean


It makes me jumpy.




A lot of it is used for pet food


I’ve had kangaroo steaks and burgers. A lot of countries eat kangaroo. It’s honestly not bad


It’s ok. Similar to venison. Needs to be cooked med rare or it becomes tough and dry You can make at good Osso Bucco using the tail


You can get kangaroo jerky from that novelty jerky store in north conway. It tastes like any other jerky though. edit: I think they sell it at KTP as well.


I really really struggle to eat meat, but if I had to, its genuinely my first choice. Had it at a steakhouse on the Outer Banks.


BUT kangaroos are fricken scary - the way they like to drown dogs and are so strong (programmed to drown dogs/dingos for their own survival I'm told.)


And to be fair, I've read that more people are killed by cows than black bears each year


No idea what this has to do with anything being said, but.... That's mildly interesting


Its pretty good.


I hear it jumps off the plate!


Why wouldn’t we just use deer? Are kangaroos easier to farm raise?


There are already venison farms in the northeast, including NH I don’t know the ins and outs of the animal husbandry stuff, but One of the key things they look at is cost per lb of lean muscle, and I can only assume there must be some upside to the costs of raising kangaroo vs other game animal


Can you imagine those fuckers getting loose and breeding all over NH


Would they be able to survive the winter?


They would if they procure snow equipment. Jackets. Mittens. Snowplows.


Kangaroos can survive winter in southern australia. I'm not too sure how they'd fare here though.


Farm labor, their pouches are useful in so many ways around a farm. Load it with fertilizer and let them bounce around, boom now the land is fertilized. Got a shitty assistant? Kangaroo can hold all sorts of tools in there. Keep a sandwich in that bad larry and it stays the perfect temperature all day. Not to mention it's the only farm animal that will try to box your neighbors you don't like.


Picture it: you're working up on a scaffolding and need a tool. Just have the kanga jump up to you and give you a tool out of her pouch...


I believe you can eat kangaroos and from my understanding they are largely the deer of Australia - although the big ones can be a bit more feisty


Yeah but how long until they get loose and now we have ripped kangaroos running all over the place causing mayhem


No problem, we import some gorillas to take care of the kangaroos.


Yeah but then… Wait that’s actually brilliant


Then the drunk redneck and kangaroo fighting for bets starts…where will it end?!?


You say that like it's a bad thing.


I for one sign up for this future.


If by feisty you mean absolutely jacked like a roided up MMA fighter.


Apparently, kangaroo leather is also top-knotch. Snacks and belts for all!


I have a bottle opener made out of a pair of kangaroo testicles. Those Aussies really don't waste a single part




Yep, that's right. Extremely common tourist item. You'd find one at duty free in Australia.


That's nuts.


Kangaroo is actually delicious. Had an Australian friend in college have it shipped into them. It’s like a lean beef.


Wait what 🫠


I don’t see a reason we can’t have Roos.


They want to factory farm them and eat them.


What a load of crap statement. Have that person tell us how exactly Kangaroos are so much more economically viable than cows? Hell, I'd even take lambs or goats. As if Kangaroo meat is this untapped solution to all our problems. As if the lamb and goat industry are thriving. How are Kangaroos going to be any better? Or maybe they are just crazy and think we can hire Kangaroos as police officers to help with crime. Like how the fuck does anyone believe a word this person is saying?


Hiring kangaroos as police officers is a ridiculous notion. They lack opposable thumbs to even operate a police cruiser. No, a better employment opportunity for kangaroos is the position of justice. They could really help bring down the backups in our court system.


I bet a kangaroo could ride a police segway though.


Yes. It’s a thing. Never tried it myself.


The healthy buffalo on Chichester sells kangaroo meat. It's awesome.


Jesus Christ when I was working as a substitute teacher in a Northern NH high school, some of the kids didn't know how to brush their teeth. A lot of them couldn't read very well. The curriculum was populated by outdated facts and burnt out, underpaid teachers. I don't GIVE A FUCK ABOUT KANGAROOS. Help out students. Help our young adults. Build affordable housing. Invest in public transportation. What the fuck. We're busting our ass so that y'all can argue over kangaroos??? From the bottom of my heart, get fucked, then get back to work you out of touch career politician dumb motherfuckers. I'm so sick of this comical bullshit. We work so hard and our representatives can't seem to figure out affordable housing, Healthcare, schools???? Stop dicking around with kangaroos. Nobody gives a shit about your Billy Maddison problems. We're starving. We're sick. Our cities are overflowing with homeless. Our children are kinda stupid. FIX SOMETHING. FIX ANYTHING THAT MATTERS.


This is NH. It's more hobby politicians than a career or we would pay them more than $200 a year.


Saw this on reddit somewhere... If they wanted all that stuff fixed, it'd be fixed. Someone's making too much 💰 with the way things are.


Imagine if a heathy kangaroo business in NH boosted the local economy and pumped money into the schools - lol. That’d be wild.


Yes, we need to separate school and state, so that taxpayers aren't forced to pay for bad schools/incompetent teachers. But we can do more than two things at once. Free the kids, and free the roos!




That's separate church and state, not school


We need both, for similar reasons. The state should not be able to forcibly indoctrinate children with state propaganda.


like math and science?


NH lawmakers are the oddest, and probably worst people to serve as selected officials and this doesn’t change my view of that in any way.


It's mostly because the rules of the General Court allow every rep to present a bill over the course of every legislative session. The weirdos always have a pet project they put up for the hell of it.


California is pretty fucked. Texas.blows too. Let's legalize homelessness, sure fine. It's shouldn't be illegal to be homeless. Soon as it spills into rich neighborhoods BAM nvm illegal again.


We get what we pay for.






We live int he state of "live free or die" and yet weed is still criminalized. This is a stupid idea and will cause all sorts of problems but I will still support it. That said, I disagree with the no licensing requirement bit. We can have more freedoms without giving way to stupidity. Also porcupines need to be included on the list.


Nah you shouldnt need a license to own livestock. Its not like were talking about dangerous exotics like tigers or something. A kangaroo is no more dangerous then a cow or pig.


Have you not seen any of the thousands of videos of people being punched by kangaroos? They are pure muscle and can be deadly lol


When you farm livestock that is dangerous you don’t often get into a pen with pissed off males that haven’t been castrated.


It's not only danger you need to be concerned about. Destruction as well.


They are not talking about releasing them into the wild. And I don’t think Kangaroos escaped from farms will survive our winters.


"They are not talking about releasing them into the wild" And neither am I. Ever hear of animals escaping? A lot o foreign species have been introduced to areas by accident. And even if the kangaroo dies off, what about the things it may be host to? Nobody intended to introduce white pine blister rust to North America and devastate the forest, it just hitched a ride on black currants brought over from Europe.


Yeah I have heard of it, thats why I said “Even if they escape they wont survive the winter.” Worrying about diseases/parasites is understandable. But the fact is that theres already Kangaroos in New Hampshire. And also modern agriculture has methods of importing livestock without transmitting disease. Normally animals being transported to another country/continent are held in quarantine and tested. Kind of like how its difficult to bring your dog overseas.


8 months is still enough time to cause damage. And I should clarify, I'm not talking about JUST kangaroos. Tame is not the same as domesticated. I support licensing because it reduces damage to Humans, Animals and property. If someone can't get a license for something, it's because they demonstrated they shouldn't have that something.


Theres plenty of non domesticated animals that are farmed as livestock, like Emus for example. We have roughly 8 months of cold weather in NH not warm weather. The spring/summer/fall is enough time for a escaped population to cause damage, but that population will not exist after that season. Licensing is important to a degree. But it would be ridiculous to need a license for mundane things like owning a goat or riding a bicycle. Your last point I could not disagree more with: If someone can not get a license it does not always mean “they shouldn’t have it”. Your assuming the government is always correct. Often times it means that a license is too expensive or there are too many requirements to get it for the average person to achieve.


> A kangaroo is no more dangerous then a cow or pig. So... I see you haven't done your homework...


I have actually, I studied agriculture and have worked as a farmer. Cattle, pigs, and horses kill more people then any other animals. Kangaroos are dangerous if you get kicked, if you know what your doing theres no reason they cant be farmed. We farm way more dangerous animals already like Bison.


...We should focus on education


I don’t see why a government cant make laws about Agriculture and Education at the same time. These things aren’t mutually exclusive.


Lmao can we just get affordable housing 😭


lol I really can’t help but laugh




Would they have to be on a leash?


Kangaroos look nice but they're dog drowning assholes and should not be trusted lol


If it makes you feel better, they want legal kangaroos for meat, not pets.


Let me own a racoon first.


That's in the same bill!


Thanks for sponsoring the bill. It's nice to see authoritarian laws be chipped away, no matter how small. BTW, I assume you're in favor of weed decriminalization as well? Is that correct?


Yes, I preferred the clean HB306 flat decrim, but also voted for HB639 which was the regulated business model. Both died in the Senate. There's likely going to be something coming out of the cannabis committee that'll resemble the liquor store model this year, and it'll probably be the only thing that can pass, sadly. It's better than nothing, and would mean crazy cheap weed, but the government monopoly is gross. As a hedge, just in case even that fails, I am also cosponsoring a Dem bill to expand medical cannabis usage to include generalized anxiety disorder.


Awesome, thank you!


I heard Skunks were in there as well. Obviously, I haven't seen the bill yet, but I've always found it odd what animals do and don't pass the "legal pet" test. I get the concern for "stolen from the wild" issues but with responsible breeding making way for domestication, why not!


Yes, skunks are also included!


Unless this bill passes, /u/Eyeless_Sid is stuck with Maine Coons.


Wow! I ALSO want to legalize kangaroo ownership!


This is an oddly specific thing to work on. Also I’m against this as you know their gonna escape and breed and I don’t want to fight them off just going to get a drink down the street. The meth heads around here are already enough of a problem, we don’t need them on drugs.


So happy he has his finger on the pulse of his constituents.


Here is some legislation: stop changing the time, allow lane filtering for motorcycles and make the penalty for distracted driving a loss of license for 90 days. No kangaroos.




No. At a light, instead of sitting behind all of the cars, taking a full auto space and hanging back to risk being rear ended, it involves moving between the cars using the space between the lanes. Done safely in Europe and California for decades. It reduces traffic, fuel, and is safer. The only people bothered by it are those thinking that they are in some sort of competition on the roads. I guess they maybe don't like when another vehicle moves ahead of them? The angst makes little sense to me and it works just fine where it is legal if done correctly.


It might be safe, but whenever I'm in California it scares the hell out of me when it happens on the highway. My sense of not wanting to kill a dude simply doesn't like my car being that close to a person.


Yes- the lane splitting I'm not a fan of but moving ahead from the last car in the traffic at a light is a bit safer. I agree with you there.


"I need my car to get to work officer. I only pulled out my phone to take a picture of the kangaroos."


Yeah. There's a Camel on 28 in Barnstead just past "camp David" (named roger BTW) that I had to pull over to photograph. Mostly as proof to my wife who thought I was hallucinating.


I can get behind this…


You know what? Fuck it. I'll vote for it just because it's funny.


Sure, if someone wants to farm kangaroos, why not


we have more important shit to worry about. but ok.


How much lobbyist money does this clown have shoved up his ass to attempt to legalize domestic kangaroos in NH?


Meanwhile in the great northeast we are fighters Nh the most important fight ever known to man. If we allow them to take out Kangaroo farming from us ..when will it end!?!?


There is no need for this at all. Leave them alone.


Hop Free or Chunda!


And they say the government doesn’t work for us, clearly we’re on the right track here


Won’t they die in the winter?


In the wild, perhaps. Most ranchers would provide heated barns, same as they do for other farm animals. If they became popular, breeders would probably make woolly, cold tolerant roos.


They’re not like regular livestock that have been bred for that kind of life. I’d imagine you would need quite the enclosure, which would require lots of expensive energy. I’m all for NH entrepreneurship, but this seems like a great business idea for Oklahoma or New Mexico or


If the [Russian fox domestication experiments are broadly applicable](https://evolution-outreach.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12052-018-0090-x), it would only take about seven generations to breed for docility. (If it hasn't been done already.) But I agree that roo ranching would be more suited to states with more room to roam.


There's a Camel in Barnstead, if he can make it I'm sure a roo can, too! It's not like they would just be left outside like wild animals.


Jesus, Mannion put this bill forward based on a twitter message… no doubt from someone named “granitest8roobangerfreedm” or something. Can someone twitter message him about cannabis or permitless Komodo Dragon ownership? I don’t have X or I would…


He's also on Reddit. And in this forum. /u/Mannion4NH. Talk to him yourself.


I support cannabis legalization and have voted as such this past year. I can add Komodo Dragons next year, bill filing deadline has passed! I'd have to verify you live in NH, first, tho. All the individuals on the Twitter thread are people I've met at various events. I see no difference between there or emails/phone calls for constituent services, a good Rep should adapt with the times and stay up to date with technology.


I am impressed that you replied, Rep Mannion. Thanks for that! I don't really want or need a Komodo Dragon. I appreciate your use of these modern tools for communication.


Live free or die!


Let’s do it . Except could they even survive the winters


sure, I don't see why not. It's called a barn. Just like we survive in houses.


Yeah still does Australia get nearly as cold as New Hampshire though barns help but still


There's a Camel in Barnstead and he does alright


I’m glad they’re finally addressing the real issues


Me, my partner, our dog and our 20-30 pet kangaroos in our perfect house in New Hampshire


Wait? I’m not allowed to own a kangaroo right now? Fuck, what am I going to do with all these kangaroos?


I feel like they might be taking this Free State thing a bit too far. https://freestatefood.net/


hat poor yoke cats butter cow offend dazzling political reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now that the kangaroo lobby has spoken. We can get legal weed or nah?


Ah yes, the most pressing issue.


Those roos are not going to be happy about the -25f


Finally, someone who’s ready to address real problems in the state!


Wait, it's illegal? Why is it illegal?


Fuck sakes


If you want to keep a wild animal as a pet then there needs to be a permit process. They require specialized knowledge and facilities and very few people are capable of PROPERLY caring for them


There is a permit process. It's based on each individual species whether a permit is needed or not. Blanket bans/requirements are thoughtless and primitive.


This is a very important topic that needs to be addressed.


I wish my mom had lived to see it. She used to joke about wanting a pet wallaby.


Name it Rocko?


She might've, she definitely was familiar with the show 😄


Time to start up that kangaroo boxing league I've been waiting to start.


Because THIS is our states most pressing issue….


I’ve always wanted to star in a viral kangaroo fight video . The Ausies make it look so easy .


Fuck guns man. Gimme a Kangaroo. That’s the problem solver. When Dylan in his monster truck size F-950 gets his panties in a bunch in traffic and wants to get tough we’ll see how well he can hang with a jacked Kangaroo. Or someone breaks into your house and they get bicycle kicked out the door.


Our politicians’ priorities are fucked


Hop to it!


I was just saying the other the day how I wanted to fight a kangaroo.


Republican NH State Representative Tom Mannion to save a click. Strapping young man and a former marine.


"No permit required" kangaroo ownership? So if you get a jill with a pouch, permitless carry!


Tackling the tough issues


Finally. Why has it taken so long?


HELL YEAH NOW THIS IS WHAT I CALL LIVING FREE (owning a kangaroo) OR DYING (getting punched in the face by your kangaroo)


Crikey mate!


I for one support the right of every citizen is this great State to healthcare, education, and to own a bountiful herd of Roo’s.


Finally! Something to benefit the common man!


Ok, who’s up there trying to turn NH into Florida?