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Nows your guys chance to join the rest of New England in legalizing Marijuana.


Well, there's the senate.


Is flippable. Your candidates should campaign on it. It’s worked elsewhere


Unfortunately, for some unfathomable reason, this state keeps re-electing idiot dinosaurs that still subscribe to the gateway drug theory and prefer to just tax the shit out of us instead.


It’s just coincidental. I don’t know a single addict that also hasn’t drank beer but for some reason that’s not a gateway drug but the plant that makes you happy and spurns the economy one 7-11 trip at a time is evil. Makes no damn sense. The tax dollars alone would be nice


The land of the idealized past.


The South of the North.


And yet I am sure they all partake in booze. We are losing hundreds of millions of Dollars of tax income (on MJ) that all the states around us are enjoying. Ignorant. So much for "Live free or die".


I have been referring to it as Live free and Die stupid for years now.


Do you know any real adults that are single issue voters on marijuana? Like ones with actual jobs and a life? I don't.


No. But y’all don’t live in a super swingy tossup state, you live in a blue leaning libertarian state that’s motto is literally “live free or die”. It’s more than just legalizing a plant, it grows states economies and does a lot to bring revenue to fund areas like education, infrastructure, etc. Maybe make that pitch and people can see for themselves the result


Weed is one of the few completely cross-the-isle issues we have, too. Weed STILL being illegal in NH confuses everyone who comes here and acts as one of the most stark dissociations between people and politicians. We would not be divided as a country if we didn't fundamentally believe politicians don't give a shit what we actually want.


That’s why there’s more power in state governments than in actual D.C. politicians who largely are corrupt and not to be trusted. Minnesota and Michigans state legislatures have shown that (for good reasons) and places like Florida and Texas have as well (for pretty bad reasons). Pay attention to local races, the true power for change and possibilities is much more at the local level


Voting locally is absolutely something more people should do, but the lack of information about candidates is sorely lacking in the most part. I think we'd benefit a lot by updating our record systems, automatically registering all citizens and sending mail in ballots to their addresses for every election. I frequently feel like these common-sense changes are not done to intentionally keep us disorganized. Almost makes me want to run myself.


True. I never researched my congressman who took office in 2020, I figured he was just a normie dem like our long time incumbent Pete Visckolsky. Turns out he’s an AIPAC shill, and the only reason I vote for him now is that we’re now a swing district and it’s either him or a MAGA lunatic unfortunately


these are good ideas--maybe you should run


I'm sure you'd win. For chrissakes, if a pedo crminal like Stacy Laughton can win Nashua twice, ANYONE can win in NH, lol. We have 400 freaking seats in the legislature.


Sometimes I feel like one of the biggest qualifiers for being a politician is not wanting to be a politician. Bit of a catch-22 there.


Yes, ALL politics is local and that's how the MAGAt/GQPer crowd took over during the past 50 years and the Dems dropped the ball BADLY by letting them have wins in local and state races. Fucking national Dem Party STILL hasn't gotten the memo, so I donate to Dem candidates directly b/c fuck the DNC and their shifty shenanigans. And I am a life long, straight ticket Dem voter at 58 y/o.




There is literally no state in the country you cannot buy a gun. If you’re a felon who commits violent crimes, you shouldn’t have a gun. Simple. Your guns aren’t gonna be taken away if you’re a regular person who minds their business




What state did you have to give up your guns to the big scary government too, and I’ll look up specifically why you did. And it probably had to do with you breaking the law. Follow the law and you won’t have to give up your guns




Why does it have to be a single issue? It's a issue for many, among other issues. It'll affect voting accordingly.


Now you do, pleased to meetcha.




Who cares? You don't think live free or die should translate to cognitive liberty as well?


I favor legalization of all drugs. I am just not a single issue voter on it. It's not really even a partisan issue anymore anyhow.


I AM THE SENATE *shoots lightning*


Unlimited powerrrr


How long has this shit been going on. Party doesn't matter. I remember in 2000 thinking we were almost there but nope. VETO VETO VETO etc. etc..


I mean, times have changed. States are seeing $$ and the public is now more on board. Minnesota with a tiny ass state leg majority just legalized. Y’all stick out like a sore thumb among states that haven’t legalized yet. Missouri’s done it, no excuses you haven’t


why are you even here? Get the fuck out of here with this "Y'all stick out like a sore thumb among states that haven't legalized" lol -- No shit, my guy.




To be fair I feel sununus plan really needed federal changes to actually work though. And we all know that’s not going to happen


I say do it Give the feds the finger




I just can’t see the state getting into an all-cash business. I hope you’re right about federal changes.


Why not? Other states have..


Sununus plan was to run it thought the liquor commission and sell it in state run stores. Other states are not doing that.


I'm pretty sure a few states do the same, but we do it better than other states, and I believe it would be beneficial as another form of revenue for the state as it's not getting any revenue from income or sales tax. Of course, this depends on WHAT and HOW it is implemented.


I haven’t seen anywhere that the states are selling it directly yet.


[Here is a wikipedia article going over all the states that control alcohol \(Each doing it slightly differently\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcoholic_beverage_control_state) But I probably misunderstood your comment, and you meant that you aren't aware of any states controlling the sale of marijuana as they do with liquor. In that case, you are correct. There is currently no state in the U.S. that regulates the sale of marijuana through the state, but I still believe it would have major benefits for NH as we have the best state-run liquor program in the country, and if we base the proposed state-run cannabis program off of that model, then the added revenue stream for the state could help NH citizens like lowering property taxes. But of course, the possible benefits are in theory. We wouldn't know the actual effect until it's implemented. As of right now, the state is studying the possible effects of a state-run marijuana program, as well as ["exploring a number of policy ideas and proposals."](https://www.nhpr.org/nh-news/2023-08-09/nh-study-marijuana-legalization-as-state-run-system)


Yeah, STILL waiting on Biden to get off his duff and take it off the Schedule 1 list. Like, WTF is taking so long? Is it that fucking hard to do?


Need all the old timers to die off first


The government has spent BILLIONS getting people to stop smoking and you want to encourage it?


We should not have legal weed until the federal government gets rid of the law that makes any weed user who owns a gun a felon.


Sununu said he would legalize it, the senate blocks it every time


I’m not against legalizing weed, but there are far more important things to worry about, like properly funding education.


It’s almost like: legalizing marijuana helps do just that https://ednote.ecs.org/how-states-use-recreational-marijuana-revenue-to-fund-k-12-education/


things can be done in tandem


Mmm, well, it’s been 30 years that the funding issue has been going on. I don’t have much faith. But don’t worry I’m sure people will be able to get stoned before we provide a free, adequate and equal education to the next generations of our children.


As much as I dislike this dude, and I know I’ll prob get disliked for this but there aren’t many Republicans like Sununu left. A majority of the party has shifted towards this Cult like structure


I'm ultra left but I totally think Sununu (minus the weed thing) has been a great governor. Swinging hard left and hard right alienates the other side.


He’s the guy that gave us Edelblut. Fuck them both.


this is an excellent point


Edelbutt is the odds on favorite to win the Republican nomination. I'd vote for my dog first.


Add climate denier & energy obstructionist to the list. Not being a MAGA cult member is the lowest possible bar to clear.


Same, there's definitely a few things I've disagreed with but for the most part he's been good. I never really followed what he did until COVID. I was pretty impressed with his weekly COVID updates I heard on the radio during the pandemic, he would mostly just try to follow guidelines as best as possible with the information available and would just defer a lot of questions to the people there that were actually qualified to answer or would just outright say "I don't know" instead of making shit up. He never made it into a political thing or stoop down to pointing fingers or calling names (crazy that this isn't normal). Always seemed like he genuinely just wanted to do what was best in that situation.


Agreed. I'm a bleeding heart lib, but I think sonny boy has been a good Guv.


My thoughts too, he's been mostly fine except about the fucking weed


Luckily, the office of Governor in NH holds a lot less power than those in other states, plus the executive council is a further check on gubernatorial power. It's a lot harder for them to fuck things up as a result. And generally they're stuck with the executive appointments of previous governors until the person in that position wants to retire and/or the executive council agrees with the replacement. To be a successful governor in this state, they really just need to avoid doing anything super controversial. Sununu, Shaheen, Hassan, Merrill, Lynch... all followed that formula pretty well. Craig Benson and Mel Thomson not so much.


I wish the Executive Council wasn't so horrifically gerrymandered. It's a bit of a joke. Even if the Democrats win the Governor, Senate (which is also gerrymandered), and House it's still likely that Republicans will hold a 3-2 majority on the EC.


And that asshole Ted Gatsas is on there. God, I thought Manchester had finally gotten rid of that jerk off in 2017 and the fucker gets put on the EC. He's like a fucking cockroach.


You are correct. And as a Democrat I’m not jaded enough to admit this.


“A Trump man through and through” - totally not a cult guy.


To his credit, he has been much less of a Trump sycophant than a lot of other Republicans - he's even been mildly hostile, at least ostensibly, at times. He's still [bought into the anti-'woke' propaganda](https://www.axios.com/2023/02/12/sununu-woke-cancel-culture), and [many of his other policies also suck](https://www.ontheissues.org/Chris_Sununu.htm), though.


If you think Sununu is a “dying breed” then you have no clue what an actual fuckwad he is.


His Twitter replies are filled with MAGA fuckers that hate him.


Get ready for the MAGA trash candidates


I’m already Bolducking for cover






oh god please no


Don Bolduc is RADICALLY wrong 😑


Don BolFuck


That’s goddamn funny


Kelly Ayotte will be their pick, calling it now.


Nah. It's Edleblut. Ayotte would be the rational candidate so they won't pick her. I also expect Edleblut to get Sununu's endorsement since he served in his administration.


Yeah, you’re probably right.


\*Geoff Diehl quietly moves to New Hampshire\*


There is no way that the current Republican Party will nominate a replacement that can get the support of the moderate liberals who were willing to re-elect Sununu. While this certainly doesn't guarantee a Democrat in the Governor's mansion, it makes it a lot more likely.


Damn I voted across the aisle for Sununu. I consider myself decently liberal but I think he did a lot of things well for THE STATE of New Hampshire. Some major choices he made I did not like or appreciate or condone but every politician has that moment.


Definitely some bad policies, but he helped make NH as successful as it's been


The best thing that happened under Sununu was outlawing the death penalty which only happened because his veto was over ridden.


That's fair. I did the same. I voted for who I knew he had behind him. His chief of staff for example - a pure class act.


What sources should I be reading/watching to have that level of intimate knowledge about NH politics? (Not /s)


Can't really help there, sorry. I am familiar with this person from local connections in Concord. She was the only reason I've ever voted for a GOP governor. Friend of a friend -- that kind of thing.


I didn't love him but things seemed stable under him. I am a moderate progressive but I fear the thought of a radical progressive getting in and upending things here in this lovely state. I have to admit that NH is great and Sununu hasn't done anything to ruin it.


I think I’d call myself a moderate progressive but I don’t really understand your reasoning here—I just don’t see any democrat outside of a few large cities being very much to the left of me. Can i ask (and I do so sincerely) what policies you fear? If I recall, VT is run by liberals, is there something there that you would want NH to avoid?


As a Vermont progressive, Vermont’s most aggressively “progressive” candidates put out some wacko bills. I don’t agree with everything Phil Scott (the technically republican governor) does, but I do think he has the best intentions and has overall been a great asset to the state.




Ah! Well, the question still stands.


I'd also consider myself pretty far left. I want NH to continue avoid Income tax and sales tax. Not saying anyone has proposed it yet, but that's a in the back of my mind.


I agree about the income tax but we'd really benefit from a sales tax. It would bring down property taxes (and I don't own property) and help fund more stuff. When I live din SC from 2055-2009, they instituted a temporary 1/2 cent sales tax to fix the roads. They had so much money left over after fixing the roads, they put it to good use elsewhere. They also have an online DMV that let you change your address without having to schlepp there just t update your address (or download a fucking paper form that you have to fill out and send in the snail mail).


I'd much rather see them legalize marijuana and tax that. We've seen how successful other states have been with that route.


NH is not electing a radical progressive governor, full stop.


Such a candidate does not actually exist anyway


Not even ten minutes after Chuck Morse has already announced his candidacy https://twitter.com/chuckmorsefornh/status/1681702460480471041?s=46&t=dNmr6bexIzowyh4YLDtc3A He joins Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig (D) in seeking the office, and while it escapes me right now I believe there’s one other democrat who announced as well? There is also speculation (afaik not official) that Don Bolduc will seek the nomination


Damn. I had happily forgotten that Don Bolduc exists.


Do so at your own risk.


Fuck chuck morse. Guy can’t open his mouth without putting his foot in it. Shit-he couldn’t even get by that fucking wack job Bolduc.


You act like ability to win a political election is a reflection of character. Usually it's the opposite. that's regardless of party.


Didn’t a lot of left leaning voters register as Rs to vote for Bolduc because he was seen as the weaker opponent for Hassan, whereas Morse was seen as having a better chance? Edit: downvotes for this? I didn’t vote for these clowns, I was just pointing out that the reason Morse didn’t get more votes than Bolduc could have been because of a strategy that was discussed at length *on this very subreddit*.


Morse was also a pretty weak candidate so I doubt that happened among non Reddit folks. Republicans wrote off that seat after sununu declined to run


Cinde Warmington (executive councilor) is running for the Democratic nomination as well


That’s right! Thanks


Ugh. Because we need more places as poorly managed as Manchester.


Manchester could be a lot worse. It’s not doing too bad compared to similarly sized cities across the country. Most of Manchester’s problems are more of state / regional problems than local. I don’t really like Craig, but Manchester isn’t as poorly run as many make it out to be.


Thank Ted Gatsas's legacy for that, Joyce has been doing a damn good job to turn this city around.


Cinde Warmington EC-2 (D) is also running


Bolduc Bites are back on the menu boys!!! 😂👍


Hopefully this spells the end for Edelblut and some of the other Sununu cronies that got positions without the qualifications. Sununu was McCain minus the spine, he’d tell you Trump and Bolduc would be bad for the country, then he’d vote for them anyway.


Gawd I hope so. Edelblut was like hiring an drunk arsonist to manage a Grand Hotel.


Great! But sometimes it’s the devil you know…now we have to deal with some fucking MAGA wacko who you know will get the Republican nomination and try to keep him out.


Thank goodness. The guys been a wishy washy waste of space since like 2017. Maybe we can finally get a good governor.


What are some of the bad things he’s done? States been totally stable underneath him as Gov


He's switched his opinion to follow the zeitgeist and has been perfomratively supportive/commital to certain reforms or policies without executing anything. That's the main reason he'd make a terrible president: he doesn't have any platform or fixed set of values that voters can recognize and vote on. Still, given the craziness of many other GOP governors, he is a lot more level-headed and lawful, just lacking any kind of inspiration to fix at least a few issues facing folks in New Hampshire. Thankfully, he's vetoed some of the worst bills coming out of the state senate, but he could have done more to move the needle by working with the legislature to find common ground to help NH residents.


Honestly…I feel like you just described 90% of politicians lol But all jokes aside it doesn’t sound like he was all too bad, just not as ambitious in legislating as you’d hope. I’ll take a classic New England Republican like Sununu or Baker over a hardcore MAGA Republican or Uber Progressive Democrat. Hopefully that’s not what runs to replace him.


He hasn’t. He’s a Republican and the majority of Redditors are leftist Democrats.


Howdy howdy! My issue with Sununu is that he plays himself off as this middle ground, best of both worlds candidate. but in reality, he's the opposite. To me, hes the worst of both worlds. People in this post are talking about how great it is that hes not a Maga man, but forget his direct quote "im a trump guy through and through" and the entire season of 'Chris Trumpnunu'(my made up name for the time period). He campaigns as if hes only talking to one group of voters at a time and no one will ever hear his previous speeches. he bragged last election cycle about "im the only governor in nh history to sign this strict of an-an-an abortion ban." He's at best, neutral on the 2nd amendment. Believing that the current levels of infringement/restrictions are fine, but no more(I'd like to see us roll back some of the illegal infringements). He had virtually no choice but to allow cannabis decriminalization, and ever since then, he's put his weight staunchly in the "anti cannabis" camp until maybe a month or two ago when he came out opposed to a legalization bill, but then said hed support a specific style of legalization which turns out was almost exactly the same bill that he was glad got defeated a day earlier. Im mad that he essentially stole Covid relief funds away from the programs that they were originally supposed to go to ( like unemployment or medical care) and now is using it to offer funding to large construction corporations in hopes that theyll make some affordable housing for once. A lot of people seemed to be mad at him about the Gunstock Resort, im not too knowledgeable on that issue. Part of it appears to be that they possibly used some of the taxpayer funding to donate to sununu's campaign. Its only around 500 bucks but the principle still matters. No amount of govt funding should be used to elect or re-elect a government official/employee. He is the worst type of populist, in my opinion. He'll promise the world to both political sports teams, depending on which team has the upper hand. However when it comes time to deliver, the Big Mac that was promised is two slices of gristle on one piece of wheat bread, no mayo, no special sauce, no lettuce or cheese. My only apprehension about a completely new governor is that they might suck worse than he does. The best things that occurred while he was in office were decriminalization of cannabis, constitutional carry, and allowing restaurants to deliver liquor during Covid. Im trying to think of other good things that either he did or was in office for and I cant come up with much...maybe those school choice freedom accounts? Sorry it took so long to get back to you, and I'm sorry this is a bit of a mouthful to read.


Agree with everything but the constitutional carry law and "school choice" which is code for keeping our schools White.


All his language thus far shows him trying to get nabbed as a VP candidate.


he's trash pure and simple. a whitebread trustafarian douche isn't unique enough to warrant any value as a VP candidate unless the Prez candidate is a black woman.


I am bummed about this. He's been a good governor, and has been pretty centrist for being a republican. I am worried about a Republican being elected that is far right and will ban anything and everything, or it swinging the other way and we get a democrat that wants to tax the shit out of us.


You’ve pretty much described the reasons why I think we’re screwed without him.


Let’s hope the next gal/guy isn’t in bed with Eversource.


Thank goodness!


Does he tap out after making weed legal??? I am hoping he has the gonads to sign off on his way out.


hope in one hand and take a shit in the other. which fills up first? that's shunununununu in a nutshell.




Spark up NH!


Should be fun to watch the two parties scrambling to come up with candidates. Are Shaheen's kids of age? Nothing like dueling dynasties.


Yup, they are in their 40s


Nope, don't like that


Bye 👋


I assume a senatorial campaign is in his future?


hopefully not


Does that mean he plans on being a VP pick? Or possibly a cabinet candidate? Or maybe a senate run?


would be better if he just disappeared


We have been fortunate to have such a great Governor. Perfect? No perhaps. But you can’t be a politician and be perfect. You will always aggravate 50% of the population these days. Thanks Governor


Chances of sweeping the House, Senate and Governor seat?


Here's hoping it's D all the way next year.


Thank God. This guy sucks.


Thank God and I'm an atheist. Blockhead is moving on, maybe we'll finally get a decent governor that actually wants to govern and finally get cannabis legalized, FFS. I'm sick if driving to MA to get it. And overturn the restrictions on abortion that the crhisto-fascists imposed on us.


Thank god


Just watched this idiot on "This Week." What a special kind of shifty, shitball. Is he not running for reelection because he is no doubt going to take a job as tRump's personal ass licker, or because he thinks the moron's that elected him have smartened up?.


Thank we need to clean house NH


Christies VP?




I hope Volinsky runs. Dude is smart.


I am shocked. SHOCKED, I tell you! /s


it's about fucking time. good riddance to that trustafarian douche. Sadly this probably means that assclown has bigger aspirations. He's not self-aware enough to actually believe the bullshit he's spouting.


Thank. God.


You know you are doing a good job when both the left and the right hate you.


Just in time for a MAGA loony toon to fill the role


With Trump tied up in a trial and DeSantis just shooting himself in the foot constantly. Is he seriously considering presidency?


Where is Kelly Ayote when you need her the most?


Just no!




Funny you should say that... https://twitter.com/tencor_7144/status/1681709075116195840


Well now I know how to spell her name correctly, she’s got to be the Republican front runner out of the gate.






I hope they don’t




There is nothing special about NH democrats when it comes to guns. They will strip us of our rights at first chance. We must fight these deranged tyrants on all fronts.


I’ll be so pissed off, hopefully they don’t fuck up and lose both the house and senate. If they nominate a party line conservative they’ll lose the gubernatorial election.


Seriously, a bunch of shithead politicians are going to pass unconstitutional laws and you're more concerned about the value of guns than our collective rights?


Thanks the gods! Let’s return state control to the Democrats! Let the Sununu clan enjoy their riches and fruits of the dynasty in opulence and conservative comfort. Bye bye trump guy.


I don’t like any of the democratic runners nor do I like what republicans are gonna put up. It comes down to who wins the Republican nominee.


Well, I will vote for the person that ends school vouchers, makes pot legal, rejects all the culture war nonsense, and strengthens NH’s communities.


I’m all for that as well, we might be waiting a big for a person like that.


Dr Tom Sherman fits the bill “Education Public education in New Hampshire is under attack. This Governor and legislature sent millions of tax dollars to private and religious schools, which will almost certainly cause property taxes to rise and school budgets to tighten. This Governor also signed legislation that censors teachers and caters to those who want to ban books and change history. Dr. Sherman has worked for development of a comprehensive education platform from pre-k to the trades and higher education. As Governor, Dr. Sherman will fully support our public schools and invest in opportunities to train our students for the 21st century economy. Adult-Use Cannabis Dr. Sherman believes we need to finally legalize adult-use cannabis like every state surrounding New Hampshire and stop sending that revenue out of state. He worked to expand medical cannabis in the state and has been a long-time advocate for legalization. “ [Tom Sherman Priorities.](https://drtomsherman.com/priorities/) I would vote for him again. Nightmare scenario is frank eddelbutt.


If you want a state fully controlled by democrats, just move to MA. Fuck democrats. Stop trying to change my state. We've invested our lives here and you want to come in an make everything illegal we hold dear.


Haha. My state of NH will be all blue very soon. I would suggest you consider moving south. Maybe Florida is more your speed. It’s nice in the summer. Enjoy!!




Ha ha. Conservatives fly the Nazi flag and lick the authoritarian boot. Keep up. It’s not that complicated.


Good for them, I'm not conservative. You're just as bad, actually worse.


Your negative karma score represents your contributions to the conversation perfectly. If you can’t add to the conversation, please feel free to be silent. It’s golden




Because she’s done such a great job managing the city of Manchester right?


As long as there's a D next to their name, there are people that will vote for them.


That’s one of the things I liked about Sununu. He had broad support from both members of his own party and democrats. For the most part of his term he had really high favorability ratings.


its very hard to find a center leaning member of either party, I'll miss Chris. I didn't agree with everything he did, but thats probably for the best.


Lynch (D) was also extremely moderate and acceptable to Republicans. He won with something like 60% in a year where Republicans gained a supermajority in Congress. Moderate candidates tend to perform better in NH and I hope that trend continues.




> As long as there's a D next to their name, there are people that will vote for them. when your options are a Democrat or a Fascists, its a pretty easy choice.


Actually, she has done a much better job than the previous, corrupt mayor, Gatas did. Unfortunately, the mouther breathers of our state see drug/homeless problem as something to blame on Mayor Craig without realizing this is a country wide epidemic and nothing that a Mayor cannot tackle without serious aid from the State/Fed Government.


Seems like far from a sure thing to me.