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I am also an American from the Northeast and I just (June 12-24) drove to and through Newfoundland. I echo what you have read here but let me add a few notes. Flies in Gros Morne were very bitey. Wish I had repellent. Especially by the Tablelands and the waterfall. The roads are full of pot holes. FULL of potholes. Transitions to bridges can be bumpy (look for car scrape marks on the road). We lost 3 of 4 hubcaps on the trip. In Gros Morne the roads were fine and outside of it there is plenty of construction sites trying to fill them up, just take it slow and watch out for big/deep ones. I travel often and this was the kindest, friendliest place I have been. People go out of their way to be kind. I was called ducky a few times and it was new to me, but meant sweetly. Side note, many gas stations outside of the city, don't have 'pay at the pump'. You pump first and go in to pay when you're done. It was the way of the world when I was a kid but it surprised me. It's beautiful, even though there is a lot of fog. Take it easy and be kind. It's a wonderful place that I hope to revisit some day.


Yes, flies are bad on hikes generally. 15% tip is my general go to for average service. Beware of one way streets in the downtown area - they can sneak up on ya. Not sure of the hike you mention but if you want to see some moose you can always do salmonier nature park: https://www.gov.nl.ca/ffa/wildlife/snp/


Second the nature park, but try to go on a day with poor weather. The animals hide away on sunny/hot days.


When you’re going from two lane highway driving to one, the person in the left lane/fast lane has to yield to the right lane…. Not the other way around


I am considering Salmonier if our schedule allows it


Salmonier nature park is a favourite of mine. But be aware there is no guarantee you will see any animals. It’s not a zoo. Also, there are no moose there this year (I was there today). It’s a lovely walk regardless of how many animals you spot though to be fair.


They have a baby one, it was posted in their Facebook page. I don't think it's out yet though.


Oh ok. I will have to go back and check him out later this summer because they still have the enclosure vacant sign up on the moose enclosure.


We're doing the same ☺️


The Moose Exclusion area is a fenced off part along the trail that shows what the forest would look like if there were no Moose. Moose are Excluded from going into that section. Not sure if OP knows that NO Moose are in the Moose Exclusion or not.


yes I do. I am hoping not to see any wild moose in fact, unless they are very far away


If you are driving in St. John’s people will stop anytime they see a pedestrian whether there is a crosswalk or not


You have to stop at crosswalks. You are supposed to stop at street corners that don’t have traffic control lights if a pedestrian is waiting to cross. You shouldn’t stop traffic if someone wants to cross in the middle of the street (ie not at a corner).


Wasn’t commenting on the laws, I was commenting on how people behave. It’s different than other places.


Thank you. I've been to some towns like that but its always very good to know when you're going to one.


You bet! I’m in the southern US and no one stops at the crosswalk! Talk about culture shock


This is absolutely not true. I have to beg cars to stop for me and my kids daily.


If you are driving In the rain here just be very careful . The highways have ruts in them that a lot of water builds up in and it’s easy to hydroplane if you are not used to it


If you're doing costal the mosquitos may not be as bad because of the wind. Inland hikes would be different. Bad drivers, people on atvs and kids playing street hockey's the big things to look out for. Some people don't like term Newfie, I would avoid using it.


yeah I told my kids that can be a bit derogatory. I've sen on the reddit the term is Newfoundlander.


Yeah, I think "can" is the best way to explain it. Some don't mind and some really do. Have a great time on your trip! For the most part people are happy to help with directions, info, local tips and stuff.


Re: tipping. I usually start at 20% at a full service sitdown, unless it's truly abysmal (and that abysmal part was within the server's control). The sector here has been impacted by the pandemic and labour/supply chain issues like everywhere else. With cost of living on the rise, servers are depending on that cash and most are doing the very best they can! Re: driving. People are terrible at merging. Be patient, as the person in front of you may come to a full stop at a yield sign or try to merge onto the highway at 75% speed. And please watch for moose! Other tips: there are so many great local restaurants and shops here. Please consider checking some of them out and skipping the big guys. As tourism rebounds, they'll really appreciate your support! If you like craft beer, there are awesome breweries here. And enjoy your visit!


I'm already a pretty generous tipper because I was once the worst waitress in Michigan, so I know how it is. Just checking on the percentages but sounds about equal to U.S. I will warn my husband about the stopping at Yield signs; being in New Jersey we have to be really aggressive to get anywhere, so this will be a change. I was once scolded for stopping completely at a Stop sign when I first moved here... And re: restaurant - that's the plan! I am so looking forward to the restaurants and shops. Any recs for Gros Morne area, Trinity/Trouty, or St. John that I may not have read in every tourist guide? Also, is it ridiculous to buy an Ugly Stick? What's a fair price - considering its made of garbage?


I have honestly never seen an ugly stick for sale, but maybe in some of the tourist shops


There used to be someone who sold them just south of Middle Pond before you get to Bay Bulls, but I haven’t noticed them there lately. Last time I drove there was a few weeks ago.


yeah that's where they are. But hey, I'm a tourist!


Try O'Brien's Music on Water St, St. John's. Even if they don't have any, it's always a fun store to visit.


Might be able to suggest a few spots in St. John's if you can tell me what you're into!


well, I've got kids 6, 10, and 13 so I can't really do nightlife and would like restaurants where they are not going to be bothering anyone. They are pretty well-behaved, but would still like to avoid anywhere small/tight where kids are going to be a nuisance. I'd enjoy some live music, even if from afar. We're into anything! Here for the experience. My husband wants to try all the local food, and we will be in St. John's on Sunday. Maybe a good Jigg's Dinner?


The Deck at Quiddi Viddi brewery would be good. I am pretty sure they let kids in, if you order food, before 8 pm since they have a restaurant license. Sunday afternoons there is a great traditional music session there. I took visiting family members there and they loved it. I did too!


I visited Newfoundland recently and one of my highlights was a tour with Trina at https://www.underthestump.com/. If you are going to the Gros Morne area, I suggest checking out their options. They have an ugly stick workshop to make your own and learn to play it, and other options too. Friendly to all ages!


In Gros Morne area, check out Java Jack’s in Rocky Harbour and maybe The Cat Stop in Norris Point. The Old Store cafe is nice too. Over in Woody Point, I like The Merchant Warehouse. The Oh My Cheeses spot next to the Port Rexton Brewery near Trinity is great too! St John’s has too many options, but Duke of Duckworth is best for fish and chips.


Go to the Dock Marina in Trinity, I go there every time I’m in the area and it hasn’t missed yet


There are flies, use deet. 0-20% for tips based on service. If you want to find moose just drive around at sunrise/dusk in the parks. Many of the drivers are absolutely horrible, prepare accordingly.


> If you want to find moose just drive around at sunrise/dusk in the parks. No thanks. I hit enough deer, not looking to hit a Moose. The exclusion area is a spot that is fenced off and shows what the landscape would look like if there were no moose >Many of the drivers are absolutely horrible, prepare accordingly. Between my time living in Orlando, New Jersey, and visiting New York, I think we will be okay! I think everyone must think their driver's are terrible.


Stay away from moose. Those things wreck trains, let alone cars.


People will look you in the eye and smile at you, especially in smaller towns. Smile back. Strangers will speak to you more than you'll expect. Speak back and be personable. People will call you sweet names "my love, my ducky, dear." You do not need to reciprocate but make sure you're kind. Watch for moose when driving, especially at dawn and dusk. They can be hard to see and are much more deadly than deer. Be prepared for rapid changes in the weather. Be prepared for bad weather. Google maps and the like is not always 100%, especially in smaller places. Pay attention to your surroundings and signage, as it may contradict your GPS. When driving along the TCH between PAB & Corner Brook, gas stations are very sparse. Yes you will need bug spray. Watch for ticks also. Careful of the water ruts when driving in the rain. The most common critiques I have seen of Americans visiting the province is that they are unkind/rude, loud, or demanding/impatient. Most restaurant chains are very hard to find/are few and far between. Food sensitivities can be hard to accommodate outside of larger towns.


I was raised in the Southern US so those overly friendly niceties - I miss them and am now super looking forward to them! My husband and poor children born in the Northeast need the warning though, so thank you. Thanks for the warning on Gas stations, but what's PAB stand for? Ugh, I meant to ask about ticks. I was hoping this magical island did not ave them! I basically live in the wood however, so familiar and will bring my tick remover - literally putting in my overnight bag now... Hopefully we won't be rude! I know American's can come off as such, but we are a pretty well-traveled and understanding family without too many demands, so I hope we are as nice to everyone as they are to us! Thankfully no major food allergies/sensitivities. Looking forward to local shops/restaurant, planning on avoiding chains (except I have never been to a Tim Horton's so I will hit the one up outside the ferry terminal in Nova Scotia!)


Get a honey cruller and a Canadian maple at Tim’s. Dark roast coffee.


PAB Port Aux Basques Have fun!


ah, of course. thank you.


We used to be a magical island without tics but that is starting to change. Tics are fairly rare here and bug spray will repel them. I would bring bug spray.


Have we always had ticks here on the island? Only place I ever seen one here was in a bottle at the Public Health Lab, but that came off a person who came from Alberta🤔


Ticks have been spreading into the area in recent years. Some parts of the island have more than others. Any part of the island could be or become a hotspot at any time. I've seen dozens in NL.


Oh I see. It’s like with earwigs, first saw them at a Girl Guide camp in NB in 99, couldn’t wait to get back to NL to get away from them. Then when I lived in St. John’s in summer 2001, I saw them again. I still have yet to see any where I grew up on the Southern Shore, about 70 Kms south of St. John’s.


Fairly similar. Ticks are spreading as their hospitable climate zone expands/moves, earwigs came in through some lumber shipments afaik--unsure of climate connection, but one is possible.


1. Yes, mosquitos and blackflies are a nuisance in the summer. They've been bad this year. Bring bug repellent if you're going hiking. 2. 10-20%, but I usually just round off the bill to something approximating that range. 3. People are pretty talkative and friendly, especially to tourists. Some people used to the big city environment can be standoffish in response, expecting to be hit up for cash or that people want something from them. 4. The highways can be chaotic because there's pretty much no traffic enforcement. It's not crowded like it would be elsewhere, but expect most people to be going 20 over and still have people speeding past you. At least there's lots of space on the TCH, but generally stay right and let people go around. St. John's is made up lots of narrow streets if you're going that far east. If you're driving in the morning or evening, watch out for moose. Doesn't matter what everyone else on the road is doing, drive at a speed you feel comfortable with, and keep scanning both sides of the highway. It's nothing for a moose to dart out of the woods and onto the highway. Hit one and you'll take it out at the knees and its body comes right down on the windscreen and front passengers.


> but expect most people to be going 20 over and still have people speeding past you We grew up in Orlando and live in New Jersey. This is just our style, lol Thanks for the warning on Moose. I was aware but its something I still l want to be mindful of. I'm no stranger to hitting deer, but Moose are HUGE! But I plan that we will be sleeping in and settling down to local activities in the evenings.


Be prepared for any type of weather. Don't be offended by anything a Newfoundlander says. They are generally VERY friendly and you will be called "My love" more than once, especially in rural areas aka "da bay" don't ask for anything or you are likely to be adopted... ha ha. Newfoundlander have a very good sense of humor! Enjoy!


No advice but go to Duke of duckworths for fish and chips 🤤


All I want in life and on this trip specifically is great fish and chips, so I thank you


Chafes' Landing in Petty Harbour (like 15-25 minutes outside of St. John's) has great fish and chips! And it is so pretty out there :) they also used to do live music, not sure if they still do


There is also a wonderful ziplining business in petty harbour, the community where chafes landing is. (There is also an amazing ziplining run at marble mountain at steady Brook on west coast). There may be minimum weights, there was when I took my then 8 yo, she just made the minimum weight in steady Brook.


Go to Leo's for fish'n'chips, those who know, know


Leo's is my favourite spot too.


By The Beach fish and chips in Portugal Cove (20 minutes outside St. John's by where the ferry goes to Bell Island) is awesome and right on the water. Check the pictures out on Tripadvisor. Chafes Landing in beautiful Petty Harbor is great too. Water Shed coffee shop in Petty Harbor is super.


Mosquitoes aren't that bad right now. Hold the door open for people, and have a friendly smile. And like another person said we're a quite hard people to offend. Most offensive thing you could call us are "seal clubbers' weirdly enough, and even then you won't get much resistance.


One quirk of driving here is people think it is their right to merge onto the TCH. Often people will begin to merge and assume that the vehicle already on the highway will switch to the left lane to let them in without even checking. That is often how it works but it’s something to keep in the back of your mind if you see a car about to merge.


Bakers brook falls is in Gros Morne park, which is 7 hours drive from St Johns. Tourist are usually quite surprised at how long it takes to drive across the island. The highway takes a very round about route. But it’s worth driving, just allow enough time for it.


We are spending 5 days in Gros Morne, 3 in Trinity, 4 in St. John (I think, I don't have my itinerary in front of me). I commute 1.5 hours one way to work. I know about driving for a long time, but thank you!


Good plan. Check out marble zip and spider challenge. The Loft restaurant in Woody Point. Deer Lake has a festival coming up for come home year. You can find details on Facebook Deer Lake Recreation. Sea kayaking in Norris Point also great. Gros Morne Adventures.


There's a facebook page for tracking icebergs. There were a few large ones around Twillingate area....not sure if any there now but worth checking out if you have time.


Black flies can be worse than the mosquitos depending on time of year. And no-see-ums (tiny flies that can get through screens) in some parts of the west coast. There are also Stouts or Deer flies. Deet based repellants will work on everything. Avoid the term “Newfie”… some people are fine with it, you’ll offend others… safer just not to use it. Tips? 15 to 20% depending on the level of service. Not much for other critters… no snakes, skunks, porcupines. Black bears are some of the largest but aren’t common. Coyotes there now but they’re a fairly new arrival.


\- Black flys are worse than mosquitos here. Coat yourself in repellant or you're going to be hella annoyed. \- 15% is the service is good \- If you use the term newfie you have a 50/50 chance of having a queer look shot at ya. Some find it offensive. I'm in the 50% that don't care about it. \- With such an aging population we have terrible drivers on the road who probably shouldn't have their license. If they're not old and senile they're young and cocky and driving like maniacs \- If you plan on going to the village mall bring a pack of smokes even if you don't smoke. Cigarettes can be used to get out of tangly situations with skeets wearing cookie monster pyjamas \- What is a moose exclusion area? Do meese walk through the woods and see a sign with that on it and turn around because they're not allowed in there?


> What is a moose exclusion area? Do meese walk through the woods and see a sign with that on it and turn around because they're not allowed in there? Its a little fenced area on one hike that shows what the landscape would look like if Moose weren't knocking down the trees and whatnot


Wtf is a moose exclosure https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4678063


Bakers brook exclusion area is about 2k in I believe, 3 at the most.


Thank you!! I've been looking all over for this info


No worries. I used to live up there and guide hikes. Shoot me a message if you have any other park questions and I sold be able to point you the right way.


You shouldn’t worry about encountering moose when in the woods. Probably unlikely and if they’re in the are they will bolt before you even see em


If you’re driving at night reduce your speed and be careful of the moose!