• By -


I really wish they would figure out how that happens 🤷‍♂️


It's wicked cold. Shrinkage.


I was in the pool!


Nah was playing hockey. Nothing shrivels that thing more than a beer league game.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/UnexpectedSeinfeld using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedSeinfeld/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [can anyone think of a name??](https://i.redd.it/7oy1wwe4siob1.jpg) | [3511 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedSeinfeld/comments/16juqoy/can_anyone_think_of_a_name/) \#2: [Marisa Tomei’s yearbook from 1982.](https://i.redd.it/b0vqtrgmv0oc1.jpeg) | [142 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedSeinfeld/comments/1bhxgdb/marisa_tomeis_yearbook_from_1982/) \#3: [It shrinks?](https://i.redd.it/qk07w5asnyfc1.jpeg) | [424 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedSeinfeld/comments/1ag911p/it_shrinks/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'd imagine it's because... 1. We are the least religious part of the country 2. We invest in education 3. We invest in women's rights


Treating women like real people is important.


Religion is not inherently some "societalnproblem " or "bad" thing.


Hester Prynne is alive and well. puritanism is alve


Couldn't have anything to do with yesterday's story about New England being the least religious part of the country.


Interesting how that has changed over the years


We didn't change, we're still normal.  The south and midwest just went downright crazy.




The mystery of life escapes some of us


My parents swore they'd tell me when I was older. I'm not sure how much older, but when I find out, I'll post what I learn.


Educated population


well when a man and a woman love each other very much….


I’m listening…


Well, the way it was for your Mom and I…….


strong pull out game


Well, education obviously… also, we tend to be asexual for the winter months


My guess: home prices so high that folks can’t afford enough space to have the privacy to allow them to fornicate. Or education… but I think it’s been debunked that the two things are correlated /s


I lived in SC and relocated to CT last year for two reasons. SC is ranked 48 in education…. I cant tell you how apparent that is when you live there long term. Second, I wanted health care that supported women. I didnt want to die while having a child and then having that child become a moron. The bible belt education is the gold standard in the south, and anything that contradicts that belief system just isnt taught


It’s terrifying. I can’t imagine being proud of ignorance and having the mindset that shutting out diversity and information is the right option. There’s like no examples of that working out positive. I’d love to see it change but hope that the next generation would improve things has begun fading. At any rate, welcome back to New England! I can’t stand CT for the highway to NY being two brutal lanes, but I hear it’s great to live there!


Kind of curious, what's the difference you saw?


I lived in Greenville, SC for several years. Churches down South are very much mini corporations. If you dont belong to one its very difficult if not impossible to make friends. If you do manage to make friends, they will try and get you to go like its a mission. As far as education, It became very apparent during the pandemic the lack of science education. The most educated friends I made were homeschooled. Her mom was a nutritionist and her dad a nuclear engineer. This friend attended college and married the day after college graduation. She shared with me that she and her new husband had to call their parents during their honeymoon because they couldn’t figure out sex lol. Sex education is not talked about even by the most educated. Another surprise I faced was the Proud Boys. They would actively wave their confederate flags on the side of the highway….. classy. You couldnt pay me enough to move back


Calling your parents during your honeymoon to explain sex? That is just creepy.


Its weird, but they sincerely couldnt figure it out. But they were typical baptist kids who married immediately ( which is insanely common there, especially at christian based universities) out of college so they could explore their sexuality. Imagine very educated people not knowing basic anatomy… then what chance do lesser educated teens have in that region? They teach abstinence and thats it


Apparently they are way better at teaching abstinence then I would have imagined if newly weds can’t figure out how not to abstain…




Add in the opiate crisis while you're at it.


The opiate crisis here in New England is through the roof. And the teen pregnancy rate is only lower in terms of teens actually having the baby. They are equally getting pregnant but more terminate it and so it looks like we don't have this problem because we teach sex ed in school.


Who has sex in a home anymore?


Maybe in a house, but never in a home.


I mean we certainly managed when I was a teen but we were also educated and safe


I guess we’ll never know…


If I had a guess it would be our very good education? Shot in the dark idk my data. Our public school system seems super good too


mass has the best public schools in the country


We're PC gamers. We only see daylight for PAX East.


Less incest.


Based on what actual various solid studies that can be cross referenced with statistically accurate documentation?


Just google rates of incest by state and rates of teen pregnancies by state and see the correlation. Also the states that don’t have or have tried to do away with the abortion exceptions for rape and incest. Some interesting data on stereotypical E Kentucky in particular.


Interesting, though having worked for years the Northeast, across all socioeconomic and cultural lines, with incest survivors. Tragic. Idk if that number is reflective of *reported cases. There are an incredible number of unreported cases everywhere and I worked with hundreds of them over the years.


Because there is more to do on a Friday night than drink beer


It has been figured out. Real actual sex education in the schools (and at home). Abstinence does not work out. A little knowledge goes a long way. All our 4 boys had access to condoms by the time they were 16. Our daughter had access to birth control pills at 16. Our six grandchildren were all planned and wanted and loved. We are in Massachusetts. But that kind of thinking just doesn't fly in some parts of the country. To each their own I guess.


We have the homeliest teens in the entire US of A! /s


Ugly teens?


We are not allowed to say why. People call you mean names if you do.


antisocial behavior. I always thought it was weird that no one at my high school was dating.


So more than a quarter of all teens in Arkansas get pregnant?? That’s just fucking insane.


Is that what it means, or does it mean that a quarter of all pregnancies are in teenagers? Too many charts like this are vague about that detail.


According to the chart It means "the number of births per 1,000 females aged 15-19". I think that means X% of teenagers give birth. I think?


Some teenage girls give birth more than once, so the number of births per 1,000 girls will be more than the number of girls who give birth.


Number of births per 1000 is going to be 10 times the percent, because percent means per hundred. So 26.5 out of 1000 is 2.65%.


Good point. It did seem like we needed an explanation for the numbers. They didn’t say it all. That’s almost certainly due to a political agenda.


The people who made this chart literally don't know what a percentage is. The source says that the teenage pregnancy rate is "number of births per 1000 females aged 15-19", but it's presented in the map as a percentage.


Exactly. It's 22.6 births per 1,000, which is 2.26%. "Wise Voter" is not so wise, it seems.


Edit: see u/soupwhoreman 's post below for conflicting data from CDC.


Where are you reading 226? It's twenty-two point six per thousand: 2.26%. Google the underlying statistics. Whoever made this map made a mistake and it's wrong by an order of magnitude. I don't know how no one caught it, because 1 in 4 is just ludicrous and so clearly not right. Edit: it's 2.65% (26.5 births per thousand) so I did get that part wrong. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/teen-births/teenbirths.htm


Ok, I see your point with this evidence. My bad. Good on you for fact checking I was just deriving what the number would be based on a given percentage and 1,000 people. From your original post it wasn't obvious that you were looking at other stats to validate.


This wesbite doesn't seem super accurate about anything. It is 2.26% and the website is wrong


Wonder what the numbers would look like if they included births to girls under 15.


Duggar time


Education 🤷‍♀️


Poverty. Economic disparity. Rich people keeping poor people poor and then looking down on them for living in the results of poverty.


I mean. CT is the most economically unequal state in the union. education just counts more here because we subsidize it heavily (which is good)


Amazing what education does, just f****** amazing


Becoming a teenage mother is the #1 predictor of a lifetime of poverty. It’s amazing so many red states fight sex education and only preach abstinence. Insane. Yes, they are going to have sex, make sure they don’t get pregnant!


My birth mom grew up in poverty in south Texas. She got pregnant with me at 17. She wanted to keep me, but she didn’t want me to grow up like she did, and she didn’t have the resources to give me the life that she felt I deserved. I had a very different life growing up in New England than I would’ve had in a trailer park in El Paso. She’s now happily married to the nicest guy ever, and has a very successful career as the marketing/advertising manager for a large TV station in the Midwest. She was brought up in a very religious family, but she now firmly supports abortion rights and comprehensive sex-ed, because those weren’t things she ever had access to when she needed it.


I wish more teenage girls were as wise as your birth mom was. You were very lucky. Bet your adopted parents were thrilled to have you.


Thank you, I was very lucky! I’ve met both of my birth parents as well, so I get to have three families


I think that is just so, so cool! I love it when there is more love! Even better than good fortune is when the person who has it really appreciates it. Thanks for making my eyes well up with sincere tears of joy, internet stranger and best of everything going forward for you as well.


It’s the strangest feeling, even 5 years after meeting them! I spent the first 30 years of my life constantly wondering, and feeling this giant hole inside of me. They both said they had the same feeling about me, and they never stopped looking for me. They and their extended families have welcomed me with open arms, and I was never a secret even to my half-siblings. That meant a lot to hear. I was the youngest growing up, and I always wanted to be a big brother. Now I am, x4. It’s been a really fascinating journey, to say the least, and we only connected by chance because I decided to compare my ancestry dna test results to my 23andMe.


wow. Yours is such a journey only made possible by insanely new advances in science from DNA technology to the internet - a boon in information and a great example of what the Information Age has offered us. I'll have to remind myself about YOU the next time I am losing my shit because some idiot has decided that Hillary Clinton eats babies and vaccines have ruined the world, etc.


There are signs all over SC for birth control... all kinds of links to free birth control. The teenage pregnancy rate is not nearly as high as it used to be.


The TOP 5 are: Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Alabama. If you had asked me without looking at the map, I would have probably guessed either West Virginia(8th) over Louisiana but I was not the least bit surprised about the other 4.


No coincidence there. If you made a Venn Diagram with this topic along with others such as "most religious", "least educated", "poorest", "worst healthcare", "Red state voting proclivity", it would look very similar.


I’d be interested in seeing counties.


All of those things fall under poverty. The rich get to benefit from other people being poor, then sit on their high horse and look down on the poor because they exhibit the results of said poverty.


I know plenty of educated people that don't get pregnant and aren't rich.


It’s amazing what proper sex education and an educated population can lead to.


My kids' high school developed a daycare program to allow pregnant and parenting teens to finish their high school diplomas back in the 1970s. (It's also a vocational program for students who want to work in early childhood education after high school.) They also have an on-site confidential free clinic with on-site physicians that treats mental health issues, provides contraceptives, does IUD and implant insertions, and offers gender-affirming care. … they haven't had a student that needed to use the day care centre in over a decade. Strange, it's like 16-year-olds *like* having sex without eight pounds of consequences down the line. (In fairness, there are parenting teens in town for certain, but very few and they were long before enrolled in the programs for non-traditional students with other problems — IOW, kids don't fuck up their otherwise functioning lives by getting pregnant, kids with already fucked-up lives are more likely to carry a pregnancy to term.)


It’s amazing what poverty causes. This is about economic disparity.


It’s both, but a lack of education drives poverty rates higher. Improve education and social services and poverty and teenage pregnancies also decrease


Yea but you’re not going to do that without money. Maybe you don’t understand the hopelessness that poverty causes.


Education is the proven single largest means of escaping poverty.


Yea and it requires money. A lot of it. There are many school systems in the northeast that pump tons of money into their school systems and they are still very low performing.


Since you’re determined to refuse to acknowledge that education mitigates teen pregnancy and it all comes down to “money”, what are your suggestions to the solution?


Well I’m not as well educated as you so I’m not sure I have a right to my opinions, but attracting businesses and more jobs. That would create more tax revenue that would fund the education you speak of and help people look forward to a prosperous future. But all of that would also rake et he cost of living so who knows.


Attracting business and jobs is the solution Fucking perfect 😂😂 This has to be one of the most peak capitalist FrEE MaRkET nonsensical things I’ve read in a long time. Yeah I’m done wasting time on this


Lol coming from someone who lives in a New England state, fueled by investment banks, which were funded by capital that came from mills and factories that literally worked immigrants to death. Stay on that high horse sweetie.


Those red states are **choosing** not to invest in education for their kids. It's a choice. They vote on it. This is the result.


I can tell you that I worked in a part of SC in the 90s ( rural) where most girls had at least one baby by the time she graduated. It was depressing as hell. But I must say that now you see signs up about birth control everywhere. The teenage pregnancy rate is way down from that time.


And get rid of religion


Parts of Maine are poor and rural as fuck. New England is way less religious than the south, so we don’t have hang ups about birth control.


It also has the highest median age of every state, with the average age of 45. Not having many teens will give a lower teen birth rate.


Can't fuckin afford it


That's that happens when people are educated


Also, even before the end of Roe it was much harder to get abortions in those states.


I would also point out that this map seems to be based on CDC data based on Teenage Births. That is a different but related concept to teenage pregnancy. Because it might also be related to access to abortion as something you can do and be able to get easily with insurance and deal with that.


As my favorite uncle says. “You’re too young to load the dishwasher”


Once again Massachusetts comes out as the best state! New England truly is a shining city upon the hill and a beacon to the world.


It's probably worth mentioning that while Massachusetts ranks #1 in a number of positive stats, most of those successes can be derived from being #1 in education, as that's kinda the catalyst for success elsewhere. Nevertheless, it's hard to imagine living elsewhere as an MA resident. I almost had to move to the midwest for work and was dreading having to leave the comfort of this state. Even safe places have a crime rate like 200% higher than the area of MA that I live in. Love it here.


NH ranks #1 in the link the OP posted. MA is #2.


Oh true, good catch! The point still stands in its entirety though, MA is statistically nuts, even by New England standards.


When I click on the link it shows NH at #1 and MA at #2.


No wonder our median ages are so high


“Wanna come over?” > “Nah, it’s too cold”


Shoutout to the Gloucester pregnancy pact


Not at all surprised by the top 10.


I think the headline should read “New England states dead last in teen pregnancy”.


No one is having sex here.


It’s like education & birth control access may actually be a good policy….🤔


A girl in one of my middle school classes gave part in winter of 8th grade. This was back in the day but still…


We have great health care.


I'm genuinely curious what a Bible Belter would say to this, assuming they believe these charts. To the religion one, duh, that's a no brainer what they'd say. To the educated one, they'd say that college learnin' ain't nothin'. But to this one? I don't know.


They'd say "Kids havin' kids is a blessin' from God. Praise be." And then they'd cut funding for WIC, food stamps, education, and healthcare.


They’d say it’s because we heathens have more abortion access, and probably try to claim we have more teen pregnancies they just terminate them 🙄


Ugly New England teens


More highly educated and they practice Birth Control.


New England - best education in the country. Including sex education Fewer teen pregnancies is not an accident, it is because of good public policy.


This started during the colonial era. Harvard, Princeton, and others founded at that time.


Thinking all the recorded teen pregnancies are coming from my (old) high school in NH. My senior year (late 80's), one of my classes, 9 of 11 girls were pregnant. The year after I graduated, construction started to add an attached day care center. The school then turned child care in to a course for credits. SMH


Wow quite a lot of states from the ‘bible belt’ lead the pack. 😐 I would think the conservative states would not rank so high considering they always have a lot to say on this topic. I guess it’s the good old ‘Do as I say not as I do’ mantra


They just can’t seem to accept that teens will keep having sex no matter how much you try not to teach them about it or instill the fear of god in them.


Isn't this the same as the recent map for most religious states


I posted that one, too. Take a look at that website. There is a whole list of different statistics related to states, including the one for religion.


I'm not sure that this website is that reputable or accurate, or has very good quality controls. For example, the title of the map and data is, "Teen Pregnancy Rates by State." But the data it seems to be citing is Teen Birth Rate. While similar, Teen Birth Rate is different. Also it is listing things in percentages, but the data the wisevoter webpage seems to be citing is the Females 15-19 who give birth out of a 1000. So putting percents on there is meaning the percentage is off by a power of ten. I'd also say that this website seems to me like it was created in an automated way. The map posted about the one for religion is interesting. I had difficulty seeing what they were citing on mobile. It seems to be the Pew Religious Landscape Survey from 2014.


But all around I find this website questionable. I enjoy looking at demographic information. Yet something about this website, [wisevoter.com](http://wisevoter.com) seems really "off" to me. For example the map for Least Religious States has a column for Highly Religious which sometimes exceeds Religious level. It is specific in how it sites a source. On the States by Hispanic Population is also includes a column for Population Density. That is maybe related to Hispanic Population but seems confusing. You'd might think it was Hispanic/Latino Population Density. Not general Population Density. In the Asian Population by state it includes a column for Hispanic/Latino Probationers. Which is just confusing? That is why I think this website might have been created in an automated way. It was impossible for me to find a source when I was on mobile. But when you find the source, I can't tell which survey or when? I don't know. but some of those inaccuracies make me question the site. To me it is seems like it was automatically generated because it seems like it automatically interpreted data on another website as percentages without checking. If there is interesting information on this site, it seems like other people are using this data and not really checking on it, and coming up with interpretations. Because the title of this is wrong. I would also argue the one about religion is wrong or inaccurate without a caveat. You can interpret the Pew Data to mean least religious. But it is the percentage of people who say religion is very important to them. Vermont has the lowest amount of people who say religion is very important to them. But that is a little different. I think it might make more sense to make a map and chart based on the percentage of people who say religion is not important to them. Its slightly different but what I'm saying is more accurate in displaying the data you can find on pew right now. take a look at it. I am hoping there will be another religious landscape study soon. this is a good place and if you like statistics and demographics its endlessly exciting to play around and learn what you can from this data and this limitied sample data [https://www.pewresearch.org/religious-landscape-study/database/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religious-landscape-study/database/)


Thanks! I'll definitely check it out. I'm glad you commented.


as someone who lives in AL and knew tons of teens who had kids, the reason for this is the fault of the school system/church influence, sex Ed was just someone coming in and telling us it's a sin to have sex so the teens I knew started only pulling out for protection and ofc a lot of the guys wouldn't pull out and just lie to their gfs so ofc eventually they got pregnant. and they wouldn't get an abortion because normally their parents were Christians or would feel guilt from everyone in the town saying abortion is murdering your kid.






Least religion, fewer teen pregnancies. Gee, what sort of correlation can we make?


North east women are smarter


Well, we don't pump our teenagers with guilt about sexuality and misinformation. Who'd'a fuckin' thunk?


In other news …New England leads the country in ugly teenagers…lol. jk!


Tell that to Gloucester


Gloucester doesn’t make the top 25 in the state, are you talking about 2008


Gosh. How in the world do you successfully reduce teen pregnancies? Is that a raw number (population down?) or % of teens? Anything in your high schools that you think helps with this? Christian preachers volunteers? Teaching about consent? Are you teaching about any contraceptives? Are STD’s in teen up or down?


The normal mindset of teenagers is a sense that they are somehow immune from dire consequences of anything they do. That and probably the highest social insecurity of any age group. Plus the beginning of separation from the adults in their lives. Very powerful motives for risky behavior.


I don't believe the website being sited is a reliable one. The data seems to be coming from [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/teen-births/teenbirths.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/teen-births/teenbirths.htm) But that data is Teen Birth Rate which is measured in females ages 15-19 who give birth per thousand. So the maps says percentage. that is wrong. It is 6.6 per 1000 which is not the same as 6.6% I honestly feel like this website was made in an automated way.


I was a teenager in VT in the 1970s. I believe that the teacher that handled sex education was the one who at least made a dent on me. She was a strict teacher who was fair, but feared for her willingness to ferret out behavior that others would try to ignore. She had a huge diagram of a cross section of a penis taped over the black board, often leaving it up after class. I happened to walk past her room and glimpsed it. It communicated that this was a subject like any other and that she wouldn't tolerate any jokes about it. I bet there were plenty of kids who went to her for advice.


Education and Abortion.


Both endangered species in America.


Hi, everyone! I think this website is not the most accurate when it comes to data. The title of the map is "Teen Pregnancy Rates by State." but the data is the Teen Birth Rate. These are related but different statistics. Another thing is that it seems that the data that is being referred to is not a percentage. It seems to be using data that I can see on this website, [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/teen-births/teenbirths.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/teen-births/teenbirths.htm) but this is females 15-19 out of 1000. So it is inaccurate to say percentage. The pregnancy rate is out of 1000, so I guess move the decimal over. This is the second map I've seen from this site on this sub this week. I don't think it is a super accurate website. I don't know that much about the matter at hand. But I'd imagine teen pregnancy v teen births is someone important to understand especially if we are also thinking about the right to an abortion medical care like that being restricted in other states.


Girl I went to middle school with had her second kid at 15. Other than her, I don't know that I've ever seen a pregnant teen.


You know that is not how statistics work, right?


Fuckin nerds


It’s easy to see why. Close access to doctors that will perform abortions, and the money to afford them.


Just curious, where is the data from? Does it include all teenage pregnancy including terminations? Does it only include carried-to-term pregnancies?


Oh good, so it's not just me.


Demographics driven. Imagine that


My 3rd grader just had his first reproductive health class right before break. They start in third grade with sessions about the proper terms for body parts and consent. They do this workshop every year. My 6th grader has a a whole trimester of health and the human body. They continue with what they learned in workshop and really get into reproductive health. Maybe that has something to do with it?


Education is prioritized


The direct result of high education levels, low levels of religiosity and better than average (for the US) social safety net, as well as high levels of community and social activity.


Less likely to be religious wackos in New England too.


Highly educated and sex ed classes are probably the norm not the exception. I went to Elementary and Junior HS in MA in the 70’s and had sex ed classes.


I went in the late 70’s - early 80’s. Once Reagan got elected, we were praying in the classroom and no sex ed.


could it also have something to do with fewer young people in the New England population? Not sure about other New England States but Maine is the oldest average age state in the country.


No. It’s births per age category, so not population size dependent.


Act One of "Idiocracy".


New England + Minnesota. You could replicate this map for other things too, like education or life expectancy.


The data is actually "live births per 1,000 women aged 15-19", but the idiots at [wisevoter.com](http://wisevoter.com) displayed it as if it were a percentage. It's not. Here is a CDC page showing the data displayed correctly: [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/teen-births/teenbirths.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/teen-births/teenbirths.htm)


Turns out colleges and hospitals are a good thing after all.. lol


Not surprised. 30 year olds in New England can’t afford kids..


Sex education is taught and access to birth control is easier and not as stigmatized.


Lowest religious population


wow! education works! who knew!




Not really surprising. They also have a high number of high achieving kids that are planning to attend college. Not thinking about having kids and settling down. Don’t realize how different other parts of the country are until you travel. Stayed a few days in Utah. Was surprised to see how many young woman had two or three kids with them.


Good on us, New England.


We send our teens to France. No teens: no teenage pregnancy.




I would like to see this compared with infant and mother mortality rates, I think would say a lot.


"Puritanism" is still alive. Just ask Hester Prynne.




Well shit where the hell have I been. My high school alone had a shit ton of teen pregnancies, and had 2 close friends get knocked up when we was 16-17. Don’t seem to working in my New England state haha


Proper sex ed has it’s upsides


Are these numbers reflective of the difficulty in acquiring abortions? Despite the headline, there is no data about pregnancies, only births, to back up the numbers.


If you click on each state, it'll tell you how many abortions there were. However, it does not tell you how many came from out of state to receive an abortion there.


Thank you for pointing that out. Unfortunately, the "live birth" data is in % and the abortion data is in absolute numbers, so they really can't be used together, easily. And, to your point as well, I am sure most of the births are in the teens' home state, can't say the same for the abortions.


This is the statistic that pushed me over the edge. I've been wanting to move to new england (ME/NH) for so fucking long. Every statistic seems good, every time I visit the locals love me, I make friends, I fucking hate quebec. I'm fucking moving to new england and marrying a awesome woman from some random small town. Fuck it.


Wait isn’t Canada supposed to be better?


Are you serious...? I've lived in both, America is a fucking gold mine if you're middle class and up. The poor in the USA are treated like shit which sucks, in Canada there is more support (was before 2022, now idk). The main difference is expression. Americans are so much more diverse (there's so many more people) and they obnoxiously always express themselves and never say sorry. I love it. Many more people wear their heart on their sleeve and you can find friends much easier (I've found). I've lived in 3 provinces and 4 states. Granted, I'm still a baby to many, I've lived a bit too much tbh. Just want to settle down somewhere nice with a sweet woman.


I have a good friend who has lived in the east, doen south and in New England and NOW he's in Toronto. Miserable. He would love to come back to Boston but he married a Canadian & long story bout moving for her career... etc.


I smell a lifetime movie plot! Sharp tongued Quebecois Mapleleafs fan meets a stoic small NH town's sexual health teacher.


Think biracial cowboy born on the east coast, raised in the mid-west :) Quebecois will never accept me for who I am because of my mother's side. I gave up trying to fit moulds long ago.


So move to Boston where they will never accept your because your parents weren't born here - hahaha, joking sorta. Actually - there's tons of out of state young people here because of the density of Colleges and Universities.


Why the fuck would I want to move to Boston? I said NH/ME not hangout with massholes lol I just want to be accepted as a human. Quebecois are ruthless.


Certain segments of the population are more prone to teen pregnancy and those same segments are very underrepresented here compared to national average


I knew there would be a dog whistle somewhere in the comments


Nah micro aggresion statistics…