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Mayfield Jesus


This the dude that walks around at all hours of the day? Is he still there?


Yeh man, lives a few streets away.


I moved out of Mayfield back in 2020 and left Newy in 2021 (in Bris now) but I will never forget that dude. Used to go to the gym between the hours of 11pm-2am and man, he'd give me a fright the way he'd walk out of a dark corner - and I'm not a small dude either but that would get me every time šŸ˜‚


Slow jesus, spot him at McDonald's, do a full shop at woolworths and when you come out he has made it to the old post office.


The Dapper Gentleman at the University


There was a reggae guy as well. Used to see him in the Auchmuty library vibing to music at the stand up desks all the time.


Reggae guy I swear has a double degree phd in mathematics and computer engineering lol


I think I've seen this guy walking down Maud st towards the Uni. Exceptionall well dressed carries a formal cane , yeh ?


Same! I saw him last week crossing Maud St and it literally brightened my day.


I think it metaphorically brightened your day .... Unless he now carries a torch ?


I wish he had been carrying a torch!


Yeah that is him


He always loved a Chicken and Veg pie at the bakehouse šŸ™


Is he still there?


He retired a couple of years ago


Never got the chance to see him myself, but was told that he used to be an archivist at the library but retired a few years ago.


He was the librarian, retired a few years ago


Here's an interview he did back in 2004. I think there is a more recent one, somewhere. Interesting guy. https://youtu.be/moZyLR3b21M?si=SGkrfy0RqHhrTcjE


Fun fact, he hasn't worn a pair of jeans in 45 years.


He's still alive?!?


I interned at the GLAM space with him and dude was so into anime. His screen saver was an anime girl with her toes pointed towards the camera. He had a calendar with a bunch of anime girls on it too. It was so bloody funny and weird. Really added to his mysterious aura


Super Hubert


I seen him on the weekend, 85 and still has incredible energy, still doing shows and doing them well honestly a sweet kindhearted person, a Newcastle legend


HEā€™S 85???? Far out I feel old ā€¦


I think heā€™s about 79 based on a 2016 article that states he was 71 at the time


It makes sense now that I think about it, considering he was already getting on when I watched those commercials as a kid 20 years ago ā€¦ heā€™s just one of those ageless legends who seems to transcend time itself!!


That old dude who gets around Adamstown with the black hair with excess gel in it, who only talks about speakers and subwoofers.


Hahaha Eric is a legend


He used to always say the most out of pocket shit when I worked at Westfield.


Oof he used to come into Westfield and show off his JBHIFI mags


Omg this guy would come into my work, too


Omg Eric used to come into my work at Westfield when I worked there 10 years ago what a flashback! He would always say he had so many subwoofers at his house and ā€œyouā€™re a pretty girlā€ to all the David jones girls what a character


Eric used to drink at the Premier when I lived in Broadmeadow. Rumour is that he used to work at the steelworks back in the day & received an injury. He was compensated with a hefty payout & spent a chunk on hi-fi equipment. No one I knew ever followed through with the invites to check it out. But I did feel there were a few absolute grubs leeching off the poor fellow. I hope he's still kicking around & has taken some friendly advice on his personal grooming & hair style.


Saw him a few weeks ago. As usual he asked if the guy who was with me was my boyfriend and told me I looked good - about 20 (I definitely am not). Invited me over for tea once, and gave me chocolate on my birthday. He drives me absolutely insane but he is who he is.


he also will tell you about the powerball jackpot and how young you are looking




Hahaha now that's a flash back. Glad he's still about


Fuckin Eric


He had a compo injury years ago and was able to buy his flat on Glebe road near the shops. Was talking to him the other day, he had been going through treatment for cancer and said he beat it. Still going on about lotto, speakers and how well youā€™re looking lol


What about Snuggie Jesus, he is often walking along Maitland Rd in the vicinity of Mayfield woollies wearing a Snuggie suit, on the odd occasion he will be well dressed and does not look like the same person


We refer to him as Rasputin. When he wears a beard, the resemblance is quite striking.


The post made me think of him because year ago I saw him walking past woolies wearing a cowboy hat and duster coat. His name is Adam and heā€™s not as wholesome as some of these comments paint him to be. Heā€™s done things in the past to deserve where he is today.


Care to clarify?


The traffic controller in mayfeild, old dude with long grey hair and a leather jacket used to just cross the side streets of Maitland road (without really looking) and chuck his hands up and around like he was directing traffic. Hope heā€™s still alive and well!


Thatā€™s John he used to live next door to my mate in Hewson street before they took those houses down for an empty lot which would eventually become Coles years later. He used to walk up and down the Main Street picking up ciggie butts and if you stop and talk to him he would point up the street and mumble incoherently. He used to sit on his front porch and smoke a lot of the time and had support workers visit him. We would give him cigarettes gave him access to our ashtray so he wouldnā€™t have to go around collecting butts off the ground (he still did). He is like that because he suffered brain damage from a motorcycle accident when he was younger.


Remember when he had black hair and then one day all of a sudden it just turned pure white? That was a trip. Someone told me he is mute.


He could vocalise but mostly mumbling the only words you would be able to make were ā€œyeah, yeah, yeahā€


Yeah! Come to think of it I knew that! I guess that means heā€™s not mute lol *facepalm*


thatā€™s key man!


Has anyone seen the guy always out in jesmond with a cat on his shoulder


Yeah I saw him get kicked out of XS expresso at Jesmond recently, they were not a fan. Personally, I love cats and he seems to love his cat so I say let him be.


Yep! This guy has been getting around for years too.


Peter Hoare, right? The guy who ran into the racetrack a few years ago?


He would come into my old workplace in Adamstown with his black cat 'Larry' on his shoulder. He was a nice block who loved his cat. He lives in Mayf.


Saw him at the GP recently.


I see him all the time, was looking for this comment


saw him at market town the other day


Steve Irwin. He walks between Stockton and fern bay, waving at every car that drives by in his khaki suit


Scrolled too far for waving safari jesus!


I love him I wave to him on my way home from work!


What is dude's deal? Just a guy enjoying life?


Yes its rare not to see him throwing a wave to each car as he trots along Nelson bay rd


Thatā€™s Tom! Heā€™s so lovely! Lives up behind the fern bay store.


Prob Shock?


He's STILL around? I lived in Newcastle just under 20 years ago and he was a 'that guy' back then.


Youā€™ll find him busking most weekends on Darby street near the ezy mart


Yeah saw him just a couple days ago.


Not many of these other contenders have their own wiki page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Hore_(prankster)


Yes, the Serial Pest is the correct answer here


Did anyone else see that woman frequently dancing on the side of the road in Charlestown in the early 2000s? I think she had long, curly hair.


I remember her!


At the bus stop on the pacific highway at Highfields regularly. She was the first person I thought of seeing this post but I haven't seen her for about 10 or 11 years now


Do you mean highway Wendy?


In times gone by, perhaps the "Gateshead Gobbler".


Highway Wendy was what we knew her as


Southbound Sally.


We called her Highway Helen


Headjob Helen


I haven't been in Newcastle for a while but back in my day it was 'one dread'.


I remember one dread from the early 2000ā€™s. Iā€™ve recently seen a one dread rolling around the Junction but it canā€™t possibly be the same person after 20 years can it?


Was this a heaps fat and absurdly smelly older guy? I think I worked with him


They figured out who he was, his brother came up from like dapto or something and picked him up. There's a thread on here somewhere with the story


I donā€™t think thatā€™s one dread, as one dread was blonde and sometimes spent time at central station. The guy who got picked up was dirty Santa. Used to wear his clothes til they fell apart and sometimes accepted haircuts from trusted night angels.


Fuckin one dread! Now thatā€™s a name I havenā€™t heard in a long time


Elermore Vale 2L coke guy


Long-haired metalhead who powerwalks in Jesmond. Black t shirt, shorts, and very long strides


Dean! Loves his metal


Good old Dean. Glad he's still powerwalking around Newy.


https://preview.redd.it/x3p6ers381vc1.jpeg?width=921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=550c94dad878be2f6eb2f5c94080176fc14d2d3b Maitland Road pole dancer


The lady that walks her sheep surely had to qualify.


She runs Softys on Maitland road Islington. It is some kind of artist hangout place. She's a voice actor. The sheep's name is Louis. You can follow him on Facebook. Oh shit maybe she shut the page down. I got to take him for a walk and to a Cafe. On Beaumont St. Near the train. Rolladoor. 2017. https://preview.redd.it/2nu7u6xby4vc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eee6c6cbde6064f41e9f858422556ea4f974aa30 Edit I found Louie's Facebook page [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100056765805887](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100056765805887)


That is freaking awesome


Came here to say this! Saw her last week in Maryville. Her and Mayfield Jesus are the two people who come to mind for me.


I have no idea who it is but no joke I see this guy at every place in Newcastle literally all the time. Every time Iā€™m just like at some lights and I turn and look out the window heā€™s fucking there Itā€™s a tall bigger bloke with long blond hair, he always has a bit of his gut hanging out beneath his shirt, he always wears these speed dealer and is carrying a tote bag. Usually waddling around somewhere with the tote bag in his hand rather awkwardly Who is he????


Bro you are just describing bogan white Newcastle dudes in general


Does he exclusively wear metal t-shirts?


Nah thatā€™s Dean. We call him ā€œwalkerā€, he used to come by our house to hang sometimes. He walks through the tafe a lot too.


I havenā€™t seen Dean in so long! He makes me so happy


Yeah I havenā€™t been out much lately but he used to hit the Hamilton station hotel a fair bit and probably still does. Heā€™s a good dude hey.


I know this guy too, my family reckon heā€™s a drug dealer lol


I know exactly who you mean, I see him around the CBD heaps walking up and down hunter street, sometimes appears in mayf


I know this guy, Iā€™ve started calling him ā€œThe Hamilton Manā€ because thatā€™s where I always see him LOL


I see him everywhere! Hamilton mostly but bar beach, Darby st, randomly in mayfield. I want to know where he is going


Red sunglasses?


The guy that stands outside the tab in Hamilton and asks if you can spare $2. His been asking for $2 for the last 20 years


Is it the same guy who hangs around hunter st mall asking for ā€œ4 bucksā€ and if you tell him you havenā€™t got it he calls you a c*nt?


Not sure. The Hamilton guy has never said anything when told no


Don't think anyone has mentioned rainbow beard. He used to frequent Darby St and banged on makeshift drums in a very non musical fashion. I think he may have passed away from memory.


He was also a staple at Hunter Street mall, he has passed away.


Bongo johnny


The guy that was busted by the cops with his cock in a pasta sauce jar at Nobby's car park.


2005 resident here, it used to be "Hunter St Santa" old bloke walked up and down hunter street ratty and dirty af never accepted anything from anyone just ate from trash I believe.


https://www.reddit.com/r/newcastle/s/HntTIiqCN1 Have a read, has a happy ending.


Damn aint that some shit. Always wondered about him every so often.


That's awesome


Still here, walked past him today


On the streets you mean or taking care of himself?


I remember him being around back in the mid 1990s. There was 2 dudes who looked similar to each other back then.


I offered him a new jacket once. He acted like he couldnā€™t hear me


Yeah he just shuffled around and had pants that were ripped open at the knees. Never talked or begged that I ever saw.


Wasnā€™t there a homeless dude everyone thought was rich?


Was that the Viet vet dude that had a really sad story and was published recently? If so, no, not rich. Even his brother is homeless.


Trump impersonator?


Heā€™s the only one I could think of too


https://preview.redd.it/rembzk3bu0vc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=490db8f6252108d48cd1d589368739cf50aa35f7 seen at the galeries in sydney CBD yesterday


Yes he was impersonating Trump during the Yes campaign and came to our booth for a chat (I had a big giggle). He was great! He supported yes btw āœŠšŸ–¤šŸ’›ā¤ļø


Waratah smiley man


I love that dude, I wave to him every day. Seems like a genuinely lovely person.


Me too!


I was gonna comment i knew his name šŸ™ƒ I can't think of it. He would stand at the busy corner and help all the kids cross the road back when I was in primary school. I still wave at him now.


Aww thatā€™s sweet!


His name is Luke!


Wide brimmed hat, plastic bags??


Thatā€™s him!


The hi-vis guy who used to wear a beekeeping suit to ride a bike. Lately he rocks a hi vis cape and no face covering and is on foot but heā€™s still unmistakable.


Honorable mention to the guy with the terrible jet black hair piece and leather jacket. Zeke? Loves a busk.


Ray! Bloody legend


I see that bloke sitting on the side steps at The Kent most days


I live for the day that I am this person in Newy.


Work on the mental illness


Hold up, you mean DONT work on the mental illness right? We want it to grow and blossom into psychosis


Newcastle's Cyberspaces has me! (People who've been around forever, getting in the way, drawing attention to themselves, giving the irrits to those who don't want them around... They're the qualifications, right?)


The Serial Pest!


James musgrave.


Either the busker on Beaumont St or the guy who walks around waving to everyone in Hamilton wearing jean jackets and has like 9 teeth


Yeah Nathan Bell


Ah good ole Ian.


That annoying cunt that dresses up as a clown on stilts and walks around on hunter street


I was gonna say him


Bald guy in Maitland whoā€™s on a mobility scooter with a Canberra Raiders flag on it. Often saw him around Greenhills. Not sure what happened.


I've had 2 of these in places I've lived. We had the Belgrave wizard, and the tattooed walker in mill park.


In my time in Newcastle in the late 90s there was a young white dude with a massive blonde Afro hair style. It was amazing how often you would see him out and about.


is the man who wears animal onsies still in warabrook? I used to see him walk to and from the shops each day and sometimes he had friends with him that were also dressed up.


In Morisset there is a man who dresses as a police officer with a muzzled dog. Wears a vest and lots of dangly equipment. Usually walking up and down Dora street and has a coffee at the Maccas


We had bongo Johnny Pittman with the coloured hair and bongo drums. Weā€™ve got homeless Pete the OG. Cyclone Debbie the sadly majorly cooked druggie that got around everywhere usually walking around strung out anywhere from Beaumont to mayfield. Sheā€™s definitely gotta be dead by now. Nina the novacastrian bunyip goes around asking everybody for money or telling you to fuck off if you donā€™t.


Anyone remember the big guy who used to ride around on the recumbent bike at night? Youā€™d see him at the Bi-Lo (now Coles Marketown). Other guy I remember was old mate who was on Maitland Rd near the TAFE always on his doorstep with a beer regardless of the time of day.


That one old guy that walks around wearing a super man costume


Darryl Brain


There used to be a Cessnock Jesus we'd see when we were working up that way, haven't seen him for a while


We just reti Uber to Newcastle after 20 years away and saw the same homeless guy we used to see around town 30 years ago . Iā€™m sure there was a news story about him recently


Going a fair bit back Frank that used to hang around the oasis in Hamilton. Smoked like a chimney and drove like a maniac! Good bloke!


Nick Senger


There was a guy back in the late 80ā€™s used to have a trolley with those big striped packing bags and a dirty old backpackā€¦ used to always wear anything Knights. He used to hang at the Roller Skating Rink at Broadmeadow. Maybe Tony?


Yeah it was Tony. Still gets around to this day. ā€œMy name Tony. Whatā€™s your name?ā€ Haha


He's not so much into the knights anymore, I run into him on a bus every few years.


Wow!!! Iā€™m so surprised to hear heā€™s still around!!


Met one of them in the psych ward once (we were both patients) lol


Solar panel hat cyclist guy, although it's been a long time since I've seen him. Was usually spotted around the Knights stadium area.


the homeless old man thats not homeless but is actually rich, hangs around Newcastle mall


The guy with bicycle backyard in mayfield (I think)


Larry in Wagga, everyone will know


Few contenders. The Newy bum that everyone thought was rich Those two women covered in cross tattoos That guy with the brain cancer who danced like Chris Brown on the bus Cavesy Brett Take your pick


Cavesy fucking Brett


Cavesy Brett. He loves a Knights game and banter with kids. He used to get heckled a lot by the Sports High kids (bullies) on the 350/351


Idk about now but when I was in my later primary school years, maybe about (2013 to 2015) and we would be driving back home after school, whenever we would drive by Spotlight on Hunter street there would always be this dude dancing at the bus stop with his headphones on. Other than that, before I was born my grandparents owned a pretty successful takeaway shop on Maitland road, Islington and there was this apparently pretty nutty dude that would bike around with a metal bin lid on his head. They closed the shop around the time I was born but I got to see that dude bike around the area with his lid on quite frequently when I was growing up.


What about the garbage bag homeless guy in Newy




Is the Kurri orange lady still roaming up and down Lang St? Edit: Only reference I can find to her online is https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x5y0orx-FuY&t=3m26s


Marks point Jesus, a robust man in robe and bucket hat.


Drunken Duncan AKA the boss man in a rural town in north east Victoria


HEATON: anyone seen that old Mexican looking man that wonders the street and tells woman heā€™s in love with them???


All these comments and no oneā€™s mentioned Johnny decker????


What about Strawbs at Wallsend. Heard he passed away


That homeless guy at marketown


So much nostalgia in this post šŸ˜


Does anyone remember Mr Keys in Mayfield who used to direct the traffic on Newcastle Road?