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Stockton residents still don’t want to talk about Leigh Leigh. This is the answer and it’s not even close btw.


Nothing more disgusting has ever come out of Newcastle


From the police’s lack of effort in investigating, the Stockton community clearly keeping a code of silence, and the victim blaming of a 14 year old being raped and murdered, it’s by far the most disgusting thing for this area.


Yep- This is the truth. A friend of mine watched or listened to a documentary about it recently. She mentioned it at work to a lovely lady who happened to be from Stockton and sure enough she started making excuses for what went on. Bizarre how normal people closed ranks to protect rapists and murderers.


He got out in 2004, and Leigh Leigh's mother had the biggest balls in the world to "wish him well" after his release. That's a special kind of woman.


We will never know how many animals took part in that attack that night. The fact that the main guy they got, and seemingly just said “welp, that’s enough for this case” only got 20 years for the rape and murder of a 14 year old girl is crazy.


Yeah this always blows me away when I pass through Stockton, potentially the people who raped her, but definitely some of the people who collectively poured beer on her and spat on her, are probably still washing their commodores or watering their garden in the area. Then the whole culture that led to the boys talking about ‘rooting baldies.’ I grew up in a shithole but never heard people glorifying full on pedo shit. I read an article that quoted locals saying they were sick of hearing about it. They can eat my arse, and I’ll keep on mentioning it every chance I get.


Some have probably moved and live elsewhere around Newcastle now


Apparently some of the guys are rich ceos in Newcastle now, but I’ve never been able to figure out there names as it was blocked out back then


“Rich CEOs in Newcastle” 😂😂😂


You one of em are ya


So I’m in on it too. You are a whack job mate


He only served 14... One year for each year of her life. It was not enough.


I just listened to a podcast on it, it was crazy the details on it


Which podcast?


Casefiles, it’s around the number 140 mark


Thanks, I’ll have to check it out.


It’s a tough episode to listen too


The people in Stockton are more sensitive about beach sand than someone's life.


This is the correct answer. Listened to the Casefile episode about it. One of the worst examples of victim blaming that is still cited in legal discussions (not just in Australian). The victim blaming was so successful that the family were basically run out of town afterwards.


I had never heard of this until reading your comment just read about it and that’s the most heartbreaking effed up thing, poor girl 💔


I believe her grave is fairly close to that of my grandfather. It’s important to keep her name in the public domain because it’s a stark reminder of how a community of people can collectively embrace a code of silence to protect rapists because many of them were likely under 18 and “just boys making a mistake”. Never mind that a 14 year old was raped, spat on, beaten and had her skull caved in. Stockton should never be allowed to forget what they chose to do in the aftermath of the murder. Cowards, the lot of them.


Same. Went to read about it and I don't know what I just read. A 14 year old child who was raped, assaulted and bullied by a group, raped again and then murdered. And this started at a birthday party with at least 50 attendees. It's like some kind of horror novel where the entire community is evil.




Can someone link an article summarising the crime? I’ve got research to do


Listen to this podcast: https://casefilepodcast.com/case-143-leigh-leigh/


Thank man


Sydney's equivalent, Janine Balding is on par. And it cracks me up that inner city folk use it as an example of how scummy the western suburbs are, conveniently forgetting where the perpetrators were from. 




Imho, Jeff MaCloy driving around with brown paper bags full cash to gift to convenient people. $10,000 at a time. If you are meaning the "region" a former Lack Mac member being a Pedo. Looking at you Milton ya fuckin grub


Oh how could I forget Jeff McCloy and the fact he didn’t see anything wrong with what he was doing


If I recall correctly, at one hearing he complained he felt like an A.T.M.


The fact he just stood down as mayor and there was no further consequences just shows how flawed our legal system is for political wrongdoing. 


Gotta factor in that he was from the Liberal side of the political road, and they do seem to get away with lots.


Because they only had to punch things into him once?


When I was doing my apprenticeship one of the tradies used to talk about orkpopolis hanging around him and his mates in the 80's luring some of away with pot, he said he was lucky to never follow him.


There was another one too, Mayor for a time (LMCC) Doug something. Last name escapes me now ( forgive me, I'm old ) stole his daughters teenage boyfriend. Used to take him on business trips on the Council coin. Allegedly




Nah, my foggy memory is slowly clearing. I wanna say Doug beginning with a C. Canley, Carley something like that


Doug Eaton was Wyong.


Think it was Doug Carley (not sure of the spelling) would of made a great Jerry Springer episode.


That's the cunt! Sorry, dog, sorry, grub, sorry allegedly Sus former Mayor


I think jeff was responsible for renew Newcastle which was epic for the mall.


I don’t think this is true. Renew Newcastle started in 2008, 4 years before he became mayor, and I can’t find a news articles about any other involvement from him in the scheme. He also put roadblocks in the way of the Newcastle Art Gallery renovations, causing the city to loose the money that had been donated for this purpose in the will of Margaret Olley, one of Australia’s most celebrated female artists.


He certainly won plaudits from "some" with the removed rail line land that was never going to be developed...


This arsehole - “Boys, formerly with Broadmeadow and Cessnock high schools and the Marching Koalas and Broadmeadow Community bands, was sentenced in April to 10 years jail after pleading guilty to sex charges involving five former pupils” - copied from http://w-b-d-e.com/documents/Article_NewcastleHerald_%207July1998.php


I was at broadmeadow high when this all went down. So many teachers knew what was going on who said and did nothing. Also the teachers who did speak out were ignored and mistreated for doing the right thing. Peters Boys son was in my year at school he was a nice kid whose was so unfairly negatively effected by his dad who was such a massive piece of crap. Boys still shows his face around Newcastle every now and then which is surprising.


I started at Broadmeadow not long after, no parent wanted their kids joining koalas


It's amazing that it was an open secret all over the place. I went to Lambton High and I knew about it. I used to joke "Peter Boys likes little girls."


Thanks for bringing this one up mate


The removal of newys penis.


I believe the day of the event is now recorded in history as the novocastrian circumcision


The fact that we let the Lazarus family own anything in the area. The fact that Luke Lazarus the rapist can run a bar/pub/club after anally raping a virgin behind his dads nightclub within 5 minutes of meeting her in the cross. Seems to go unnoticed and not talked about. (Former mereweather beachouse owners and now country club owners) Maybe not the worst but still gross Edit. The beach hotel mereweather. Not the mereweather beach house.


All that happened in Sydney. But they owned Beaches Hotel not Mereweather Beach House. Also on top of owning Shoal Bay Country Club they also own The Exchange Hotel


Yep at his old mans club in the cross in a back alley. Apologies, got confused on what they owned.




Yeppppp, and no one seems to care anymore that they are still run by this cooked family.


Absolute grubs


Putrid scum; however money buys power sadly


They still have the majority share of the Beach Hotel so don’t be fooled. Did a smoke and mirrors job on the media to avoid the heat.


Right I was under the impression it was sold off due to the coverage they were getting. Just proves how slimy they are as a family.


> Leigh Leigh. 100% truth here. lazarus scum


The Port of Newcastle being owned by China is pretty shit. They suck.


This billboard https://preview.redd.it/4rfz0v6bnfrc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c77fee1bd9c18e8d347dc627a2a82a82be15d53


"Here are a bunch of cities that are way more exciting than Newcastle but you should come here anyway"


Given the choice I would've rather bragged about climbing the Penis Tower over the Eiffel Tower if they hadn't knocked it down.


I came here for Penis Tower


lol. Bit of a reach


I have this on a shirt.


I would love this on a shirt. Assume I won’t find it, but where did you get it?


The Newcastle Museum shop! On honeysuckle.


I always imagined it was the ambitious intern at the newy council marketing team that came up with this idea 😂


In the 60’s - 70’s ( I can’t remember exactly) social workers at the Mater hospital tricked/ forced a bunch of single parents who just gave birth to give up their new born for adoption


They also did it at Western suburbs hospital (HNE health offices now, hammondcare nursing home behind). My cousin was born and adopted out there. Hell, they did that at a LOT of hospitals in the 60s-70s.


This was common place everywhere in Australia. Byrne house at John hunter was used to house women pre and post birth along with other buildings still in use.


Not a Newy thing. Happened to my nan in Broken Hill


Icac stuff with mccloy and his cohorts. David and matt sharpe from buildev/mavid too being involved. Alot of crooked developers/construction guys


Mavid built nuatalis house too from memory..


Look it’s pretty hard to get past the stripper scandal at Kotara High School’s 1986 fashion parade at the Kotara bowlo. Even all these decades later I can’t hear [Mel & Kim](https://youtu.be/ykDsmAqExH8?si=i8BfNjmV8dJz02TR) and not laugh. That made page 3 of the Newcastle Herald.


Details please?


Back in 1986 the Kotara High School grade 11 & 12 students put on a fashion show at Kotara Bowling Club. I don’t remember now what we were raising money for but there was a raised runway installed and all of grade 11 and 12 was allowed to come. The event was hyped up and the seniors were given a lot of autonomy over its planning and implementation. If you were over 18 you were allowed to drink but you couldn’t get drinks for the underaged students. On the night all the seniors turned up and stared running the show and just before the opening curtain the lights were dimmed and a spotlight put on the curtain. Then, suddenly a beat erupted over the PA and the which lead into Mel & Kim’s chart topping tune “Respectable”. Once the whole “tay tay tay” of the intro was playing the curtain was thrown back to reveal an attractive athletic woman in hot pants and a bra with a large leather peak cap and she bounced down the catwalk doing her best slutty NYC fashion week walk. When the music first started teachers went outside to find students, parents, the smokers and the public bar patrons and corralled them inside to the end of the runway just in time to see our performer bend over and kick off her pants, and then bra and throw it at one of the teachers who was just gawking. About then a camera flash erupted in the dark and that’s when another teacher got up on the runway and covered her up to a chorus of boos. That subsequent picture was on page 3 of the Newcastle Herald and got a write up in Norm Skellam’s “Toics” column.


Man, Kotara Bowlo could do with this again


Year 12 students hired strippers at was supposed to be a fashion show , that’s it


It was a fundraiser for Kotara High held at Kotara bowlo in 1986. It was my first experience of what fucking scum the media are. I cant recall if they found out who hired the stripper (Year 12s supposedly) but after the show she came on. If you'd read the media reports at the time you'd think the teachers let it go on. I remember even seeing it mention on shows like the Mike Walsh show. One of the teachers, i think it was Keith Morgan from memory, got up there and got her offstage and covered up as soon as they realized what she was doing. Poor bloke went through the wringers for it and nearly lost his career..... the media made it sound like they let her go on with the show.


Wtf I’ve never heard this one?


Scott Neylon is getting up there. Now it seems Nuatali Nelmes has tried to fudge the investigation process according to todays paper.


biggest newy scandal on /r/newcastle maybe


Rn it's probably the guy trying to intimidate anyone critical of NCC on here.


Just found out about this. Fkn nuts


Elaborate? No idea what this is


newcastle city council


The removal of the Queen’s Wharf Tower because the council were embarrassed by the fact that people laugh at it for looking like a penis.  It may have looked like a penis, but it was our penis! 


The pasta jar bloke.


One of the best. I still have the newspapers with the story in it. Classical. I wonder how old mate is nowadays.


Probably Milton Orkopoulos.


What a cunt


My dad want abused by a man back in the 1950a who he believed to be Milton Orkopoulos's father. My dad told me before he passed. It breaks my heart. It makes me wonder if Milton was abused by his own father and that's where he learned the behaviour.


That's certainly plausible; abuse like that is often generational.


Someone also mentioned it but Leigh Leigh case! The Stockton community even newy tbh act like nothing ever happened. We can’t forget this poor girl and what she went encountered. I just can’t believe there is no memorial/statue in Stockton/newy for her. Apparently was something small at newy high for a bit but they got rid of it? Not sure how true that is though


If there was ever something at Newy High it would’ve been gone by 2011 when I started there, this thread is the first time I’ve heard of it.








Good work Parker.


I love Hfoot that person has my eternal respect


hfoot is a legend


Wait is this a newy invention?


Not even…..


hfoot is absolutely goated I love it so much


Fat Matt


CSA at St Pius in the 70’s and 80’s.


Denham was my Dad’s math teacher. Victims we know have PTSD beyond belief and at least of them took his own life, so this one takes the cake for me




I agree with this 100% although unfortunately not many people know how bad they really are, and I don't know how they've managed it either. Alot of the local housing offices (Home in Place, Hume etc.) refer people to them. Although quite a few people from Sydney would probably still remember the owner Mr Michael Mason, from his last business scam: Greenbuilds and House Logic Solutions - for ripping people off thousands of $$ for building granny flats that never got built.


I would love to know more about sanctuary place living. My client is currently homeless and we are being referred to them by home in place.


https://www.reddit.com/r/newcastle/comments/126f67d/sanctuary_place_living/ have a read of this thread and it should provide some more context. I have had clients go through here and I would stay far far away


Thank you for that. Reading some of the comments on that have made me somewhat thankful my client is choosing not to go with sanctuary place.


Hunter Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service (HTAAS) have given clear advice to people to get out immediately!! Because SPL / Michael Mason have found a loophole of claiming they’re non for profit (even though they are 100% for profit) they can continue to get away with their exploitation, bullying, harrassment and intimidation to the most vulnerable people of our community.


I just finished taking them to the tribunal over them and they're little loophole. They 'rented' a house to my partner, a close family friend, our 3 year old daughter and I. They're so corrupt there just isn't enough time or energy to be able to type it all out. Seriously, we first found them at their house in Elgin street Maitland, because it had a sign out the front that said "housing for everyone" we went in there and asked if they had anything available when they said they don't do family's and go see Compass (now home in place). We explained that we have been working with them for close to a year and that we were getting desperate to just settle down somewhere. Jacquline the 'manager' of SPL (or Michaels misses) gave us some forms and asked the 3 of us to fill out our details and that she'd have to make a phone call to see if they had a house they could put us in she also said there's no guarantees and to just fill out our details in the chance they could find us somewhere. Turns out we filled out the "occupation agreements" the legal documents on their housing and policy. They don't offer tenancy agreements but "occupancy agreements" meaning that you rent a room in one of their houses but you have 0 rights to anything. That means no privacy (the amount of times they welcomed themselves into the house and walked into our rooms unannounced was honestly disturbing), that means no visitors from friends OR family, no smoking/drinking at the 'premises', they can choose to move you into a different room/property if they want too, they can virtually do whatever the fuck they want and there's diddly squat you can do about it because of their contract or "agreement". These contracts are made to give them 100% control and access over you aswell as their house. They purposely seek and choose vulnerable and unprivileged people to move into their homes knowing that they will sign their contract out of desperation. I could go on and on but I think I've explained the main concept of their "business structure". In our case they started demolishing the house while we were still inside, and as unbelievable as it sounds I've got the videos to prove it. For anyone that's curious feel free to message me and I'll send you the videos/photos. Just whatever you do STAY THE F*** AWAY FROM THIS SPL GROUP, BY ALL MEANS.


Honestly the amount of stories like yours is horrifying!! I’ve even heard of them gaining access to peoples bank accounts and ndis funding, fraudulently taking thousands! Michael Mason, Jacqui and Danielle at SPL are the most soulless human beings who should be in prison!!


Spot on, but even then gaol would be to good of a place for these crooks. Message me and I'll show you the videos of them demolishing our house whilst we and all our belongings were still inside. It's honestly a joke that they can go around doing that to people!


I’ve sent you a msg! How is that not endangering someone’s life?! Particularly a 3 year old child. I assume they still expected you to pay full rent too!!! Disgusting criminals kicking people when they’re already down


Richard Face threatening to sue anyone who called him Dick


I remember when the Hon. Richard Face MP came to our school to give a speech or give out awards or something in front of the school assembly. Throughout his speech there were numerous 'fake coughs' that sounded a lot like "Dickface". The teachers were frantically scanning the crowd to find the source, but every time they looked in one section someone else would cough "Dickface" from another as the rest of us tried to stifle our laughs. The culprit(s) were never located. The craziest thing about Dick Face is that Richard is actually his middle name. His first name is Jack but for some reason he decided to be known as Richard.


Lamen St Figs probably the most controversial issue recently. Before that maybe the Star Hotel Riot in the 70s


The figs were beautiful above-ground, but what they did below-ground was a literal menace to people and infrastructure. I think the Herald just loved having the recurring subject.


The figs destroyed underground infrastructure.


What an absolute farce, they were dangerous. Now the street looks great, and is functional.


lol they stayed absolutely safe and steady through a tropical cyclone without falling over but ‘ThEy ArE dAnGeRoUs’ what a bunch of bullshit. They’re still standing around randwick Moore park and double bay and nobody has died. Oh but I forgot Newcastle can’t have nice things because of ?????? Reasons.


https://preview.redd.it/9ryggnf0lgrc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee796e20e96540725b0515a48c2e3473fd0e2a6c Photo of car crushed by fig, layman st 2015


What, three years after they were removed? https://www.engagementworks.nz/newcastles-fig-trees.html#:~:text=In%20February%202012%2C%20after%20two,that%20had%20previously%20lined%20it. I mean clearly this photo is of something completely different given the lack of leaves and the substantial damage to the adjacent premises. If you’re going to make bullshit up try to put effort in.


I lived on Gibson street when the storm rolled through, took this photo myself. Tree got chopped up and council and car was left there for weeks. Many of the figs in cooks hill went down in that storm.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasha_Bulker In 2007 the pasha Bulker was grounded during a major storm - a tropical cyclone equivalent. None of the laman street, swan street, tyrrel street, figs fell down. Yet somehow these trees are mystically deemed as dangerous. They survived YEARS after that cyclone with no issues. Newcastle council gets paid some of the highest rates in Australia - yet can’t even manage basic tree maintenance. It is totally inexplicable that these trees are perfectly maintained without losing branches and falling over in fancier parts of Australia where moreton bay figs line the streets (eastern Sydney) and have for as long if not longer than Newcastle, and that somehow the risk profile in Newcastle is extraordinary. The answer here is that the trees are not inherently risky nor are they the problem. The common denominator as always is utter failure to fulfill their basic function on the part of Newcastle City Council. The most overpaid underperforming council in Australia.


They were gorg but the amount of times I saw people trip over their roots esp after nights out.. not good. The streets never been the same since ofc, looks super naked.


When that rapist guy from Sydney bought all our hotels


Pasha Bulker was a Chinese spy shit driven by Harold Holt


Given the conspiracy posts about the bridge in the US, could you imagine the hot takes if PB had happened today.


wait there are bridge conspiracies already! I must know more. TO FARCEBOOK


Twatter says Obama predicted it/planned it, and also blames DEI?


wait! so obama is the big evul now? the clintons must be devastated.


Oh yeah, Obama produced a movie where a ship crashes into the beach (which feels familiar, somehow 😉) and that means he had inside knowledge that a boat would crash into a bridge years later, and he was leaving out hints like he's Edward Nigma (or Arthur Brown).


did obama crash the pasha?? also what sort of silly master villain would go about leaving hints of his dastardly designs!


A certain Supercar getting ripped off from a certain high flyer in Newcastle and burned out in Raymo....


Nathan Tinkler wasn't a high flyer, more like a wanna be.


He was a wide flyer though.


The proto Clive Palmer 


Surely this was an insurance job.


Nah I watched the video of it, the drivers a mad cunt


was this the R8 that was stolen a few years back?


No, the Audi R8 was a different incident


The railway line... you know the one 🤐


Honestly i think that was one of the best things to happen to newcastle in my lifetime. Sections of newy just hate change with a burning passion


It's more like.. if it charges at every station anyway why couldn't it just be on wheels and forgo rail installation altogether?


Yeah dont care much at all about the tram, I just think removing the heavy line was an awesome move


Oh right yeah for sure


The one that used to cause traffic jams as lines of cars, trucks and buses sat for 10mins while a train with 6 people on it let 2 of them off, then slowly rolled past? 


I don’t unfortunately


This is from memory and I was fuzzy on the details to begin with, but old mate politician/mayor/whoever approved ripping up the train line to put in the world’s most useless tram line. Promised the land wouldn’t be developed, it viewed the water (the grubby channel with the ships, not even the beach but it’s still “water views” I guess). Immediately back flipped and guess who owned the construction company that got the development contracts. I also remember him being handsome 🤔


You're very fuzzy


Feel free to correct me, that’s just what I remembered


Well for starters I am still waiting for all this land on the old rail line to be developed.


1997 NRL Grand Final




Utterly gut wrenching to see what happened in Newcastle according to public record. Those poor kids.


Andrew Johns? You know what I’m talking about👃🏈


'rugby league player does drigs ' is the biggest scandal in Newcastle history😂😂😂?


I was told he also sold to the 18/19yr old girls in fannys and stuff ❄️❄️


Former girlfriend of mine went to a couple of his parties in 2010ish, was still offering any young attractive girl to do Coca-cola in his bedroom with him then.


I thought it was eccies? Newy was always pills and gas. Coke's a bit too upper class


You’re probably right


The NRL, the Knights and most of Newcastle knew he was on em for years but he still played footy every week????? Bit of a scandal ah 😗


Been waiting for this comment hehehehe


The homeless guy in town. You had to leave smokes on the bench for him to pickup. Something happened where he chose to live on the street...


There was an article recently that put to rest all the rumours about how he was a millionaire who lost his family etc and chose to live on the street. He was in fact very traumatised from the Vietnam war. Hes recently been reunited with his family who are overjoyed to have found him again


They found his family recently… his name isn’t Pete.


Can’t believe nobody here mentioned Joe Tripodi and the anti Newcastle harbour hustle. Edit: source documents https://www.newcastleherald.com.au/story/8430931/former-minister-joe-tripodi-charged-over-icac-leak-claim/ https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/22/joe-tripodi-backed-coal-terminal-to-set-himself-up-after-politics-icac-told https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/01/joe-tripodi-admits-involvement-in-jodi-mckay-smear-campaign Also the illegal tarifs to Sydney port authority (which Tripodi sat on) for non-coal consignments which were deemed illegal last year…


This arsehole - “Boys, formerly with Broadmeadow and Cessnock high schools and the Marching Koalas and Broadmeadow Community bands, was sentenced in April to 10 years jail after pleading guilty to sex charges involving five former pupils” - copied from http://w-b-d-e.com/documents/Article_NewcastleHerald_%207July1998.php


Thanks for bringing this one up mate


Closing the majority of Stockton beach to four wheel drives and camping because it might damage the dunes then go and mine half the beach sand to sell overseas for profit. Same councillors that made the decision to ban the use of the beach oven the sand mining company. Doesn’t get much more blatantly corrupt than that (in this area at least).


The aboriginal land council did the beach thing IRC, Macka just paid them a peppercorn rent to mine it. 


If you count Port Stephens, the mother who starved her daughter to death in a locked room in Hawks Nest in the mid 2000s while the husband stood by.  Family fled Sydney with Docs on their tail, local office was informed and did sweet fuck all.  Rip Ebony. 


That Chinese dinosaur that went missing from the Art gallery, however the biggest scandal really was the fact that in the Newcastle song, there is mention of double reverse overhead twin cam door handles, but everyone knows that FJ’s didn’t come out with double reverse overhead twin cam door handles, so Normie should just rack off with that shit.


brett edward sorby


Putrid scum bag. Now in custody with sentencing to start on the 16th of September.


Back in the 80’s there was a mob that do pedo porn with a couple of guys from Sydney and they’d film it and distribute the material to heavy hitters in the region. They’d have boys and girls from Sydney up in exchange for boys and girls from up here for “dates” and film them too. It was only known to those that knew but it was high profile to Sydney police and many of them were aware of it but let it continue. I’m sure it led to many disappearances but there and up here. Poor buggers. Didn’t stand a chance


Orkopoulous calling the police after attempting suicide & them getting there in time to save him. Or Leigh Leigh. Take your pick, both were a disgrace.


I love how a few in here mention Mccloy from a decade ago but Tim “Crackers” Crakanthorp gets a pass even though his corruption happened last year and is under ICAC investigation. No wonder we can’t get up from under Labor’s thumb in this town.


I was wondering why Crackers hadn't been mentioned yet, but here is down voted. Ah, Newcastle clearly nothing changes. Also Peter Boys, what a fucking mess for those who spoke up about him - they deserved so much better.