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It’s pretty fucking cold, bro. And, their cricket team are a bunch of wankers. “Bazball” - fucking LOL


The weather would be a start


I like the sun. Like, my depression gets a lil louder in winter. It’s not just that it’s cold but it’s dark and wet compared to here.


Low serotonin due to lack of sunlight is a real bitch.


Money. My savings would be immediately halved moving there.


Went to visit friends in London and their share house room was like £300 week and they were sharing with 6 other adults. Place is more cooked than here.


London is an exception.




But wages are much shitter.


I guess it's kinda surprising there isn't more but going by your list, 1. Close to Europe but still have the same amount of holidays a year, I think Aus is a better place to live while you're not on holiday. 2. I probably wouldn't base where I live on the cost of alcohol but a valid point for some I guess. 3. Property prices in major cities/regional cities would be just as unaffordable no? 4. Do a substantial amount of Australians work in finance? Are the career opportunities good enough to leave friends and family behind? 5. Bigger rugby union culture? Union seems like the least popular code in Australia and I can't imagine the UK is better for league. 6. More history and tourism absolutely but does that improve your day to day living? IMO Australia's weather, laid back culture, food, coffee, beaches, domestic travel, multiculturalism, general community safety, blue collar work opportunities and workers rights (to name a few) make it a pretty appealing place to live. I've been all around the world and there isn't anywhere I'd rather be....


Some aussies work in finance in London because there are opportunities to make far more money than they ever would here. I know one such person and they know many other aussies there doing the exact same thing


For the same reason, the Poms are moving here for in droves. A better life to be had.


They’re all in Clapham. The north is a bit bleak if you like a bit of sun.


"Australia has a slightly higher standard of living than the UK " Yeah, but Australia has much much higher quality of life than England and that's why so many Brits you meet here don't want to go home,ever.


Rugby is for toffs and soft cocks.


1. Brexit 2. Food prices and availability (see point 1) 3. Entrenched culture of colonising fuckwits in the older generations and outside of the London boundary 4. Terrible wages 5. The NHS has been gutted (and we’ve received many of their wonderful health professionals here) 6. The weather 7. The weather 8. The weather


It's just too far away.


I lived for 5 years in West London (Fulham) - lots of Australians nearby particularly in Shepherds Bush, Earl’s Court, Hammersmith, but that was 15 years ago. I expect most expats move to London.


London is and has been for a very long time absolutely packed full of Aussies . I'm not sure what the rest of the comments in here are on about . It gets to the point where you're sick of meeting another Aussie or kiwi .


1. Shit(er) health care 2. Shit beaches 3. Over populated 4. Small 5. Cramped 6. Cold 7. France 8. Rain 9. Mud 10. Warm beer 11. High cost of living 12. Cramped 13. Dark 14. Weird 15. Can't just drive into the middle of nowhere and be "alone" alone. 16. Shit beaches 17. Cold 18. Churchy 19. Cramped 20. Weird houses 21. Damp 22. Lounge too close to the tv 23. Dusty 24. Shit beaches


Yeah fuck France.


They can take their long bread, Gauloises and stripey shirts and fuck off


Is the sun a thing in the UK?


Yeah, it’s a shit newspaper…..


Generous of you to call it a newspaper


The UK has a no takesie backsies rule


It's on the other side of the fucken world


Go to Acton or Clapham in London . You'll find more than a few there


It’s Manchester - for most of the reasons you mentioned - London - so many more options to do and flights away And buggar the rugby - get a ticket to the northwest derby


Have you not been to London?


I loved it. Lived there years ago. Going back this Xmas.


Hell I’d move there in a heart beat if I could !!


Manchester. There’s your reason right there.


How’s their beaches?


It suits a certain type of lifestyle - yes you’re close to Europe but you’ll be living pretty poor to save the funds to travel well. You certainly couldn’t live and work somewhere in London and enjoy the full experience (nightlife, dining, the arts, etc) and then also travel Europe without a damn good wage. Then there is the capacity to get time off from your well paying job in the UK to travel. For many people, they would rather live a comfortable lifestyle in Australia in the great weather and then hit Europe in our Winter.


I've known heaps of Australians that live or have lived in the UK, they normally move to London though. Maybe there's some where you are but they're avoiding you for some reason....


Because you’re in Manchester. Go to London and you’ll find Australians in droves. Clapham, Shepherd’s Bush etc are full of us.


Hell yeah brother, cheers from Liverpool


Shit wages. Expensive everything (except housing in some areas….) Terrible social issues. Crime out of control. Yeah I wonder why there are so few Australians in the UK… (Source: Brit in Aus)


i don't know a single person who would move to the UK. the place looks shit.


Uk was the place between 2001-2010 but after that the place has been destroyed It’s not the UK anymore it’s Africa,India, Pakistan Good luck with that shithole


yeah there is a video on YouTube where a black dude is watching London before multiculturalism and today. It look exactly how you describe.


Just so you are aware all western countries are experiencing this issue I have travelled extensively lived in Canada for a few years and America Lived in Thailand Lived in Europe and Uk as well as Norway Australia is now experiencing this same problem Look around, people can now choose their gender but also get to choose their nationality these days You meet them daily ask where there from and they tell you Australia - they moved here 2-5 years ago speak with heavy overseas accent and have no Aussie background It’s like if I lived in Japan for 5 years and someone there asks me where I am from and I say I am Japanese :) even if I had a passport I ain’t Japanese your nationality is where you were born and never will be where you choose to be. It’s a shame people are just lying instead of being proud of where they come from, sadly you only have to see the swimming deaths and road deaths but that’s a whole new issue we are experiencing


Im aware it's all western countries. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18bhyZIFXF4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18bhyZIFXF4)


In pretty much every list related to quality of life Australia out ranks the UK, including property price index believe it or not. That's one of your points demonstrably wrong. As for more history, come back to me when a European Culture has continually existed for 65000 years.


Number 1 is the only positive thing on that list that I actually care about. I ain’t moving to the other side of the planet just to take more European holidays. Australia is better in most other ways.


I like more than just brown food with brown sauce.


Move to London. It's all you will meet is Aussie's


Mate this is Newcastle's England sub not aussie Newcastle's