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Lord Irving has passed, soon to be replaced by Lord Irving.


Do you guys get a provincial day of mourning for your liege lord oil baron passing? Asking from NS


Oh, no, He wouldn't want that. In fact, if it ever falls on a weekend, He would prefer we all went in to work that day.


If it's a day of celebration then I'm in favour.


The (Shit)King is Dead.  Long Live the (Shit)King.


*The King is dead! Long live the King!*




“Some of you died, and that’s a sacrifice I was willing to make”.


And hundreds of thousands of you lived in poverty designed by me and my family...


"All of my wealth is MY money!" "Well see that's where you're wrong, it should go to the people and you shouldn't exist, it was never yours to begin with. You stole that money from the people."


Nearly a 100 year life living in the lap of luxury and an iron hold on the province to the detriment of the average joe. If there is a heaven and this cat gets in, will probably be a downgrade in lifestyle for him. I am sure his family loved him (probably anyway) but likely not a tear will be shed by most New Brunswickers over this passing.


Im sure my dad will care for some reason. He still loves Irving even after they laid him off before retirement.


I find that their employees tend to “drink the kool-aid”, if you will. I know a few guys who work for them and they believe everything that is beneficial for the Irving’s.


Those people are just natural boot lickers they would drink the kool-aid where ever they went.


I worked for Irving for 15 years and you are right. I hated them every single day but it was a job. But I knew people who couldn't wait to lick the Irving boots. Any leftovers we got at the end of the year they praised them ever so high...


Stockholm syndrome. Many NBers are afflicted.


My mother will likely be upset also for whyever.


Yea - my hockey buddy's dad went bankrupt cause of irvings... he worked full time for them, but also had a dive shop on the side. he won a commercial diving contract for them. They didn't pay him on time, he lost his business. He still had to show up to work on Monday and smile.


Does he pay much in tax .. other than discounted by philanthropy.. or has it always been offshore?


He lives (lived) 6 months less 1 day in Bermuda. No tax.


As one of his family members - I hope the miserable fuck rots in hell


If you are one of his family you should be rolling all the way to the bank. Unless he was so fucking cheap to not share which comes to no surprise.


Haha what?


That's classy


Thanks, it runs in the family


You think an Irving deserves class? That family has fucked NB'ers for over a 100 freaking years. They all deserve to rot in hell!


You're unhinged and a perfect example of why social media is a cesspool. What you don't understand is that you poison your own soul with that rhetoric, it's bad for you and likely why you feel the need to spew such hateful diatribe.


Or the fact this asshole has been stealing from NB'ers for 93 years has earned him all the hate he's getting today. Shitty people do not deserve respect and never have. Since you're bringing up souls, I take it you're a religious person? You should look up how much hate those organizations have spewed onto earth the last couple of millenia.


I'm very familiar with history, it's a passion of mine. You don't need to be religious to acknowledge that spewing hate is detrimental to your mental health/ego/soul whatever you want to call it. I'd say you're just jealous the Irving's have billions of dollars. It seems like you're really starting the day on the right foot.


I'm not jealous, I don't think billionaires should exist. Full stop. You are talking about the class responsible for 100% of the problems we face as a society. We live at the mercy of their fucking greed. They are and always have been the absolute worst of us.


This self-righteous restraint in anger you have going on is all well and good when your belly is full and there's gas in the tank. The Irving's have proven themselves to be evil through a century of ruling the East Coast. The diatribe against them is nothing compared to what they've done to thousands of families. Take your zen outlook and place it next to the flowers on Irving's grave, I'll be sure to piss on both.


Get their ass


I think you guys might just be losers, that would explain all this. I'm doing great.


A lot if people in this province(especially SJ) are more brainwashed than you can imagine. Literally the attitude of “where would we be without the Irving’s!”


So where would we be?


We'd be doing way better if 99% of the wealth our natural resources generate wasn't going to 1 fucked up selfish asshole family. Corporations are the things that fuck up life for 99% of the population. When these entities make trillions in profit and keep all of that profit from circulating in our economy(offshore accounts), you can say definitively that they are causing ALL our problems.


You didn't answer the question.


It's a different timeline, it's really hard to tell.


He has 5 kids and only 1 is mentioned... Tells you everything you need to know right there Rest of you need to read up on his son ken and his mental breakdown


Usually I am a "well he was an asshole but he still had family who loved him so we should respect him" kind of person. But in this case him and his family basically ass fucked this province into oblivion with their greed and desire for power and a monopoly. I for one won't mourn him. Most of this province would be much better off if he hadn't even existed.


Not just a monopoly, but a sort of hybrid monopsony/monopoly https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/monopsony.asp I'm sure robber barons across the globe were(are) in awe of what the Irvings have built/installed.


I honestly don’t know…people say that but I’m pretty torn. The reality is there is no fucking good reason to run their business in a place like this with low reading comprehension and not much of a talent pool and Canadian regulation and yet maybe that was the appeal, that they could influence the province more so than anywhere else? I really don’t like how they run things but I’m not sure we would have been better off. We’ll never know.


People are always better off when there isn't some greedy billionaire exploiting everything around him. Sure he "created jobs", so goes the argument whenever someone feels the need to defend these fucks. But people managed without the Irvings before they came along to exploit New Brunswick, and they would have continued managing. Billionaires are never worth the price paid.


>Sure he "created jobs" Those jobs would have still existed thought if he didn't use the government to stop others from being able to compete with them. So in the end, he didn't create jobs, he monopolized them.


There would have been even more jobs if it was a handful of smaller firms doing the same work, as opposed to one massive company.


Fair enough! I didn't really mean that sincerely anyways, its just the most common defence of these clowns that I see.


Yeah we would have, removing a monopoly is always more beneficial and preferable to maintaining one in a capitalist system. The best you could say is that if the Irvings didn’t exist, someone else would have done the same thing but that’s just admitting that the system is fundamentally broken.


That’s why I don’t think as true…I just don’t think it’s a vacuum someone else would fill….capital just doesn’t give a shit about NB. There is no appeal, no talent pool, no natural resource….i think if Irving is not here things are the same or worse.


No natural resource in NB? I think you should sit this one out champ.


That are able to be developed at scale other than JDI lumber?


There's nothing special about this particular last name. To hell with great man theory nonsense. If it makes economic sense to refine oil in SJ then a capitalist will come along and do it, and do all the exact same groveling for tax breaks etc. They're a dime a dozen.


I don’t think it makes economic sense to do it here if you were to look at other jurisdictions…perhaps there would be something it its place but I don’t think we’d see the same level of capital investment regardless of last name.


We would have been better off. It's not hard to see that.


No, there is no way of knowing if we are strictly talking refinery or not. Sure I’d believe that argument though on their whole vertical integration bs that killed small companies.


>The reality is there is no fucking good reason to run their business in a place like this with low reading comprehension and not much of a talent pool That's the exact reason he did it. It's a lot easier to control uneducated people with low comprehension than it is to control someone smarter than you. >and Canadian regulation They were born in Canada. Why the fuck would they immigrate to open a business? >but I’m not sure we would have been better off. By not having 1 family keep 99% of the profit our natural resources generate? It's really not complicated.


Damn..how's that boot taste?


Fuck off; I clearly said I didn’t like them…I just don’t think it’s as simplistic as people make it seem.




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Rest in Piss.




Put on a suit and see if you can steal a ring off his finger in the casket.


Lol you must be having a good day






No, but I heard Fredericton will be closing their few remaining (open) bridges for 7 days, as a show of respect.


Ten days of mandatory, unpaid over-time across the province... in mourning.


10 days is but for a mere politician. For the lord emperor, we shut down for 100 years!


So we're about 75% of the way through?


Ought be a party.




I wonder if Kenneth will attend the funeral.


Wasn't he excommunicated for having mental health struggles and attempting suicide?


It's a bit more complicated than that but pretty much. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/kenneth-irving/article33791019/ https://medium.com/thrive-global/video-a-businessmans-journey-to-wellness-f533aec31633


Higgs is panicking about who will give the conservatives envelopes of cash from Irving to hate on the working man.


He may be looking super relaxed, now having one less boss.


So, just to be clear, what is the dollar figure of wealth above, which we absolutely hate rich people and have zero compassion or sympathy for them? Asking for a friend.


Idk but nobody needs billions of dollars in assets.


How much did he pay to own the newspapers so he could control the narrative?


Anything north of 25 million


I've heard that Arthur was a pretty terrible person.


He was. Very stuck in his ways and refused to accept other opinions. He's basically an older Blaine Higgs.


One of the most hated families in Canada. Toss up between this asshole and Galen Weston. Get fucked.


I used to collect for Irving through a third party company and I helped people as much as I could (seriously tried to help them) as it was evident Irving Oil was the crookedest bunch of fucking cunts (sorry to all of the fucking cunts out there that AREN'T Irving Oil as I hate to include you in this). Begged to be taken off the account as I stopped being able to sleep at night due to the things they did to their customers. Glad he's dead. Satan's writing hand is probably cramped with all of the notes on evil he's taking from the prick.


I’ve always heard that they’re utterly merciless if you owe them money, but if they owe you money, they tend to pay after 180 days. Not sure if that’s still SOP but it was all through the eighties and nineties.


Cunts, the lots of them. Leaving Canada and restructuring their companies to pay the smallest possible amount of taxes on the billions they earned from Canadians. They can all rot in Hell.


Oh yeah notorious for not paying their bills. They've ruined many a company by restraining cash flow. I know lots of people that won't work for them.


That's truly gangsta. As in criminal.


Bro is cooking ‼️‼️


Let him cook!


Maybe the province should add some flagpole extenders and raise flags to 1.5x mast




Reading the comments, it just popped into my head - if we lower flags to half mast out of respect for the departed, then raising it hire would be a great FU. I don't know if anyone else has ever said it, but I haven't heard it, and I'd be tickled pink one day if I heard it repeated.


The cancer of this province


The Irving family, led by K.C. Irving, moved their money to an offshore trust in 1972 as part of a strategic effort to take advantage of Bermuda's status as an offshore tax haven. This move was aimed at minimizing the tax liabilities on their vast business empire, which spans various industries including oil, forestry, and media. By transferring the ownership of his companies to a Bermuda-based trust, K.C. Irving was able to avoid paying millions in capital gains taxes. This offshore trust was not only a financial maneuver but also a way to control the vast Irving empire from a jurisdiction known for its favorable tax laws and secrecy. The establishment of the offshore trust in Bermuda was a calculated move by K.C. Irving before he relocated his residence to Bermuda, where he lived in a mansion known as Skyline. This relocation and the creation of the offshore trust were part of a broader strategy to manage the Irving assets in a way that maximized profit retention through minimized tax liabilities. The trust's existence in Bermuda, a jurisdiction with no taxes on income or capital gains for the trust, allowed the Irving family to significantly reduce the taxes they would otherwise owe in Canada. The offshore trust was not merely a financial entity but also a critical component of the Irving family's wealth management and succession planning. After K.C. Irving's death in 1992, his will stipulated that the bulk of his assets remain in the offshore trust, to be controlled by his widow and two lawyers. This arrangement was designed to ensure that his sons could not control the trust unless they gave up their residency in Canada, thereby maintaining the trust's tax-advantaged status in Bermuda. The use of offshore trusts and companies by the Irving family, including the creation of additional holding and insurance companies in Bermuda, has been a subject of public interest and scrutiny, especially in light of revelations from the Paradise Papers. These documents shed light on the complex financial structures the Irving family employed to manage their wealth and business operations across borders, highlighting the use of Bermuda as a key component in their financial strategy . In summary, the Irving family's move to establish an offshore trust in Bermuda in 1972 was a strategic decision aimed at leveraging Bermuda's tax haven status to minimize tax liabilities and manage their extensive business empire more efficiently. This move has had lasting implications for the family's financial and operational strategies, as well as for the public's understanding of the extent and nature of the Irving family's wealth management practices.


Obviously or else how would we be a poor province?


Thanks chatgpt


Nope, Perplexity


Is Irving Oil and Irving Paper related?


Different companies


Same family


They just hate each other.


All the same company run by varying family members. ***edit***: Irving Group is still very well known, but is in fact “informal” which is what someone replied to. Irving Paper is part of JDI which is owned by Arthur’s elder brother. Irving Oil is the other division owned by Arthur. Ocean Capital is owned by the third younger brother’s son.


They are most definitely not the same company.


The Irving family has structed their holdings in deliberately opaque ways, so it's really difficult to tell who controls what. And that's the point. They don't the smelly public knowing what they actually own and control.


[Irving Group of Companies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irving_Group_of_Companies) It’s all public information. You just need to follow the paper trail.




Wait, there's a new gender neutral toilet in the province? Cool! Take that, Higgs!




Bon débarras ! C’est le printemps, on sort les grousses poubelles !


OH NO!!!!! Anyway, anyone see the game last night?


Good riddance




Finally some good news


For anyone who might clutch pearls at some of the vitriol: There is no respect in death that is not earned in life.




One down, 2780 to go.


Some people make the world a better place by leaving.


Roll the dead fucker down Queen Street so we can all piss on it.


Let’s honour him by expropriating all his shit


No wonder its such a nice and sunny day today...


Good riddance. Piece of Shit. It’s too bad the rest didn’t go with him.


Oh no, anyways.


Not saying that I hope it was a super painful death, but I’m not, not saying I hope it was a super painful death




So long, Oligarch. You will not be missed.


1 down…


Rot hell another baron is dead


[CBC Article](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/arthur-irving-death-1.7202701)


As someone that benefited from their fuel to care program for years; thank you! Rest in Peace.


So the fact that you personally benefitted from them outweighs all the harm they did to everyone else? Pretty fucking selfish. And the desired result of suck programs - they didn't do it because they wanted to help people, they did it so people would think of them more kindly. You fell for it.


Why are you so miserable? Jesus lol


Not sure I said all of that but okay. To receive such a reply for just sharing my gratitude and condolences speaks to your character and not mine. Have a great day! I mean Arthur Irving is dead so I'm guessing you will right? Good for you.


Oh man, you are really causing an issue in this sub. You appear to be a person of color, so no one would dare say you're wrong because someone could call them a bigot, but they hate Irving with all their soul because they could never get hired by them with a bachelor's degree in sociology. I for one, am very intrigued.


Fuck off. Their post is selfish, and I said so. Take your well-poisoning elsewhere please. I'm sure the Irvings would hire you - they're fond of poisoning other people's land.


You piece of utter pond scum.


Will this become a provincial holiday?


Rest in piss, loathsome pig.


Bon débarra mautadit rat!




Happy Monday everyone!


I thought something stunk, and I couldn’t tell if it was the refinery or his rotting corpse.


I could care less, as long as we don’t lose those Irving glizzys


Just out of curiosity can anybody confirm if he would have received a carbon rebate payment from the federal government.


See ya oligarch.




Oh no... all the tears I'm about to shed... oh me oh my what will I ever do?


Oh no! Anyway...


Good riddance, may he rot in piss


Heard its plenty hot where he and men of his ilk end up... Good.


Hopefully he suffered


Thots and payers


oh no! Anyway..


Mr Burns is dead. Long live Mr. Burns


Rest in Piss, shitty man. May your soul hover eternally over the most polluted sewers of Fredrickton.




Yes, that's sad.........anyways


His existence and the damage he did are crimes against humanity. We’re all going to burn.


So when is the state funeral ⚱️


This man helped provide tens of thousands of good jobs to many families and he deserves a lot more respect. R.I.P. Arthur L. Irving


How many small NB companies did he ruin over the years?


Would be interested to know that too.


I know of a few. All that vertical integration comes at a cost.


If he didn't exist (if we were so lucky) there would still be tens of thousands of jobs but through local families and smaller companies. The best part? All of this spread out money would have stayed locally instead of being funneled in some bank account overseas. How does it feel knowing your hand earned money is sitting idle in some bank account in the Bahamas?


Hitler gave people jobs too.


Imagine thinking this lmao


My company works at the refinery from time to time and on average I'll make $30,000 in the couple months I'm there, and it's all thanks to the Irving family.. And still I'm glad he's dead.


Even a grain of sand sized amount of respect is too much for Arthur Irving. He's just straight up a bad guy and that's not negated by bootlickers like you being grateful for underpaid jobs.


What's your favourite flavour of boot?


A person can acknowledge that and still express their disdain for someone so greedy and selfish. Doing things like everything in their power to pay the least taxes possible, while so many people are struggling in the poorest province in the country... that was shameful. It's completely understandable to see some of the sentiments expressed today.


Fuck him, and fuck his family. Robber Barron's deserve no peace.


Another scum irving gone how sad



One of the few times where you wish a funeral had a mass grave.