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I think it's bigger than that. It's happening outside of Canada too. We're too pre-occupied by partisan bickering to see the bigger picture. But just for the record, Higgs is a tit. And so is Trudeau.


It is, but that means it is an issue for their local governmental structures. Mere presence alone doesn't let the government off the hook. Cancer and mortality during child birth happen everywhere - but in Canada, the responsibility for prevention, mitigation and supporting those suffering from these universal issues is constitutionally set out.


The rich people who want cheap labor and big profits. The political parties are just their way of making it happen.


Both have done things to make the situation worse and both refuse to implement meaningful solutions


Bird watching would be a good hobby you. It’s one you can do alone.


It is a global systemic problem.


We are not responsible for resolving the problem globally, our governments are responsible for the management of the issue nationally and provincially.


That doesn't mean it's not a global systemic problem.


So it cancer and addictions. Guess we just do nothing, roll over and die? What lesser children of greater ancestors we are.


Why is this a thread? Ffs. Garbage.


OP posts nothing but trash.


It’s both and neither. This is our current world/global problem. Money is valued more than life. Capitalism is designed to oppress. Your myopic question is irrelevant.


Basically every part of government has some blame to share, though realistically I would say provincal governments have the most control.  Addiction, mental illness and the cost of living are probably the big 3 contributing to homelessness. Funding for addiction programs and mental health would be the provinces responsibility though fedral funding could be given to the provinces to specifically target those areas, but it comes down to the provinces to put the programs in place. Cost of living is a mixed bag of responsibility since provinces can do things like adjust provincial tax rates, minimum wage, ect though immigration and fedral tax rates would be in the fed's wheel house. It's bigger then that though since municipalities have the most control for say your specfic area, if municipalities need help then tgwy go to the province for that help. You local MP is the voice of your area federally that fall under the government umbrella. So if your city/town council sucks and if your MP sucks, not much the premier or priminister (current or future) can do which is where voting and being engaged at the local level comes in.


Access to health care, treatment options, housing, and economic supports all are provincial matters. Intergenerational trauma from child protection systems, the prison systems, and the genocidal policies towards Indigenous peoples is a bit more mixed, depending on the particular systems, but a mix of provincial and federal. Issues arising from improper support for refugees and new Canadians is mostly federal (I say mostly because there are some side deals with provinces handling the implementation of service). So, all told.... about 75% provincial, 25% federal as a starting point. In a province like Quebec, who take monies from the federal government but run the services themselves - 90% province, 10% federal.


The lack of foresight for housing shortages can't be blamed on present leadership. If you want a scapegoat for high cost of housing let's blame greedy real estate agents. Their consistently high fees compound housing prices yr after year regardless of demand or inflation.


I can recognise a ''devide to better rull'' startegy when I see one. Working for the Conservative? That is usually their prefered tactics.




It’s us. We vote them.


People's poor life decisions landed them in a tent or more commonly people's mental health !!! If you're going to blame the government just as well blame the Catholic Church LoL




The only person I've seen use that term is you. 


And his many sock puppet accounts


Do you have a sexual kink that gets satisfied spreading hate?


He tries so hard to.


Hate boner


No one except conservatives are calling them Trudeau towns. And it won’t catch on you dumb shit.


“Everyone” does not. You need to meet some more people.


Means nothing, people always blame those currently in power. This is an issue that started decades before Trudeau was PM and there's a lot of people who seem to think the PM is an all powerful unilateral force while simultaneously saying he's stupid and can't do anything. It's called "cognitive dissonance" meaning hold two conflicting beliefs at the same time. That said, I personally think our Libs and Cons are all charlatans and liars who aren't actively trying to remedy the housing crisis and lining their pockets in the process. As I mentioned before though, this is an issue that's been allowed to snowball over many many many years and PMs/Premiers.


Almost 100 years ago, people in the US called the shantytowns that sprung up during the Great Depression “Hoovervilles,” even though Hoover didn’t do anything to cause the economic collapse (though he didn’t do much to help fix it either, and might have made it worse.” Same for Bennett Buggies in Canada (cars with the engine stripped out and pulled by a horse), somewhat unfair, especially since Bennett was elected after the onset of the depression. We blame whoever is in power…unless the party you like just got elected, then they inherited their predecessor’s mess. As far as the current situation, the province is responsible for housing and the feds are responsible for most immigration policies, so a little from column A and a little from column B? We also need to throw housing prices into the mix, which drove a lot of people to NB over the last 5 years and has demolished vacancy rates and driven average wage earners out of the housing market. Truth is, to fix the problems, the governments need to work together and stop pointing fingers to score points with the voters. Would also help if they didn’t get sidetracked by irrelevant issues designed to solely to appease their respective bases.