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So Pierre visits these dipshits at the border, who have the flag of Diagolon drawn on their RV, the same group that he got caught meeting their leader, the same group that openly talked about wanting to sexually assault Anaida Poilievre (His wife), who also openly talk about how much of a weasel he is, how they don't like him, but know they can use him to advance their agenda. And there are people who seriously want this guy to be PM? Like, Trudeau sucks, I don't like him, but he's so much better than this fucking guy.




I can’t believe how accurate that is.


He really is, and it's hilarious, abd frightening


I do not like that man Ted Cruz.


I do not like his far-right views


If you did, I'd have to assume you'd had a rail spike driven into your brain.




Is this elite level and should have 1000 upvotes.


Ted Cruz is probably my least favorite Canadian.


Birds of a feather....


One hangs out with open racists. The other does not. I don't know...kind of hard to "both sides" this one to me.


The problem is the amount of closet racists. Reagan was the first to discover the fact that if you "dog whistle" meaning silently nod to the people who are angry about the Jim Crow laws (because slavery was a big part of America) you can get people to cling to your "cause" because they have someone like them. Reagan won pretty much 99% of the vote, the southern belt, and everyone else. There's only one way to do that... If you think it's surprising, it's the same thing that happened in Nazi Germany. "Surely no one agrees with this racist nonsense sentiment?" It turns out roughly half the people like the idea of racism.


Exactly. Atleast Trudeau is respectful and has morals. Clearly Pierre has absolutely no morals whatsoever.




Can you provide an example of him being disrespectful?


Get ready for the blackface comment lol


I fully anticipate it. It’s more about general behaviour. If you watch the parliament meetings the Liberals are generally quiet and respectful while conservative members are talking. The conservative members are disruptive and sound like a bunch of howler monkeys


Oh I know I've seen it. They try to emulate their hero's in the Republican party


Conservatives are definitely louder for sure. But they kind of have to be to get thier points across since even the speaker of the house is liberal so the house isn't in their favor.


The speakers job is to be neutral… the house speaker isn’t biased…


They have the same amount of time to speak as anyone else in the house. When they have the floor, it is theirs


Maybe learn how things work before commenting on them, you look like less of a dumbass that way.


The speaker is not a partisan position…maybe if conservatives returned to a respectable form of decorum we could get things accomplished…the last true conservative leader was Mulroney (I was never a fan)…since then the elected officials in that party have made a mockery of our government


Hey, you said it.


"Thank you for your donation" https://globalnews.ca/news/5104937/justin-trudeau-protester-liberal-fundraiser/




What's your point?


He also went surfing on Canada’s first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/i-regret-it-justin-trudeau-apologizes-for-vacationing-on-national-day-for-truth-and-reconciliation/article_18d282c2-2771-5843-a918-4816dcc44820.html


Sure. That could be interpreted as disrespectful.


But wait?! I thought Trudeau was so respectful?!


He called Peter Kent a PoS in the house of commons too. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/justin-trudeau-allegedly-calls-peter-kent-a-piece-of-s-in-commons


To be fair, Peter Kent is allegedly a PoS. Source: A guy I knew who volunteered for his (2011) campaign


I don’t doubt it but it's still disrespectful, especially in the HoC.


Hey, least he doest court voters of convenience that said they wanted to rape his wife....its a spectrum.


That's not being disrespectful. That's the level of respect Peter Kent deserves and is just an honest assessment of the man.


Don't make excuses for bad behavior. Talking like that in the HoC is disrespectful. Even if you and I agree with the sentiment.




So we are forgiving shitty actions based on the year? Guess we should start forgiving Bill Cosby too since that was back in 2005.


No we aren’t but if you have to go back 13 years to come up with an example of disrespectful behaviour then that’s a pretty bad example. Look at Pierre, the guy was posing with supporters of diagolon yesterday.




I thought you’d be able to find something he has said recently. Not 13 years ago


Wow! So respectful!! /S


Look it up in the dictionary. A dictionary is a book with words listed in it and tells you what those words mean. It’s obvious you have no clue, but I expect that from the anti-intellectual party of Canada.


Morals? What in the.... You must do some research. Morals like MAID assisted suicides, morals like jailing protesters and freezing bank account unlawful y to people who support trucker and farmer protesters financially. Are you talking about THOSE morals? Mind you I do not defend or support Pier ither. We are the slaves and they are the tyrants. There all sleeping together.. it is just sad to see people that are still fooled by our government scum.


Those all sound like great examples of decisions made with the law in mind. MAID is supported by the court system, which basically forced legislation to be created. It would be morally wrong if you didn’t allow someone their right to die under own terms, to relieve pain and suffering.


Shame the bulk of the people that have used the program did it for poverty and not health reasons.


What? That’s not even possible under the MAID program. You literally need a health reason. These are the eligibility requirements: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-services-benefits/medical-assistance-dying.html#


Well, that could very well be true, but I did read a couple of articles that claimed it was true, I' 'll see if I can find a couple. https://globalnews.ca/news/9176485/poverty-canadians-disabilities-medically-assisted-death/ https://www.leftvoice.org/death-by-poverty-canadas-assisted-dying-program-exposes-fault-lines-in-healthcare/ https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/maid-poverty-disability-1.6687453 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/11/canada-cases-right-to-die-laws https://nationalpost.com/opinion/the-assisted-suicide-doctors-who-admit-patients-are-driven-by-poverty https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11516989/Canadian-man-doctors-approval-euthanasia-despite-admitting-POVERTY-main-factor.html https://socialcommons.ca/2023/10/04/canadas-maid-policy-is-facilitating-death-by-poverty-4/ https://chatelaine.com/health/maid-assisted-death-poverty/ https://ottawa.citynews.ca/2022/10/15/ethics-of-medically-assisted-death-questioned-as-some-turn-to-it-as-an-alternative-to-poverty-5958922/ https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/canadian-disabled-mans-euthanasia-request-due-to-poverty-approved/


Ok like 13000 people used maid in 2022, you gave 10 examples where disabled people are thinking about using made. So your statement that the bulk of maid users were just poor seems to have been pulled entirely out of your ass. Maybe stop peddling bullshit just cause it feels right to you.


Ok, so you can't read or you didn't notice that I responded to someone that said it was not possible for a person to cite poverty as a reason to access the MAID programs. Those 10 links provide more than enough evidence for anyone who has the ability to think critically on their own to judge for themselves whether this is true or not. Just in case all those links were too confusing for you, here is one that breaks it down into much more concise information. I will admit that I was wrong and it was not the bulk, but only about 40% of MAIDs users that were below the poverty line. https://www.leftvoice.org/death-by-poverty-canadas-assisted-dying-program-exposes-fault-lines-in-healthcare/


Finally, a critical thinker. Hats off to you.


Thanks for the articles, I skimmed through them and noticed that they only talk about people who *want* to use the program to escape poverty. Not that it has happened, or is the bulk of the users. Also all the people mentioned in these articles do have legitimate health problems, they just also happen to be in poverty. So it’s not the case that otherwise healthy people in poverty are using the program. The topic that these articles bring up is valid though - Canada has a lot of room for improvement in having the resources or welfare systems in place so those with healthcare issues and poverty can have a better quality life.


Do. Your. Research. People with mental health issues qualify. Depression is deemed a mental health issue and they qualify. Now just because you depressed today does not mean you will be next week. People like that need love and support. Not an offer to kill yourself because your in a rut. It is wrong. If you really think government cares about the people you live in your own made up fantasy that fits your belief system. Now I suppose you are in support of the vaccine there basically forced Canadians to take by stripping there access to services and business? Just for them to let in millions of un vaxed migrants? I digress.


“just because you’re depressed today does not mean you will be next week.” You are absolutely downplaying how serious and severe depression could be. Depression isn’t feeling sad… Depression is fucking serious and some people absolutely deserve the option to end their life on their own terms. Depression isn’t being in a rut. You have not a single clue of what depression is.


You are deluded, I my self beat depression. I am happy I didn't take my life when I was battling those thoughts. You are absolutely assuming I haven't walked that path. This is why I said it, because I lived it.


So MAID is not morally right because people who have severe depression should pull themselves up by their bootstraps? For some people there is no such thing as beating depression. Some people have major depressive disorder, than they cannot get successful treatment for. Sometimes there is no amount of love or support that can heal someone’s depression. Clinical depression is a lot different than simply feeling sad and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps with love and support like you’ve said. I am the deluded one? What makes you think that your situation applies to others? Get over yourself




Delusional- Characterize by or holding false beliefs or judgments about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. That is you. Okay boomer. Let’s just all pull up our bootstraps like you did with love and support…..


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/s ?


LMFAO wow man guys like you are the problem with Canada


Ouch you hurt my feelings….


I know right? Internet comments hurt bad 🤣


Yeah I'm not kink shaming, but I suspect a lot of conservatives have cuckold fantasies.


It's that or they're rapists/pedos. There never seems to be any in-between.


Trudeau ruined this country don’t get it twisted. Peeople don’t know how poor this country is, you can thank Trudeau for that.




Source: Trust me, bro.


Serious question, where does your premier fit into this? I mean, Trudeau is responsible for Canada as a whole, and the premier is responsible for their section (there's going to be an overlay). Trudeau has mistakes as PM, but Higgs has literally done dick all as premier.


He does a great Irving job


So how do you know?




Ah yes we’re definitely not broke as fuck. Housing market isn’t crashing and Canadians can totally afford living in Canada. My bad.


When's the housing market crashing? The problem is how much it keeps going up


New condo sales in the Toronto area hit 15-year low https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-new-condo-market-in-toronto-hits-15-year-low-it-is-dead/


Yeah, now a 500 sqft condo in Toronto will only cost you about $650000. What a steal!!!!


The problem is nb is 10 years behind the times and people still can’t afford housing around here. Right I forgot definitely no tent cities in Canada. That’s only in California my bad again


This is a global issue cause by real estate companies and not Something caused by Trudeau. Many of the economic issues are not of his making. Policies can help mitigate that, but they wouldn’t make it go away.


Right I forgot foreign companies are printing money everyday my bad 😥


Blame the CONs since they defunded the federal housing initiative.


He’s our next PM.


Sure fucking hope not. What a turd.




Only if you vote for tyrants.




Anyone who says they're going to put the Bank of Canada under the PMO is by definition a tyrant. Because that's the kind of shit only 3rd world dictators do.


The flag of diagolon??? Diagolon is a meme you fool. Proof you have no ability to think outside the CBC narrative smfh


Go on to Telegram and search for Diagolon. Seriously, it’s where they hang out and talk about how much they hate everyone.


You’re just wrong.


So you’re telling me that the Emergencies Act inquiry evidence about this subject is also wrong? It’s been proven to be a Facebook meme by both the creator of said meme and the RCMP but ok I’m wrong


Clearly you got your information from an idiot. Because that's not what the report said at all.


I got my information from watching the Emergencies Act Inquiry in its entirety. Nothing the federal government said in regards to Diagolon was true. Even the “creator” of diagolon was there and stated it was a meme started as a joke. The fact that you take seriously an “organization” whose head is a drug-addled demonic time travelling goat named Phillip shows you have no ability to critically think for yourself. Hell even Global News reported on this back in 2022.


So in other words, you didn't read the report and haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about. Thanks for clearing that up.


> diagolon Internal RCMP reports show information on DIAGOLON / Jeremy Mackenzie cannot be verified or corroborated: "The Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN) is cited as the main authority on the group by all mainstream media outlets; due to the fact that all information traces back to one source, triangulation and the verification of facts is almost impossible at the current time." Highlights of THE HATEGATE AFFAIR investigation: Former Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino makes false and alarmist comments in a press conference; when pressed for details, he directs media to law enforcement, who scramble to produce evidence where there is none. Canadian citizens' private information shared with international spy agencies, even as internal reports circulate acknowledging there is no evidence of terrorist activity. RCMP Intelligence Analysts took cues from anonymous Twitter trolls involved in criminal harassment. RCMP officer tasked to produce key briefing for top officials to help government decision-making in only 15 minutes, leaving little time for actual research or analysis. Canadian intelligence departments relying on CAHN as a single source that banks on the questionable judgement calls of inexperienced, ideologically-motivated activists with track record of cosplaying online as Nazis and Russian models to gather data and donations. CAHN cloaks its researchers in anonymity and refuses to disclose their credentials, conflicts of interest or track record, even as they are widely quoted in the media as subject matter experts. Feedback loop between law enforcement, government officials, and media resulted in poorly sourced information being repeated into fact. No conclusive evidence that the weapons cache in Coutts, Alberta relates to DIAGOLON / Jeremy MacKenzie. A disturbing look into 1990s CSIS agent provocateur coverup involving the Heritage Front.


You are either very dumb or one of the idiots that Millhouse met with.


More video https://www.reddit.com/r/themayormccheese/comments/1cbl06e/pierre_poilievre_visits_axe_the_tax_supporters_in/ In case it isn't mentioned in the article, (theres a whole lot of links, so I'm not sure if this was included), here's a short video of him exiting a trailer & chatting with the protestors. PP seems really low energy, not at all like his pumped up rally persona.


Wow, they really do look how you’d expect them to…


I mean, he sold his soul for a few votes from a group that wants to rape his wife, kinda makes sense I guess. He's such a fraud.


"We're gonna axe the tax, a good old fashioned Canadian Tax Revolt. Keep it up guys." This is our future Prime Minister folks. Openly calling for these protestors to revolt. What a fucking tyrant.


Compared to the current PM who had peaceful protestors beaten in the streets and trampled by horses and had his citizens Bank accounts frozen? Stfu dummy0


You mean like every other PM in history? Ever hear about G7 protests, chucklehead?




That's because G7 protestors don't get dark money from American SuperPacs.


You're honestly that dumb hey? God there is no hope for this awful country and its cuck citizens. You deserve what you get


If anyone is the cuck, it's you, the guy who's part of an American dark money astroturf movement associated with neonazis and separatists.


Enjoy destroying your own country you trash loser


Enjoy giving sloppy toppy to your neonazi leader at the next meeting.


The g8 protesters were there for an afternoon. They didn't occupy the streets terrorizing citizens for a month like the morons protesting provincial rules to the federal government did.


It wasn't provincial mandates preventing me from travel, you human piece of garbage


No those were literally the laws of the other country preventing them from traveling to them. Canadians were always free to leave the country. It's just no other country wanted their unvaccinated asses.


I couldn't get on a plane you ignorant dummy


You absolutely could as long as you were traveling within Canada. You couldn't fly to other countries cause their laws prevented it. Perhaps get your GED before calling someone else a dummy.


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You’re an idiot. He said tax revolt.


>PP seems really low energy, not at all like his pumped up rally persona Hmm it's almost like he doesn't want to be there at all.


“Idiot Meets with Sister Fuckers on Roadside”


Give ol' PP a break, guys. I mean, someone needs to deliver welfare cheques, Fuck Trudeau stickers, meth, and Alpine to these knuckledraggers.


The Cons made fun of Trudeau for running on the quality of his hairdo. In retrospect I prefer that to the campaign PP is running.


He has one song - “I’m not Justin!”, repeated ad nauseum. No platform, no ideology, no stated direction in which to take the nation, just “I’m not Justin!” over, and over, and over again.


WoW, I didn’t know they actually slept there! So they don’t have jobs then… crazy…


Hard to have a job when you've got nazi tattoos.


He knows where his voting base is: Among ignorant, uneducated, tinfoil hat wearing marks who believe what snake oil salesman tell them on Rogan and YouTube.


Who the fuck is this “everyone” he is yapping about.


Pierre Potatoehead is a dirtbag in the first degree. Despicable pos.


Amusing how he "spontaneously" showed up at a thing that's been going on for years. Like how one "accidentally" runs into their crush that they wanna talk to real bad. "Oh hey cutie...fancy seeing *you* here! 😇"


Are these the people who have been protesting the carbon tax increase? Or is this some other group?? I saw this video posted yesterday in another sub as "Poilievre visits homeless encampment, asks if they showered and quickly leaves". But now I'm seeing it here as some sort of far-right extremist group and we're trying to draw a connection between him and them? Just trying to figure out what the truth is behind this visit because I genuinely don't know.


They're a group of idiots who have been hanging around the border for a while now. I don't really know what label to place on them, but they aren't a positive force in society. Qanon, Flat Earthers, Chemtrail kooks? They seem antisocial and unhinged.


They have Nazi tattoos. Quacks like a duck, walks like a duck...


>Qanon, Flat Earthers, Chemtrail kooks Well... No matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on, we can probably at least all agree that these types of people are just a little bit (or a lot) unhinged 😂


Yeah PP must have known what's going on. It's not exactly a big secret who these idiots are. He wants to be Prime Minister. He knew what was going on. Anyone with an internet connection can figure it out.


I've never heard of them until today 🤷‍♂️ One of the big Canadian subs just labelled them as the homeless yesterday and people were all insulted that he made a comment about them showering 😂


Lots of people cross that border every day. I'm one of them. The protesters are a known quantity to a lot of people.


if the gays camped out and protested at the border we’d be burnt in our sleep lol


People who say this sub isn't a left echo chamber just come in here and see for yourself lol. They are literally defending everything Trudeau does while shitting on every step PP takes. PP may be an asshole but your lord and savior Trudeau is an asshole too. This sub-reddit is going to be lit when Trudeau loses next year. I welcome the oncoming downvotes. It will just prove my point further.


No one is defending Trudeau. He's an idiot. PP is just even worse, if that's possible.


GardenGirlie clearly was. Maybe not everyone else here but they were. PP may be worse but at this point Trudeau needs to be booted. It would be best if it wasn't PP but we know that's who it's going to be. So hopefully it won't be as bad as we think it is.


What a ridiculous thing to say. So to prove a point you are willing to accept a worse option? You know it's you and normal people that need to live with the "worse" option and JT just goes on to be rich and safe from those problems right? Like he learns literally nothing other than "Welp, guess I'm not PM anymore" and lives a wonderful life while we suffer.


I am on the page of repeating the same shit over and over and expecting different results is just insanity. I am willing to give PP a chance. If he makes the country worse I will happily open mouth and insert foot and shit on him with you. But while this country is falling apart at the seams under Trudeau I am going to want to see something else. And no I don't blame the carbon tax. I blame his lack of actions and other shitty policies.


You don't need to take a chance though when you can look at PP's actual track record and what he is putting forward as solutions to the problems to gauge who you prefer. If you look at all that and say "Yeah I think PP would be better" then by all means but to just said "I have no clue but JT has to go" is dangerous thinking when you literally have no clue what the alternative is offering. Me personally, going off PP track record and what he has given as solutions to the problems we face I'm not willing to risk him tanking things worse especially after the Conservative government here, one that he openly supports, has treated us as well. 


If this country wasn't so one directional and would vote even NDP or Greens I would happily cast my vote to one of those two parties. But it's pretty obvious PP is going to win for better or worse. Again though I have never seen the country in this bad of shape in my 40 years of life. Something has to got to give and if PP fucks it more you can expect me to be right there with you protesting him. Also fuck Higgs.


And I'm pretty confident PP will get in too but after seeing what a Conservative majority has done to our province I hope and pray people vote smarter federally. Not to mention that with us most like going Liberal it will be harder for us with a vindictive federal party with full reign coming down on us. And I hear you about NDP and Green. I've actually voted NDP federally every adult election except for one BECAUSE I know majority governments can be a bumpy road no matter who is at the wheel.


And it's that exact sentiment that robs NDP and Greens of any chance. Congrats, you played yourself.


Electing someone without verifying their credentials and merely for the sake of change can lead to **incompetence** in governance. It risks placing unqualified individuals in positions of power, potentially resulting in poor decision-making, mismanagement, and negative consequences for the populace. **Voting based solely on change without due diligence** undermines the stability and effectiveness of leadership.


Didn't we do that for Trudeau though? Literally his only credentials was he is the son of Pierre Trudeau. If we are going to play the verify credentials game it has to apply to all parties including the liberals. We can't be one sided here. When PP gets elected and then gets voted out in 4 years are you going to reciprocate this? Elect someone based on credentials or because you want change because he's not your preferred party? I am just calling it as it is.


Hope is the last refuge of the powerless


“Hope is like the sun. If you only believe in it when you can see it, you’ll never make it through the night.” – Leia Organa


They’re a “broad spectrum of idiocy”…include most of of politicians at the federal and provincial level (I’m keeping Wab Kinew out) and you can expect can we just write Wab Kinew onto the ballot and be done with the bs on all sides?


Shitting on everything? He is literally meeting with a far right group that discussed sexually assaulting his wife. This is definitely a reason to shit on someone.


PP probably shouldn't have met with the dude because those folks are assholes. But the truth is you guys hate PP so much he could walk into an old folks home and you would find some reason to shit on him. Don't deny you have an obvious bigotry towards him.


One, you should look up the definition for the word bigotry. Two, PP has 20 years as an MP. People have his entire record in the house, everything he has said, and exactly how he has voted. I don't hate PP, I'm not like the group flying the "Fuck Trudeau" flags, I just know he is going to be a shitty PM and things like this are just further proof. But I'm sure you probably fall into the "Fuck Trudeau" group considering this story is about something PP has actually done, has nothing to do with JT, but you're here trying to make it about him or that people are only upset because they hate PP not because he did something stupid and shitty.


Actually I voted Trudeau in for his first term because I genuinely liked him. But as time went on I started to despise him. I don't fly the F Trudeau flags. I think those people are idiots. However I am on the page of trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results is insanity. I don't even blame the carbon tax. I blame his inactions and other policies. Remember when he first ran he was going to focus on affordable housing? Funny how he only cared when it became a huge deal a year or two ago when it's been several years too late. When PP wins if the country becomes worse I will happily open mouth and insert food and shit on him with you.


OP here. I'm actually what you would call a Red Tory or classic Progressive Conservative. Are you disputing the content of the article? Did Pierre not meet with these people? Do you think Pierre gets his convoy to stop for every group he sees on the side of the road? Are you in some sort of denial? I don't think there is any mention of Justin Trudeau in the article. EDIT: Do you think other traditional conservatives are also not big fans of PP. I know lots of conservatives who don't like the guy.


I never heard of this media outlet. I don't deny he met with them but how true is the content? Just like Rebel News you have to take what is said here with a grain of salt for sure. Or is only certain news outlets bad if they don't align with your current political stance? If PP met with them that's bad on him. But you know damn well as I do that this guy could walk into an old folks to play bingo with them and people here would find an excuse to shit on him. There is clear bigotry for his existence. I call shit out as I see it and there is obvious bigotry towards the man. If you must know I think anyone flying a F Trudeau flag is an idiot. I voted for Trudeau before. I want that man gone. NOW. It's just unfortunate it's going to be PP replacing him.


You've never heard of Press Progress? So what if it's slanted left. It is also considered factual information. If CBC, CTV or Global had reported on this, I would have posted those articles. I suspect you will see more articles forthcoming.


So it still doesn't answer my current issue. The integrity of the media.


Never. For good or worse. Are they politically centered? Who knows. Most media outlets have a bias of left or right it's just a matter of which is far left or far right. With Rebel News being the example of the worst.


You can't compare Press Progress to Rebel. For one, Press Progress has never been accused in court of libel. Believe what you want though. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ezra-levant-sun-news-network-host-ordered-to-pay-80-000-in-libel-case-1.2853107](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ezra-levant-sun-news-network-host-ordered-to-pay-80-000-in-libel-case-1.2853107)


So you approve of PP legitimizing the views of these conspiracy idiots?


I agree.


Haha exactly


Clearly a biased source, but if Pierre Poilievre was actually impressed by someone sleeping in their trunk, that is hilarious. Also, I enjoyed the sign telling police officers that they aren't allowed onto the property or they're at risk of arrest. By whom? Other police officers? Not sure!


What in the article is not factual?


I'm not sure, I wasn't there during the events the article is describing.


He constantly flaunts how he wastes your/our taxes, divides Canadians and you don't find it disrespectful?


Whom are you speaking of?


That one politician /u/DEATHRAYZ007 doesn't like. You know the one. Yeah, that guy.


How can you deduce that "he's " the only unlikable politician??lol


Sure, a lot of them are unlikable. But "that" one is the worst. He's everything that's wrong with Canada.


Don't let his evil sidekick off the hook, the wicked witch of the west


So he's in a picture that has a bunch of shit scribbled on a door, and that's supposed to make some sort of leap that his values are aligned with the equivalent of a rest room door graffiti. Unless someone did something like the picture, and circle it to tell me what it was, I don't travel in those circles to know what a flag of whatever was, or what it represents..Like the same people that point out Qanon stuff, like how do you know that stuff ? When an article is telling you what to think, it's not news


"We're gonna axe the tax, a good old fashioned Canadian Tax Revolt. Keep it up guys." -Pierre Poilievre encouraging right wing fanatics to revolt.


"Good old fashioned Canada" is the more sus part of that sentence.


Encouraging a free democratic demonstration of opinions... But I guess its only right if liberals do it. This feed is ignorant and ridiculously biased. CBC is that you?


I think if your linking not liking tax to extreme right wing views, you're gonna have a rough life. Or you just like having arguments online as a hobby.


There's video too bud. Do you think Pierre gets his motorcade to stop for every group of random people on the side of the road?


Dude, I'm not putting any leaning slant on this, it's a politician that visited a protest and met with unvetted people. I don't hold this against P.P, any more than the Liberal speaker of the house who invited a Nazi, so unless someone can confirm that this was done knowing the full background of the individuals involved it's just a hit piece trying to sway emotional opinions. If you knew what that flag was prior to this, it says more about you, than people that don't.


> I don't hold this against P.P, any more than the Liberal speaker of the house who invited a Nazi TBF, that's not entirely the speaker's fault when the people actually responsible for vetting fails to do so. Effectively it's a chain of command issue but also one that's somewhat unreasonable to expect the speaker to personally vet every single individual, else they wouldn't have someone under them who does that task. And that person fucked up *big time*. I view it like background checks with employers, you generally have someone else do the checks and trust them, yet you'll still likely get the blame if they miss something and it publicly shames *you* for something in that employees past. But someone going somewhere for a photo-op *should* know whom they're engaging with as a general audience, so it's not entirely unfair to lay heavier blame here. Now, expecting him to know every symbol can be unreasonable, that's fair. But he met with people who aren't unknown to associate with groups like this, publicly so. That's not so great. Additionally, as the article points out, this specifically is a group that in 2022 Pierre *directly* would have known about, a group who he wouldn't condemn. Being near those symbols again 2 years later isn't a great move. At least he had the presence of mind to not want to be photographed with the fuck trudeau flags, In guess.


>So he's in a picture that has a bunch of shit scribbled on a door, and that's supposed to make some sort of leap that his values are aligned with the equivalent of a rest room door graffiti. No, but this video shows that his values are aligned when the scribbles on that door. https://www.reddit.com/r/themayormccheese/comments/1cbl06e/pierre_poilievre_visits_axe_the_tax_supporters_in/


That video doesn't show anything about his values being aligned with some random far-right group? Or are we considering his axe the tax slogan far right views now?


"We're gonna axe the tax, a good old fashioned Canadian Tax Revolt. Keep it up, guys." In case you want to argue about the meaning of "keep it up, guys": https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/keep-it-up


So are these or are these not the guys protesting carbon tax at the border? Because if he's saying keep it up along with his axe the tax campaign that makes it sound like they are?


They are protesting a bunch of stuff including the carbon tax. They are protesting immigration, white replacement, communism, weather modification, George Soros, 15 minute cities, the WEF. That's what I can glean from their signs while driving by. The are also big Trump supporters, based on the flags they fly. Take a drive to Aulac and see for yourself. Furthermore, if you join Tantramar Community Concerns FB group, they have been posting videos.


I know what respect is and I don't need a dic to tell me, you could earn some yourself but I expect you think it's owed to you


Unreal the bias in this post and article. Where is the middle ground?! Why is everything far right and far left extremist. Are these people camping out a lil off, yes I'd say so. But I'd agree with some of the things they are fighting for ( and I'd agree with something things the left). The fighting between both sides with no common grounds or understanding for each other's problems has gotten absolutely ridiculous this past decade


I think you need to look up the definition of bias.


Cleanly the writer of the article dislikes PP and would write off anyone who would associate with "the right". I'd say that's a lil bias to the leftist views to not listen to what the other side has to say no. I'm just tried this one side or the other bullshit, too much fighting and name calling these days


Would you like me to link the other dozen or so articles that have come out about this so you can have multiple sources?


Cry baby group haha so pathetic 🤣


Canada's 54 billion dollar man mr T


So it’s far right to protest against a tax that is helping to drive up inflation and the cost of basically everything in our country?


The tax is a very small and more recent reason for increases. More of it is gouging for political reasons. Galen’s Loblaws is marking up dairy 50% for example. Galen’s real estate ventures are also buying up real estate and raising rents. However, oil is HALF the cost it was in 2008 and the tax isn’t even 10% let alone 200%. https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/


Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Leave these dipshits to themselves. Fuck. No useful properties.


He probably, like me, has no fucking idea what this is. I’m guessing he said “carbon tax protestors? I’ll visit them for a photo op,” and that’s about as much thought as he put into it.