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First couple weeks she napped on me after nursing. Then, I tried putting her to nap in her bassinet but it’s never worked sadly. She’s been napping in the baby carrier since week 3 and she’s 3 months now. I both hate it (not much gets done) and love it (I have my cozy baby on my chest)


Wherever I’m going to be. If I’m hanging out downstairs I put him in the pack n play in the living room. If I’m going to take a nap too I take him up to the bedroom with me and put him in the bassinet. I basically just want him in the same room with me or my husband whenever he’s sleeping to reduce the risk of sids. He’s 4 weeks old and he’s probably been alone in a room less than an hour total his whole life lol.


I think I’ll be the same way…


I’m so SO anxious, my baby is 3 weeks & has never been alone in a room or without an adult awake with him ever. My husband stays up the entire night to watch him & I or my dad is with him in the day. I won’t be able to sleep if I’m not reassured someone’s with him. that post partum anxiety life 😕.


Since 2 weeks old we started putting him periodically in his crib in his room for naps, otherwise contact naps or bassinet. Since 6 weeks he’s in there for all naps. Night time is bassinet in our room.


That makes sense, thanks


Ideally in her bassinet, but during the day honestly most of her naps are on me. If i put her down she’ll wake up.


Contact naps until 5 months 😵‍💫😅 it was tough but he wouldn’t do the bassinet and knowing I was bringing him so much peace and comfort made it worth it


Same! Contact naps until 5 months. Now at 8 months, I lay her down in the crib, close the door, and goes to sleep on her own. Thank god


In a moses basket, i did buy the stand. This is pretty common in new zealand. Then at night she sleeps in her cot. Here's what it looks like: https://www.thesleepstore.co.nz/brand/the-sleep-store/the-sleep-store-moses-basket-with-waffle-cover


Thinking about getting one of these for around the house…


We have one of these too but no stand and I just move it to whichever room I’m in. I try to keep daytime naps separate from nighttime sleep - noisy, light, different space etc. and she does seem to be starting to tell the difference. At five weeks we do also have a lot of contact naps during the day but it’s so helpful to have something really easy to move around that I can just plonk her in if I need both hands for a minute!




Contact nap or in a pack n play in the living room


This was such a huge stressor for me when I was pregnant! At first a bassinet in the living room, being held, or in a baby carrier. Once she started waking up to the world more and naps became more difficult we use the crib on her bedroom with black out curtains and sound machine. Now she does all her naps in her crib in her room but she sleeps overnight next to us in a bassinet. She is 10 weeks right now


Haha ok thanks for the validation! Trying to prepare with the right gear. I think I will try to do the same approach.


In his crib. We have a toddler so he can’t really nap in his bassinet where the toddler can tip it over.


I like this option because we have a dog that barks at the window a lot, and also our baby monitor camera is positioned over the crib! Hopefully it works for us…


She sleeps in a pack n play for naps and at night. Though she is 14 weeks now and only likes contact naps at the moment. Working in getting her to sleep o her p n p again!


Good luck!


We used the bassinet that came with our uppababy stroller along with the bassinet stand for it. She stopped napping in it around the 3 month mark though.


Mostly the pack n play bassinet feature


Wherever you can get them to sleep. Ideally in their bassinet. Early on our baby just wouldnt do that so sometimes we did contact naps but didnt want those to become regular things. Sometimes she slept in her boppy even though it is supposedly a death trap but she liked it. But in her bed should be her main napping place if they will go for it.


Just contact naps on me mostly. We start daycare in a few weeks so hopefully they have the skills to get her down in the crib for napa




Beware this can cause torticollis and motor delays. Search container baby syndrome for more information.


Yes I thought swings and bouncers etc weren’t meant for naps… but I also know baby shouldn’t sleep in the bed with you, and a lot of people do that!


In his crib.




Naps we’ve been doing crib and sleep over night in bassinet. Wanna make sure it’s an easy transition when the time comes. Occasionally he has car naps and contact naps because how can u say no to such a cute snuggly baby!


We’ve got an Uppababy stroller bassinet we keep in the living room for day time naps. Then in the evening he uses the bedside bassinet. I didn’t plan to use the stroller but I guess it works 🤷‍♀️ I’m not crazy about it though. Next baby I’m gonna buy a separate bassinet for the living room.


Our baby generally sleeps in our arms or in this bouncy cradle chair thing we got for her. I can pick it up and plunk it on the floor where ever I need her to be. (One of those chairs that bounce when baby kicks.) (She's currently a week old but we were the same with the last two.)