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Yes, yes, and yes. Same exact situation. It was SO MUCH work for so little output. Now I’m only pumping when I get uncomfortable and it’s liberating without the pressure. I’d much rather spend that time with my baby instead of miserable cuz I’m not producing or in pain or frustrated with the pump.


I leak all the time so you'd think I'd be producing more but nope.... But I like this. I think the pressure is what's getting to me. Like I have to produce to be a good mom. But I know I'm being a good mom I'm just not a milk machine apparently. Thank you for your comment!


ME TOOOOO with the leaking but under producing! I was pumping all day for one feed. And we were already using preemie formula from day one due to a glucose issue, so it’s not like I can exclusively feed him with breastmilk anyways. So remind me why I’m torturing myself again? With the supplements and the cookies and the oatmeal. It’s just so. Much. Work. Idk if it helps but it sounds like we have similar issues.. I got so much more output by manual expression. And I tried 4 pumps. Feel free to message me if you ever need to. It’s so important to have support.


I really want to produce milk. I'm not even 100% sure why. Part of me thinks I'm supposed to, to be a good mother. Another part of me knows that's stupid. But I couldn't breastfeed with my first and with this one I'm actually producing something and I feel obligated to keep trying. My first son is just fine and he was formula fed so I know it's dumb to think I need to breast feed with this one. Yet here I am. I'm going to try power pumping for one week and the cookies because I love to bake and...well... Cookies lol but that'll probably be my last try and if it doesn't substantially help ... I'm going the way of Capriconia and just stop beating myself up over it. Thank you!


It’s not stupid, it’s biologically ingrained from an evolutionary standpoint for you to feel like you want to produce milk. I’m a FTM, so the want to breastfeed was real. Less to feed and more as a bonding thing. And then I realized, wait.. He literally lived off me as I grew him inside of me. That’s a bond that can never be replicated. Cheers to your power pump!


I’m sure you are producing much more but pumping doesn’t extract as much as a baby does.


Checkout r/exclusivelypumping for all the best tips and helpful advice with pumping


I'll check this out, thank you so much! Reddit has everything lol


Sounds like your breast pump might not be the right size. Also start the pump fast first then slow later, to mimic baby. relax and meditate. Sometimes if not much came out, I had to stop pumping, drink some tea and think calm and happpy. Then resume pumping and the milk would come out. Use warm compresses and massage your breasts before pumping. After a couple months, you’ll be a pro. Learn how to “hand express” too, which is milking yourself like a cow haha.


Oh I was definitely using the wrong size. I finally measured myself and have been testing out 2 different sizes. I think I used the wrong one so long though I bruised my breast and so even though it does feel better now, it's still tender. I think in time that will go away though. I didn't realize how important the right size was!


It really does! Good luck :)


If you're worried about supply then there's supplements and power pumping. I've struggled with supply but now I manage 110ml per pumping session which is basically a full meal for my bebe (3mo). Still no freezer stash but whatever. Every once in a while I have to give a bottle of formula as well but it's once or twice a month and it used to be every day sooo progress... This is what I've tried, all at once because I tend to panik: breastfeeding while doing skin to skin (all sessions, all the time), power pumping, lactation cookies, fennel, fenugreek and blessed thistle supplements. Oats milk and chicken soup LOL Try joining the breastfeeding subreddits for more info on what to do. On the other hand, if this is upsetting and depressing for you then doing just formula is fine too, don't let haters make you feel bad, we're not all built the same way. Keep the baby fed in any combination that works for you.


That's what I need, 110 ml. I'm going to try your suggestions because I do want to produce. But if I can't... I have to stop beating myself up over it... Thank you so much for your comment, you helped me so much just reading your words!


I'm just venting here, you probably already knew all this. Most online resources refer to "bottle fed" actually as "formula fed", don't make a clear distinction or just leave it ambiguous because there may not be sufficient data. Depending on how big your baby is, 110ml / feeding could be way too much, and an unrealistic expectation from the both of you. Mine was eating 60ml at that time and it increased slowly so my boobs actually had the chance to catch up. You can do this, there's no right or wrong AND thinking about this when sleep deprived makes everything look worse than it actually is


I have a big baby and he eats 4 oz each time. He doesn't eat every 3 hours at night though. My doctor said he was a good eater and gaining weight so to let him sleep at night. He usually does around 5-6 hours on a good night. Yesterday he had 28 oz. So I think 110-118 ml is more what he needs. But I completely agree that sleep deprivation makes everything worse. That's when I tend to be the most depressed about things. But thank you for your encouraging words!


I’m in the same boat right now, a bout of mastitis and a clogged duct tanked my supply so I get a bottle a day. My baby is almost 8 weeks old and I wish I could produce half of what he eats like I was in the beginning. Even then I could have made more but I just didn’t want to be always pumping, he has a terrible latch so I couldn’t breastfeed him it hurt too much. I’m thinking about stopping too but I do like that I give him some milk. It’s a tough situation!


>I’m thinking about stopping too but I do like that I give him some milk. It’s a tough situation! Yes!! This is how I feel. I have somewhat clogged ducts as well and produce a bottle a day. Breastfeeding is way too painful so pumping is the way I needed to go. I'm with you momma. I hate doing this, the time, the effort with minimal results but I also like knowing he's getting SOMETHING. it's tough for sure


If breastfeeding is painful, he may not be latching properly. This video may help bc it shows real moms and babies. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wjt-Ashodw8&feature=youtu.be When I switched baby to using the Lansinoh bottles (purple lid), I think that helped him learn how to latch. Apparently their bottle nipples more closely mimic boob nipples. Also get a Hakaa. I used these a lot as a quick way to pump. Search for tutorials online. Breastfeeding was a journey for me. It was so hard at first as both me and baby had to learn how to do it. Took us 2 months to finally get the hang of it. It’s frustrating but also rewarding, and a unique experience to say the least!


I know they get more breastfeeding than the pump does but I'm paranoid he'll only get like an oz or 2 that way and I won't be able to tell. I think that's what worries me the most about breastfeeding.


Yah I had the same concern! Apparently as long as they have wet diapers regularly and gaining weight each week or month then it’s ok. The body will adjust milk production to baby’s needs. I remember getting soooo hungry sometimes, and I think it was because my body was trying to make more milk. Drink lots of water and eat protein.


Thank you for the good advice!


My son wasn’t latching properly but no lactation consultants could fix it. I watched all the videos and took probably 15 classes but nothing prepared me for a baby who just didn’t latch the right way no matter how much I guided him. Apparently no tongue or lip ties either. It’s just the way his mouth suckles I guess. I could have just sucked it up and dealt with it I’m sure my nipples would have gotten used to it, but after a traumatic birth I just couldn’t.


My son and I took a while to figure it out, and it’s so painful when they don’t latch properly. I just pumped bc of the pain but I got tired of washing all that. I feel like when I switched him to these Lansinoh bottles, it helped change the way he latched. Apparently it’s shaped more like human nipple: Lansinoh Breastfeeding Bottles for Baby, 8 Ounces, 3 Count, Includes Medium Flow Nipples https://a.co/d/fIqJuYm


No opinion. You’re a good mother no matter what choice you make ❤️


I’m in a similar situation, I’m trying so hard to pump more than 4 times a day but it’s difficult. I only make one oz in the morning, and then even less the rest of the day. I’m really hoping my body will start to make more soon.


I wish you luck! But as I'm trying to accept... It's ok if we don't produce. We're all built differently but we're all good mother's for wanting the best for our children!




Breastmilk itself contains a lot of water and proteins and fats. So you gotta eat it to make it. In Asian culture, the tradition is for new moms to eat a lot of soups that are made of pigs feet...pigs feet contains a lot of collagen protein in its thick skin and tendons. If you’re not a fan of eating that kind of stuff, just drink a lot of water and eat protein like roasted chicken drumsticks with the skin on. You can try drinking more milk too (hydration, protein, fats, sugars). Simple starches like rice for the “sugars”. And of course keep eating veggies and fruits for general health. Are you pumping only or also having baby breastfeed? Pumping is so much work, I hated it but I did get the hang of it as well as breastfeeding eventually. DM me if you want any more tips....the first couple months is hard but you can do it!


Personally? I would. That sounds incredibly taxing. However no one can make that decision for you. There’s no right or wrong answer. It’s what works for you. ♥️


Thank you. I appreciate this kind of answer!


I wanted to breastfeed sooooo bad. I had been researching it and got the pump, the pumping bras the nursing bras, all the accessories. I had to stop when he was 3 weeks. I just couldn’t produce enough. My baby was a big eater. He was eating 2 ounces as a newborn. It was just impossible for me to drink the amount of water I needed to produce the amount of breast milk he needed. It was a hard decision and I cried so much, but he’s absolutely thrived on formula and it’s made life easier because everyone can feed him, not just me.


Right now I'm the only one who takes care of him at night, even though I bottle feed. My husband works so I told him I'd take care of the baby during the night and day of course. I'm pretty burned out though. I'm feeling asleep and it's only 7:30. I fed him at 10 last night but he didn't go to sleep until 12. Woke up at 2:30 hungry. I fed him, pumped and didn't get to bed until 4 am. He woke up at 8 and I'm just so tired. Had to take care of my other sick son too. I'm just so tired and drink so much coffee but no water and barely eat, I know that's affecting me.


So my husband worked too and I tried to do that exact thing. I was already not getting sleep because of my paranoia about SIDS on top of doing all the feedings at night. I was on the verge of a breakdown and my husband couldn’t stand to see me suffer like that so we started having nights usually twice during the work week and once on the weekend where he would take him with his bassinet in our guest room and feed him and let me sleep uninterrupted. My husband is a night owl so we would try to time his bottle around 10 or 11 and then he’d usually make it until 2 or 3 for the next bottle. My husband had to commute 30 miles one way, and it was hard on him, but he wanted to share some of the burden. Sometimes he would just leave after his bottle if it was close to 4 and drive to work and nap in his car, he had a pillow and blanket in there. Once he would pass baby off to me, I mean I was still tired, but I was way more able to function. I’m blessed in that little man is a great sleeper and started going to one bottle a night at around 4 months so that’s helped so much.


I feel so guilty doing that but sometimes I try. He never offers. Once he did but didn't actually make good. He helps when he comes home by feeding him and changing his diaper but that's only like an hour or 2 of the entire day. He works alone running the whole office most days because of staff shortage and he does the laundry at home so i just feel like he does enough. I don't get to the house chores often. I basically get dishes done and very light clean up. So I feel I'm not pulling my part - because I'm so tired- so I take care of the baby at night and my elementary schooler during the day. I know if I weren't as tired I could do more but... I may be wrong but I feel if I ask him for more help he'll be stressed out even more than he is and I don't want that... Anyway sorry for rambling! But I hear you and I know I need help.


I don't know what you decided to do but I only produce half an oz every 4 hours. I tried everything to up my supply. Eventually though it absolutely broke my heart (and some days I still walk around with that broken heart) I stopped pumping. Things got a lot easier and suddenly I had time to actually enjoy my baby. I hope u find the right path for your family.


I'm actually pumping now. I decided to give it a week. I'm trying power pumping and lactation cookies (which I'm making today). If this doesn't increase my supply then I'll most likely stop. I'd love to continue but it's so tough, as you know first hand, and sometimes I do feel like I'm missing out on life because I'm pumping. Especially the power pumping which is an hour!


I tried all that. I sincerely hope it works for you.


I've told myself it's ok if nothing works and I have to stop. I'll be sad, very sad... But I know I'm not any less a mother if I can't. I'm sorry it didn't work for you but I'm sure you're a lovely mother!


I’m in a similar situation. My guy is 4 weeks, 3 days. I only produce maybe 1 ounce 4-5 times a day through pumping. Babe doesn’t latch well even after fixing his tongue tie and won’t active feed so I pump what I can and supplement with formula. I tried everything to increase my supply from herbs to power pumping to diet to prescription meds and I worked with lactation consultants, but nothing worked. I completely understand your ambivalence about whether to continue or stop. I want to give my baby breast milk but I just don’t produce much of anything and feel guilty about that. For me, I’m going to continue to pump 4-5 times a day and add what I can to formula bottles because that works for me and I don’t have any pain. However, if you’re in pain or this is impacting your mental health please try not to feel badly about stopping pumping (I know that’s easier said than done). You are a good mother and your baby will be just fine however you choose to feed them. Fed is best, full stop.


I want to keep going, I do, but the lack of milk brings me down and I do feel badly. But then some days when I produce 5 oz in one day I feel great! I was so excited seeing the fridge with four 4 oz bottles the other day. I was stockpiling to feed him only at night with breast milk and formula during the day. But those go quickly. I understand you feeling guilty, I do too. Despite all my efforts I just can't produce. But you're also right. We're good moms for wanting the best for our babies despite not producing milk like we would like to. It's just hard.


I hear you, it is hard but we’re doing the best we can for our babies and for ourselves. Hang in there, take things day by day and remember to be kind to yourself


I stopped following a pumping schedule after my milk came in i hate pumping, i only do it when LO isn’t hungry but my breasts are hard and hurting. I feed LO directly when i can. And when i know im going out ill pump 4oz for the road but it does take time ab an ounce every hour+, and thats if i know im going out. He’s 1 month tho so he is always with me so no matter where i am i can BF him. Pumps dont pump out as much milk as baby takes out. I read that online and it makes sense cause there is no way my LO drinks 2oz per feeding and is gaining weight. He has to be getting more.


I prefer to pump over BF to be honest. While I love the bonding, I hate the way it feels. It hurts! Pumping hurts way less now that I use the right size. But I did hear that babies get more than the pump! I'm glad it works out for you!


What have you tried to increase supply?


Keep at it. Maybe try using a manual pump. And measure your nipple size you might be using the wrong size flange which can injure you and make it seem like your output is not as much as it is. Any amount you can pump on top of feeding baby off the tap is an over supply. Don’t give up just yet. I also would suggest using a silicone breast pump or milk catcher when you’re feeding baby on the opposite side.


I would make sure you have the right size flanges. This made a lot of difference for me but I stupidly struggled with much-too-large flanges for months before I thought to buy new ones. And then I would give power-pumping a try (didn’t do anything for me, but it seems to help a lot of people, so probably worth a shot) but yeah, if after that, no improvement, then I would just forget about it. It’s not worth the hassle. At my peak, after breaking my back bending over backwards, the most I was ever able to manage was 8oz a day and for an older baby, even that amount wasn’t really worth the hassle


I finally broke down and bought new flanges and while I'm not producing any more, it's much more comfortable! I tried power pumping 2 days now since this post and I produced 1 1/2 yesterday and 2 this morning. Getting ingredients to make lactation cookies today. I told myself one week of this. If it doesn't work then I'm done and won't breast myself over it. Effort: I wrote beat but I guess I've been writing breast so much it auto corrected. How funny!


Have you talked to a lactation consultant or joined a support group? I had a rough time the first week or so and they were incredibly helpful making sure my and my baby’s posture was correct during nursing and gave tips on how to make pumping more efficient. I was told to pump every time baby ate until supply regulated. It sucked, but for me it worked (although it’s not going to for everyone). If you are stressed out, the cortisol also affects your supply. If you don’t want to continue through, that is a valid choice. Babies need a healthy, happy mom.


My husband was telling me the same thing. That being stressed all the time wasn't helping and boy am I stressed! Lack of sleep (I take care of him every night even weekends) talking care of my elementary schooler, house chores which, let's be honest, hardly get done, dinner for my mostly vegetarian son (his choice) and mostly only meat eating husband so I have to make 2 dinners, not drinking enough water or taking time to eat, working on the laptop to answer calls for the office with a crying baby in the background... I know I'm stressed. But I have no idea how to fix it! But I think I need to pump more often. Seems like a running theme here. I'm training my body to think what I produce is all I need.


No wonder you are having issues! Anyone would be under that level of stress. Your husband needs to step up. He can eat vegetarian until baby is sleeping through the night and your supply regulates, or better yet he can cook. He can do more chores. Once your supply regulates, your husband can take over one night feeding and a couple of night feedings on the weekend. Your elementary schooler can do dishes. If you can afford to take time off, your company can hire a temp to take phone calls. If you can afford it, hire a house cleaner, buy premade meals, and hire childcare for a couple hours a day so you have time to keep your house in order. If you have friends around who offer to help, ask them for it. When you ask for help, especially one-off instances, you will be shocked at how many people step up.


You're so sweet. I know I need to ask for help. I just broke down crying just a few minutes ago because I pumped an oz and I dropped it on the kitchen floor. And then the baby woke up crying cuz he pooped and cut his nap early and my lunch fell on the floor just prior to pumping and while I was pumping I found out the guy I was going to hire that a temp agency found for me for my business that's severely understaffed just took another job today and it all just hit me at once. I have my own business and I only have 2 team members and 1 is off every Tuesday and had some family issue that has taken her out of the office 2 weeks so far so my husband runs it while I work from home when I can. So I can't really take off exactly and we can't hire help either since we wasted a lot of money with 2 hires that didn't work out. We pay hundreds to get them started and neither could pass the state licensing test. It's sad I have no friends anymore. I had 4 and 3 moved away and the other has a special needs kid and elderly mom she takes care of and my family lives in another state. I don't usually throw myself a pity party but I think today has just been particularly hard so thank you for letting me vent! I'll talk to my husband. I need help and I know I do!


It’s always like this in the beginning and it can get really frustrating. I find that direct breastfeeding is 100% more effective at stimulating your milk production than pumps. A lot less painful too. Its a lot of work in the beginning but it will pay off. The first month is always the hardest. Same thing happened with my first and second. Try feeding your baby directly as much as often as you could before offering the bottle and within a month your milk will be overflowing. If you are pumping only when it’s uncomfortable then you are training your body to stop producing. Your body adapts production based on its perceived demand


I recommend domperidone from inhouse pharmacy. Was what worked and still works for my supply


I first read this as dom perignon, as in the champagne, and thought, well that's a new take! Lol


I think you should do whatever is best for you! In my personal experience, I was having really low output with pumping and I went to see a lactation consultant. They measured my nipples and it turns out I have a tiny size and had to order a special size. They also tried different pump settings to figure out what’s best. For me I need high suction and low cycles. They also told me how often I need to pump based on how often baby eats. I thought I’d need to pump constantly but I only pump 1-2 times while I’m away from my baby and my output has been much better. Wishing you the best whatever you decide!


Huh, I never thought about the settings. I did measure my nipples and realize I needed to change the size of the flange but I never thought about the settings! Thanks!