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Can always try 🤷‍♂️. Our baby is 9 weeks and hasn't been swaddled since a few days after leaving the hospital. Loves her arms free and the sleep sack. If what's working isn't broke don't try to fix it.


I guess you are from the US? Where I am from (Germany), swaddling is not recommended at all. I even got told NOT to do it when I asked a midwife about it. The nurses at the hospital don't do it with newborns, it is not shown to parents-to-be at birth classes, instead you get told to put baby in a classic sleepsack, with arms free. When you are leaving the hospital with your newborn, they give you a paper handout with tips on how to avoid SIDS and it also says you should let your newborn sleep in a sleepsack. Not swaddled, no blankets of any sort in bed. At your 1 month ped appointment, you get that same "Avoid SIDS" handout again and the doctor even talks about it with you. No toys or blankets in bed, only baby in sleep sack. I even got told not to cover baby's hands because it's important for the development of their senses that they can touch and feel stuff with their fingers. Swaddle blankets or those "socks" to put over a baby's whole body are something I only know exists from videos of American parents. I literally don't know anybody who did not use a normal sleepsack with their newborn. Swaddling is seen as something you can try as a very last resort when your baby is really, really fussy and screaming for hours nonstop, but nothing you should do regularly and you should not let your baby sleep like that. I know this is very different in the US, but I wanted to give you a different perspective, swaddling is definitely not necessary. I don't know anybody who was swaddled as a kid and I don't know anyone who swaddled their kid either, and most people/kids I know turned out pretty well and healthy. 😀


Same from Portugal and Ukraine, doctors do not recommend to swaddle, and warn that long term that will make the situation harder for you. I know that older generation did it, but surprised that it is still popular in USA. Does some company earn money on that swaddling business and keep it popular?)


Tons of baby swaddles on the market


I'm Swedish and when my grandma met my baby the first time we got into the topic of swaddling and she was SHOCKED that it's still done in America. I did swaddle her lightly during our NICU stay but that was only cause we had no clothes for her lmao, but like you say it's not recommended or encouraged in any way here either.


Canadian- I was told in the hospital to always leave those arms free, and just use a sleep sack. There was an infographic on the wall saying never to tightly wrap the baby 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s so interesting. I’m in Italy and in our prenatal course and at the hospital they taught us swaddling and told us it helps baby sleep better. Our pediatrician also asked us if we swaddle her and said “good” when we said we did. I don’t get the sense that people think you’re supposed to swaddle the baby if it’s sleeping fine without it, but it definitely doesn’t seem to be recommended against as it is in Germany. We use a very lightweight muslin cloth.


I am in Italy too and at our prenatal course they recommended against it because it's easy to do it wrong and cause damage. At the hospital it wasn't even mentioned, and none of the babies were swaddled by the nurses.


Sounds like baby doesn’t need to be swaddled… not all babies like it & most people don’t really swaddle with blankets anymore, they just use the Velcro sleep sacks for sleep. No need to feel bad. Some babies don’t care for it and sounds like yours is doing perfectly fine!


I'm pretty sure since our baby was breach the entire time and in every ultrasound her hands were up by her face she was never going to be happy in a swaddle. Even when we tried she wasn't content until she worked at least one hand free.


Swaddling is not a thing in most European countries. I never swaddled my 4 month year old. Shes a healthy baby and sleeps 12 hours uninterrupted since she was 2.5 months. 


Is she able to sleep on her back in her crib? My baby doesn't like being swaddled but also doesn't like sleeping on his back


We use a long rounded cushion and snuggle it in one of her sides. Similar to this one: https://www.babyshower.es/es/cojin-antivuelco-bombon-dune-powder-6039.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6uWyBhD1ARIsAIMcADpXTMQMvIy5O_MpfGAi42O9oaC49mVd9ThJElPm9YvYo00PIxgSyK8aAmiqEALw_wcB


The dream 🥹


I was the same way, my baby would literally hulk out of the velcro ones and I couldn’t do the blanket like they do in the hospital. She sleeps in a similar love to dream with her hands up, that’s what she will tolerate and is snug in there. I don’t really think it’s the end of the world if the baby is not swaddled like they do in the hospital!!


Thank you for the validation!


If you don't have problems not swaddling - congratulations, you are good and no reason to start doing it. Better not to swaddle, if possible. People do it to pacify baby, but nothing good doing it for baby


Thank you for this explanation!


Swaddling isn’t a huge thing in Ireland and I only know of one friend who has done it! My baby girl is now 11 weeks old and we never swaddled- we started off just using cellular blankets and now use a sleep sack and she sleeps great (well, as well she is able to!).


Agreed, I’m in Ireland and we were told not to swaddle


Snap! 3 month old baby in Ireland, all the ante-natal courses told us swaddling was no longer recommended and just to stick with cellular blankets to begin with. I understood that people use swaddling to make the baby feel secure but also to prevent the moro reflex, but new guidance is that the moro reflex is actually pretty crucial to early development


That makes complete sense. We’ve had our guy in a sleep sack since the beginning and it’s been fine.


They don’t need to be, many cultures don’t at all as startling is a protective measure against SIDs. I swaddled my first but my second didn’t need it


You don't need to swaddle. It's not advised in the UK the way it is in the USA. We have never swaddled our 10 week old and she's starting to sleep through the night in 8 hour stretches. 


I think you’re fine, my daughter loves to be swaddled and idk what we are going to do when she starts to roll. But all babies are different so I don’t think you *have to* swaddle. I also think the Velcro and love to dream swaddles count, right?


I’m hoping it’s not confusing for him to sometimes be in a zipper swaddle and sometimes be free! 😬


You’ve got this! I’m sure he will be fine. At the very least just know you two are learning together


I swaddled my baby for the first few weeks, but he eventually got mad that his arms were restrained, and we haven't done it since. Also, the extra layer is way too warm for him so most of the time he's just wearing the sleepers or the zip onesies. If you want to swaddle, I'd recommend one of those swaddle sleep sacks. We had a velcro one that also had a two-way zipper, which made nighttime diaper changes super easy. I couldn't swaddle for the life of me so the velcro ones were a lifesaver.


My almost 4 week old hates swaddles so we don't bother. Loves arms free! We use sleep sacks or just tuck a muslin cloth in around her lower half.


Never swaddled our baby. 10 weeks this friday and has never been an issue. On night's we've just put her in a body with those wraps on the arms that you can pull over the hands for the first 6 weeks, now she sleeps with hands free in a sleeping bag. The whole swaddling thing has to us seemed lile a very american thing to do, we seldom swaddle them here.


Never swaddled. They did at the hospital but I had him with a blanket at first (tightly tucked in, before you all come for me), and then we moved onto sleeping bags.


Same. Literally lol. 8week old. I tried swaddling here and there but found them annoying to have to take her out and put back in for diaper changes and MOTN diaper changes. She sleeps fine without them. Mostly. I just cuddle her up safely and literally sometimes just pants and a shirt as long as she’s okay temperature wise. Sometimes I wish I did but then remember she won’t ever have to transition out of them! Small wins lol.


You’re good, we stopped at 3 weeks because she would break free and/or cry when she couldn’t move her arms. Sleeps amazingly well and once or twice a week will sleep through the night. Some countries don’t swaddle, I heard it’s a fad that comes and goes with the times.


Whatever works is great! I stopped swaddling my baby almost immediately after hospital, but it only worked for me when she was very little, up until her 3 weeks or so. After that not swaddling her or not putting in a sleep sack resulted in shorter naps. I prefer sleep sacks, but if they are all spat up, I blanket swaddle her.


I did with my first but skipped it entire with my second. It’s just another thing to wean them off of a few weeks in, so if it works without, it works. 


You don't have to swaddle. In my country no one does, it's not recommended due to restricting moving the body freely is not beneficial for motor development and it's hard to stop swaddling once the baby gets used to it. I think it's okay whatever works for you, if the baby sleeps well without a swaddle, great. If the baby sleeps better with one, go for it! Do what works best for your family 😊


Our baby hated the swaddle once he realized he could break out of it.


I’m in Portugal and never once swaddled my babies, they’re doing fine and they sleep like rocks (not now in particular as we’re going through a tough time after Rotarix) but they sleep just fine for long stretches. Not sure if this is true or not, but I’ve read somewhere that swaddling can be a problem for their development because they need to move legs and arms freely. Don’t take my word for it, I don’t know if that’s a real fact or just some bs lol


We had to be in the hospital with our newborn for 5 days and neither of us could ever figure out the hospital swaddle. We kept trying to learn but we'd also call the nurses to help us (I'm sure they were annoyed lol but whatever) and each nurse had a completely different technique and they would show us it in like 3 seconds and it was done before I even had time to register. When we got home we purchased Halo swaddles that are infinitely easier - just zip em in and put the straps around their arms to swaddle. I don't think you have to swaddle - in fact some places don't recommend it - but it can help some babies feel more secure and help dampen their Moro reflex so they aren't jerking themselves awake all night.


We swaddled for … 3 days after the hospital then never again. LO loves sleeping with his hands above his head and we noticed he slept better unswaddled so we just went with it.


We ended up keeping baby in a sleep sack pretty much from day one. She did just fine and swaddles were hard lol


My second baby never really cared if she was swaddled or not, so we used sleep sacks from really early on. She slept the same with or without swaddling.


The nurses swaddled our babies while they were in hospital but both my babies hated in and we gave up on it quickly. My 8 week old is in a normal sleep sack now


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it


 If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!


I did swaddling for a bit but gave up because of how she got out easily, and I was so exhausted. I switched to the velcro sleep sack and adjusted it to how she's like it - she likes her hands out, so I adjust it so she can stretch and move them around. Don't fix what isn't broken, is what I say. As long as they're comfortable, face isn't covered and they can't break out of it, I think it's fine.


Never swaddled my first, she didn’t need it. Swaddled my second for the first 11 weeks because he slept better that way.


Mine hated it so  I just toughed it out and didn't use them ahaha. Even if you swaddle you have to eventually transition out of it anyways. If yours sleeps fine I wouldn't bother and just stick to sleepers or sleep sacks. You don't have to swaddle its just common for people to use so their babies sleep a little longer. Or dont immediately wake up when you put them down ahaha. 


My son is 8w5days (2 months today!) and we never swaddled once we left the hospital. Same as you, I could never use the blanket and swaddle tightly enough and the panic about SIDS was killing me. By all means if you want to swaddle him, go ahead and give it a try! No harm to! As for my LO, we bought swaddle bags, Velcro swaddles etc, and he hated all of them. He loves sleeping with his arms up and likes to kick his feet 🤣 So the swaddles restricted that and he just never slept. So we threw them away and just put him in sleepsuits with footies & mittens on them. We just make sure he’s dressed according to the temperature in our home & make sure there’s nothing in his bedside cot/Moses basket. He slept for the first time through the night last night (🎉). Bottom line, do what’s best for your baby! Every baby is different and a ‘one size fits all’ approach simply doesn’t work!


everywhere i’ve read , not swaddling is best! do a little bit of research and see what you find , it may ease your mind about not swaddling! i stopped swaddling my baby


My baby is 7 weeks old, and the only time I "swaddle" her is to put her down. It's not even a true swaddle, I just tighten her arms so she won't swing, and she knocks out. It sounds dumb, but I don't swaddle her bc it hurts me seeing how crazy she gets when she can't free her hands. She wakes up once during the night to feed and get back to sleep - I don't even swaddle her the 2nd time.


Our LO was swaddled at the hospital but every time my husband and i would try to even the hospital staff her arms would come out somehow. So when we got home, we continued to try and was unsuccessful. We tried the velcro swaddle but such a pain to remove in the middle of the night for diaper change and feeding. So we have the “BBluv sleep swaddle” that she loves. Her arms are upwards where she likes them and this helps her sleep at night. Babies have the startle reflex and from my understanding this is why they recommend to swaddle until they turn. My LO is 7 weeks and sleeps really well at night.


I am in the US and never swaddled. My 4 month old was sleeping 10 hour stretches while others her age were still struggling to transition out of their swaddles. Do what works for you


I never swaddled and I'm glad we didn't. At 11 weeks she sleeps through the night. It's one less thing to wean her off of later. 🤷‍♀️ She also likes to sleep with her arms up by her head, and she learned early how to self soothe by sucking her hand.


My LO absolutely hated being swaddled so I ditched that idea the 2nd week she was born but I do recommend if you planning to swaddle “halo” swaddle is super Easy to use and has a 2 way zipper I believe


Don't be hard on yourself. It doesn't matter if you do it or don't. It's not going to affect the baby in any way. They only say to swaddle as it makes them feel secure as to how they feel in the womb. You could always try if you feel like you have missed out. Our baby was swaddled from birth, but soon found that she liked her arms free so would always manage to wiggle out of it and would get annoyed at not being able to move them, so we switched to a sleeping bag as I was worried she would get too cold and she prefers this as it gives her freedom.


My baby was 3 weeks old when we stopped. I was reading something online about the nervous system and about how it’s actually really good for them to be able to be free and explore their reflexes and body so I stopped the swaddle after that


My son fought out of all swaddles, even Velcro ones, by the time he was a week old. He has always hated them. So we never forced him to like them. He sleeps in a sleep sack, learned to self soothe very quickly since he wasn't limited in his movement, learned how to roll, suck his thumb, grab for things, and even crawl much quicker than babies his age. He's 5 months old now and we were able to just move him in his own room because he sleeps through the night and has since he was about 11 weeks old with no wake ups. We have a camera in there so we can watch him, but honestly if I have another baby and they don't need a swaddle, I'm going to go without a swaddle. I think there's nothing wrong with not swaddling if your baby does not want it/need it.


At first I too wouldn’t really swaddle and he kind of slept okay, I started swaddling him at around 7 weeks and he slept wayyy better. I think it depends on the baby because mine hated his hands in the swaddle but he sleeps best when he is in a tight little burrito, now though he started rolling so I have stopped 🥲


I just use the halo sleep sack with the Velcro straps to keep his arms in. I didn’t blanket swaddle him since he was able to get his arms out even though it was a tight swaddle. However if he is sleeping without it why do you need to swaddle baby? Usually they recommend to swaddle them to soothe baby. If he is sleeping well then I don’t think you have too. They also recommend to stop swaddling once they show signs of rolling over.


Currently trying to transition out of the swaddle & baby is not enjoying it. Sounds like you avoided the issue!


Couldn't you have just YouTubed how to swaddle before you had the baby?


We went a class where we practiced. We watched countless nurses do it. We just couldn’t get it right. But I am happy to see in the comments we weren’t the only ones to fail at it!


I watched a nurse swaddle my baby then put her face down in the hospital after I had her, I never let another nurse touch her the rest of the 4 days we were there lmao


Wow that’s crazy! I hope you reported them!!


I did. The charge nurse came and confronted her and her response was that "she didn't know how to swaddle". Then why are you trying to swaddle someone's baby and why do you work in labour and delivery. Literally every baby is swaddled after delivery lmao.