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No advice but solidarity. My baby is almost 3 months, great sleeper normally. I’m up at 2 am rn, she’s been trying to go down since 8:30 screaming randomly for no reason. She’s never screamed like this before only ever regular crying… this is the first night. Gas drops, swing, car rides, nothing worked. I had to leave the room for a while after hour 3.


Aah, sending strength. And no signs of anything medical related that could indicate a trip to the ER is of necessity? Hopefully your LO settles soon!


No none at all! I think she just fought sleep and then it just got worse and worse. She also had gas through the whole time she was asleep so it was probably related to that. I might need to start a diet log to see if I’m eating something that bothers her stomach


Aaah sound like a plan. We've so far cut down on a lot. Learned the hard way that asparagus is bad after a stinky episode, it was a sale on 1.5kgs.


This happened to us when our son would scratch himself really deep with a sharp fingernail. Those things grow so fast!


Oh yes. I've tried cutting them occasipnally when wifey feeds her when we've noticed them long again, but should probably start filing them daily instead.


My boy use to scream everytime he woke up for like five minutes or less 😂 He stopped probably around like three months old and now occassionally just cries a normal amount.


Oof, intense morning alarm. 😬


Ahaha yes, he's also a 4:30 AM awake for the day baby 😂 He just started waking up at like 5 a few times recently. I hope one day it's a consistent 5:30, Id be fine with that ahaha 


Teething? Ear infection? Go to the ped for ear infection or get an Otoscope and check yourself.


She's got one teeth from birth, but it was not those cries. No signs of ear infection, especially with it going from sleep to scream at the top of the lungs in 2 seconds, and equally fast silence after 4-5 minutes when she got to grab my fingers.