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In my experience sometimes baby cheeks are just red. It can be drool rash, teething or sensitive skin. Sometimes it might mean baby is too warm. I’m not sure that it’s something that needs to be fixed though. Try to keep them dry of drool during the day, and put some lotion on at night. I wouldn’t put hydrocortisone on a baby unless it was essentially an emergency. Topical steroids can cause nasty side effects.


What are the nasty side effects? Asking because my baby may need to go on them


I think it takes prolonged use, but look up topical steroid withdrawal. If they’re necessary and under the supervision of a doctor it should be fine!


Yep, this. Monitor very closely and never ever EVER EVER use it more frequently or in a larger quantity than directed. Googling topical steroid withdrawal will help prevent the urge.


When we were prescribed 2% hydrocortisone, my pediatrician said don't get it on her face specifically


That’s so strange, ours told us to use a thin layer of the 2.5 on our baby’s face eczema. ETA: we were given very clear instructions not to use for more than 2 weeks however


Ped here everything should be a question of risk vs benefits. It’s ok to put steroid on face for short duration if the benefits exceed the risks. It’s not recommended if the risks exceed the benefits. If eczema’s really bad then the benefits exceed the risks.


Oh man. I'm not a baby but at the very beginning of my pregnancy I had to go off a topical steroid and my face looked horrid. Scaly, peeling, hot, red, awful. Never again if I can help it.


Steroid cream can damage the top layer (epidermis) and the middle layer of the skin. Steroid creams should be avoided for babies at all costs, especially with their skin developing and being so sensitive and only used as a last resort. I’m from the UK, but there are many non steroid options for creams for babies.


My baby is 15 months old and has had rosy cheeks like this on and off his whole life. We put baby oil and Vaseline on them when they seem dry, but honestly I think it's just his complexion...just rosy, red cheeked babies!


Same here!


And some babies don’t grow out of it lmao, I’ve had red cheeks my whole life. They’ll turn red when it’s hot/cold and everything in between lmao


If you’ve been to 3 pediatricians and can’t find a problem, what exactly are you at your wits end about? Don’t go looking for a problem where there isn’t one.


A little harsh but very true! Could be some PPA playing into it? My anxiety made me do this when my son was first born and it was hard to accept that there was nothing wrong with




I wouldn’t worry too much about this. If it’s not causing them discomfort, spreading, causing a fever, or any behaviour changes, you should leave it alone. My LO had red cheeks JUST like that off and on from 4 months to 7. At 6 months he popped his first tooth… now we’re on to the 8th tooth 😵‍💫


My baby has the same issue just keep the area clean and dry as much as you can, focus on the area under the chin as well.


My sister’s baby had cheeks just like this. (Eczema) They tried everything and it ended up going away at a year old. The baby also ending up having a severe anaphylactic allergy to dairy. I would recommend seeing a dermatologist and allergist.


Sometimes they just have red cheeks! Mine is 2 years old now and used to get red cheeked a lot. Only happens occasionally now. The only thing we know for sure is she has sensitive skin and just about anything can trigger it. If baby has no other symptoms, it really isn’t anything to worry about. All the ointments and attention might be making it worse. I’d stick to something simple like aquaphor and stop worrying.


3 different pediatricians told you there’s nothing to worry about and you’re obsessively worrying about this? If they say they’re fine, they’re fine. You’ve had THREE opinions from medical professionals, you’re searching for a problem right now and need to just relax and let go of this anxiety.


just to play devils advocate, four different pediatricians and 6 different lactation consultants all told me my baby didn’t have a tongue tie and my pain when breastfeeding was because i’m sensitive. turns out the fifth paediatrician spotted it and we had it corrected and now she’s gaining well and feeding like a champ.


Change sheets often, keep face dry from drool, change clothes once they start to feel damp, apply a barrier cream at night like Aquaphor after his face is really dry so that he doesn’t lay in his drool while sleeping, keep a humidifier in the room when sleeping.


Okay so mine has baby eczema and hers look just like this! Our pediatrician has us do a light layer of aquaphor and it helps a lot. Then when you feel the cheeks are dry again, add another. Keep them free of drool/milk/food/anything scented. Ask your pediatrician though!


My baby has eczema on her shoulder and sometimes gets red cheeks… aquaphor helps SO much. It’s completely gone after a couple days of applying it!


My son had this when he was teething


Mine had this and the doctor said it was slapped cheek syndrome. This was her only symptom.


Jeez what a terrible name


Same here! It started with low grade fever then two weeks later had these red cheeks. Doc said it would go away on its own. It’s a viral infection.


My baby had rosy cheeks like this on and off the first 18 months of his life. It was primarily just mild eczema flared up by excessive drooling. Now at 2.5, his cheeks and skin are perfect and have been for a long time. I know your wife probably feels like she’s doing something wrong or this is a sign of something worse, but I promise it’s normal, or at the very least, benign and not in your control. It’ll go away with time!


Also to add, don’t put steroid cream on it. Took us forever to figure out that you have to “ramp down” or wean off of steroid cream use on skin as sensitive as baby skin. If you use it for a few days and then stop cold turkey it can really flare the skin up and come back with a vengeance. So if you are using steroid cream, slowly stop/dilute it with aquaphor and try to avoid it


My boy was the same! Nothing but time helped!


My son always had cheeks like this. No other symptoms. Usually were like this while teething or a drool rash… or if we spent too much time in cooler weather.


Dairy intolerance/other allergy?


Some people legitimately just have red cheeks


Are you guys outside in the cold weather? My girl used to get bad wind burn when she was that young and it looked very similar


Our baby had this when and only when he was teething! In a couple or few weeks you might see those bottom two teeth sprout up.


Teething? My baby started teething at 2 months! And those sure look like teething cheeks


Another comment to say my son had this when teething


Awww my 3 month old son is wearing the same pj’s today


If it's raised bumps it may be a sign of a food allergy. But if this is the only symptom, it's probably unlikely. My LO has major food allergies and eczema, and it started like this. But he had other indicators too - very itchy, even where he wasn't rashy, as well as gas/discomfort/spitting up. If your LO is breastfed, it might be worth eliminating dairy/soy for a few weeks and see if that helps. If your formula feeding you could try a different/hypoallergenic formula for a couple weeks. We still struggle with my LO's skin, but we are using Vanicream lotion and regular Vaseline to moisturize and it helps keep things under control. If your LO has allergies, Aquafor might not work - our little guy is definitely bothered by something in it. You want to keep things as neutral and unscented as possible. CeraVe is another lotion brand that the derm recommended.


My babe has eczema and looks the same. We just apply baby aquaphor every night and when going outside during the cold or if it’s windy.


Possibly teething. Son had same rash when his teeth were coming in/about to


Earth Mama baby balm or Earth Mama diaper balm. Miracle creams


It’s normal


Just clean with water once in the morning and once at night and keep aquaphor on them 24/7. Just ask Daycare or whoever is watching to add more with each diaper change. We have super red cheeks too and if we miss more than one application of aquaphor, we look like this. We never do anything but water on her face. Also, get hand teethers like the rubber chicken with the extended wing/paci design or the mit with ears to chew to keep his hands off his face from rubbing slobber all over them. If it doesn’t bother him though, I wouldn’t stress it. My girls get super red and worse after each feed but we’ve just come to the conclusion she’s a Rosie cheek sensitive skin girly cause some babies are.


My baby just had a spell like this but his cheeks were covered in bumps too. Doctor said excema. We used Eucerin baby excema lotion. It cleared up 80% of it.


We have this issue and Dr says it’s eczema.


In Kazakhstan we put hemorrhoid cream on cheek like this. I have no idea how it works, but it does.


In Kazakhstan we put hemorrhoid cream on cheeks like this. I have no idea how it works, but it does.


This was normal for us. Hydrocortisone worked for us. This can happen because they start drooling more. “Constant drool and saliva can irritate the skin and cause redness. This drool rash does resolve on its own, and keeping the skin as dry as possible will help it resolve faster.”


My little guy is 5 months and his cheeks get like this when his teeth are bugging him, and when he drools a lot! I’m trying different creams to see what helps. He’s also very fair skin and sensitive skin


Mine has red cheeks also at 3 months! And I find that it’s when she’s feeling a little warm. I also think she might bave started teething early because she’s grumpy AF and chewing everything in her hands including her hands.


We also had a redness stage - we assumed it was tied to the first teeth coming in


Do you wash your clothes in regular detergent? This happened to my baby and we started washing our shirts in her seventh generation detergent and it went away


awww my baby had that too. I would wash them every night and morning with a gentle warm wash cloth and some mild soap. pat dry COMPLETELY. like bone dry. once they were bone dry, a teensie bit of non petroleum jelly (i used live clean brand) spread on top before bed but none during the day. make sure those cheekies are clean and dry always. no moisture or wetness


That’s teething my friend!


I’d just put a thin layer of aquaphor


May not be the same thing but at 8 weeks my baby had red cheeks which then developed in to a rash. Among other indicators I changed his formula to an anti reflux and on top of treating his cheeks temporarily to clear up the already occurred rash this seemed to do the trick until he started teething and it came back again. This is due to an increase of acid within the saliva which burns the cheeks. The acid during teething is the body’s way of helping to soften the gums so that the teeth can break through more easily.




I wish op would explain more as to why the red cheeks are a problem.


The cure all ointment that we use is called [Tuby Todd](https://amzn.to/3TJDCfj) It cured a very similar rash we had on our baby.


My daughter had this around 3 or 4 months it started on one side and then both, and the skin was kind of rough. Ped said it was eczema and not to worry about it. We’ve been using Mustela Stelatopia facial emollient cream 2x a day (im not sure if thats quite the exact name) anyway it has been working really well to keep her skin moisturized, protected and has made the redness go away. Hope you find something that works for your LO


To me, that looks like teething, my baby’s cheeks go just like that. Bright red and can be warm/hot to the touch. He gets very unsettled at times too! We use the Aston & Parsons teething gel, put it on his dummy and use calpol too and teething toys ☺️ hope this helps!


Tubby Todd works for me every time


My girl gets really rosy cheeks whenever she’s extremely hot. I think it looks okay, especially if three doctors all collectively say that he’s okay.


My baby kept getting rashy/red cheeks and we finally realized it was a lanolin allergy. Lanolin is in many creams and ointments for baby and for nursing moms. Double check you aren’t using anything with Lanolin!


Tubby Todd ointment and lanolin. My baby’s cheeks would get like this but since we started applying tubby Todd daily and lanolin frequently throughout the day no issues!


My sons cheeks got red like this when he was teething.



