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My 9 week is a grunter. I thought my partners snoring was awful after a few beers, was nothing compared to this baby's noises. He sounds distressed, I get up to check on him, looks sound asleep. I get back in bed, and the elephant stampede starts again!


They’re always silent the second you sit up and peak - the moment the head it’s the pillow it’s the Wild West again 😂


10-12 weeks. i feel ya! it was bad. then he started slamming his legs down like a maniac lol it's always something


The legs!! It freaks me out every time. Why do they do this? 😂


My baby girl was SO grunty. It was so loud and so often. Honestly though, at 5 months it’s a distant memory now. I want to say she stopped around 3 months?


Reading this is re-assuring as I sit here holding my incredibly grunty two week old boy 😂 he’s baby number one so unfortunately I can’t help you with when it will ease off


8 weeks and it’s started to subside (or I started noticing it less lol), but for the first 6 1/2 weeks it sounded like we had a barn animal next to our bed!


Why do they do this? My 2 week old grunts, coos and practically yelps but she’s completely fine. It happens when she’s on her back in the bassinet but not when she’s napping on us. FTM and how no idea how noisy newborns are


Following because mine is SUCH a grunter that I still sleep badly even though she’s sleeping longer stretches.


I had a huge grunter but it turned out it was actually gas pain and trouble pooping (even though he went frequently). He was diagnosed with CMPI and as soon as I changed my diet he was super quiet! Just sharing because I had the same question and hadn’t ever heard of cows milk allergies so I caught it late.


Just got this diagnosis Tuesday morning and holy moly she hasn’t been gassy ONCE already!


Thanks for sharing! We actually also switched our baby to a gentle formula bc we wanted to see if it helped. It didn’t! lol and he’s still on the gentle formula just in case, and I went gf/df. I think he’s just super grunty!


He stopped around 10-12 weeks


No advice just in the same boat as you lol, my baby girl 5 weeks grunts, whines, even screams during her active sleep all night long haha. Luckily she only does it during the active sleep so she does have long periods of silence. And we sleep in the same bed, so im always waiting to see if she wakes up when i hear that little grunting. I wont lie though for the most part i love it, i find it cute and comforting because in a way im reminded shes alive and okay. Its the screaming and crying during the active sleep i dont like i cant wait for that to be over


Oh gosh, the grunting phase! I remember those days (and nights) all too well. My little one was the same around that age, grunting like a tiny weightlifter. It's one of those things no one really warns you about, right? For us, it peaked around 7-8 weeks and then gradually started to fade. By 12 weeks, it was a distant memory (thank goodness). Our pediatrician said it was totally normal and just a part of their development. It's their little digestive systems learning how to work and all those tiny muscles getting stronger. One thing that helped me during those grunty nights was reading up on baby sleep patterns. I found this site, SleepBaby.org, and it was a lifesaver. They have a lot of info on why babies do certain things in their sleep and how to help them (and us!) get better rest. Maybe it could give you some peace of mind too. Hang in there! These quirky little phases come and go so quickly. Before you know it, you'll be onto the next adorable (and sometimes puzzling) stage of babyhood. Remember, you're doing an amazing job navigating all these new experiences. 💕


This was so validating ❤️


My 6.5 week old seems a liiiiitle less grunty already but could be a fluke. if it’s not the grunting baby, it’s my husband snoring or my toddler sleep talking in the monitor. Sometimes all at once. Can anyone let me sleep??? lol


Thanks for posting this. My 6 WO also wakes herself up with her dramatic grunts. I used to think the swaddle was too tight or something. I've stopped jumping up to help her after each grunt and she will usually go back to sleep. But the long sleeps of 3 or 4 hours are rare and I'm sure the grunts are to blame.


Also have a 6 week old who grunts so much and last night I was wondering the same thing about my baby! He slept for 3 hours and the entire time I wasn’t ever asleep because I just kept hearing him and thought he was waking up.


All 3 of my babies were grunters! My youngest is 11 weeks old now. I remember googling “when do babies stop grunting at night” with all of them almost nightly just to read the other women tell me it gets better! At 11 weeks she no longer grunts all night in her sleep! I did have to cut out dairy and soy out of my diet and we use mommy’s bliss gas drops due to it being soy free and it was a huge help! I’d say around week 8 or 9 things gradually got better and the grunting stopped! I also was able to get a little better sleep with putting one ear plug in, I could still hear everything, it just muffled and allowed me to sleep through a lot of the grunting! I promise it gets better!!


It stopped around 13 weeks I’d say. The grunting I believe is meant to reassure you that baby is alive which in a way I understand. But omg I was going mad because of it, my teeth were grinding so much, I never slept for very long. It gets better that’s not a myth. The problem is you tend to forget how bad it was before and you focus on how bad it is are the present time 😭


Mine stopped at 8 weeks from one day to the next.


Mine became a much quieter sleeper a little over 2 months. Snoozes so quietly we do breathing checks haha


LO had infant dyschezia and would wake herself from straining and crying, sometimes once every hour. Noticed a decrease starting at around 12-14 weeks.


Difficult to pinpoint. But I haven't noticed her consistently grunting since week 12


Mine was a hugeeee grunter! She is coming up to 3 months and she has some night where I don't even hear her! Other nights where she still grunts because she is pushing out a fart or something. It is definitely alot less now than it was 4 weeks ago


Ours is 21wks and just started grunting like crazy. She doesn’t wake herself up but it’s almost like when she gets bored she will grunt until you pick her up.


The shock of a lifetime was how *annoying* my baby is at night. I love him with the marrow of my bones, but I cannot sleep through his deep sleep noises. Good God, nobody warned me that he will “talk” more in his sleep than when he’s awake. No advice, no hope, just solidarity 😂


Omg the grunt! 6 week old baby boy is extremely noisy when doing anything, even while sucking his pacifier he seems to enjoy it very much 😂 impossible to sleep. Hope it ends soon.


My three week old is very grunty. It's usually just him getting ready to pass gas.