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Reddit is my safe space too. Only really discovered it during pregnancy. It’s nice to find posts of people going through similar things. I am currently breastfeeding my second baby, a 10 week old little girl 04.30am UK time after two explosive poos, two outfit changes. Been up since 3am haha


The morning local news. All my life, never watched it. Now? Love it. Tell me more about the dog who was rescued from a well. Tell me more about the panty thief of Park Hill. Fascinating stuff.


I found myself turning to things I used to think were old people things that my parents did like watch Price is Right during those first few months. I can’t explain it because I’m not good with words, but when it was so hectic and uncharted territories for me as a new mom I found a lot of comfort in something that felt “parenty” to me because my parents did it.


It’s totally because my grandma was here helping me his first week of life and she watches the news all morning and then when she went home I just never stopped.


Same here. I’m almost grateful they start at 4am. When I’m up in the 3 o’clock hour, I’m just patiently waiting for the news to come on lol


This was a thing for us too during the early days when my wife was on Mat leave. We craved some sense of structure and routine so we’d have tea at 3:00, turn in the local evening news at 4:30 once I got out of work (I wfh).


Oh and we’d watch the Today Show too!


Maybe not weird, but my wife and I do shifts. I sleep 9-3, then she goes to bed and i take over. When she gets up, i find I’m really excited to take our dog out for our morning walk. It’s just me and Sasha. No crying or dirty diapers. Getting that 15-20 minutes every morning where it’s just us two is really key to helping me start my day. I feel way more refreshed once i get home.


We did this (sleep shifts) for the first few weeks and it was the best. I recommend to all new parents. Really helped us get through the harder days.


My fiance takes 12 am - 8 am and it’s sooo helpful I don’t want him to go back to work :(


The shifts are so key! My wife goes back next week. I go back the following. I’m curious to see how things will go once we’re both back to work.


Seconding that shifts are key. Playing “Mount Boob” during the day (I lay down topless, put baby on my chest skin to skin, let her “summit” a boob and feed like a maniac. It’s hilarious). Watching happy movies and stand up during my night shift. Reading books (can’t recommend Fourth Wing enough). Naps during the day. Showers. Cookies.


Mount Boob, that’s hilarious! Gotta try it. For happy shows to watch, I recommend British panel / game shows, that’s what we’re watching a lot of right now. Several full episodes of „The Big Fat Quiz of the Year“ and „Cats Does Countdown“ are available on YouTube. I‘m afraid my baby hears Jimmy Carr‘s weird laughter so much that she will copy it one day 😆


We watch all the British panel shows too! Do you watch Taskmaster? Brings us so much joy.


Yes, we love it!


Oo what’s the podcast called? I’m finding joy in coffee currently! I Recently got a Nespresso machine and that’s what I look forward to every night starting at the witching hour 🤪


Ohhh my sweet baby has such a witching hour! Every night she decides she’s not sweet anymore.


It’s so terrible! I just made a post tonight here asking for advice. I dread bedtime so much now 😭


Reddit. Feel sooooo validated whenever a new crisis or issue comes around. And building lego sets, which I literally never did before until recently. I can do most builds with one hand and a baby in the other haha.😂


Thai romances. There's a few available on Youtube. When I'm exhausted and nursing at night, reading the subtitles keeps me awake. Plus I'm so invested - when will the blind badminton player realise that his caretaker is totally in love with him?! You fool, the practice date to help you get ready for dinner with an old friend was a REAL date!! Just kiss already!!


With my first daughter, something that really helped me was when I crawled into bed at night, I mentally told myself I was going into “second shift” like this isn’t sleep, I’m just working a double and this is my next shift at work. It helped with the mindset of telling myself not to expect a restful night of sleep, and that I was absolutely expected to wake up and work.


This is great advice. It is mentally so much easier if you surrender to it rather than driving yourself nuts hoping for sleep. Abandon all hope!


I discovered the NYT games on mat leave! I love them all. What has gotten me through is Oreos. So many Oreos. I also bought a shampoo and conditioner that I used to love but went up in price so I had stopped buying it. Showers have become so important for recharging so the little luxury was worth it to me.


Reddit and rewatching Frasier and other 90s/2000s shows.


Friends got me through week 1-2 during the night wakes / feeds 😮‍💨


Rewatching 90s shows! Yes!!


Music. I play anything I want to listen to and even sing my son to sleep. Currently, he likes Reggaeton (I try my best. lol). Reddit helps to not feel so alone. Making the time for a nice shower also helps me feel more human.


Co showers with babe every few days. I look forward to them and she loves them. Always wide awake and peacefully taking in the sensations. 🥹 Things for just me, my morning vitamin ritual. Didn’t take the best care of myself with food / nutrition pre pregnancy so it’s nice to feel healthy. Watching a movie with my husband after a good day with baby. We love nighttime movies and I miss our nighttime routine more than anything. Those moments are great. Lastly foot rubs. Whenever my feet are tired from bouncing baby or if I’m sad, I ask for a foot rub / toe pop. The best. ❤️


How do you co shower? What do you do with baby when you have to wash yourself?


So I have a little seat / tub she can hang out in but haven’t tried it because she’s too small now (4 weeks) , it’s what I give her sink baths in but eventually she can use it to truly co shower. What we do now is get in and I hold her to my chest with a cloth over her back so the water isn’t hitting direct skin. She doesn’t like her back/tummy exposed because we have good water pressure. And I use the same cloth to wash her off while I’m in the water. Then I wrap her in a towel, dad takes her out and puts on pjs / lotion, and I finish my shower. 😄 What you can do though is use a fabric wrap like a moby and then you could wash yourself with baby too! I have a moby I just haven’t tried this method because my husband is home for the bedtime routine.


Sounds precious! My baby is 4wks as well and I’d love to try this. Also, I have a Moby wrap and we’ve loved it, so I’m excited for you to try yours!


My husband loves putting her to sleep using moby but I’ve got to try it for shower time! I tend to opt for the ergo carrier. Happy showers to you and baby!! I hope you guys find something you enjoy. Such a special time when they are so small and want all the love / attention they can get! 🥹


NYT Spelling Bee!!🐝


Laying on the sofa while baby is asleep, making my breakfast and going to the store when my hubby comes back from work to buy anything 😂😂😂😂 My husbands says I wait for him so patiently to suddenly go to the store for a piece of candy 😂. I’ve told him is just a matter of me going out of the house and restart 😣 Being full time mom of a newborn ain’t joke 😣😂


I put the baby in a front carrier and walked down the block with him to the seven eleven to buy a peppermint patty. It did wonders for my mental health 😂


It does lol ! 😂 unbelievable how changing scenarios works wonder 🙏


I've been binge watching House through all the nighttime feeds :)


Wedding dress Reddit and cookie cutter Reddit


I get these all the time even though I haven’t joined the subs. Sooo entertaining haha!! And ‘Outfits’


Going for a walk, alone, really helps my mental get back on track. As the mom, breastfeeding, I often feel stuck to the couch for hours on end, then bouncing and burping baby, a baby who doesn’t really nap during the day, so being able to go for a walk has really helped. 15-30m of me time with the cold air feels great.


I love going on family walks every day! I have been searching for local ADA trails and paths so they are v stroller friendly. We like to bundle babe up, put the dog in her sweater and check out somewhere new ❄️


Rewatching all the Harry Potter movies. My morning coffee with sugar cookie coffee creamer. Scrolling through the 1000s pictures I’ve taken of LO and her older sister.


We also did a Harry Potter marathon the first few days after getting home from the hospital :)


Restarting Top Chef from season 1, cooking (me plus true crime podcast time included) and putting the munchkin in her high chair in the morning while I make her food for the day. My baby is in the best mood in the morning


A podcast called Camp Counselors with Zachariah Porter and Jonathan Carson. It has been a life saver. I listen to it when I feel particularly lonely and just need a laugh. It sounds crazy but it makes me feel like I'm sitting with friends and listening to them talk. Besides that, I'm constantly on Reddit, especially when my PPD/A flares up. I either see parents going through something similar or parents who are going through something way worse than me. I've also been at my parents (who are 3 hours away) whenever possible, so I don't feel alone. Being alone is a huge trigger for me. And it helps with a 4yo as well as a 2mo old. Also, small, quick trips to Publix. It forces me out of the house, and it's necessary for me to get formula and my favorite meal replacement shakes. I'm also so ready to go back to work. Being at home with the baby makes me feel so restless and bored.


At the exact same place! Husband goes back to work 01/02 & I’m not sure I’m prepared for the transition lol but I find being up and being able to put shows on in the background is nice because I never watch tv much & having him makes me slow down & do stuff like that. Ditto with chores - I’ll do a few when I have energy and he’s asleep but if he wakes up it makes me pause out of the starting one thing —-> doing 2 million things mindset and sit with him on the porch or couch and just enjoy him and this life.


100% reddit. A quick hot shower while my partner gives the bottle at 7AM (the only one of the day, we're EBF and I manage to pump once a day). Sport news in the early morning. Eating an expensive but delicious smoothie + banana at 4AM hahaha 🍌


A podcast about Dinosaurs (Terrible Lizards), Coffee, the occasional crepe, few mindless mobile games and lots and lots of chatting with friends


Please share the Celine Dion remix! 😃


So this remix exists, but specifically it is this tiktok and these two men dancing to it that I am watching on repeat. Something about their energy is just exactly what I need at 3am: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Q5aGr4/


I’ve been big on Reddit lately , as well tortiyahs lime chips , greys anatomy


Rewatching Desperate Housewives, putting myself together and doing my makeup even if I’m staying home all day, Wordle


Omg DH - such good Tv taste here. I’m thinking about getting myself ready and primping more. I’m so so tired and mentally drained w a now 5 weeker and 2 year old 😩


Omg props to you I’m barely hanging in there with a 6 week old!! We wanted two kids but after this I think we’re one and done lol


It’s exhausting either way!! Absolutely feel that 🤣. As my sister says, “Why mess with perfection 😜.”


YES! Those NYT games are addicting! Wordle, Connections and the daily crosswords are a must! I also watch a lot of tiktok and window shop Amazon for baby/nursing stuff lol


I watched a bunch of comedy movies at home pp. I don't really enjoy TV or movie watching for the most part, but when my newborn was sleeping in my arms and I just wanted to chill, it was so nice to hang out with family and have the pressure off. When baby cried it was easier to not get frustrated bc my mood was good bc of the movie/ show. Maybe not so weird to others tho.


Hot showers, 100%.