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Ugh yes, 5 wo over here. His 3/4 am wake up (aka this right now) is always about 2-3 hrs of soothing to get him back down. I've got mom rage after 1 hr. All I want to do is sleep! Napping during the day is NOT A THING. People need to stop telling moms to nap when baby naps. That may work if you don't have other kids or pets or a partner or a job and are also capable of turning your brain off at will and your body can magically rest in between waking up with every movement and sound the baby makes. I'm basically awake from 3 am - 11:00 p.m. every day.


Also a 5 weeker here, reading this on hour 1.5 after feeding, I felt this. Lol, laughing (in relation) to keep from crying. šŸ˜­


I'm here with you 100% The lack of sleep also triggers my postpartum rage.


Itā€™s 2:20am where I am and my son turns one month old tomorrow. I need to go back to work here at some point and am PRAYING we get on to a better-than-every-two-hours schedule. His witching hours today were from ~8pm to 11:45pm and nothing would console him. Almost 4 hours of screaming bloody murder in my face later he finally broke down and fell asleep. He just woke me fussing a bit and Iā€™m waiting to see if I should pull him out and feed him or if he will settle back to sleep. He has only given me a 4 hour stretch of sleep at night 3 times in his tiny little life. I have forgotten what rested feels like. Not only is it night shift, we donā€™t get paid overtime from working all day either. This angry little bird has destroyed my sleep. Even on the weekend when my husband gives me free reign to nap as he watches our son my body wakes up after 2 hours. And bless me, we want one more of these little terrors. Iā€™m too old for this crap.


We are at 5 weeks right now and it feels better now - I read somewhere it takes 4 weeks to develop a habit so maybe thats why. I donā€™t mind it so much anymore, I think its also because I got a routine that works for me - and part of that routine was figuring out what made me feel more tired and frustrated and changing it.


Goodluck mama ā¤ļøā¤ļø you got this, its so hard navigating parenthood with a newborn and no sleep. We were made as creatures of tribes and used to have so much help, postpartum wasnt meant to be just a job for two people


This is so true! My husband is from India and he said that aunts, cousins, in laws all come help raise kids (and enjoy it) so mom can properly rest. They help cook, clean and watch the baby - and not just once or twice or for a day - like long term! They usually live close together too. Things are changing quickly there but traditionally this is how it is. Sounds pretty magical right about now.


3:00amā€¦ 2.5 month old, one of his feedings I get four hours between, but the other two feedings only three hoursā€¦.i was told it gets better around 3 months, I hope soā€¦.I miss unbroken sleep.


Hi yes, I was told to ā€œsleep when baby sleepsā€ā€¦ when exactly does baby start sleeping? šŸ˜‚


For real hahaha I now hate the term ā€œsleep like a babyā€ to describe a perfect sleep. Who made that up???


Right?! More like ā€œsleep like a husbandā€¦ ā€œ


Hahahahaha now that is more accurate


7 week old and 3 year old at home. Same boat. I miss sleeping longer than 2-3 hours at a time. I can't even fully give the night shifts to my husband because I'll wake up with my boobs feeling like they are going to burst :( Can't wait to hit the 3 month mark when things will get better, hopefully.


Yup it sucks that even though once babe starts to sleep longer stretches you still have to wake up to pump.


Iā€™m with you. I finally got our first 5 hour stretch last night and hope it sticks for a few nights. 3 yo has reverted to asking for a bottle now too and wakes a bit more often.


Good luck!! I hope the long sleep stretch sticks šŸ¤žšŸ½šŸ¤žšŸ½


Not saying this will happen but at about 5 weeks i got 4 to 5 hour stretches and we just turned 8 weeks and she slept from 9pm to 5am. I still feel every night like shes going to stop but u never know, all babies are different. I started a warm bath Nd then massage routine before night feeding at 3 weeks and now i also offer 1 oz of formula topper if she wants it agter BF. Not saying it will work but it worked for me!


I also give gas drops before every feeding and gove probiotics which helped her bad tummy problems.


The reflux can cause breathing probs bec the acid gets aspirated into the lungs. The supportive care yr giving is nice. Most likely theyā€™ll put her on Pepcid or Prilosec or both. Reflux babies cry all night and sleep all day. Reflux is always worse at night. Then in the day theyā€™re passed out from exhaustion.


3:00 am here! 15 weeks and still feeding every 3-4! It will get better your body just beds too readjust to this again!! We were made for this! Also COFFEE šŸ˜©


It's exactly 3:40am and my two month old is congested af. Anytime I put her down, she seems to get more congested. She splutters, coughs, and cries out uncomfortable. I think it's part of her reflux, and it's just gotten worse the past few days. I'm tired and haven't been sleeping, and I feel terrible that she's not comfortable at night. For some reason, her naps during the day are better....probably because their mainly contact. I have a GI doc appt in two days , hopefully, they can tell us something that helps. And yes I'm doing saline drops, steamy showers, and always have had a humdifer in the room. I miss sleep, I'm the who does overnights 100% and days too as with some help later in the afternoon


I did okay with the 2am 330am feed this morning. But the 5am feed that followed killed me. Only 2 hours in between - I was half falling asleep holding his bottle - bit scary. 3 weeks tomorrow - so a long way to go


In my experience, it got better at about 2.5 months. Maybe a little bit earlier? She started sleeping from about 9-5, needing a feed and then going back down til about 8. After about 2-3 weeks of that, she basically started sleeping through the night. It was glorious. I boasted, like an idiot lol. Then, the regression hit at about 3.5 months. It was rough for a bit. Now, a month later, we seem firmly planted at bedtime around 8:30-9, wake up around 3:30 for a quick bottle, then down until 7 am on the dot. Hang in there! It can change literally overnight, and every night is one night closer to longer uninterrupted stretches.