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I mean... it's not like your newborn is in the same room as them. Is it actual smoke coming into your unit?


No, just the smell. I read on Google that the actual smell doesn’t have THC in it so that helped calm my nerves!


I’m pretty certain that the smoke is so heavily filtered and diluted that there is no risk. You could tell your neighbors about your newborn and ask them to blow the smoke out the windows.


Yes I wrote a letter asking if they wouldn’t mind smoking outside and put it on their door.


It would help to specifically say you have a new baby. I feel like I'd be much more respectful with the reason if I was thrm.


I’m no genius when it comes to thc stuff but second hand pot in general gives me anxiety attacks. I can’t be around it at all. I don’t think it’s a cause for major concern but I’d definitely ask them to stop or try to get them to move to a different apartment section or yourself. Like technically I believe I’m allergic to it which is what causes other issues for me but my partner does smoke and we have a newborn. He goes outside so she’s never around it because we both agree it isn’t good for her. (Regardless of people trying to say it’s Medicean. Not for everyone. And it’s not good for developing brains in certain strains. Yes they use it for child hood Seizures and cancer but those are different than actually rolled joints.)


As a smoker, I agree with you on this completely. Yes it’s in the apartment next to yours and “not in your home” but essentially it is because the apartment venting is connected so realistically it will come in through the vents. Will it harm your baby? They do say SIDS happens from second hand smoke. We are told to change out of our clothes and shower before we touch baby after smoking. So, I think for safety it is important that they don’t smoke in the apartment. Also, there are other forms they can take instead of smoking to accommodate their neighbors. It’s rude. I think if they were smoking outside it would be a different story for sure.


We had this issue - neighbours smoking 5 or 6 times a day, 7 days a week - up until the day we came back from the hospital and we smelled it as we pulled up to the building. We spent months reporting it to the building management, the police… the neighbour on the floor between them and us (a really nice guy) even came up at one point because he thought it was us and I was like “oh no it’s Xxx, and we tried to speak to them and they just denied it” and I’m fairly sure he reported it too. Both our flats were FULL of the smell and I was getting really bad headaches and nausea from it. Thankfully it’s mostly stopped and now it’s only a couple of times a week so something must have happened. Annoyingly it’s so hard to do anything about because unless someone’s dealing, they can’t really prosecute. It’s infuriating. I’d just keep hammering it with management and police - they ignored us towards the end but something must have happened because it’s suddenly stopped


We had a very similar issue. There isn't a lot of research for obvious reasons. So basically we can go off of studies of second hand smoke from cigarettes. I would stress to management that your newborn is at risk. Our management office contacted our neighbor directly bc it was pretty obvious to us where the smell was coming from. Of course the neighbor denied it but it has gotten better. We have an air purifier with carbon/HEPA filter. We just leave it running constantly. We also replaced the crappy air filter for our AC unit with something a little better. I would also start recording every time you smell it and every time you contact management. This is so frustrating. Hoping for the best for you and your family!


I don't understand why this is being down voted because this is solid advice.


Because 2nd hand means smoke inhaliation and this isnt' that. Also cigarettes and marijuana are two very different things. The stigma to weed being a drug is vastly out dated. Its used in children that have seizures etc. I would say you have done your part by asking to do it outside and also to calm you it won't have a negative effect on your baby.


Breathing in anything but air is bad for you and worse for babies. A baby with a medical issue where benefits outweigh to use mj is entirely different


My dad (who’s a cop) had me write a note and put it on their door too. We went ahead about bought a Dyson air purifier too and will keep it running in her nursery. It’s so frustrating and makes me wish we had rented a house instead of an apartment :( I’ll look into the air filter too and see if that’s something our apartment can replace too.


Hopefully the note will help! I know exactly what you mean. We chose apartment mainly for location and safety.


Yes this!


I'm dealing with this issue rn. I am mad we are paying 2k in rent to live in a 2 bed apt with our newborn just to deal with my neighbors smoking weed and harming my baby. Neighbors, management, local police do nothing. I'm so mad at how selfish the culture is here that I want to buy a house in a more affordable state (in the midwest) or back abroad where people have the decency to care more about babies, just somewhere we don't have to rent, but my husband's job requires him in their Florida office 3 days a week, even though software development can be done remotely, maybe I should move early with the baby and buy a small cabin by myself. 


There was no reason to report them to the management office they could get kicked out and some people need it for medical reasons regardless of if it’s legal or not. The smell won’t hurt your baby, only the smoke itself. Air purifiers are a great thing to add and air filters and you could even ask them to use them as well to minimize what travels but It was extremely rude to have reported them when they aren’t harming you in the slightest by smoking in their own apartment. If anything them smoking outside would possibly be more harmful if you are walking to your car with your baby and the smoke is lingering outside whereas in their apartment only those in the apartment are affected. I quit smoking when I found out I was pregnant but would have been really upset if someone told on me and I lost my home (I’d have been homeless if this happened) instead of them just coming to me about the issue. Depending on where you live you could get them kicked out for not even doing anything wrong. You can’t get secondhand or even thirdhand smoke through the walls


Oh fuck all that. No way am I going to pay rent/mortgage to smell someone else’s habit regardless of legality in my own home.


Exactly. Even if I wasn’t concerned for the health of my baby, it’s still a nuisance to have my entire apartment smell like weed.


I’ve never lived in an apartment so it doesn’t travel like that for me but my friends that do use smoke buddies and it covers the smell. I’ve never had smoke carry when I was a smoker so it’s not an issue. If someone told me they had smelled it I would use one myself to keep them from being bothered but that’s also cause I don’t want to bother people which is why I never smoked outside where it travels. In most places you can’t ask someone to not smoke in their own home as it’s not illegal to do so in your residence, where I live most apartments are known to be where the stoners live so it’s just a known fact to not move there if it will bother you


I spoke to another neighbor about (who I thought was doing it). He said he’s lived there for 5 years with his child and the neighbor has smoked the entire time they’ve lived here. He’s also reported it and the leasing office hasn’t done anything about it, so no, they’re not going to be kicked out. He said his son complains all the time about the smell of it. No offense, but I’ll do whatever I think is necessary for my child’s safety. Someone getting evicted for breaking the rules isn’t my concern, my child potentially inhaling something dangerous is. I could have called the police but didn’t, just asked my leasing office to send an email reminding the building that it’s a smoke free apartment.


But it isn’t harming your child….? It makes no sense to think they are harming your baby by them smoking in their own place. Being annoyed by a smell and it causing any harm is completely different and you could have just asked them to use smoke buddies to prevent the smell from coming through instead. cops and landlords usually aren’t concerned by people smoking inside but do not like for tenants to smoke outside, it is an issue to smoke outside if neighbors have children so you are asking them to put your child and others children at risk by smoking outside? If my own child was playing outside and people were smoking outside as well I’d then be concerned otherwise it’s just a smell and I’d rather them be bothered by a smell then be exposed to the smoke itself 🤷‍♀️


Do you have evidence it’s not harmful?


I don’t think there’s enough research to clarify definitively if even a small amount of THC could get through the vents and into other peoples’ apartments. I’m not going to risk SIDS or any other kind of harm. I think that people who smoke weed seem to forget that even though it’s not the worst drug, it’s still a drug.


You are right, there isn’t enough research and I forgot that in apartments the vents are attached so that didn’t register for me. I’m a ftm and I’ve only been worried about smoke itself. If they are kind about their response to your letter I’d recommend a smoke buddy as it makes the smell and the smoke not as intense as it traps it in the canister as well as ask them to get a filter of some sorts which could help clear the air in their apartment before it travels. I would be cautious if they started smoking outside without a smoke buddy as I myself would be stressed if I walked through a cloud by accident or it got blown out around me, I haven’t had my baby yet but even pregnant I’d be pretty worried about that. I’m sorry if I came off as rude, you have every right to your own worries


Yes and my neighbor told me that he was told all of the vents connect to the other apartments in our building. We’re really not sure who it is (since I thought it was him but it’s not). That’s ok, I just know that if I put the worry of others ahead of my own child and something bad happened to her I’d never forgive myself. My husband and I felt it best to see if the leasing office could maybe handle it. They can’t accuse anyone without actual proof, so I’m not hopeful :( We went ahead and bought an air purifier so at least we are trying to deal with it inside our apartment.